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source: branches/HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization-gkr/HeuristicLab/SimSharp-3.0.7.xml @ 13847

Last change on this file since 13847 was 12893, checked in by gkronber, 10 years ago

#2283: experiments on grammatical optimization algorithms (maxreward instead of avg reward, ...)

File size: 25.6 KB
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3    <assembly>
4        <name>SimSharp-3.0.7</name>
5    </assembly>
6    <members>
7        <member name="T:SimSharp.EventQueue">
8            <summary>
9            An implementation of a min-Priority Queue using a heap.  Has O(1) .Contains()!
10            See for more information
11            </summary>
12            <remarks>
13            There are modifications so that the type is not generic anymore and can only hold values of type EventQueueNode
14            </remarks>
15        </member>
16        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.#ctor(System.Int32)">
17            <summary>
18            Instantiate a new Priority Queue
19            </summary>
20            <param name="maxNodes">EventQueueNodehe max nodes ever allowed to be enqueued (going over this will cause an exception)</param>
21        </member>
22        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.Clear">
23            <summary>
24            Removes every node from the queue.  O(n) (So, don't do this often!)
25            </summary>
26        </member>
27        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.Contains(SimSharp.EventQueueNode)">
28            <summary>
29            Returns (in O(1)!) whether the given node is in the queue.  O(1)
30            </summary>
31        </member>
32        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.Enqueue(System.DateTime,SimSharp.Event)">
33            <summary>
34            Enqueue a node - .Priority must be set beforehand!  O(log n)
35            </summary>
36        </member>
37        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.HasHigherPriority(SimSharp.EventQueueNode,SimSharp.EventQueueNode)">
38            <summary>
39            Returns true if 'higher' has higher priority than 'lower', false otherwise.
40            Note that calling HasHigherPriority(node, node) (ie. both arguments the same node) will return false
41            </summary>
42        </member>
43        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.Dequeue">
44            <summary>
45            Removes the head of the queue (node with highest priority; ties are broken by order of insertion), and returns it.  O(log n)
46            </summary>
47        </member>
48        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.UpdatePriority(SimSharp.EventQueueNode,System.DateTime)">
49            <summary>
50            This method must be called on a node every time its priority changes while it is in the queue. 
51            <b>Forgetting to call this method will result in a corrupted queue!</b>
52            O(log n)
53            </summary>
54        </member>
55        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.Remove(SimSharp.EventQueueNode)">
56            <summary>
57            Removes a node from the queue.  Note that the node does not need to be the head of the queue.  O(log n)
58            </summary>
59        </member>
60        <member name="M:SimSharp.EventQueue.IsValidQueue">
61            <summary>
62            <b>Should not be called in production code.</b>
63            Checks to make sure the queue is still in a valid state.  Used for testing/debugging the queue.
64            </summary>
65        </member>
66        <member name="P:SimSharp.EventQueue.Count">
67            <summary>
68            Returns the number of nodes in the queue.  O(1)
69            </summary>
70        </member>
71        <member name="P:SimSharp.EventQueue.MaxSize">
72            <summary>
73            Returns the maximum number of items that can be enqueued at once in this queue.  Once you hit this number (ie. once Count == MaxSize),
74            attempting to enqueue another item will throw an exception.  O(1)
75            </summary>
76        </member>
77        <member name="P:SimSharp.EventQueue.First">
78            <summary>
79            Returns the head of the queue, without removing it (use Dequeue() for that).  O(1)
80            </summary>
81        </member>
82        <member name="P:SimSharp.EventQueueNode.Priority">
83            <summary>
84            The Priority to insert this node at.  Must be set BEFORE adding a node to the queue
85            </summary>
86        </member>
87        <member name="P:SimSharp.EventQueueNode.InsertionIndex">
88            <summary>
89            <b>Used by the priority queue - do not edit this value.</b>
90            Represents the order the node was inserted in
91            </summary>
92        </member>
93        <member name="P:SimSharp.EventQueueNode.QueueIndex">
94            <summary>
95            <b>Used by the priority queue - do not edit this value.</b>
96            Represents the current position in the queue
97            </summary>
98        </member>
99        <member name="T:SimSharp.Condition">
100            <summary>
101            Conditions are events that execute when any or all of its sub-events are executed.
102            </summary>
103        </member>
104        <member name="T:SimSharp.Event">
105            <summary>
106            The base class for all events in SimSharp.
107            An event can be in one of three states at any time:
108             - Alive: The event object exists, but is neither scheduled to
109                      be executed, nor is it already executed.
110             - Triggered: The event has been put in the event queue and is
111                          going to be executed.
112             - Processed: The event has been executed.
114            Usually, the event is alive until its Trigger, Succeed, or Fail
115            method have been called. Then it becomes triggered. When the
116            Environment progresses to the event and executes its callbacks
117            the event becomes processed.
118            </summary>
119        </member>
120        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.Trigger(SimSharp.Event)">
121            <summary>
122            This method schedules the event right now. It takes the IsOk state
123            and uses the <see cref="P:SimSharp.Event.Value"/> of the given <paramref name="@event"/>.
124            Thus if the given event fails, this event will also be triggered as
125            failing.
126            </summary>
127            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
128            Thrown when the event has already been triggered.
129            </exception>
130            <remarks>
131            The signature of this method allows it to be used as a callback.
132            </remarks>
133            <param name="event">The event that triggers this event.</param>
134        </member>
135        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.Succeed(System.Object)">
136            <summary>
137            This method schedules the event right now. It sets IsOk state to true
138            and optionally uses also the value. If urgent is given, the event may
139            be scheduled as urgent. Urgent events are placed in a separate event
140            queue. The callbacks of urgent events are executed before normal events.
141            </summary>
142            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
143            Thrown when the event has already been triggered.
144            </exception>
145            <param name="value">The value that the event should use.</param>
146            <param name="urgent">Whether the event should be scheduled urgently.
147            This is ususally not required and should be reserved for very special
148            cases.</param>
149        </member>
150        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.Fail(System.Object)">
151            <summary>
152            This method schedules the event right now. It sets IsOk state to false
153            and optionally uses also the value. If urgent is given, the event may
154            be scheduled as urgent. Urgent events are placed in a separate event
155            queue. The callbacks of urgent events are executed before normal events.
156            </summary>
157            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
158            Thrown when the event has already been triggered.
159            </exception>
160            <param name="value">The value that the event should use.</param>
161            <param name="urgent">Whether the event should be scheduled urgently.
162            This is ususally not required and should be reserved for very special
163            cases.</param>
164        </member>
165        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.AddCallback(System.Action{SimSharp.Event})">
166            <summary>
167            This method adds a callback to the list of callbacks. Callbacks will be
168            executed in the order they have been added.
169            </summary>
170            <param name="callback">The callback to execute when the event is being
171            processed.</param>
172        </member>
173        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.AddCallbacks(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Action{SimSharp.Event}})">
174            <summary>
175            This method adds a range of callbacks to the list of callbacks. Callbacks
176            will be executed in the order they have been added.
177            </summary>
178            <param name="callbacks">The callbacks to execute when the event is being
179            processed.</param>
180        </member>
181        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.RemoveCallback(System.Action{SimSharp.Event})">
182            <summary>
183            This method removes a callback to the list of callbacks.
184            </summary>
185            <remarks>
186            It is not checked if the callback has actually been added before and
187            no exception will be thrown if it had not been present.
188            </remarks>
189            <param name="callback">The callback to remove.</param>
190        </member>
191        <member name="M:SimSharp.Event.Process">
192            <summary>
193            This method processes the event, that is, it calls all the callbacks.
194            When it finishes it will be marked IsProcessed and cannot be processed
195            again.
196            </summary>
197            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">When the event has already
198            been processed.</exception>
199        </member>
200        <member name="P:SimSharp.Event.Value">
201            <summary>
202            The value property can be used to return arbitrary data from a
203            process or an event. It also represents the interrupt cause to
204            a process.
205            </summary>
206        </member>
207        <member name="P:SimSharp.Event.IsOk">
208            <summary>
209            The IsOk flag indicates if the event succeeded or failed. An event
210            that failed indicates to a waiting process that the action could
211            not be performed and that the faulting situation must be handled.
212            Typically, interrupting a process sets the IsOk flag to false.
213            </summary>
214        </member>
215        <member name="P:SimSharp.Event.IsAlive">
216            <summary>
217            An event is alive when it is not triggered and not processed. That
218            is, when it exists in memory without being scheduled. Typically,
219            a Process is alive until its last event has been processed and the
220            process event itself is to be processed.
221            </summary>
222        </member>
223        <member name="P:SimSharp.Event.IsProcessed">
224            <summary>
225            An event becomes processed when its callbacks have been executed.
226            Events may only be processed once and an exception will be thrown
227            if they are to be processed multiple times.
228            </summary>
229        </member>
230        <member name="P:SimSharp.Event.IsTriggered">
231            <summary>
232            An event becomes triggered when it is placed into the event queue.
233            That is, when its callbacks are going to be executed.
234            An even that is triggered may later not be failed or retriggered.
235            </summary>
236        </member>
237        <member name="T:SimSharp.Environment">
238            <summary>
239            Environments hold the event queues, schedule and process events.
240            </summary>
241        </member>
242        <member name="M:SimSharp.Environment.RandExponential(System.Double)">
243            <summary>
244            Returns a number that is exponentially distributed given a certain mean.
245            </summary>
246            <remarks>
247            Unlike in other APIs here the mean should be given and not the lambda parameter.
248            </remarks>
249            <param name="mean">The mean(!) of the distribution is 1 / lambda.</param>
250            <returns>A number that is exponentially distributed</returns>
251        </member>
252        <member name="M:SimSharp.Environment.RandExponential(System.TimeSpan)">
253            <summary>
254            Returns a timespan that is exponentially distributed given a certain mean.
255            </summary>
256            <remarks>
257            Unlike in other APIs here the mean should be given and not the lambda parameter.
258            </remarks>
259            <param name="mean">The mean(!) of the distribution is 1 / lambda.</param>
260            <returns>A number that is exponentially distributed</returns>
261        </member>
262        <member name="P:SimSharp.Environment.DefaultTimeStepSeconds">
263            <summary>
264            Describes the number of seconds that a logical step of 1 in the *D-API takes.
265            </summary>
266        </member>
267        <member name="P:SimSharp.Environment.NowD">
268            <summary>
269            Calculates the logical date of the simulation by the amount of default steps
270            that have passed.
271            </summary>
272        </member>
273        <member name="P:SimSharp.Environment.Now">
274            <summary>
275            The current simulation time as a calendar date.
276            </summary>
277        </member>
278        <member name="P:SimSharp.Environment.StartDate">
279            <summary>
280            The calendar date when the simulation started. This defaults to 1970-1-1 if
281            no other date has been specified in the overloaded constructor.
282            </summary>
283        </member>
284        <member name="P:SimSharp.Environment.Random">
285            <summary>
286            The random number generator that is to be used in all events in
287            order to produce reproducible results.
288            </summary>
289        </member>
290        <member name="T:SimSharp.Process">
291            <summary>
292            A Process handles the iteration of events. Processes may define steps that
293            a certain entity in the simulation has to perform. Each time the process
294            should wait it yields an event and will be resumed when that event is processed.
295            </summary>
296            <remarks>
297            Since an iterator method does not have access to its process, the method can
298            retrieve the associated Process through the ActiveProcess property of the
299            environment. Each Process sets and resets that property during Resume.
300            </remarks>
301        </member>
302        <member name="M:SimSharp.Process.Interrupt(System.Object)">
303            <summary>
304            This interrupts a process and causes the IsOk flag to be set to false.
305            If a process is interrupted the iterator method needs to call HandleFault()
306            before continuing to yield further events.
307            </summary>
308            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This is thrown in three conditions:
309             - If the process has already been triggered.
310             - If the process attempts to interrupt itself.
311             - If the process continues to yield events despite being faulted.</exception>
312            <param name="cause">The cause of the interrupt.</param>
313        </member>
314        <member name="M:SimSharp.Process.HandleFault">
315            <summary>
316            This method must be called to reset the IsOk flag of the process back to true.
317            The IsOk flag may be set to false if the process waited on an event that failed.
318            </summary>
319            <remarks>
320            In SimPy a faulting process would throw an exception which is then catched and
321            chained. In SimSharp catching exceptions from a yield is not possible as a yield
322            return statement may not throw an exception.
323            If a processes faulted the Value property may indicate a cause for the fault.
324            </remarks>
325            <returns>True if a faulting situation needs to be handled, false if the process
326            is okay and the last yielded event succeeded.</returns>
327        </member>
328        <member name="P:SimSharp.Process.Target">
329            <summary>
330            Target is the event that is expected to be executed next in the process.
331            </summary>
332        </member>
333        <member name="T:SimSharp.Timeout">
334            <summary>
335            Timeouts are simple events that are executed after a certain timespan has passed.
336            </summary>
337        </member>
338        <member name="M:SimSharp.Timeout.#ctor(SimSharp.Environment,System.TimeSpan,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
339            <summary>
340            A timeout is an event that is executed after a certain timespan has passed.
341            </summary>
342            <remarks>
343            Timeout events are scheduled when they are created. They are always triggered
344            when they are created.
345            </remarks>
346            <param name="environment">The environment in which it is scheduled.</param>
347            <param name="delay">The timespan for the timeout.</param>
348            <param name="value">The value of the timeout.</param>
349            <param name="isOk">Whether the timeout should succeed or fail.</param>
350        </member>
351        <member name="T:SimSharp.StopSimulationException">
352            <summary>
353            An exception that is thrown to stop the simulation.
354            </summary>
355        </member>
356        <member name="T:SimSharp.FastRandom">
357            <summary>
358            A fast random number generator for .NET
359            Colin Green, January 2005
361            Key points:
362             1) Based on a simple and fast xor-shift pseudo random number generator (RNG) specified in:
363             Marsaglia, George. (2003). Xorshift RNGs.
366             This particular implementation of xorshift has a period of 2^128-1. See the above paper to see
367             how this can be easily extened if you need a longer period. At the time of writing I could find no
368             information on the period of System.Random for comparison.
370             2) Faster than System.Random. Up to 8x faster, depending on which methods are called.
372             3) Direct replacement for System.Random. This class implements all of the methods that System.Random
373             does plus some additional methods. The like named methods are functionally equivalent.
375             4) Allows fast re-initialisation with a seed, unlike System.Random which accepts a seed at construction
376             time which then executes a relatively expensive initialisation routine. This provides a vast speed improvement
377             if you need to reset the pseudo-random number sequence many times, e.g. if you want to re-generate the same
378             sequence of random numbers many times. An alternative might be to cache random numbers in an array, but that
379             approach is limited by memory capacity and the fact that you may also want a large number of different sequences
380             cached. Each sequence can be represented by a single seed value (int) when using FastRandom.
382             Notes.
383             A further performance improvement can be obtained by declaring local variables as static, thus avoiding
384             re-allocation of variables on each call. However care should be taken if multiple instances of
385             FastRandom are in use or if being used in a multi-threaded environment.
388            Colin Green, September 4th 2005
389              - Added NextBytesUnsafe() - commented out by default.
390              - Fixed bug in Reinitialise() - y,z and w variables were not being reset.
392            Colin Green, December 2008.
393              - Fix to Next() - Was previously able to return int.MaxValue, contrary to the method's contract and comments.
394              - Modified NextBool() to use _bitMask instead of a count of remaining bits. Also reset the bit buffer in Reinitialise().
396            Colin Green, 2011-08-31
397              - Added NextByte() method.
398              - Added new statically declared seedRng FastRandom to allow easy creation of multiple FastRandoms with different seeds
399                within a single clock tick.
401            Colin Green, 2011-10-04
402             - Seeds are now hashed. Without this the first random sample for nearby seeds (1,2,3, etc.) are very similar
403               (have a similar bit pattern). Thanks to Francois Guibert for identifying this problem.
405            </summary>
406        </member>
407        <member name="F:SimSharp.FastRandom.__seedRng">
408            <summary>
409            A static RNG that is used to generate seed values when constructing new instances of FastRandom.
410            This overcomes the problem whereby multiple FastRandom instances are instantiated within the same
411            tick count and thus obtain the same seed, that approach can result in extreme biases occuring
412            in some cases depending on how the RNG is used.
413            </summary>
414        </member>
415        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.#ctor">
416            <summary>
417            Initialises a new instance using a seed generated from the class's static seed RNG.
418            </summary>
419        </member>
420        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.#ctor(System.Int32)">
421            <summary>
422            Initialises a new instance using an int value as seed.
423            This constructor signature is provided to maintain compatibility with
424            System.Random
425            </summary>
426        </member>
427        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.Reinitialise(System.Int32)">
428            <summary>
429            Reinitialises using an int value as a seed.
430            </summary>
431        </member>
432        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.Next">
433            <summary>
434            Generates a random int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue-1.
435            MaxValue is not generated in order to remain functionally equivalent to System.Random.Next().
436            This does slightly eat into some of the performance gain over System.Random, but not much.
437            For better performance see:
439            Call NextInt() for an int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue.
441            Call NextUInt() and cast the result to an int to generate an int over the full Int32 value range
442            including negative values.
443            </summary>
444        </member>
445        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.Next(System.Int32)">
446            <summary>
447            Generates a random int over the range 0 to upperBound-1, and not including upperBound.
448            </summary>
449        </member>
450        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.Next(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
451            <summary>
452            Generates a random int over the range lowerBound to upperBound-1, and not including upperBound.
453            upperBound must be >= lowerBound. lowerBound may be negative.
454            </summary>
455        </member>
456        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextDouble">
457            <summary>
458            Generates a random double. Values returned are over the range [0, 1). That is, inclusive of 0.0 and exclusive of 1.0.
459            </summary>
460        </member>
461        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextBytes(System.Byte[])">
462            <summary>
463            Fills the provided byte array with random bytes.
464            This method is functionally equivalent to System.Random.NextBytes().
465            </summary>
466        </member>
467        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextUInt">
468            <summary>
469            Generates a uint. Values returned are over the full range of a uint,
470            uint.MinValue to uint.MaxValue, inclusive.
472            This is the fastest method for generating a single random number because the underlying
473            random number generator algorithm generates 32 random bits that can be cast directly to
474            a uint.
475            </summary>
476        </member>
477        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextInt">
478            <summary>
479            Generates a random int over the range 0 to int.MaxValue, inclusive.
480            This method differs from Next() only in that the range is 0 to int.MaxValue
481            and not 0 to int.MaxValue-1.
483            The slight difference in range means this method is slightly faster than Next()
484            but is not functionally equivalent to System.Random.Next().
485            </summary>
486        </member>
487        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextDoubleNonZero">
488            <summary>
489            Generates a random double. Values returned are over the range (0, 1). That is, exclusive of both 0.0 and 1.0.
490            </summary>
491        </member>
492        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextBool">
493            <summary>
494            Generates a single random bit.
495            This method's performance is improved by generating 32 bits in one operation and storing them
496            ready for future calls.
497            </summary>
498        </member>
499        <member name="M:SimSharp.FastRandom.NextByte">
500            <summary>
501            Generates a signle random byte with range [0,255].
502            This method's performance is improved by generating 4 bytes in one operation and storing them
503            ready for future calls.
504            </summary>
505        </member>
506    </members>
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