1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System;
23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
24 | using System.Drawing;
25 | using System.Linq;
26 | using Cola;
27 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
28 | using Point = Cola.Point;
29 |
30 | namespace HeuristicLab.VariableInteractionNetworks.Views {
31 | public class ConstrainedForceDirectedLayout {
32 | #region edge routing modes
33 | public enum EdgeRouting : uint {
34 | None,
35 | Polyline,
36 | Orthogonal
37 | }
38 | #endregion
39 |
40 | #region layout-related private members
41 | private ConstrainedFDLayout alg;
42 | // graph and constraint definitions
43 | private TopologyNodePtrs topologyNodes;
44 | private TopologyEdgePtrs topologyRoutes;
45 | private RectanglePtrs rectangles;
46 | private ColaEdges edges;
47 | private Cola.Doubles edgeLengths;
48 | //private int topologyNodeCount;
49 | private Dictionary<uint, uint> idMap;
50 | private Dictionary<IVertex, int> indexMap;
51 | #endregion
52 |
53 | #region public properties
54 | public double IdealEdgeLength { get; set; }
55 | public double DefaultEdgeLength { get; set; }
56 | public bool PreventOverlaps { get; set; }
57 | public int LayoutWidth { get; set; }
58 | public int LayoutHeight { get; set; }
59 | public bool PerformEdgeRouting { get; set; }
60 | public int MinHorizontalSpacing { get; set; }
61 | public int MinVerticalSpacing { get; set; }
62 | public EdgeRouting EdgeRoutingMode { get; set; }
63 |
64 | public Dictionary<IVertex, PointF> VertexPositions {
65 | get {
66 | var dict = new Dictionary<IVertex, PointF>();
67 | foreach (var pair in indexMap) {
68 | var node = topologyNodes[pair.Value];
69 | var point = new PointF((float)node.rect.getMinX(), (float)node.rect.getMinY());
70 | dict[pair.Key] = point;
71 | }
72 | return dict;
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | private List<IArc> arcs;
77 | public Dictionary<IArc, PointF[]> ArcRoutes {
78 | get {
79 | var dict = new Dictionary<IArc, PointF[]>();
80 | for (int i = 0; i < arcs.Count; ++i) {
81 | var arc = arcs[i];
82 | var route = topologyRoutes[i];
83 | var vs = new TopologyEdgePointConstPtrs();
84 | route.getPath(vs);
85 | dict[arc] = vs.Select(x => new PointF((float)x.posX(), (float)x.posY())).ToArray();
86 | }
87 | return dict;
88 | }
89 | }
90 | #endregion
91 |
92 | public ConstrainedForceDirectedLayout() {
93 | IdealEdgeLength = 1;
94 | DefaultEdgeLength = 200;
95 | PreventOverlaps = true;
96 | LayoutWidth = 800;
97 | LayoutHeight = 600;
98 | MinHorizontalSpacing = 0;
99 | MinVerticalSpacing = 0;
100 | EdgeRoutingMode = EdgeRouting.None;
101 | }
102 |
103 | /// <summary>
104 | /// This method accepts a dictionary mapping each vertex to a rectangular shape, so that the layout is aware of each node's width and height
105 | /// </summary>
106 | /// <param name="nodeShapes">The dictionary mapping graph vertices to rectangular shapes.</param>
107 | public void Run(Dictionary<IVertex, RectangleF> nodeShapes) {
108 | if (nodeShapes.Count == 0) return;
109 | // map vertices to node indices required by cola
110 | indexMap = new Dictionary<IVertex, int>();
111 | idMap = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();
112 | rectangles = new Cola.RectanglePtrs();
113 | int i = 0;
114 | arcs = new List<IArc>();
115 | topologyNodes = new TopologyNodePtrs();
116 | foreach (var pair in nodeShapes) {
117 | var v = pair.Key;
118 | arcs.AddRange(v.InArcs);
119 | var p = pair.Value;
120 | var rect = new Cola.Rectangle(p.X, p.X + p.Width, p.Y, p.Y + p.Height);
121 | rectangles.Add(rect);
122 |
123 | indexMap[v] = i;
124 | topologyNodes.Add(new Cola.Node((uint)i, rect));
125 |
126 | ++i;
127 | }
128 | //topologyNodeCount = i;
129 | edges = new ColaEdges(arcs.Select(x => new ColaEdge((uint)indexMap[x.Source], (uint)indexMap[x.Target])).ToList());
130 | edgeLengths = new Cola.Doubles(Enumerable.Range(0, edges.Count).Select(x => DefaultEdgeLength).ToList());
131 |
132 | // initialize the layout engine using the rectangles, edges, and desired settings
133 | alg = new ConstrainedFDLayout(rectangles, edges, IdealEdgeLength, edgeLengths);
134 | alg.setAvoidNodeOverlaps(PreventOverlaps); // prevent overlap of node shapes
135 |
136 | // identify clusters and configure cluster hierarchy
137 | var clusters = IdentifyClusters(rectangles, edges).ToList();
138 | if (clusters.Count > 1) {
139 | var rootCluster = new RootCluster();
140 | foreach (var cluster in clusters) {
141 | rootCluster.addChildCluster(cluster);
142 | }
143 | alg.setClusterHierarchy(rootCluster);
144 | }
145 |
146 | var topology = new ColaTopologyAddon();
147 | alg.setTopology(topology);
148 | alg.makeFeasible();
149 | var newTopology = ColaTopologyAddon.CastToConcreteType(alg.getTopology()); // store topology after makeFeasible()
150 |
151 | topologyNodes = newTopology.topologyNodes;
152 | topologyRoutes = newTopology.topologyRoutes;
153 |
154 | RouteEdges();
155 | // finally, run the layout engine (the positions of the rectangles will be updated)
156 | alg.run();
157 | }
158 |
159 | public void Run(bool preserveTopology = true) {
160 | if (preserveTopology) {
161 | RouteEdges();
162 | var topology = new ColaTopologyAddon(topologyNodes, topologyRoutes);
163 | alg.setTopology(topology);
164 | }
165 | alg.run();
166 | }
167 |
168 | /// <summary>
169 | /// This method is used internally by the @IdentifyClusters method to separate vertices by color
170 | /// (vertices of the same subgraph will have the same color)
171 | /// </summary>
172 | /// <param name="v">The starting vertex from which all adjacent vertices will be colored.</param>
173 | private static void ColourNeighbours(IVertex v) {
174 | foreach (var arc in v.InArcs) {
175 | if (arc.Source.Weight > 0) continue;
176 | arc.Source.Weight = v.Weight;
177 | ColourNeighbours(arc.Source);
178 | }
179 | foreach (var arc in v.OutArcs) {
180 | if (arc.Target.Weight > 0) continue;
181 | arc.Target.Weight = v.Weight;
182 | ColourNeighbours(arc.Target);
183 | }
184 | }
185 |
186 | /// <summary>
187 | /// Method used to identify the disconnected components of the graph, so that they can be layouted separately and placed in non-overlapping areas of the drawing region.
188 | /// </summary>
189 | /// <param name="rectangles">The rectangles corresponding to the graph nodes.</param>
190 | /// <param name="edges">The edges connecting the rectangles.</param>
191 | /// <returns>A list of clusters representing the disconnected components.</returns>
192 | private static IEnumerable<Cluster> IdentifyClusters(RectanglePtrs rectangles, ColaEdges edges) {
193 | // build a graph using the rectangles and the edges
194 | var vertices = new List<IVertex>(rectangles.Select(x => new Vertex()));
195 | foreach (var e in edges) {
196 | var i = (int)e.first;
197 | var j = (int)e.second;
198 | var arc = new Arc(vertices[i], vertices[j]);
199 | vertices[i].AddArc(arc);
200 | vertices[j].AddArc(arc);
201 | }
202 | // group vertices into clusters
203 | var clusters = new List<RectangularCluster>();
204 | for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; ++i) {
205 | var v = vertices[i];
206 | if (v.Weight > 0) {
207 | clusters[(int)Math.Round(v.Weight) - 1].addChildNode((uint)i);
208 | } else {
209 | var cluster = new RectangularCluster();
210 | cluster.addChildNode((uint)i);
211 | clusters.Add(cluster);
212 | v.Weight = clusters.Count;
213 | ColourNeighbours(v);
214 | }
215 | }
216 | return clusters;
217 | }
218 |
219 | /// <summary>
220 | /// This method performs edge routing, meaning that edges are moved such that they go around the nodes.
221 | /// Routing can produce polyline or orthogonal graph edges.
222 | /// </summary>
223 | private void RouteEdges() {
224 | topologyRoutes = new TopologyEdgePtrs();
225 | // after the layout is done, we need to use a router to route edges
226 | RouterFlag rf;
227 | switch (EdgeRoutingMode) {
228 | case EdgeRouting.Polyline:
229 | rf = RouterFlag.PolyLineRouting;
230 | break;
231 | case EdgeRouting.Orthogonal:
232 | rf = RouterFlag.OrthogonalRouting;
233 | break;
234 | default:
235 | var id = topologyNodes.Count;
236 | foreach (var edge in edges) {
237 | var eps = new TopologyEdgePointPtrs();
238 | var src = topologyNodes[(int)edge.first];
239 | var dst = topologyNodes[(int)edge.second];
240 | eps.Add(new EdgePoint(src, EdgePoint.RectIntersect.CENTRE));
241 | eps.Add(new EdgePoint(dst, EdgePoint.RectIntersect.CENTRE));
242 | topologyRoutes.Add(new Edge((uint)id++, IdealEdgeLength, eps));
243 | }
244 | return;
245 | }
246 | var router = new Router((uint)rf);
247 | // set the minimal distance by which nodes should be avoided by the router
248 | router.setRoutingParameter(RoutingParameter.shapeBufferDistance, 5);
249 | router.UseLeesAlgorithm = true;
250 | router.InvisibilityGrph = false;
251 | // consider topology routes only for the topologyNodes associated with our objects (the rectangles)
252 | for (int i = 0; i < topologyNodes.Count; ++i) {
253 | var r = topologyNodes[i].rect;
254 | var poly = new Polygon(4);
255 | var xmin = r.getMinX();
256 | var xmax = r.getMaxX();
257 | var ymin = r.getMinY();
258 | var ymax = r.getMaxY();
259 |
260 | poly.ps[0] = new Cola.Point(xmax, ymin);
261 | poly.ps[1] = new Cola.Point(xmax, ymax);
262 | poly.ps[2] = new Cola.Point(xmin, ymax);
263 | poly.ps[3] = new Cola.Point(xmin, ymin);
264 | var shapeRef = new ShapeRef(router, poly);
265 | idMap[shapeRef.id()] = (uint)i;
266 | }
267 | router.processTransaction();
268 |
269 | for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; ++i) {
270 | var edge = edges[i];
271 | var src = topologyNodes[(int)edge.first];
272 | var dst = topologyNodes[(int)edge.second];
273 | var srcPt = new Cola.Point(src.rect.getCentreX(), src.rect.getCentreY());
274 | var dstPt = new Cola.Point(dst.rect.getCentreX(), dst.rect.getCentreY());
275 | var connRef = new ConnRef(router, new ConnEnd(srcPt), new ConnEnd(dstPt));
276 | router.processTransaction();
277 |
278 | // var route = connRef.displayRoute().curvedPolyline(10);
279 | var route = connRef.displayRoute();
280 | var eps = new TopologyEdgePointPtrs(); // edge points
281 | eps.Add(new EdgePoint(src, EdgePoint.RectIntersect.CENTRE));
282 | for (int j = 1; j < route.size() - 1; ++j) {
283 | var p = route.ps[j];
284 | var ri = CalculateIntersect(p);
285 | if (idMap.ContainsKey(p.id)) {
286 | var node = topologyNodes[(int)idMap[p.id]];
287 | eps.Add(new EdgePoint(node, ri));
288 | } else {
289 | // the node is not part of the topology and only represents a point in the route polyline
290 | // therefore, we do not add it to the topologyNodes (although it may need to be treated separately in some cases)
291 | var id = router.newObjectId();
292 | var node = new Node(id, new Cola.Rectangle(p.x, p.x + 1, p.y, p.y + 1));
293 | idMap[id] = id;
294 | eps.Add(new EdgePoint(node, ri));
295 | }
296 | }
297 | eps.Add(new EdgePoint(dst, EdgePoint.RectIntersect.CENTRE));
298 | topologyRoutes.Add(new Edge((uint)i, IdealEdgeLength, eps));
299 | }
300 | }
301 |
302 | /// <summary>
303 | /// Save the layouted graph to a svg file
304 | /// </summary>
305 | /// <param name="path">The save path.</param>
306 | public void OutputInstanceToSVG(string path) {
307 | alg.outputInstanceToSVG(path);
308 | }
309 |
310 | private static EdgePoint.RectIntersect CalculateIntersect(Point p) {
311 | switch (p.vn) {
312 | case 0:
313 | return EdgePoint.RectIntersect.BR;
314 | case 1:
315 | return EdgePoint.RectIntersect.TR;
316 | case 2:
317 | return EdgePoint.RectIntersect.TL;
318 | case 3:
319 | return EdgePoint.RectIntersect.BL;
320 | default:
321 | return EdgePoint.RectIntersect.CENTRE;
322 | }
323 | }
324 | }
325 | }