1 | using System;
2 | using System.Text;
3 | using System.Globalization;
4 | using System.Collections.Generic;
5 |
6 | using System.Windows;
7 | using System.Windows.Media;
8 |
9 | namespace SharpVectors.Renderers.Wpf
10 | {
11 | /// <summary>
12 | /// This provides the options for the drawing/rendering engine of the WPF.
13 | /// </summary>
14 | public sealed class WpfDrawingSettings : DependencyObject, ICloneable
15 | {
16 | #region Private Fields
17 |
18 | private bool _textAsGeometry;
19 | private bool _includeRuntime;
20 | private bool _optimizePath;
21 |
22 | private CultureInfo _culture;
23 | private CultureInfo _neutralCulture;
24 |
25 | private string _defaultFontName;
26 | private static FontFamily _defaultFontFamily;
27 | private static FontFamily _genericSerif;
28 | private static FontFamily _genericSansSerif;
29 | private static FontFamily _genericMonospace;
30 |
31 | #endregion
32 |
33 | #region Constructor and Destructor
34 |
35 | /// <overloads>
36 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WpfDrawingSettings"/> class.
37 | /// </overloads>
38 | /// <summary>
39 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WpfDrawingSettings"/> class
40 | /// with the default parameters and settings.
41 | /// </summary>
42 | public WpfDrawingSettings()
43 | {
44 | _defaultFontName = "Arial Unicode MS";
45 | _textAsGeometry = false;
46 | _optimizePath = true;
47 | _includeRuntime = true;
48 | _neutralCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us");
49 | _culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us");
50 | }
51 |
52 | /// <summary>
53 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WpfDrawingSettings"/> class
54 | /// with the specified initial drawing or rendering settings, a copy constructor.
55 | /// </summary>
56 | /// <param name="settings">
57 | /// This specifies the initial options for the rendering or drawing engine.
58 | /// </param>
59 | public WpfDrawingSettings(WpfDrawingSettings settings)
60 | {
61 | _defaultFontName = settings._defaultFontName;
62 | _textAsGeometry = settings._textAsGeometry;
63 | _optimizePath = settings._optimizePath;
64 | _includeRuntime = settings._includeRuntime;
65 | _neutralCulture = settings._neutralCulture;
66 | _culture = settings._culture;
67 | }
68 |
69 | #endregion
70 |
71 | #region Public Properties
72 |
73 | /// <summary>
74 | /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the path geometry is
75 | /// optimized using the <see cref="StreamGeometry"/>.
76 | /// </summary>
77 | /// <value>
78 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if the path geometry is optimized
79 | /// using the <see cref="StreamGeometry"/>; otherwise, it is
80 | /// <see langword="false"/>. The default is <see langword="true"/>.
81 | /// </value>
82 | public bool OptimizePath
83 | {
84 | get
85 | {
86 | return _optimizePath;
87 | }
88 | set
89 | {
90 | _optimizePath = value;
91 | }
92 | }
93 |
94 | /// <summary>
95 | /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the texts are rendered as
96 | /// path geometry.
97 | /// </summary>
98 | /// <value>
99 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if texts are rendered as path
100 | /// geometries; otherwise, this is <see langword="false"/>. The default
101 | /// is <see langword="false"/>.
102 | /// </value>
103 | public bool TextAsGeometry
104 | {
105 | get
106 | {
107 | return _textAsGeometry;
108 | }
109 | set
110 | {
111 | _textAsGeometry = value;
112 | }
113 | }
114 |
115 | /// <summary>
116 | /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the <c>SharpVectors.Runtime.dll</c>
117 | /// classes are used in the generated output.
118 | /// </summary>
119 | /// <value>
120 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if the <c>SharpVectors.Runtime.dll</c>
121 | /// classes and types are used in the generated output; otherwise, it is
122 | /// <see langword="false"/>. The default is <see langword="true"/>.
123 | /// </value>
124 | /// <remarks>
125 | /// The use of the <c>SharpVectors.Runtime.dll</c> prevents the hard-coded
126 | /// font path generated by the <see cref="FormattedText"/> class, support
127 | /// for embedded images etc.
128 | /// </remarks>
129 | public bool IncludeRuntime
130 | {
131 | get
132 | {
133 | return _includeRuntime;
134 | }
135 | set
136 | {
137 | _includeRuntime = value;
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | /// <summary>
142 | /// Gets or sets the main culture information used for rendering texts.
143 | /// </summary>
144 | /// <value>
145 | /// An instance of the <see cref="CultureInfo"/> specifying the main
146 | /// culture information for texts. The default is the English culture.
147 | /// </value>
148 | /// <remarks>
149 | /// <para>
150 | /// This is the culture information passed to the <see cref="FormattedText"/>
151 | /// class instance for the text rendering.
152 | /// </para>
153 | /// <para>
154 | /// The library does not currently provide any means of splitting texts
155 | /// into its multi-language parts.
156 | /// </para>
157 | /// </remarks>
158 | public CultureInfo CultureInfo
159 | {
160 | get
161 | {
162 | return _culture;
163 | }
164 | set
165 | {
166 | if (value != null)
167 | {
168 | _culture = value;
169 | }
170 | }
171 | }
172 |
173 | /// <summary>
174 | /// Gets the neutral language for text rendering.
175 | /// </summary>
176 | /// <value>
177 | /// An instance of the <see cref="CultureInfo"/> specifying the neutral
178 | /// culture information for texts. The default is the English culture.
179 | /// </value>
180 | /// <remarks>
181 | /// For vertical text rendering, there is a basic text splitting into
182 | /// Western and other languages. This culture information is used to
183 | /// render the Western language part, and the mains culture information
184 | /// for the other languages.
185 | /// </remarks>
186 | public CultureInfo NeutralCultureInfo
187 | {
188 | get
189 | {
190 | return _neutralCulture;
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | /// <summary>
195 | /// Gets or sets the default font family name, which is used when a text
196 | /// node does not specify a font family name.
197 | /// </summary>
198 | /// <value>
199 | /// A string containing the default font family name. The default is
200 | /// the <c>Arial Unicode MS</c> font, for its support of Unicode texts.
201 | /// This value cannot be <see langword="null"/> or empty.
202 | /// </value>
203 | public string DefaultFontName
204 | {
205 | get
206 | {
207 | return _defaultFontName;
208 | }
209 | set
210 | {
211 | if (value != null)
212 | {
213 | value = value.Trim();
214 | }
215 |
216 | if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
217 | {
218 | _defaultFontName = value;
219 | _defaultFontFamily = new FontFamily(value);
220 | }
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | /// <summary>
225 | /// Gets or sets the globally available default font family.
226 | /// </summary>
227 | /// <value>
228 | /// An instance of the <see cref="FontFamily"/> specifying the globally
229 | /// available font family. The default is a <c>Arial Unicode MS</c> font
230 | /// family.
231 | /// </value>
232 | public static FontFamily DefaultFontFamily
233 | {
234 | get
235 | {
236 | if (_defaultFontFamily == null)
237 | {
238 | _defaultFontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial Unicode MS");
239 | }
240 |
241 | return _defaultFontFamily;
242 | }
243 | set
244 | {
245 | if (value != null)
246 | {
247 | _defaultFontFamily = value;
248 | }
249 | }
250 | }
251 |
252 | /// <summary>
253 | /// Gets or set the globally available generic serif font family.
254 | /// </summary>
255 | /// <value>
256 | /// An instance of <see cref="FontFamily"/> specifying the generic serif
257 | /// font family. The default is <c>Times New Roman</c> font family.
258 | /// </value>
259 | public static FontFamily GenericSerif
260 | {
261 | get
262 | {
263 | if (_genericSerif == null)
264 | {
265 | _genericSerif = new FontFamily("Times New Roman");
266 | }
267 |
268 | return _genericSerif;
269 | }
270 | set
271 | {
272 | if (value != null)
273 | {
274 | _genericSerif = value;
275 | }
276 | }
277 | }
278 |
279 | /// <summary>
280 | /// Gets or set the globally available generic sans serif font family.
281 | /// </summary>
282 | /// <value>
283 | /// An instance of <see cref="FontFamily"/> specifying the generic sans
284 | /// serif font family. The default is <c>Tahoma</c> font family.
285 | /// </value>
286 | /// <remarks>
287 | /// The possible font names are <c>Tahoma</c>, <c>Arial</c>,
288 | /// <c>Verdana</c>, <c>Trebuchet</c>, <c>MS Sans Serif</c> and <c>Helvetica</c>.
289 | /// </remarks>
290 | public static FontFamily GenericSansSerif
291 | {
292 | get
293 | {
294 | if (_genericSansSerif == null)
295 | {
296 | // Possibilities: Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet, MS Sans Serif, Helvetica
297 | _genericSansSerif = new FontFamily("Tahoma");
298 | }
299 |
300 | return _genericSansSerif;
301 | }
302 | set
303 | {
304 | if (value != null)
305 | {
306 | _genericSansSerif = value;
307 | }
308 | }
309 | }
310 |
311 | /// <summary>
312 | /// Gets or set the globally available generic Monospace font family.
313 | /// </summary>
314 | /// <value>
315 | /// An instance of <see cref="FontFamily"/> specifying the generic
316 | /// Monospace font family. The default is <c>MS Gothic</c> font family.
317 | /// </value>
318 | public static FontFamily GenericMonospace
319 | {
320 | get
321 | {
322 | if (_genericMonospace == null)
323 | {
324 | // Possibilities: Courier New, MS Gothic
325 | _genericMonospace = new FontFamily("MS Gothic");
326 | }
327 |
328 | return _genericMonospace;
329 | }
330 | set
331 | {
332 | if (value != null)
333 | {
334 | _genericMonospace = value;
335 | }
336 | }
337 | }
338 |
339 | #endregion
340 |
341 | #region ICloneable Members
342 |
343 | /// <overloads>
344 | /// This creates a new settings object that is a deep copy of the current
345 | /// instance.
346 | /// </overloads>
347 | /// <summary>
348 | /// This creates a new settings object that is a deep copy of the current
349 | /// instance.
350 | /// </summary>
351 | /// <returns>
352 | /// A new settings object that is a deep copy of this instance.
353 | /// </returns>
354 | /// <remarks>
355 | /// This is deep cloning of the members of this settings object. If you
356 | /// need just a copy, use the copy constructor to create a new instance.
357 | /// </remarks>
358 | public WpfDrawingSettings Clone()
359 | {
360 | WpfDrawingSettings settings = new WpfDrawingSettings(this);
361 |
362 | return settings;
363 | }
364 |
365 | /// <summary>
366 | /// This creates a new settings object that is a deep copy of the current
367 | /// instance.
368 | /// </summary>
369 | /// <returns>
370 | /// A new settings object that is a deep copy of this instance.
371 | /// </returns>
372 | /// <remarks>
373 | /// This is deep cloning of the members of this style object. If you need just a copy,
374 | /// use the copy constructor to create a new instance.
375 | /// </remarks>
376 | object ICloneable.Clone()
377 | {
378 | return this.Clone();
379 | }
380 |
381 | #endregion
382 | }
383 | }