[6152] | 1 | /*
| 2 | Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke
| 3 | Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
| 4 | See the file "LICENSE" for more information
| 5 | */
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 | package ec;
| 9 | import ec.util.*;
| 10 | import ec.steadystate.*;
| 11 |
| 12 | /*
| 13 | * BreedingPipeline.java
| 14 | *
| 15 | * Created: Tue Aug 17 21:37:10 1999
| 16 | * By: Sean Luke
| 17 | */
| 18 |
| 19 | /**
| 20 | * A BreedingPipeline is a BreedingSource which provides "fresh" individuals which
| 21 | * can be used to fill a new population. BreedingPipelines might include
| 22 | * Crossover pipelines, various Mutation pipelines, etc. This abstract class
| 23 | * provides some default versions of various methods to simplify matters for you.
| 24 | * It also contains an array of breeding sources for your convenience. You don't
| 25 | * have to use them of course, but this means you have to customize the
| 26 | * default methods below to make sure they get distributed to your special
| 27 | * sources. Note that these sources may contain references to the same
| 28 | * object -- they're not necessarily distinct. This is to provide both
| 29 | * some simple DAG features and also to conserve space.
| 30 | *
| 31 | *
| 32 | * <p>A BreedingPipeline implements SteadyStateBSourceForm, meaning that
| 33 | * it receives the individualReplaced(...) and sourcesAreProperForm(...) messages.
| 34 | * however by default it doesn't do anything with these except distribute them
| 35 | * to its sources. You might override these to do something more interesting.
| 36 |
| 37 | <p><b>Parameters</b><br>
| 38 | <table>
| 39 | <tr><td valign=top><i>base</i>.<tt>num-sources</tt><br>
| 40 | <font size=-1>int >= 1</font></td>
| 41 | <td valign=top>(User-specified number of sources to the pipeline.
| 42 | Some pipelines have hard-coded numbers of sources; others indicate
| 43 | (with the java constant DYNAMIC_SOURCES) that the number of sources is determined by this
| 44 | user parameter instead.)</td></tr>
| 45 |
| 46 | <tr><td valign=top><i>base</i>.<tt>source.</tt><i>n</i><br>
| 47 | <font size=-1>classname, inherits and != BreedingSource, or the value <tt>same</tt><br>
| 48 | <td valign=top>(Source <i>n</i> for this BreedingPipeline.
| 49 | If the value is set to <tt>same</tt>, then this source is the
| 50 | exact same source object as <i>base</i>.<tt>source.</tt><i>n-1</i>, and
| 51 | further parameters for this object will be ignored and treated as the same
| 52 | as those for <i>n-1</i>. <tt>same<tt> is not valid for
| 53 | <i>base</i>.<tt>source.0</tt>)</td></tr>
| 54 | </table>
| 55 |
| 56 | <p><b>Parameter bases</b><br>
| 57 | <table>
| 58 |
| 59 | <tr><td valign=top><i>base</i>.<tt>source.</tt><i>n</i><br>
| 60 | <td>Source <i>n</i></td></tr>
| 61 | </table>
| 62 |
| 63 | * @author Sean Luke
| 64 | * @version 1.0
| 65 | */
| 66 |
| 67 | public abstract class BreedingPipeline extends BreedingSource implements SteadyStateBSourceForm
| 68 | {
| 69 | /** Indicates that a source is the exact same source as the previous source. */
| 70 | public static final String V_SAME = "same";
| 71 |
| 72 | /** Indicates the probability that the Breeding Pipeline will perform its mutative action instead of just doing reproduction. */
| 73 | public static final String P_LIKELIHOOD = "likelihood";
| 74 |
| 75 | /** Indicates that the number of sources is variable and determined by the
| 76 | user in the parameter file. */
| 77 |
| 78 | public static final int DYNAMIC_SOURCES = 0;
| 79 |
| 80 | /** Standard parameter for number of sources (only used if numSources
| 81 | returns DYNAMIC_SOURCES */
| 82 |
| 83 | public static final String P_NUMSOURCES = "num-sources";
| 84 |
| 85 | /** Standard parameter for individual-selectors associated with a BreedingPipeline */
| 86 | public static final String P_SOURCE = "source";
| 87 |
| 88 | /** My parameter base -- I keep it around so I can print some messages that
| 89 | are useful with it (not deep cloned) */
| 90 |
| 91 | public Parameter mybase;
| 92 |
| 93 | public float likelihood;
| 94 |
| 95 | /** Array of sources feeding the pipeline */
| 96 | public BreedingSource[] sources;
| 97 |
| 98 | /** Returns the number of sources to this pipeline. Called during
| 99 | BreedingPipeline's setup. Be sure to return a value > 0, or
| 100 | DYNAMIC_SOURCES which indicates that setup should check the parameter
| 101 | file for the parameter "num-sources" to make its determination. */
| 102 |
| 103 | public abstract int numSources();
| 104 |
| 105 | /** Returns the minimum among the typicalIndsProduced() for any children --
| 106 | a function that's useful internally, not very useful for you to call externally. */
| 107 | public int minChildProduction()
| 108 | {
| 109 | if (sources.length==0) return 0;
| 110 | int min = sources[0].typicalIndsProduced();
| 111 | for(int x=1;x<sources.length;x++)
| 112 | {
| 113 | int cur = sources[x].typicalIndsProduced();
| 114 | if (min > cur) min = cur;
| 115 | }
| 116 | return min;
| 117 | }
| 118 |
| 119 | /** Returns the maximum among the typicalIndsProduced() for any children --
| 120 | a function that's useful internally, not very useful for you to call externally. */
| 121 | public int maxChildProduction()
| 122 | {
| 123 | if (sources.length==0) return 0;
| 124 | int max = sources[0].typicalIndsProduced();
| 125 | for(int x=1;x<sources.length;x++)
| 126 | {
| 127 | int cur = sources[x].typicalIndsProduced();
| 128 | if (max < cur) max = cur;
| 129 | }
| 130 | return max;
| 131 | }
| 132 |
| 133 |
| 134 | /** Returns the "typical" number of individuals produced -- by default
| 135 | this is the minimum typical number of individuals produced by any
| 136 | children sources of the pipeline. If you'd prefer something different,
| 137 | override this method. */
| 138 | public int typicalIndsProduced()
| 139 | {
| 140 | return minChildProduction();
| 141 | }
| 142 |
| 143 | public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base)
| 144 | {
| 145 | super.setup(state,base);
| 146 | mybase = base;
| 147 |
| 148 | Parameter def = defaultBase();
| 149 |
| 150 | likelihood = state.parameters.getFloatWithDefault(base.push(P_LIKELIHOOD), def.push(P_LIKELIHOOD), 1.0f);
| 151 | if (likelihood < 0.0f || likelihood > 1.0f)
| 152 | state.output.fatal("Breeding Pipeline likelihood must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive",
| 153 | base.push(P_LIKELIHOOD),
| 154 | def.push(P_LIKELIHOOD));
| 155 |
| 156 |
| 157 | int numsources = numSources();
| 158 | if (numsources <= DYNAMIC_SOURCES)
| 159 | {
| 160 | // figure it from the file
| 161 | numsources = state.parameters.getInt(
| 162 | base.push(P_NUMSOURCES), def.push(P_NUMSOURCES),1);
| 163 | if (numsources==0)
| 164 | state.output.fatal("Breeding pipeline num-sources value must be > 0",
| 165 | base.push(P_NUMSOURCES),
| 166 | def.push(P_NUMSOURCES));
| 167 | }
| 168 |
| 169 | sources = new BreedingSource[numsources];
| 170 |
| 171 | for(int x=0;x<sources.length;x++)
| 172 | {
| 173 | Parameter p = base.push(P_SOURCE).push(""+x);
| 174 | Parameter d = def.push(P_SOURCE).push(""+x);
| 175 |
| 176 | String s = state.parameters.getString(p,d);
| 177 | if (s!=null && s.equals(V_SAME))
| 178 | {
| 179 | if (x==0) // oops
| 180 | state.output.fatal(
| 181 | "Source #0 cannot be declared with the value \"same\".",
| 182 | p,d);
| 183 |
| 184 | // else the source is the same source as before
| 185 | sources[x] = sources[x-1];
| 186 | }
| 187 | else
| 188 | {
| 189 | sources[x] = (BreedingSource)
| 190 | (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameter(
| 191 | p,d,BreedingSource.class));
| 192 | sources[x].setup(state,p);
| 193 | }
| 194 | }
| 195 | state.output.exitIfErrors();
| 196 | }
| 197 |
| 198 |
| 199 | public Object clone()
| 200 | {
| 201 | BreedingPipeline c = (BreedingPipeline)(super.clone());
| 202 |
| 203 | // make a new array
| 204 | c.sources = new BreedingSource[sources.length];
| 205 |
| 206 | // clone the sources -- we won't go through the hassle of
| 207 | // determining if we have a DAG or not -- we'll just clone
| 208 | // it out to a tree. I doubt it's worth it.
| 209 |
| 210 | for(int x=0;x<sources.length;x++)
| 211 | {
| 212 | if (x==0 || sources[x]!=sources[x-1])
| 213 | c.sources[x] = (BreedingSource)(sources[x].clone());
| 214 | else
| 215 | c.sources[x] = c.sources[x-1];
| 216 | }
| 217 |
| 218 | return c;
| 219 | }
| 220 |
| 221 | /** Performs direct cloning of n individuals. if produceChildrenFromSource is true, then */
| 222 | public int reproduce(final int n,
| 223 | final int start,
| 224 | final int subpopulation,
| 225 | final Individual[] inds,
| 226 | final EvolutionState state,
| 227 | final int thread,
| 228 | boolean produceChildrenFromSource)
| 229 | {
| 230 | if (produceChildrenFromSource)
| 231 | sources[0].produce(n,n,start,subpopulation,inds,state,thread);
| 232 | if (sources[0] instanceof SelectionMethod)
| 233 | for(int q=start; q < n+start; q++)
| 234 | inds[q] = (Individual)(inds[q].clone());
| 235 | return n;
| 236 | }
| 237 |
| 238 |
| 239 | public boolean produces(final EvolutionState state,
| 240 | final Population newpop,
| 241 | final int subpopulation,
| 242 | int thread)
| 243 | {
| 244 | for(int x=0;x<sources.length;x++)
| 245 | if (x==0 || sources[x]!=sources[x-1])
| 246 | if (!sources[x].produces(state,newpop,subpopulation,thread))
| 247 | return false;
| 248 | return true;
| 249 | }
| 250 |
| 251 | public void prepareToProduce(final EvolutionState state,
| 252 | final int subpopulation,
| 253 | final int thread)
| 254 | {
| 255 | for(int x=0;x<sources.length;x++)
| 256 | if (x==0 || sources[x]!=sources[x-1])
| 257 | sources[x].prepareToProduce(state,subpopulation,thread);
| 258 | }
| 259 |
| 260 | public void finishProducing(final EvolutionState state,
| 261 | final int subpopulation,
| 262 | final int thread)
| 263 | {
| 264 | for(int x=0;x<sources.length;x++)
| 265 | if (x==0 || sources[x]!=sources[x-1])
| 266 | sources[x].finishProducing(state,subpopulation,thread);
| 267 | }
| 268 |
| 269 | public void preparePipeline(Object hook)
| 270 | {
| 271 | // the default form calls this on all the sources.
| 272 | // note that it follows all the source paths even if they're
| 273 | // duplicates
| 274 | for(int x=0; x<sources.length;x++)
| 275 | sources[x].preparePipeline(hook);
| 276 | }
| 277 |
| 278 | public void individualReplaced(final SteadyStateEvolutionState state,
| 279 | final int subpopulation,
| 280 | final int thread,
| 281 | final int individual)
| 282 | {
| 283 | for(int x=0; x<sources.length;x++)
| 284 | ((SteadyStateBSourceForm)(sources[x])).individualReplaced(state,subpopulation,thread,individual);
| 285 | }
| 286 |
| 287 | public void sourcesAreProperForm(final SteadyStateEvolutionState state)
| 288 | {
| 289 | for(int x=0; x<sources.length;x++)
| 290 | if (! (sources[x] instanceof SteadyStateBSourceForm))
| 291 | {
| 292 | state.output.error("The following breeding source is not of SteadyStateBSourceForm.",
| 293 | mybase.push(P_SOURCE).push(""+x), defaultBase().push(P_SOURCE).push(""+x));
| 294 | }
| 295 | else
| 296 | ((SteadyStateBSourceForm)(sources[x])).sourcesAreProperForm(state);
| 297 | }
| 298 |
| 299 | }
| 300 |
| 301 |