1 | using System;
2 | using System.Xml;
3 | using System.Drawing;
4 | using System.Drawing.Imaging;
5 | using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
6 |
7 | using SharpVectors.Dom.Svg;
8 |
9 | namespace SharpVectors.Renderers.Gdi
10 | {
11 | /// <summary>
12 | /// Wraps a Graphics object since it's sealed
13 | /// </summary>
14 | public sealed class GdiGraphicsWrapper : IDisposable
15 | {
16 | #region Private Fields
17 |
18 | private bool _isStatic;
19 | private Graphics _graphics;
20 | private Graphics _idMapGraphics;
21 | private Bitmap _idMapImage;
22 |
23 | #endregion
24 |
25 | #region Constructors
26 |
27 | private GdiGraphicsWrapper(Image image, bool isStatic)
28 | {
29 | this._isStatic = isStatic;
30 | if (!IsStatic)
31 | {
32 | _idMapImage = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height);
33 | _idMapGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(_idMapImage);
34 | _idMapGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
35 | _idMapGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
36 | _idMapGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.Invalid;
37 | }
38 | _graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image);
39 | }
40 |
41 | private GdiGraphicsWrapper(IntPtr hdc, bool isStatic)
42 | {
43 | this._isStatic = isStatic;
44 | if (!IsStatic)
45 | {
46 | // This will get resized when the actual size is known
47 | _idMapImage = new Bitmap(0, 0);
48 | _idMapGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(_idMapImage);
49 | _idMapGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
50 | _idMapGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
51 | _idMapGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.Invalid;
52 | }
53 | _graphics = Graphics.FromHdc(hdc);
54 | }
55 |
56 | #endregion
57 |
58 | public static GdiGraphicsWrapper FromImage(Image image, bool isStatic)
59 | {
60 | return new GdiGraphicsWrapper(image, isStatic);
61 | }
62 |
63 | public static GdiGraphicsWrapper FromHdc(IntPtr hdc, bool isStatic)
64 | {
65 | return new GdiGraphicsWrapper(hdc, isStatic);
66 | }
67 |
68 | #region Properties
69 |
70 | public bool IsStatic
71 | {
72 | get { return _isStatic; }
73 | set
74 | {
75 | _isStatic = value;
76 | _idMapGraphics.Dispose();
77 | _idMapGraphics = null;
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | public Graphics Graphics
82 | {
83 | get { return _graphics; }
84 | set { _graphics = value; }
85 | }
86 |
87 | public Graphics IdMapGraphics
88 | {
89 | get { return _graphics; }
90 | }
91 |
92 | public Bitmap IdMapRaster
93 | {
94 | get { return _idMapImage; }
95 | }
96 |
97 | #endregion
98 |
99 | #region Graphics members
100 |
101 | public void Clear(Color color)
102 | {
103 | _graphics.Clear(color);
104 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.Clear(Color.Empty);
105 | }
106 |
107 | public void Dispose()
108 | {
109 | _graphics.Dispose();
110 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.Dispose();
111 | }
112 |
113 | public GdiGraphicsContainer BeginContainer()
114 | {
115 | GdiGraphicsContainer container = new GdiGraphicsContainer();
116 | if (_idMapGraphics != null)
117 | container.IdMap = _idMapGraphics.BeginContainer();
118 |
119 | container.Main = _graphics.BeginContainer();
120 |
121 | return container;
122 | }
123 |
124 | public void EndContainer(GdiGraphicsContainer container)
125 | {
126 | if (_idMapGraphics != null)
127 | _idMapGraphics.EndContainer(container.IdMap);
128 |
129 | _graphics.EndContainer(container.Main);
130 | }
131 |
132 | public SmoothingMode SmoothingMode
133 | {
134 | get { return _graphics.SmoothingMode; }
135 | set { _graphics.SmoothingMode = value; }
136 | }
137 |
138 | public Matrix Transform
139 | {
140 | get { return _graphics.Transform; }
141 | set
142 | {
143 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.Transform = value;
144 | _graphics.Transform = value;
145 | }
146 | }
147 |
148 | public void SetClip(GraphicsPath path)
149 | {
150 | _graphics.SetClip(path);
151 | }
152 |
153 | public void SetClip(RectangleF rect)
154 | {
155 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.SetClip(rect);
156 | _graphics.SetClip(rect);
157 | }
158 |
159 | public void SetClip(Region region, CombineMode combineMode)
160 | {
161 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.SetClip(region, combineMode);
162 | _graphics.SetClip(region, combineMode);
163 | }
164 |
165 | public void TranslateClip(float x, float y)
166 | {
167 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.TranslateClip(x, y);
168 | _graphics.TranslateClip(x, y);
169 | }
170 |
171 | public void ResetClip()
172 | {
173 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.ResetClip();
174 | _graphics.ResetClip();
175 | }
176 |
177 | public void FillPath(GdiRendering grNode, Brush brush, GraphicsPath path)
178 | {
179 | if (_idMapGraphics != null)
180 | {
181 | Brush idBrush = new SolidBrush(grNode.UniqueColor);
182 | if (grNode.Element is SvgTextContentElement)
183 | {
184 | _idMapGraphics.FillRectangle(idBrush, path.GetBounds());
185 | }
186 | else
187 | {
188 | _idMapGraphics.FillPath(idBrush, path);
189 | }
190 | }
191 | _graphics.FillPath(brush, path);
192 | }
193 |
194 | public void DrawPath(GdiRendering grNode, Pen pen, GraphicsPath path)
195 | {
196 | if (_idMapGraphics != null)
197 | {
198 | Pen idPen = new Pen(grNode.UniqueColor, pen.Width);
199 | _idMapGraphics.DrawPath(idPen, path);
200 | }
201 | _graphics.DrawPath(pen, path);
202 | }
203 |
204 | public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy)
205 | {
206 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.TranslateTransform(dx, dy);
207 | _graphics.TranslateTransform(dx, dy);
208 | }
209 |
210 | public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy)
211 | {
212 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.ScaleTransform(sx, sy);
213 | _graphics.ScaleTransform(sx, sy);
214 | }
215 |
216 | public void RotateTransform(float angle)
217 | {
218 | if (_idMapGraphics != null) _idMapGraphics.RotateTransform(angle);
219 | _graphics.RotateTransform(angle);
220 | }
221 |
222 | public void DrawImage(GdiRendering grNode, Image image, Rectangle destRect,
223 | float srcX, float srcY, float srcWidth, float srcHeight,
224 | GraphicsUnit graphicsUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttributes)
225 | {
226 | if (_idMapGraphics != null)
227 | {
228 | // This handles pointer-events for visibleFill visibleStroke and visible
229 | /*Brush idBrush = new SolidBrush(grNode.UniqueColor);
230 | GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
231 | gp.AddRectangle(destRect);
232 | _idMapGraphics.FillPath(idBrush, gp);*/
233 | Color unique = grNode.UniqueColor;
234 | float r = (float)unique.R / 255;
235 | float g = (float)unique.G / 255;
236 | float b = (float)unique.B / 255;
237 | ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(
238 | new float[][] { new float[] {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f},
239 | new float[] {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f},
240 | new float[] {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f},
241 | new float[] {0f, 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f},
242 | new float[] {r, g, b, 0f, 1f} });
243 | ImageAttributes ia = new ImageAttributes();
244 | ia.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
245 | _idMapGraphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, graphicsUnit, ia);
246 | }
247 | _graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, graphicsUnit, imageAttributes);
248 | }
249 |
250 | #endregion
251 | }
252 |
253 | /// <summary>
254 | /// Wraps a GraphicsContainer because it is sealed.
255 | /// This is a helper for GraphicsWrapper so that it can save
256 | /// multiple container states. It holds the containers
257 | /// for both the idMapGraphics and the main graphics
258 | /// being rendered in the GraphicsWrapper.
259 | /// </summary>
260 | public sealed class GdiGraphicsContainer
261 | {
262 | internal GraphicsContainer IdMap;
263 | internal GraphicsContainer Main;
264 |
265 | public GdiGraphicsContainer()
266 | {
267 | }
268 |
269 | public GdiGraphicsContainer(GraphicsContainer idmap, GraphicsContainer main)
270 | {
271 | this.IdMap = idmap;
272 | this.Main = main;
273 | }
274 | }
275 | }