1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using System.Windows.Markup;
6 | using Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Common.Auxiliary;
7 |
8 | namespace Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Charts.Axes.Numeric
9 | {
10 | /// <summary>
11 | /// Represents a ticks provider for logarithmically transfomed axis - returns ticks which are a power of specified logarithm base.
12 | /// </summary>
13 | public class LogarithmNumericTicksProvider : ITicksProvider<double>
14 | {
15 | /// <summary>
16 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LogarithmNumericTicksProvider"/> class.
17 | /// </summary>
18 | public LogarithmNumericTicksProvider()
19 | {
20 | minorProvider = new MinorNumericTicksProvider(this);
21 | minorProvider.Changed += ticksProvider_Changed;
22 | }
23 |
24 | /// <summary>
25 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LogarithmNumericTicksProvider"/> class.
26 | /// </summary>
27 | /// <param name="logarithmBase">The logarithm base.</param>
28 | public LogarithmNumericTicksProvider(double logarithmBase)
29 | : this()
30 | {
31 | LogarithmBase = logarithmBase;
32 | }
33 |
34 | private void ticksProvider_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
35 | {
36 | Changed.Raise(this);
37 | }
38 |
39 | private double logarithmBase = 10;
40 | public double LogarithmBase
41 | {
42 | get { return logarithmBase; }
43 | set
44 | {
45 | if (value <= 0)
46 | throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Strings.Exceptions.LogarithmBaseShouldBePositive);
47 |
48 | logarithmBase = value;
49 | }
50 | }
51 |
52 | private double LogByBase(double d)
53 | {
54 | return Math.Log10(d) / Math.Log10(logarithmBase);
55 | }
56 |
57 | #region ITicksProvider<double> Members
58 |
59 | private double[] ticks;
60 | public ITicksInfo<double> GetTicks(Range<double> range, int ticksCount)
61 | {
62 | double min = LogByBase(range.Min);
63 | double max = LogByBase(range.Max);
64 |
65 | double minDown = Math.Floor(min);
66 | double maxUp = Math.Ceiling(max);
67 |
68 | double logLength = LogByBase(range.GetLength());
69 |
70 | ticks = CreateTicks(range);
71 |
72 | int log = RoundingHelper.GetDifferenceLog(range.Min, range.Max);
73 | TicksInfo<double> result = new TicksInfo<double> { Ticks = ticks, TickSizes = ArrayExtensions.CreateArray(ticks.Length, 1.0), Info = log };
74 | return result;
75 | }
76 |
77 | private double[] CreateTicks(Range<double> range)
78 | {
79 | double min = LogByBase(range.Min);
80 | double max = LogByBase(range.Max);
81 |
82 | double minDown = Math.Floor(min);
83 | double maxUp = Math.Ceiling(max);
84 |
85 | int intStart = (int)Math.Floor(minDown);
86 | int count = (int)(maxUp - minDown + 1);
87 |
88 | var ticks = new double[count];
89 | for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
90 | {
91 | ticks[i] = intStart + i;
92 | }
93 |
94 | for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Length; i++)
95 | {
96 | ticks[i] = Math.Pow(logarithmBase, ticks[i]);
97 | }
98 |
99 | return ticks;
100 | }
101 |
102 | public int DecreaseTickCount(int ticksCount)
103 | {
104 | return ticksCount;
105 | }
106 |
107 | public int IncreaseTickCount(int ticksCount)
108 | {
109 | return ticksCount;
110 | }
111 |
112 | private MinorNumericTicksProvider minorProvider;
113 | public ITicksProvider<double> MinorProvider
114 | {
115 | get
116 | {
117 | minorProvider.SetRanges(ArrayExtensions.GetPairs(ticks));
118 | return minorProvider;
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | public ITicksProvider<double> MajorProvider
123 | {
124 | get { return null; }
125 | }
126 |
127 | public event EventHandler Changed;
128 |
129 | #endregion
130 | }
131 | }