1 | using System;
2 |
3 | namespace SharpVectors.Dom.Css
4 | {
5 | /// <summary>
6 | /// The CSSRule interface is the abstract base interface for any
7 | /// type of CSS statement. This includes both rule sets and
8 | /// at-rules. An implementation is expected to preserve all rules
9 | /// specified in a CSS style sheet, even if the rule is not recognized
10 | /// by the parser. Unrecognized rules are represented using the
11 | /// CSSUnknownRule interface.
12 | /// </summary>
13 | /// <developer>niklas@protocol7.com</developer>
14 | /// <completed>80</completed>
15 | public interface ICssRule
16 | {
17 | /// <summary>
18 | /// The type of the rule, as defined above. The expectation is that binding-specific casting methods can be used to cast down from an instance of the CSSRule interface to the specific derived interface implied by the type.
19 | /// </summary>
20 | SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleSheet ParentStyleSheet{get;}
21 |
22 | /// <summary>
23 | /// The style sheet that contains this rule.
24 | /// </summary>
25 | SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssRule ParentRule{get;}
26 |
27 | /// <summary>
28 | /// If this rule is contained inside another rule (e.g. a style rule inside an @media block), this is the containing rule. If this rule is not nested inside any other rules, this returns null
29 | /// </summary>
30 | SharpVectors.Dom.Css.CssRuleType Type{get;}
31 |
32 | /// <summary>
33 | /// The parsable textual representation of the rule. This reflects the current state of the rule and not its initial value
34 | /// </summary>
35 | /// <exception cref="DomException">SYNTAX_ERR: Raised if the specified CSS string value has a syntax error and is unparsable.</exception>
36 | /// <exception cref="DomException">INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: Raised if the specified CSS string value represents a different type of rule than the current one.</exception>
37 | /// <exception cref="DomException">HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if the rule cannot be inserted at this point in the style sheet.</exception>
38 | /// <exception cref="DomException">NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if the rule is readonly.</exception>
39 | string CssText{get;set;}
40 | }
41 | }