1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using System.Windows;
6 | using Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Common.Auxiliary;
7 | using Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Common;
8 | using System.ComponentModel;
9 |
10 | namespace Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Charts.Axes
11 | {
12 | /// <summary>
13 | /// Contains data for custom generation of tick's label.
14 | /// </summary>
15 | /// <typeparam name="T">Type of ticks</typeparam>
16 | public sealed class LabelTickInfo<T>
17 | {
18 | internal LabelTickInfo() { }
19 |
20 | /// <summary>
21 | /// Gets or sets the tick.
22 | /// </summary>
23 | /// <value>The tick.</value>
24 | public T Tick { get; internal set; }
25 | /// <summary>
26 | /// Gets or sets additional info about ticks range.
27 | /// </summary>
28 | /// <value>The info.</value>
29 | public object Info { get; internal set; }
30 | /// <summary>
31 | /// Gets or sets the index of tick in ticks array.
32 | /// </summary>
33 | /// <value>The index.</value>
34 | public int Index { get; internal set; }
35 | }
36 |
37 | /// <summary>
38 | /// Base class for all label providers.
39 | /// Contains a number of properties that can be used to adjust generated labels.
40 | /// </summary>
41 | /// <typeparam name="T">Type of ticks, which labels are generated for</typeparam>
42 | /// <remarks>
43 | /// Order of apllication of custom label string properties:
44 | /// If CustomFormatter is not null, it is called first.
45 | /// Then, if it was null or if it returned null string,
46 | /// virtual GetStringCore method is called. It can be overloaded in subclasses. GetStringCore should not return null.
47 | /// Then if LabelStringFormat is not null, it is applied.
48 | /// After label's UI was created, you can change it by setting CustomView delegate - it allows you to adjust
49 | /// UI properties of label. Note: not all labelProviders takes CustomView into account.
50 | /// </remarks>
51 | public abstract class LabelProviderBase<T>
52 | {
53 |
54 | #region Private
55 |
56 | private string labelStringFormat = null;
57 | private Func<LabelTickInfo<T>, string> customFormatter = null;
58 | private Action<LabelTickInfo<T>, UIElement> customView = null;
59 |
60 | #endregion
61 |
62 | private static readonly UIElement[] emptyLabelsArray = new UIElement[0];
63 | protected static UIElement[] EmptyLabelsArray
64 | {
65 | get { return emptyLabelsArray; }
66 | }
67 |
68 | /// <summary>
69 | /// Creates labels by given ticks info.
70 | /// Is not intended to be called from your code.
71 | /// </summary>
72 | /// <param name="ticksInfo">The ticks info.</param>
73 | /// <returns>Array of <see cref="UIElement"/>s, which are axis labels for specified axis ticks.</returns>
74 | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
75 | public abstract UIElement[] CreateLabels(ITicksInfo<T> ticksInfo);
76 |
77 | /// <summary>
78 | /// Gets or sets the label string format.
79 | /// </summary>
80 | /// <value>The label string format.</value>
81 | public string LabelStringFormat
82 | {
83 | get { return labelStringFormat; }
84 | set
85 | {
86 | if (labelStringFormat != value)
87 | {
88 | labelStringFormat = value;
89 | RaiseChanged();
90 | }
91 | }
92 | }
93 |
94 | /// <summary>
95 | /// Gets or sets the custom formatter - delegate that can be called to create custom string representation of tick.
96 | /// </summary>
97 | /// <value>The custom formatter.</value>
98 | public Func<LabelTickInfo<T>, string> CustomFormatter
99 | {
100 | get { return customFormatter; }
101 | set
102 | {
103 | if (customFormatter != value)
104 | {
105 | customFormatter = value;
106 | RaiseChanged();
107 | }
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | /// <summary>
112 | /// Gets or sets the custom view - delegate that is used to create a custom, non-default look of axis label.
113 | /// Can be used to adjust some UI properties of generated label.
114 | /// </summary>
115 | /// <value>The custom view.</value>
116 | public Action<LabelTickInfo<T>, UIElement> CustomView
117 | {
118 | get { return customView; }
119 | set
120 | {
121 | if (customView != value)
122 | {
123 | customView = value;
124 | RaiseChanged();
125 | }
126 | }
127 | }
128 |
129 | /// <summary>
130 | /// Sets the custom formatter.
131 | /// This is alternative to CustomFormatter property setter, the only difference is that Visual Studio shows
132 | /// more convenient tooltip for methods rather than for properties' setters.
133 | /// </summary>
134 | /// <param name="formatter">The formatter.</param>
135 | public void SetCustomFormatter(Func<LabelTickInfo<T>, string> formatter)
136 | {
137 | CustomFormatter = formatter;
138 | }
139 |
140 | /// <summary>
141 | /// Sets the custom view.
142 | /// This is alternative to CustomView property setter, the only difference is that Visual Studio shows
143 | /// more convenient tooltip for methods rather than for properties' setters.
144 | /// </summary>
145 | /// <param name="view">The view.</param>
146 | public void SetCustomView(Action<LabelTickInfo<T>, UIElement> view)
147 | {
148 | CustomView = view;
149 | }
150 |
151 | protected virtual string GetString(LabelTickInfo<T> tickInfo)
152 | {
153 | string text = null;
154 | if (CustomFormatter != null)
155 | {
156 | text = CustomFormatter(tickInfo);
157 | }
158 | if (text == null)
159 | {
160 | text = GetStringCore(tickInfo);
161 |
162 | if (text == null)
163 | throw new ArgumentNullException(Strings.Exceptions.TextOfTickShouldNotBeNull);
164 | }
165 | if (LabelStringFormat != null)
166 | {
167 | text = String.Format(LabelStringFormat, text);
168 | }
169 |
170 | return text;
171 | }
172 |
173 | protected virtual string GetStringCore(LabelTickInfo<T> tickInfo)
174 | {
175 | return tickInfo.Tick.ToString();
176 | }
177 |
178 | protected void ApplyCustomView(LabelTickInfo<T> info, UIElement label)
179 | {
180 | if (CustomView != null)
181 | {
182 | CustomView(info, label);
183 | }
184 | }
185 |
186 | /// <summary>
187 | /// Occurs when label provider is changed.
188 | /// Notifies axis to update its view.
189 | /// </summary>
190 | public event EventHandler Changed;
191 | protected void RaiseChanged()
192 | {
193 | Changed.Raise(this);
194 | }
195 |
196 | private readonly ResourcePool<UIElement> pool = new ResourcePool<UIElement>();
197 | internal void ReleaseLabel(UIElement label)
198 | {
199 | if (ReleaseCore(label))
200 | {
201 | pool.Put(label);
202 | }
203 | }
204 |
205 | protected virtual bool ReleaseCore(UIElement label) { return false; }
206 |
207 | protected UIElement GetResourceFromPool()
208 | {
209 | return pool.Get();
210 | }
211 | }
212 | }