1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Resources;
6 | using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
7 | using System.Text;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.BanditPolicies;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.Bandits.GrammarPolicies;
11 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
12 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization;
13 |
14 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.GrammaticalOptimization {
15 | // a search procedure that uses a policy to generate sentences and updates the policy (online RL)
16 | // 1) Start with phrase = sentence symbol of grammar
17 | // 2) Repeat
18 | // a) generate derived phrases using left-canonical derivation and grammar rules
19 | // b) keep only the phrases which are allowed (sentence length limit)
20 | // c) if the set of phrases is empty restart with 1)
21 | // d) otherwise use policy to select one of the possible derived phrases as active phrase
22 | // the policy has the option to fail (for instance if all derived phrases are terminal and should not be visited again), in this case we restart at 1
23 | // ... until phrase is terminal
24 | // 3) Collect reward and update policy (feedback: state of visited rewards from step 2)
25 | public class SequentialSearch : SolverBase {
26 | // only for storing states so that it is not necessary to allocate new state strings whenever we select a follow state using the policy
27 | private class TreeNode {
28 | public int randomTries;
29 | public string phrase;
30 | public Sequence alternative;
31 | public TreeNode[] children;
32 |
33 | public TreeNode(string phrase, Sequence alternative) {
34 | this.alternative = alternative;
35 | this.phrase = phrase;
36 | }
37 | }
38 |
39 |
40 | private readonly int maxLen;
41 | private readonly IProblem problem;
42 | private readonly Random random;
43 | private readonly int randomTries;
44 | private readonly IGrammarPolicy behaviourPolicy;
45 | private readonly IGrammarPolicy greedyPolicy;
46 | private TreeNode rootNode;
47 |
48 | private int tries;
49 | private int maxSearchDepth;
50 |
51 | private string bestPhrase;
52 | private readonly List<string> stateChain;
53 |
54 | public SequentialSearch(IProblem problem, int maxLen, Random random, int randomTries, IGrammarPolicy behaviourPolicy) {
55 | this.maxLen = maxLen;
56 | this.problem = problem;
57 | this.random = random;
58 | this.randomTries = randomTries;
59 | this.behaviourPolicy = behaviourPolicy;
60 | this.greedyPolicy = new GenericGrammarPolicy(problem, new EpsGreedyPolicy(0.0), false);
61 | this.stateChain = new List<string>();
62 | }
63 |
64 | public bool StopRequested {
65 | get;
66 | set;
67 | }
68 |
69 | public override void Run(int maxIterations) {
70 | Reset();
71 |
72 | for (int i = 0; !StopRequested && !Done() && i < maxIterations; i++) {
73 | var phrase = SampleSentence(problem.Grammar);
74 | // can fail on the last sentence
75 | if (phrase.IsTerminal) {
76 | var sentence = phrase.ToString();
77 | tries++;
78 | var quality = problem.Evaluate(sentence) / problem.BestKnownQuality(maxLen);
79 | if (double.IsNaN(quality)) quality = 0.0;
80 | Debug.Assert(quality >= 0 && quality <= 1.0);
81 |
82 | if (quality > bestQuality) {
83 | bestPhrase = sentence;
84 | }
85 |
86 | OnSolutionEvaluated(sentence, quality);
87 | DistributeReward(quality);
88 |
89 | }
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 |
94 | private Sequence SampleSentence(IGrammar grammar) {
95 | Sequence phrase;
96 | do {
97 | stateChain.Clear();
98 | phrase = new Sequence(rootNode.phrase);
99 | } while (!Done() && !TryCompleteSentence(grammar, ref phrase));
100 | return phrase;
101 | }
102 |
103 | private bool TryCompleteSentence(IGrammar g, ref Sequence phrase) {
104 | if (phrase.Length > maxLen) throw new ArgumentException();
105 | if (g.MinPhraseLength(phrase) > maxLen) throw new ArgumentException();
106 | var curDepth = 0;
107 | var n = rootNode;
108 | stateChain.Add(n.phrase);
109 |
110 | while (!phrase.IsTerminal) {
111 | if (n.randomTries < randomTries) {
112 | n.randomTries++;
113 | maxSearchDepth = Math.Max(maxSearchDepth, curDepth);
114 | g.CompleteSentenceRandomly(random, phrase, maxLen);
115 | return true;
116 | } else {
117 | // => select using bandit policy
118 | // failure means we simply restart
119 | GenerateFollowStates(n); // creates child nodes for node n
120 |
121 | int selectedChildIdx;
122 | if (!behaviourPolicy.TrySelect(random, n.phrase, n.children.Select(ch => ch.phrase), out selectedChildIdx)) {
123 | return false;
124 | }
125 | phrase.ReplaceAt(phrase.FirstNonTerminalIndex, 1, n.children[selectedChildIdx].alternative);
126 |
127 | // prepare for next iteration
128 | n = n.children[selectedChildIdx];
129 | stateChain.Add(n.phrase);
130 | curDepth++;
131 | }
132 | } // while
133 |
134 | maxSearchDepth = Math.Max(maxSearchDepth, curDepth);
135 | return true;
136 | }
137 |
138 |
139 | private IEnumerable<string> GenerateFollowStates(TreeNode n) {
140 | // create children on the first visit
141 | if (n.children == null) {
142 | var g = problem.Grammar;
143 | // tree is only used for easily retrieving the follow-states of a state
144 | var phrase = new Sequence(n.phrase);
145 | char nt = phrase.FirstNonTerminal;
146 |
147 | int maxLenOfReplacement = maxLen - (phrase.Length - 1);
148 | // replacing aAb with maxLen 4 means we can only use alternatives with a minPhraseLen <= 2
149 | Debug.Assert(maxLenOfReplacement > 0);
150 |
151 | var alts = g.GetAlternatives(nt).Where(alt => g.MinPhraseLength(alt) <= maxLenOfReplacement);
152 |
153 | var children = new TreeNode[alts.Count()];
154 | int idx = 0;
155 | foreach (var alt in alts) {
156 | // var newPhrase = new Sequence(phrase); // clone
157 | // newPhrase.ReplaceAt(newPhrase.FirstNonTerminalIndex, 1, alt);
158 | // children[idx++] = new TreeNode(newPhrase.ToString(), alt);
159 |
160 | // since we are not using a sequence later on we might directly transform the current sequence to a string and replace there
161 | var phraseStr = phrase.ToString();
162 | var sb = new StringBuilder(phraseStr);
163 | sb.Remove(phrase.FirstNonTerminalIndex, 1).Insert(phrase.FirstNonTerminalIndex, alt.ToString());
164 | children[idx++] = new TreeNode(sb.ToString(), alt);
165 | }
166 | n.children = children;
167 | }
168 | return n.children.Select(ch => ch.phrase);
169 | }
170 |
171 | private void DistributeReward(double reward) {
172 | behaviourPolicy.UpdateReward(stateChain, reward);
173 | //greedyPolicy.UpdateReward(stateChain, reward);
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 | private void Reset() {
178 | StopRequested = false;
179 | behaviourPolicy.Reset();
180 | greedyPolicy.Reset();
181 | maxSearchDepth = 0;
182 | bestQuality = 0.0;
183 | tries = 0;
184 | rootNode = new TreeNode(problem.Grammar.SentenceSymbol.ToString(), new ReadonlySequence("$"));
185 | }
186 |
187 | public bool Done() {
188 | int selectedStateIdx;
189 | return !behaviourPolicy.TrySelect(random, rootNode.phrase, GenerateFollowStates(rootNode), out selectedStateIdx);
190 | }
191 |
192 | #region introspection
193 | public void PrintStats() {
194 | Console.WriteLine("depth: {0,5} tries: {1,5} best phrase {2,50} bestQ {3:F3}", maxSearchDepth, tries, bestPhrase, bestQuality);
195 |
196 | // use behaviour strategy to generate the currently prefered sentence
197 | var policy = behaviourPolicy;
198 |
199 | var n = rootNode;
200 |
201 | while (n != null) {
202 | var phrase = n.phrase;
203 | Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
204 | Console.WriteLine("{0,-30}", phrase);
205 | var children = n.children;
206 | if (children == null || !children.Any()) break;
207 | var values = children.Select(ch => policy.GetValue(ch.phrase));
208 | var maxValue = values.Max();
209 | if (maxValue == 0) maxValue = 1.0;
210 |
211 | // write phrases
212 | foreach (var ch in children) {
213 | SetColorForValue(policy.GetValue(ch.phrase) / maxValue);
214 | Console.Write(" {0,-4}", ch.phrase.Substring(Math.Max(0, ch.phrase.Length - 3), Math.Min(3, ch.phrase.Length)));
215 | }
216 | Console.WriteLine();
217 |
218 | // write values
219 | foreach (var ch in children) {
220 | SetColorForValue(policy.GetValue(ch.phrase) / maxValue);
221 | Console.Write(" {0:F2}", policy.GetValue(ch.phrase) * 10.0);
222 | }
223 | Console.WriteLine();
224 |
225 | // write tries
226 | foreach (var ch in children) {
227 | SetColorForValue(policy.GetValue(ch.phrase) / maxValue);
228 | Console.Write(" {0,4}", policy.GetTries(ch.phrase));
229 | }
230 | Console.WriteLine();
231 | int selectedChildIdx;
232 | if (!policy.TrySelect(random, phrase, children.Select(ch => ch.phrase), out selectedChildIdx)) {
233 | break;
234 | }
235 | n = n.children[selectedChildIdx];
236 | }
237 |
238 | Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
239 | Console.WriteLine("-------------------");
240 | }
241 |
242 | private void SetColorForValue(double v) {
243 | Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleEx.ColorForValue(v);
244 | }
245 | #endregion
246 |
247 | }
248 | }