1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Text;
5 | using System.Windows.Controls;
6 | using System.ComponentModel;
7 |
8 | namespace Microsoft.Research.DynamicDataDisplay.Charts.Axes
9 | {
10 | /// <summary>
11 | /// Represents a base class for all DynamicDataDisplay's axes.
12 | /// Has several axis-specific and all WPF-specific properties.
13 | /// </summary>
14 | public abstract class GeneralAxis : ContentControl, IPlotterElement
15 | {
16 | /// <summary>
17 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GeneralAxis"/> class.
18 | /// </summary>
19 | protected GeneralAxis() { }
20 |
21 | #region Placement property
22 |
23 | private AxisPlacement placement = AxisPlacement.Bottom;
24 | /// <summary>
25 | /// Gets or sets the placement of axis - place in ChartPlotter where it should be placed.
26 | /// </summary>
27 | /// <value>The placement.</value>
28 | public AxisPlacement Placement
29 | {
30 | get { return placement; }
31 | set
32 | {
33 | if (placement != value)
34 | {
35 | ValidatePlacement(value);
36 | AxisPlacement oldPlacement = placement;
37 | placement = value;
38 | OnPlacementChanged(oldPlacement, placement);
39 | }
40 | }
41 | }
42 |
43 | protected virtual void OnPlacementChanged(AxisPlacement oldPlacement, AxisPlacement newPlacement) { }
44 |
45 | protected Panel GetPanelByPlacement(AxisPlacement placement)
46 | {
47 | Panel panel = null;
48 | switch (placement)
49 | {
50 | case AxisPlacement.Left:
51 | panel = ParentPlotter.LeftPanel;
52 | break;
53 | case AxisPlacement.Right:
54 | panel = ParentPlotter.RightPanel;
55 | break;
56 | case AxisPlacement.Top:
57 | panel = ParentPlotter.TopPanel;
58 | break;
59 | case AxisPlacement.Bottom:
60 | panel = ParentPlotter.BottomPanel;
61 | break;
62 | default:
63 | break;
64 | }
65 | return panel;
66 | }
67 |
68 | /// <summary>
69 | /// Validates the placement - e.g., vertical axis should not be placed from top or bottom, etc.
70 | /// If proposed placement is wrong, throws an ArgumentException.
71 | /// </summary>
72 | /// <param name="newPlacement">The new placement.</param>
73 | protected virtual void ValidatePlacement(AxisPlacement newPlacement) { }
74 |
75 | #endregion
76 |
77 | protected void RaiseTicksChanged()
78 | {
79 | TicksChanged.Raise(this);
80 | }
81 |
82 | public abstract void ForceUpdate();
83 |
84 | /// <summary>
85 | /// Occurs when ticks changes.
86 | /// </summary>
87 | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
88 | public event EventHandler TicksChanged;
89 |
90 | /// <summary>
91 | /// Gets the screen coordinates of axis ticks.
92 | /// </summary>
93 | /// <value>The screen ticks.</value>
94 | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
95 | public abstract double[] ScreenTicks { get; }
96 |
97 | /// <summary>
98 | /// Gets the screen coordinates of minor ticks.
99 | /// </summary>
100 | /// <value>The minor screen ticks.</value>
101 | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
102 | public abstract MinorTickInfo<double>[] MinorScreenTicks { get; }
103 |
104 | public abstract bool UseSmoothPanning
105 | {
106 | get;
107 | set;
108 | }
109 |
110 | #region IPlotterElement Members
111 |
112 | private Plotter2D plotter;
113 | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
114 | [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
115 | public Plotter2D ParentPlotter
116 | {
117 | get { return plotter; }
118 | }
119 |
120 | void IPlotterElement.OnPlotterAttached(Plotter plotter)
121 | {
122 | this.plotter = (Plotter2D)plotter;
123 | OnPlotterAttached(this.plotter);
124 | }
125 |
126 | protected virtual void OnPlotterAttached(Plotter2D plotter) { }
127 |
128 | void IPlotterElement.OnPlotterDetaching(Plotter plotter)
129 | {
130 | OnPlotterDetaching(this.plotter);
131 | this.plotter = null;
132 | }
133 |
134 | protected virtual void OnPlotterDetaching(Plotter2D plotter) { }
135 |
136 | public Plotter2D Plotter
137 | {
138 | get { return plotter; }
139 | }
140 |
141 | Plotter IPlotterElement.Plotter
142 | {
143 | get { return plotter; }
144 | }
145 |
146 | #endregion
147 | }
148 | }