1 | using System;
2 | using System.Xml;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 |
5 | namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Svg
6 | {
7 | public static class SvgElementFactory
8 | {
9 | public static XmlElement Create(string prefix, string localName,
10 | string ns, SvgDocument doc)
11 | {
12 | // This factory assumes the requested element is defined in the
13 | // http://www.w3.org/2000/svg namespace.
14 | if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns) || !String.Equals(ns,
15 | SvgDocument.SvgNamespace, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
16 | {
17 | return null;
18 | }
19 |
20 | switch (localName)
21 | {
22 | case "a":
23 | return new SvgAElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
24 | case "circle":
25 | return new SvgCircleElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
26 | case "clipPath":
27 | return new SvgClipPathElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
28 | case "defs":
29 | return new SvgDefsElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
30 | case "desc":
31 | return new SvgDescElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
32 | case "ellipse":
33 | return new SvgEllipseElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
34 | case "g":
35 | return new SvgGElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
36 | case "image":
37 | return new SvgImageElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
38 | case "line":
39 | return new SvgLineElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
40 | case "linearGradient":
41 | return new SvgLinearGradientElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
42 | case "marker":
43 | return new SvgMarkerElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
44 | case "mask":
45 | return new SvgMaskElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
46 | case "metadata":
47 | return new SvgMetadataElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
48 | case "rect":
49 | return new SvgRectElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
50 | case "path":
51 | return new SvgPathElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
52 | case "pattern":
53 | return new SvgPatternElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
54 | case "polyline":
55 | return new SvgPolylineElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
56 | case "polygon":
57 | return new SvgPolygonElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
58 | case "radialGradient":
59 | return new SvgRadialGradientElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
60 | case "script":
61 | return new SvgScriptElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
62 | case "stop":
63 | return new SvgStopElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
64 | case "svg":
65 | return new SvgSvgElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
66 | case "switch":
67 | return new SvgSwitchElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
68 | case "symbol":
69 | return new SvgSymbolElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
70 | case "text":
71 | return new SvgTextElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
72 | case "textPath":
73 | return new SvgTextPathElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
74 | case "title":
75 | return new SvgTitleElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
76 | case "tref":
77 | return new SvgTRefElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
78 | case "tspan":
79 | return new SvgTSpanElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
80 | case "use":
81 | return new SvgUseElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
82 | case "color-profile":
83 | return new SvgColorProfileElement(prefix, localName, ns, doc);
84 | }
85 |
86 | return null;
87 | }
88 | }
89 | }