1 | using System;
2 |
3 | using System.Windows;
4 | using System.Windows.Media;
5 |
6 | using SharpVectors.Renderers.Wpf;
7 |
8 | namespace SharpVectors.Converters
9 | {
10 | /// <summary>
11 | /// This is the <see langword="abstract"/> base class for all
12 | /// SVG to WPF converters.
13 | /// </summary>
14 | public abstract class SvgConverter : DependencyObject, IDisposable
15 | {
16 | #region Private Fields
17 |
18 | private bool _saveXaml;
19 | private bool _saveZaml;
20 | private bool _useFrameXamlWriter;
21 |
22 | private WpfDrawingSettings _wpfSettings;
23 |
24 | #endregion
25 |
26 | #region Constructors and Destrutor
27 |
28 | /// <overloads>
29 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SvgConverter"/> class.
30 | /// </overloads>
31 | /// <summary>
32 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SvgConverter"/> class
33 | /// with the default parameters and settings.
34 | /// </summary>
35 | protected SvgConverter()
36 | : this(null)
37 | {
38 | }
39 |
40 | /// <summary>
41 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SvgConverter"/> class
42 | /// with the specified drawing or rendering settings.
43 | /// </summary>
44 | /// <param name="settings">
45 | /// This specifies the settings used by the rendering or drawing engine.
46 | /// If this is <see langword="null"/>, the default settings is used.
47 | /// </param>
48 | protected SvgConverter(WpfDrawingSettings settings)
49 | {
50 | _saveXaml = true;
51 | _saveZaml = false;
52 | _wpfSettings = settings;
53 |
54 | if (_wpfSettings == null)
55 | {
56 | _wpfSettings = new WpfDrawingSettings();
57 | }
58 | }
59 |
60 | /// <summary>
61 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SvgConverter"/> class
62 | /// with the specified drawing or rendering settings and the saving options.
63 | /// </summary>
64 | /// <param name="saveXaml">
65 | /// This specifies whether to save result object tree in XAML file.
66 | /// </param>
67 | /// <param name="saveZaml">
68 | /// This specifies whether to save result object tree in ZAML file. The
69 | /// ZAML is simply a G-Zip compressed XAML format, similar to the SVGZ.
70 | /// </param>
71 | /// <param name="settings">
72 | /// This specifies the settings used by the rendering or drawing engine.
73 | /// If this is <see langword="null"/>, the default settings is used.
74 | /// </param>
75 | protected SvgConverter(bool saveXaml, bool saveZaml,
76 | WpfDrawingSettings settings) : this(settings)
77 | {
78 | _saveXaml = saveXaml;
79 | _saveZaml = SaveZaml;
80 | }
81 |
82 | /// <summary>
83 | /// This allows a converter to attempt to free resources and perform
84 | /// other cleanup operations before the converter is reclaimed by
85 | /// garbage collection.
86 | /// </summary>
87 | ~SvgConverter()
88 | {
89 | this.Dispose(false);
90 | }
91 |
92 | #endregion
93 |
94 | #region Public Properties
95 |
96 | /// <summary>
97 | /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to save the conversion
98 | /// output to the XAML file.
99 | /// </summary>
100 | /// <value>
101 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if the conversion output is saved
102 | /// to the XAML file; otherwise, it is <see langword="false"/>.
103 | /// The default depends on the converter.
104 | /// </value>
105 | public bool SaveXaml
106 | {
107 | get
108 | {
109 | return _saveXaml;
110 | }
111 | set
112 | {
113 | _saveXaml = value;
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | /// <summary>
118 | /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to save the conversion
119 | /// output to the ZAML file.
120 | /// </summary>
121 | /// <value>
122 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if the conversion output is saved
123 | /// to the ZAML file; otherwise, it is <see langword="false"/>.
124 | /// The default depends on the converter.
125 | /// </value>
126 | /// <remarks>
127 | /// The ZAML is simply a G-Zip compressed XAML format, similar to the
128 | /// SVGZ.
129 | /// </remarks>
130 | public bool SaveZaml
131 | {
132 | get
133 | {
134 | return _saveZaml;
135 | }
136 | set
137 | {
138 | _saveZaml = value;
139 | }
140 | }
141 |
142 | /// <summary>
143 | /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the .NET framework
144 | /// version of the XAML writer.
145 | /// </summary>
146 | /// <value>
147 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if the .NET framework version of the
148 | /// XAML writer is used; otherwise, a customized XAML writer,
149 | /// <see cref="XmlXamlWriter"/>, is used. The default is <see langword="false"/>.
150 | /// </value>
151 | /// <remarks>
152 | /// The customized XAML writer is optimized for the conversion process,
153 | /// and it is recommended as the writer, unless in cases where it fails
154 | /// to produce accurate result.
155 | /// </remarks>
156 | public bool UseFrameXamlWriter
157 | {
158 | get
159 | {
160 | return _useFrameXamlWriter;
161 | }
162 | set
163 | {
164 | _useFrameXamlWriter = value;
165 | }
166 | }
167 |
168 | /// <summary>
169 | /// Gets the settings used by the rendering or drawing engine.
170 | /// </summary>
171 | /// <value>
172 | /// An instance of <see cref="WpfDrawingSettings"/> specifying all
173 | /// the options for rendering or drawing.
174 | /// </value>
175 | public WpfDrawingSettings DrawingSettings
176 | {
177 | get
178 | {
179 | return _wpfSettings;
180 | }
181 | }
182 |
183 | #endregion
184 |
185 | #region IDisposable Members
186 |
187 | /// <overloads>
188 | /// This releases all resources used by the <see cref="SvgConverter"/> object.
189 | /// </overloads>
190 | /// <summary>
191 | /// This releases all resources used by the <see cref="SvgConverter"/> object.
192 | /// </summary>
193 | public void Dispose()
194 | {
195 | this.Dispose(true);
196 | GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
197 | }
198 |
199 | /// <summary>
200 | /// This releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="SvgConverter"/>
201 | /// and optionally releases the managed resources.
202 | /// </summary>
203 | /// <param name="disposing">
204 | /// This is <see langword="true"/> if managed resources should be
205 | /// disposed; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
206 | /// </param>
207 | protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
208 | {
209 | }
210 |
211 | #endregion
212 | }
213 | }