1 | using Service.Provider;
2 | using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Collections.Generic;
5 | using System.Data.SqlClient;
6 | namespace UnitTests {
7 | /// <summary>
8 | ///This is a test class for HeuristicLabRoleProviderTest and is intended
9 | ///to contain all HeuristicLabRoleProviderTest Unit Tests
10 | ///</summary>
11 | [TestClass()]
12 | public class HeuristicLabRoleProviderTest : AbstractHeuristicLabTest {
13 | private TestContext testContextInstance;
14 | private const string TEST_ROLE_NAME = "testRole";
15 | private const string TEST_USER_NAME = "testUser";
16 | /// <summary>
17 | ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
18 | ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
19 | ///</summary>
20 | public TestContext TestContext {
21 | get {
22 | return testContextInstance;
23 | }
24 | set {
25 | testContextInstance = value;
26 | }
27 | }
28 |
29 | #region Additional test attributes
30 | //
31 | //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
32 | //
33 | //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
34 | //[ClassInitialize()]
35 | //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
36 | //{
37 | //}
38 | //
39 | //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
40 | //[ClassCleanup()]
41 | //public static void MyClassCleanup()
42 | //{
43 | //}
44 | //
45 | //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
46 | //[TestInitialize()]
47 | //public void MyTestInitialize()
48 | //{
49 | //}
50 | //
51 | //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
52 | //[TestCleanup()]
53 | //public void MyTestCleanup()
54 | //{
55 | //}
56 | //
57 | #endregion
58 |
59 |
60 | /// <summary>
61 | ///A test for ApplicationName
62 | ///</summary>
63 | [TestMethod()]
64 | public void ApplicationNameTest() {
65 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
66 | string expected = "JavaIsEvenCooler";
67 | string actual;
68 | target.ApplicationName = expected;
69 | actual = target.ApplicationName;
70 | Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
71 | }
72 |
73 | /// <summary>
74 | ///tests if the RoleExits method works --> test is done in a positiv and negativ way
75 | ///</summary>
76 | [TestMethod()]
77 | public void RoleExistsTest() {
78 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
79 | Persistence.HeuristicLabRole role = new Persistence.HeuristicLabRole();
80 | role.RoleName = TEST_ROLE_NAME;
81 | db.HeuristicLabRole.InsertOnSubmit((Persistence.HeuristicLabRole)role);
82 | db.SubmitChanges();
83 | Assert.IsTrue(target.RoleExists(TEST_ROLE_NAME));
84 | Assert.IsFalse(target.RoleExists(TEST_ROLE_NAME + TEST_ROLE_NAME));
85 | }
86 |
87 | /// <summary>
88 | ///A test for RemoveUsersFromRoles
89 | ///</summary>
90 | [TestMethod()]
91 | public void RemoveUsersFromRolesTest() {
92 |
93 | //creates users dkhan,hmayer,bfarka (with AddUsersToRolesTest())
94 | //and add all these users to groups admin and users
95 | AddUsersToRolesTest();
96 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
97 | string[] users = new string[2];
98 | string[] roles = new string[1];
99 |
100 | //remove hmayer from role admin
101 | users[0] = "hmayr";
102 | roles[0] = "admin";
103 |
104 |
105 | //before removing, check if all three users exits correctly in admin group
106 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("hmayr").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
107 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("dkhan").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
108 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("bfarka").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
109 |
110 | //remmove hmayr from admin group
111 | target.RemoveUsersFromRoles(users, roles);
112 |
113 | //final check
114 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("dkhan").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
115 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("bfarka").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
116 | Assert.IsFalse((target.GetRolesForUser("hmayr").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
117 |
118 | }
119 |
120 | /// <summary>
121 | /// test if user is in Role (positive and negative Assertion)
122 | ///</summary>
123 | [TestMethod()]
124 | public void IsUserInRoleTest() {
125 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
126 | Dictionary<string, Persistence.HeuristicLabUser> users = new Dictionary<string, Persistence.HeuristicLabUser>();
127 | List<string> roles = new List<string>();
128 | users.Add("mholper", new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("mholper", "foo", "password", "comment"));
129 |
130 | roles.Add("admin");
131 | roles.Add("users");
132 | foreach (string role in roles) {
133 | target.CreateRole(role);
134 | }
135 | foreach (Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user in users.Values) {
136 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user);
137 | }
138 | db.SubmitChanges();
139 | string[] rolesToTest = new string[1];
140 | rolesToTest[0] = "admin";
141 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.Keys.ToArray(), rolesToTest); // roles.ToArray());
142 | Assert.IsTrue(target.IsUserInRole("mholper", "admin"));
143 | Assert.IsFalse(target.IsUserInRole("mholper", "user"));
144 | }
145 |
146 | /// <summary>
147 | ///A test for GetUsersInRole
148 | ///</summary>
149 | [TestMethod()]
150 | public void GetUsersInRoleTest() {
151 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
152 | string dummyRole = "dummyRole";
153 | Assert.IsTrue(target.GetUsersInRole(null).Length == 0);
154 | Assert.IsTrue(target.GetUsersInRole(dummyRole).Length == 0);
155 | Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user = new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dummyUser", "foo1", "foo", "foo");
156 | Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user2 = new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dummyUser2", "foo2", "foo", "foo");
157 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user);
158 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user2);
159 | db.SubmitChanges();
160 | target.CreateRole("testRole1");
161 | target.CreateRole("testRole2");
162 | List<string> users = new List<string>();
163 | List<string> roles = new List<string>();
164 | roles.Add("testRole1");
165 | roles.Add("testRole2");
166 | users.Add("dummyUser");
167 |
168 | //--> dummyUser get Role testRole1+testRole2
169 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
170 | string[] usersForRole = target.GetUsersInRole("testRole2");
171 | Assert.IsTrue(usersForRole.Length == 1);
172 | Assert.IsTrue(usersForRole.Contains("dummyUser"));
173 |
174 | //--> dummyUser2 get onl Role testRole1
175 | roles.Remove("testRole2");
176 | users.Remove("dummyUser");
177 | users.Add("dummyUser2");
178 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
179 |
180 | usersForRole = target.GetUsersInRole("testRole1");
181 | Assert.IsTrue(usersForRole.Length == 2);
182 | Assert.IsTrue(usersForRole.Contains("dummyUser"));
183 | Assert.IsTrue(usersForRole.Contains("dummyUser2"));
184 |
185 | }
186 |
187 | /// <summary>
188 | ///A test for GetRolesForUser
189 | ///</summary>
190 | [TestMethod()]
191 | public void GetRolesForUserTest() {
192 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
193 | string dummyUser = "dummyUser";
194 | Assert.IsTrue(target.GetRolesForUser(null).Length == 0);
195 | Assert.IsTrue(target.GetRolesForUser(dummyUser).Length == 0);
196 | Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user = new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dummyUser", "foo", "foo", "foo");
197 | Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user2 = new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dummyUser2", "foo2", "foo", "foo");
198 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user);
199 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user2);
200 | db.SubmitChanges();
201 | target.CreateRole("testRole1");
202 | target.CreateRole("testRole2");
203 | List<string> users = new List<string>();
204 | List<string> roles = new List<string>();
205 | users.Add("dummyUser");
206 | users.Add("dummyUser2");
207 | roles.Add("testRole1");
208 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
209 | users.Remove("dummyUser2");
210 | roles.Add("testRole2");
211 | roles.Remove("testRole1");
212 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
213 | string[] rolesForUser = target.GetRolesForUser("dummyUser");
214 | Assert.IsTrue(rolesForUser.Length == 2);
215 | Assert.IsTrue(rolesForUser.Contains("testRole1"));
216 | Assert.IsTrue(rolesForUser.Contains("testRole2"));
217 |
218 | rolesForUser = target.GetRolesForUser("dummyUser2");
219 | Assert.IsTrue(rolesForUser.Length == 1);
220 | Assert.IsTrue(rolesForUser.Contains("testRole1"));
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 | }
225 |
226 | /// <summary>
227 | ///A test for GetAllRoles
228 | ///</summary>
229 | [TestMethod()]
230 | public void GetAllRolesTest() {
231 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
232 | List<string> roleNames = new List<string>();
233 | roleNames.Add("Pascal");
234 | roleNames.Add("Java");
235 | roleNames.Add("c++");
236 | roleNames.Add("VisalBasic");
237 | foreach (string s in roleNames) {
238 | target.CreateRole(s);
239 | }
240 | target.CreateRole(null);
241 | string[] roles = target.GetAllRoles();
242 | foreach (string role in roles) {
243 | Assert.IsTrue(roleNames.Remove(role));
244 | }
245 | Assert.IsTrue(roleNames.Count == 0);
246 | }
247 |
248 | /// <summary>
249 | ///A test for FindUsersInRole
250 | ///</summary>
251 | [TestMethod()]
252 | public void FindUsersInRoleTest() {
253 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
254 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole(null, null).Length == 0);
255 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("dummyRole", null).Length == 0);
256 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole(null, "dummyUser").Length == 0);
257 | Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user = new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dummyUser", "foo", "foo", "foo");
258 | Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user2 = new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dummyUser2", "foo2", "foo", "foo");
259 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user);
260 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user2);
261 | db.SubmitChanges();
262 | target.CreateRole("testRole");
263 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("testRole", "dummyUser").Length == 0);
264 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("testRole", "dummyUser2").Length == 0);
265 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("testRole", "dummyUser3").Length == 0);
266 |
267 | target.AddUsersToRoles(new string[] { "dummyUser", "dummyUser2" }, new string[] { "testRole" });
268 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("testRole", "dummyUser").Length == 2);
269 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("testRole", "dummyUser2").Length == 1);
270 | Assert.IsTrue(target.FindUsersInRole("testRole", "dummyUser3").Length == 0);
271 |
272 |
273 | }
274 |
275 | /// <summary>
276 | ///A test for DeleteRole
277 | ///</summary>
278 | [TestMethod()]
279 | public void DeleteRoleTest() {
280 |
281 | //creates users dkhan,hmayer,bfarka (with AddUsersToRolesTest())
282 | //and add all these users to groups admin and users
283 | AddUsersToRolesTest();
284 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
285 | string[] users = new string[2];
286 | string[] roles = new string[1];
287 |
288 | //remove hmayer from role admin
289 | users[0] = "hmayr";
290 | roles[0] = "admin";
291 |
292 | //before removing, check if all three users exits correctly in admin group
293 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("hmayr").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
294 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("dkhan").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
295 | Assert.IsTrue((target.GetRolesForUser("bfarka").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
296 |
297 | //try to delete Role admin (with user hmayr from admin group exists)
298 | Assert.IsFalse(target.DeleteRole(roles[0], true));
299 |
300 | Assert.IsTrue(target.IsUserInRole(users[0], roles[0]));
301 |
302 | //final populateRole if false
303 | //try to delete Role admin (with user hmayr from admin group exists)
304 | Assert.IsTrue(target.DeleteRole(roles[0], false));
305 | Assert.IsFalse(target.IsUserInRole(users[0], roles[0]));
306 | Assert.IsFalse((target.GetRolesForUser("hmayr").ToList()).Contains(roles[0]));
307 | }
308 |
309 | /// <summary>
310 | ///A test for CreateRole
311 | ///</summary>
312 | [TestMethod()]
313 | public void CreateRoleTest() {
314 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
315 | target.CreateRole("role1");
316 | target.CreateRole("role2");
317 | target.CreateRole("role3", true);
318 | Assert.IsTrue(db.HeuristicLabRole.Count(r => r.RoleName == "role1" && r.IsPermission == false) == 1);
319 | Assert.IsTrue(db.HeuristicLabRole.Count(r => r.RoleName == "role2" && r.IsPermission == false) == 1);
320 | Assert.IsTrue(db.HeuristicLabRole.Count(r => r.RoleName == "role3" && r.IsPermission == true) == 1);
321 | }
322 |
323 | protected int getUserRolesCount() {
324 | return db.HeuristicLabUserRole.Count();
325 | }
326 |
327 |
328 | /// <summary>
329 | ///A test for AddUsersToRoles
330 | ///</summary>
331 | [TestMethod()]
332 | public void AddUsersToRolesTest() {
333 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
334 | Dictionary<string, Persistence.HeuristicLabUser> users = new Dictionary<string, Persistence.HeuristicLabUser>();
335 | List<string> roles = new List<string>();
336 | users.Add("dkhan", new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("dkhan", "foo1", "password", "comment"));
337 | users.Add("hmayr", new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("hmayr", "foo2", "password", "comment"));
338 | users.Add("bfarka", new Persistence.HeuristicLabUser("bfarka", "foo3", "password", "comment"));
339 |
340 | roles.Add("admin");
341 | roles.Add("users");
342 | //testing to create roles with users that doesn't exists
343 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.Keys.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
344 | Assert.IsTrue(getUserRolesCount() == 0);
345 |
346 | foreach (string role in roles) {
347 | target.CreateRole(role);
348 | }
349 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.Keys.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
350 | Assert.IsTrue(getUserRolesCount() == 0);
351 | foreach (Persistence.HeuristicLabUser user in users.Values) {
352 | db.HeuristicLabUsers.InsertOnSubmit(user);
353 | }
354 | db.SubmitChanges();
355 | target.AddUsersToRoles(users.Keys.ToArray(), roles.ToArray());
356 | Assert.IsTrue(getUserRolesCount() == (roles.Count * users.Count));
357 |
358 | }
359 |
360 | /// <summary>
361 | ///A test for HeuristicLabRoleProvider Constructor
362 | ///</summary>
363 | [TestMethod()]
364 | public void HeuristicLabRoleProviderConstructorTest() {
365 | HeuristicLabRoleProvider target = new HeuristicLabRoleProvider();
366 | Assert.IsNotNull(target);
367 | }
368 | [TestMethod()]
369 | public void NoDuplicateRoleTest() {
370 | try {
371 | Persistence.HeuristicLabRole role = new Persistence.HeuristicLabRole();
372 | role.RoleName = "role1";
373 | Persistence.HeuristicLabRole role1 = new Persistence.HeuristicLabRole();
374 | role1.RoleName = "role1";
375 | db.HeuristicLabRole.InsertOnSubmit(role);
376 | db.HeuristicLabRole.InsertOnSubmit(role1);
377 | db.SubmitChanges();
378 | Assert.Fail();
379 | }
380 | catch (SqlException) {
381 | //swallowing Exception because it is expected that a SQL Exception is thrown
382 | }
383 | }
384 | }
385 | }
386 |