1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using System.Windows.Media;
6 |
7 | namespace Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay
8 | {
9 | public static class BrushHelper
10 | {
11 | /// <summary>
12 | /// Creates a SolidColorBrush with random hue of its color.
13 | /// </summary>
14 | /// <returns>A SolicColorBrush with random hue of its color.</returns>
15 | public static SolidColorBrush CreateBrushWithRandomHue()
16 | {
17 | return new SolidColorBrush { Color = ColorHelper.CreateColorWithRandomHue() };
18 | }
19 |
20 | /// <summary>
21 | /// Makes SolidColorBrush transparent.
22 | /// </summary>
23 | /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
24 | /// <param name="alpha">The alpha, [0..255]</param>
25 | /// <returns></returns>
26 | public static SolidColorBrush MakeTransparent(this SolidColorBrush brush, int alpha)
27 | {
28 | Color color = brush.Color;
29 | color.A = (byte)alpha;
30 |
31 | return new SolidColorBrush(color);
32 | }
33 |
34 | /// <summary>
35 | /// Makes SolidColorBrush transparent.
36 | /// </summary>
37 | /// <param name="brush">The brush.</param>
38 | /// <param name="alpha">The alpha, [0.0 .. 1.0].</param>
39 | /// <returns></returns>
40 | public static SolidColorBrush MakeTransparent(this SolidColorBrush brush, double opacity)
41 | {
42 | return MakeTransparent(brush, (int)(opacity * 255));
43 | }
44 |
45 | public static SolidColorBrush ChangeLightness(this SolidColorBrush brush, double lightnessFactor)
46 | {
47 | Color color = brush.Color;
48 | HsbColor hsbColor = HsbColor.FromArgbColor(color);
49 | hsbColor.Brightness *= lightnessFactor;
50 |
51 | if (hsbColor.Brightness > 1.0) hsbColor.Brightness = 1.0;
52 |
53 | SolidColorBrush result = new SolidColorBrush(hsbColor.ToArgbColor());
54 | return result;
55 | }
56 |
57 | public static SolidColorBrush ChangeSaturation(this SolidColorBrush brush, double saturationFactor)
58 | {
59 | Color color = brush.Color;
60 | HsbColor hsbColor = HsbColor.FromArgbColor(color);
61 | hsbColor.Saturation *= saturationFactor;
62 |
63 | if (hsbColor.Saturation > 1.0) hsbColor.Saturation = 1.0;
64 |
65 | SolidColorBrush result = new SolidColorBrush(hsbColor.ToArgbColor());
66 | return result;
67 | }
68 | }
69 | }