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source: branches/HiveStatistics/sources/HeuristicLab.Services.Hive/3.3/HiveStatisticsGenerator.cs @ 10166

Last change on this file since 10166 was 9646, checked in by pfleck, 11 years ago

Changed year in headers from 2012 to 2013.
Minor reformattings in chart helpers.
Refactored and simplified some statistics generator methods.

File size: 12.0 KB
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.Data.Linq;
4using System.Linq;
5using System.Transactions;
6using HeuristicLab.Services.Access;
7using HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess;
9namespace HeuristicLab.Services.Hive {
10  public class HiveStatisticsGenerator : IStatisticsGenerator {
11    private IUserManager userManager { get { return ServiceLocator.Instance.UserManager; } }
13    private static readonly TimeSpan SmallestTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);
15    public void GenerateStatistics() {
16      using (var db = new HiveDataContext(Settings.Default.HeuristicLab_Hive_LinqConnectionString))
17      using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted })) {
19        var newTime = UpdateDimensionTables(db);
20        db.SubmitChanges();
22        if (newTime != null) {
23          UpdateFactTables(newTime, db);
24          try {
25            db.SubmitChanges();
26          }
27          catch (DuplicateKeyException) {
28            // Propable change from summertime to wintertime, resulting in overlapping times
29            // On wintertime to summertime change, slave timeouts and a fact gap will occur
30          }
31        }
33        transaction.Complete();
34      }
35    }
37    private DimTime UpdateDimensionTables(HiveDataContext db) {
38      var newTime = UpdateTime(db);
40      UpdateUsers(db);
41      UpdateJobs(db);
42      UpdateClients(db);
44      return newTime;
45    }
47    private DimTime UpdateTime(HiveDataContext db) {
48      var lastUpdateTime =
49        (from t in db.DimTimes
50         orderby t.Time descending
51         select t.Time)
52        .FirstOrDefault();
54      var now = DateTime.Now;
55      DimTime newTime = null;
57      if (lastUpdateTime == default(DateTime) || lastUpdateTime + SmallestTimeSpan < now) {
58        newTime = new DimTime {
59          Time = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute - now.Minute % SmallestTimeSpan.Minutes, 0),
60          Hour = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, 0, 0),
61          Day = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 0, 0, 0),
62          Month = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0),
63          Year = new DateTime(now.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
64        };
65        db.DimTimes.InsertOnSubmit(newTime);
66      }
68      return newTime;
69    }
71    private void UpdateUsers(HiveDataContext db) {
72      var newUsers =
73        from u in db.Resources.Where(x => x.OwnerUserId != null).Select(x => x.OwnerUserId.Value).Union(db.Jobs.Select(x => x.OwnerUserId))
74        where !db.DimUsers.Select(x => x.UserId).Contains(u)
75        select u;
77      var newDimUsers =
78        from u in newUsers.ToList()
79        select new DimUser {
80          UserId = u,
81          Name = userManager.GetUserById(u).UserName
82        };
84      db.DimUsers.InsertAllOnSubmit(newDimUsers);
86      // insert NULL-User
87      if (!db.DimUsers.Any(x => x.UserId == Guid.Empty)) {
88        db.DimUsers.InsertOnSubmit(new DimUser { UserId = Guid.Empty, Name = "NULL" });
89      }
90    }
92    private void UpdateJobs(HiveDataContext db) {
93      var newJobs =
94        from j in db.Jobs
95        where !db.DimJobs.Select(x => x.JobId).Contains(j.JobId)
96        select j;
98      var newDimJobs =
99        from j in newJobs.ToList()
100        select new DimJob {
101          JobId = j.JobId,
102          JobName = j.Name,
103          UserId = j.OwnerUserId,
104          UserName = userManager.GetUserById(j.OwnerUserId).UserName
105        };
107      db.DimJobs.InsertAllOnSubmit(newDimJobs);
109      // insert NULL-Job
110      if (!db.DimJobs.Any(x => x.JobId == Guid.Empty)) {
111        db.DimJobs.InsertOnSubmit(new DimJob { JobId = Guid.Empty, JobName = "NULL", UserId = Guid.Empty, UserName = "NULL" });
112      }
113    }
115    private void UpdateClients(HiveDataContext db) {
116      var removedClients =
117        from c in db.DimClients
118        where c.ExpirationTime == null &&
119              !db.Resources.OfType<Slave>().Select(x => x.ResourceId).Contains(c.ResourceId)
120        select c;
122      var modifiedClients =
123        from s in db.Resources.OfType<Slave>()
124        join c in db.DimClients on s.ResourceId equals c.ResourceId
125        where c.ExpirationTime == null
126              && (s.Name != c.Name || s.ParentResourceId != c.ResourceGroupId ||
127                  s.ParentResource.ParentResourceId != c.ResourceGroup2Id)
128        select new { Slave = s, Client = c };
130      foreach (var client in removedClients.Union(modifiedClients.Select(x => x.Client))) {
131        client.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now;
132      }
134      var newClients =
135        from s in db.Resources.OfType<Slave>()
136        where !db.DimClients.Select(x => x.ResourceId).Contains(s.ResourceId)
137              || modifiedClients.Select(x => x.Slave.ResourceId).Contains(s.ResourceId)
138        select new {
139          Slave = s,
140          Group = s.ParentResourceId,
141          Group2 = s.ParentResource.ParentResourceId
142        };
144      var newDimClients =
145        from s in newClients.ToList()
146        select new DimClient {
147          ResourceId = s.Slave.ResourceId,
148          Name = s.Slave.Name,
149          ExpirationTime = null,
150          ResourceGroupId = s.Group,
151          ResourceGroup2Id = s.Group2
152        };
154      db.DimClients.InsertAllOnSubmit(newDimClients);
155    }
157    private void UpdateFactTables(DimTime newTime, HiveDataContext db) {
158      UpdateClientInfoFacts(newTime, db);
159      UpdateTaskFacts(newTime, db);
160    }
162    private void UpdateClientInfoFacts(DimTime newTime, HiveDataContext db) {
163      var time = newTime.Time;
165      var lastFacts =
166        from cf in db.FactClientInfos
167        join r in db.DimClients on cf.ClientId equals r.Id
168        group cf by r.ResourceId into grpFacts
169        select new {
170          ResourceId = grpFacts.Key,
171          Fact = grpFacts.OrderByDescending(x => x.Time).First(),
172        };
174      var slaves =
175        from s in db.Resources.OfType<Slave>()
176        join c in db.DimClients on s.ResourceId equals c.ResourceId
177        join lcf in lastFacts on c.ResourceId equals lcf.ResourceId into joinCf
178        from cf in joinCf.DefaultIfEmpty()
179        where c.ExpirationTime == null
180        select new {
181          Slave = s,
182          Client = c,
183          LastFact = cf != null ? cf.Fact : null
184        };
186      var clientFacts =
187        from s in slaves.ToList()
188        let duration = s.LastFact != null ? (time - s.LastFact.Time).TotalMinutes : SmallestTimeSpan.TotalMinutes
189        select new FactClientInfo {
190          DimClient = s.Client,
191          DimTime = newTime,
192          UserId = s.Slave.OwnerUserId ?? Guid.Empty,
193          NumUsedCores = s.Slave.Cores != null && s.Slave.FreeCores != null
194                         ? s.Slave.Cores.Value - s.Slave.FreeCores.Value : 0,
195          NumTotalCores = s.Slave.Cores ?? 0,
196          UsedMemory = s.Slave.Memory != null && s.Slave.FreeMemory != null
197                       ? s.Slave.Memory.Value - s.Slave.FreeMemory.Value : 0,
198          TotalMemory = s.Slave.Memory ?? 0,
199          CpuUtilization = s.Slave.CpuUtilization,
200          TrafficIn = 0,
201          TrafficOut = 0,
202          TotalTimeIdle = s.Slave.SlaveState == SlaveState.Idle && s.Slave.IsAllowedToCalculate
203                                  ? duration : 0.0,
204          TotalTimeCalculating = s.Slave.SlaveState == SlaveState.Calculating
205                                  ? duration : 0.0,
206          TotalTimeTransferring = 0.0,
207          TotalTimeUnavailable = s.Slave.SlaveState == SlaveState.Idle && !s.Slave.IsAllowedToCalculate
208                                  ? duration : 0.0,
209          TotalTimeOffline = s.Slave.SlaveState == SlaveState.Offline
210                                  ? duration : 0.0
211        };
213      db.FactClientInfos.InsertAllOnSubmit(clientFacts);
214    }
216    private void UpdateTaskFacts(DimTime newTime, HiveDataContext db) {
217      // old Task facts
218      var oldFacts =
219        from fact in db.FactTasks
220        where fact.EndTime == null
221        select fact;
223      // query Task facts data
224      var newFacts =
225        from task in db.Tasks
226        where !task.IsParentTask
227          && (!db.FactTasks.Select(fact => fact.TaskId).Contains(task.TaskId) || oldFacts.Select(fact => fact.TaskId).Contains(task.TaskId))
228        join lastFact in oldFacts on task.TaskId equals lastFact.TaskId into lastFactPerTask
229        from lastFact in lastFactPerTask.DefaultIfEmpty()
230        let lastSlaveId = task.StateLogs.OrderByDescending(sl => sl.DateTime).First(sl => sl.SlaveId != null).SlaveId
231        join client in db.DimClients.Where(client => client.ExpirationTime == null) on lastSlaveId equals client.ResourceId into clientsPerSlaveId
232        from client in clientsPerSlaveId.DefaultIfEmpty()
233        select new {
234          Task = task,
235          TaskDataSize = task.JobData.DataSize,
236          StateLogs = task.StateLogs.OrderBy(sl => sl.DateTime),
237          LastClientId = client != null ? client.Id : default(Guid?),
238          LastFact = lastFact
239        };
241      // new Task facts
242      var newTaskFacts =
243        from t in newFacts.ToList()
244        let stateLogsLinkedList = new LinkedList<StateLog>(t.StateLogs)
245        select new FactTask {
246          TaskId = t.Task.TaskId,
247          JobId = t.Task.JobId,
248          DimTimeStart = t.LastFact != null ? t.LastFact.DimTimeStart : newTime,
249          DimTimeEnd = new[] { TaskState.Finished, TaskState.Failed, TaskState.Aborted }.Contains(t.Task.State) ? newTime : null,
250          LastClientId = t.LastClientId ?? (t.LastFact != null ? t.LastFact.LastClientId : Guid.Empty),
251          Priority = t.Task.Priority,
252          CoresRequired = t.Task.CoresNeeded,
253          MemoryRequired = t.Task.MemoryNeeded,
254          TaskSize = t.LastFact == null ? t.TaskDataSize : t.LastFact.TaskSize,
255          ResultSize = t.Task.State == TaskState.Finished ? t.TaskDataSize : default(long?),
256          NumCalculationRuns = stateLogsLinkedList.CountCalculationRuns(),
257          NumRetries = stateLogsLinkedList.CountRetries(),
258          TotalWaitingTime = stateLogsLinkedList.SumTotalTimeWhere(stateLog => stateLog.Value.State == TaskState.Waiting),
259          TotalRuntime = stateLogsLinkedList.SumTotalTimeWhere(stateLog => stateLog.Value.State == TaskState.Calculating && stateLog.NextIs(x => x.State == TaskState.Transferring)),
260          TotalTransferTime = stateLogsLinkedList.SumTotalTimeWhere(stateLog => stateLog.Value.State == TaskState.Transferring),
261          TaskState = t.Task.State
262        };
264      db.FactTasks.DeleteAllOnSubmit(oldFacts.ToList());
265      db.FactTasks.InsertAllOnSubmit(newTaskFacts);
266    }
267  }
269  public static class StateLogLinkedListExtensions {
270    public static int CountCalculationRuns(this LinkedList<StateLog> stateLogs) {
271      return stateLogs.EnumerateNodes()
272                      .Count(sl => sl.Value.State == TaskState.Calculating && sl.NextIs(nsl => nsl.State == TaskState.Transferring));
273    }
275    public static int CountRetries(this LinkedList<StateLog> stateLogs) {
276      return stateLogs.EnumerateNodes()
277                      .Count(sl => sl.Value.State == TaskState.Calculating && sl.Next != null && sl.NextIs(nsl => nsl.State != TaskState.Transferring));
278    }
280    public static double SumTotalTimeWhere(this LinkedList<StateLog> stateLogs, Predicate<LinkedListNode<StateLog>> predicate) {
281      return stateLogs.EnumerateNodes()
282                      .Where(stateLog => predicate(stateLog))
283                      .Sum(stateLog => stateLog.Next != null ? (stateLog.Next.Value.DateTime - stateLog.Value.DateTime).TotalMinutes : 0.0);
284    }
285  }
287  public static class LinkedListExtensions {
288    public static IEnumerable<LinkedListNode<T>> EnumerateNodes<T>(this LinkedList<T> list) {
289      var node = list.First;
290      while (node != null) {
291        yield return node;
292        node = node.Next;
293      }
294    }
296    public static bool NextIs<T>(this LinkedListNode<T> node, Predicate<T> predicate) {
297      return node.Next != null && predicate(node.Next.Value);
298    }
299  }
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