1 | // <developer>niklas@protocol7.com</developer>
2 | // <completed>10</completed>
3 |
4 | using SharpVectors.Dom.Events;
5 |
6 | namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Svg
7 | {
8 | /// <summary>
9 | /// The SvgPathElement interface corresponds to the 'path' element.
10 | /// </summary>
11 | public interface ISvgPathElement : ISvgElement, ISvgTests, ISvgLangSpace,
12 | ISvgExternalResourcesRequired, ISvgStylable, ISvgTransformable, ISvgAnimatedPathData, IEventTarget
13 | {
14 | ISvgAnimatedNumber PathLength{get;}
15 | double GetTotalLength();
16 | ISvgPoint GetPointAtLength(double distance);
17 | int GetPathSegAtLength(double distance);
18 |
19 | ISvgPathSegClosePath CreateSvgPathSegClosePath();
20 | ISvgPathSegMovetoAbs CreateSvgPathSegMovetoAbs(double x, double y);
21 | ISvgPathSegMovetoRel CreateSvgPathSegMovetoRel(double x, double y);
22 | ISvgPathSegLinetoAbs CreateSvgPathSegLinetoAbs(double x, double y);
23 | ISvgPathSegLinetoRel CreateSvgPathSegLinetoRel(double x, double y);
24 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(double x,
25 | double y,
26 | double x1,
27 | double y1,
28 | double x2,
29 | double y2);
30 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoCubicRel CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(double x,
31 | double y,
32 | double x1,
33 | double y1,
34 | double x2,
35 | double y2);
36 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(double x,
37 | double y,
38 | double x1,
39 | double y1);
40 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(double x,
41 | double y,
42 | double x1,
43 | double y1);
44 |
45 | ISvgPathSegArcAbs CreateSvgPathSegArcAbs(double x,
46 | double y,
47 | double r1,
48 | double r2,
49 | double angle,
50 | bool largeArcFlag,
51 | bool sweepFlag);
52 |
53 | ISvgPathSegArcRel CreateSvgPathSegArcRel(double x,
54 | double y,
55 | double r1,
56 | double r2,
57 | double angle,
58 | bool largeArcFlag,
59 | bool sweepFlag);
60 |
61 | ISvgPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs CreateSvgPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(double x);
62 |
63 | ISvgPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel CreateSvgPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(double x);
64 |
65 | ISvgPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs CreateSvgPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(double y);
66 |
67 | ISvgPathSegLinetoVerticalRel CreateSvgPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(double y);
68 |
69 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(double x,
70 | double y,
71 | double x2,
72 | double y2);
73 |
74 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(double x,
75 | double y,
76 | double x2,
77 | double y2);
78 |
79 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(double x,
80 | double y);
81 |
82 | ISvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel CreateSvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(double x,
83 | double y);
84 | }
85 | }