[12503] | 1 | using System;
| 2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
| 3 | using System.Linq;
| 4 | using System.Text;
| 5 | using System.Windows.Media;
| 6 | using System.Windows;
| 7 |
| 8 | namespace Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Charts.Shapes
| 9 | {
| 10 | /// <summary>
| 11 | /// Represents a line in viewport space, coming through given points.
| 12 | /// </summary>
| 13 | public class ViewportLine : ViewportShape
| 14 | {
| 15 | private LineGeometry lineGeometry = new LineGeometry();
| 16 |
| 17 | /// <summary>
| 18 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ViewportLine"/> class.
| 19 | /// </summary>
| 20 | public ViewportLine() { }
| 21 |
| 22 | #region Properties
| 23 |
| 24 | #region Point1 property
| 25 |
| 26 | /// <summary>
| 27 | /// Gets or sets the first point. It is a DependencyProperty.
| 28 | /// </summary>
| 29 | /// <value>The point1.</value>
| 30 | public Point Point1
| 31 | {
| 32 | get { return (Point)GetValue(Point1Property); }
| 33 | set { SetValue(Point1Property, value); }
| 34 | }
| 35 |
| 36 | public static readonly DependencyProperty Point1Property = DependencyProperty.Register(
| 37 | "Point1",
| 38 | typeof(Point),
| 39 | typeof(ViewportLine),
| 40 | new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new Point(0, 0), OnPointReplaced));
| 41 |
| 42 | private static void OnPointReplaced(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
| 43 | {
| 44 | ViewportLine owner = (ViewportLine)d;
| 45 | owner.UpdateUIRepresentation();
| 46 | }
| 47 |
| 48 | #endregion
| 49 |
| 50 | #region Point2 property
| 51 |
| 52 | /// <summary>
| 53 | /// Gets or sets the second point. It is a DependencyProperty.
| 54 | /// </summary>
| 55 | /// <value>The point2.</value>
| 56 | public Point Point2
| 57 | {
| 58 | get { return (Point)GetValue(Point2Property); }
| 59 | set { SetValue(Point2Property, value); }
| 60 | }
| 61 |
| 62 | public static readonly DependencyProperty Point2Property = DependencyProperty.Register(
| 63 | "Point2",
| 64 | typeof(Point),
| 65 | typeof(ViewportLine),
| 66 | new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new Point(1, 1), OnPointReplaced));
| 67 |
| 68 | #endregion
| 69 |
| 70 | #endregion
| 71 |
| 72 | protected override void UpdateUIRepresentationCore()
| 73 | {
| 74 | base.UpdateUIRepresentationCore();
| 75 |
| 76 | Viewport2D viewport = Plotter.Viewport;
| 77 | double deltaX = Point1.X - Point2.X;
| 78 | double deltaY = Point1.Y - Point2.Y;
| 79 | double m = deltaY / deltaX;
| 80 | double b = Point1.Y - Point1.X * deltaY / deltaX;
| 81 |
| 82 | Func<double, double> func = x => m * x + b;
| 83 |
| 84 | double xMin = viewport.Visible.XMin;
| 85 | double xMax = viewport.Visible.XMax;
| 86 | Point p1 = new Point(xMin, func(xMin)).DataToScreen(viewport.Transform);
| 87 | Point p2 = new Point(xMax, func(xMax)).DataToScreen(viewport.Transform);
| 88 |
| 89 | lineGeometry.StartPoint = p1;
| 90 | lineGeometry.EndPoint = p2;
| 91 | }
| 92 |
| 93 | protected override Geometry DefiningGeometry
| 94 | {
| 95 | get { return lineGeometry; }
| 96 | }
| 97 | }
| 98 | }