1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.IO;
5 | using System.Linq;
6 | using System.Text;
7 | using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
9 |
10 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.GrammaticalOptimization {
11 |
12 | // phrases and symbols are both strings
13 | // spaces are used to separate symbols in phases
14 | // terminal and non-terminal symbols must not contain white-space
15 | // white-spaces are not counted when determining the length of a sentence, only the number of terminal symbols is relevant
16 |
17 | public class Grammar : IGrammar {
18 |
19 | private readonly Dictionary<char, List<Sequence>> rules;
20 | private readonly HashSet<char> terminalSymbols;
21 | private readonly char sentenceSymbol;
22 | private readonly HashSet<char> nonTerminalSymbols;
23 | private readonly Dictionary<Sequence, int> maxPhraseLength = new Dictionary<Sequence, int>();
24 | private readonly Dictionary<Sequence, int> minPhraseLength = new Dictionary<Sequence, int>();
25 |
26 | public char SentenceSymbol { get { return sentenceSymbol; } }
27 | public IEnumerable<char> NonTerminalSymbols { get { return nonTerminalSymbols; } }
28 | public IEnumerable<char> TerminalSymbols { get { return terminalSymbols; } }
29 | public IEnumerable<char> Symbols { get { return nonTerminalSymbols.Concat(terminalSymbols); } } // ctor guarantees that intersection is empty
30 |
31 | // cloning ctor
32 | public Grammar(Grammar orig) {
33 | this.rules = new Dictionary<char, List<Sequence>>();
34 | foreach (var r in orig.rules)
35 | this.rules.Add(r.Key, new List<Sequence>(r.Value.Select(v => new ReadonlySequence(v)))); // clone sequences
36 | this.terminalSymbols = new HashSet<char>(orig.terminalSymbols);
37 | this.sentenceSymbol = orig.sentenceSymbol;
38 | this.nonTerminalSymbols = new HashSet<char>(orig.nonTerminalSymbols);
39 | this.maxPhraseLength = new Dictionary<Sequence, int>();
40 | foreach (var p in orig.maxPhraseLength) this.maxPhraseLength.Add(new ReadonlySequence(p.Key), p.Value);
41 | this.minPhraseLength = new Dictionary<Sequence, int>();
42 | foreach (var p in orig.minPhraseLength) this.minPhraseLength.Add(new ReadonlySequence(p.Key), p.Value);
43 | }
44 |
45 | public Grammar(string grammar) : this((Grammar)FromString(grammar)) { }
46 |
47 | public Grammar(char sentenceSymbol, IEnumerable<char> terminalSymbols, IEnumerable<char> nonTerminalSymbols, IEnumerable<Tuple<char, string>> rules) {
48 | this.sentenceSymbol = sentenceSymbol;
49 | this.terminalSymbols = new HashSet<char>(terminalSymbols);
50 | this.nonTerminalSymbols = new HashSet<char>(nonTerminalSymbols);
51 | this.rules = new Dictionary<char, List<Sequence>>();
52 | foreach (var r in rules) {
53 | if (!this.rules.ContainsKey(r.Item1)) this.rules.Add(r.Item1, new List<Sequence>());
54 | this.rules[r.Item1].Add(new ReadonlySequence(r.Item2)); // here we store an array of symbols for a phase
55 | }
56 |
57 | CheckValidity();
58 | CalculatePhraseLengthBounds();
59 | }
60 |
61 | private void CheckValidity() {
62 | // check validity of parameters
63 | if (!nonTerminalSymbols.Contains(sentenceSymbol) || // sentence symbol must be a non-terminal
64 | nonTerminalSymbols.Any(c => c < 'A' || c > 'Z') || // nonterminal symbols \in 'A' .. 'Z'
65 | terminalSymbols.Intersect(nonTerminalSymbols).Any() || // no overlap between non-terminals and terminal
66 | rules.Keys.Intersect(nonTerminalSymbols).Count() < nonTerminalSymbols.Count ||
67 | nonTerminalSymbols.Any(nt => !rules.ContainsKey(nt)) || // each nt must have at least one rule
68 | rules.Values.Any(alternatives => !alternatives.Any()) || // no eps alternatives
69 | rules.Any(rule => rule.Value.Any(alternative => alternative.Length == 1 && alternative[0] == rule.Key))
70 | // no infinite direct recursions
71 | ) {
72 | throw new ArgumentException();
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | private void CalculatePhraseLengthBounds() {
77 | // cache phrase lengths
78 | foreach (var nt in nonTerminalSymbols) {
79 | var min = int.MaxValue;
80 | var max = int.MinValue;
81 | foreach (var alt in rules[nt].OrderBy(alt => alt.Length)) {
82 | CalcAndSetMinPhraseLength(alt);
83 | CalcAndSetMaxPhraseLength(alt);
84 |
85 | min = Math.Min(min, minPhraseLength[alt]);
86 | max = Math.Max(max, maxPhraseLength[alt]);
87 | }
88 | minPhraseLength[new ReadonlySequence(nt)] = min;
89 | maxPhraseLength[new ReadonlySequence(nt)] = max;
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | public IEnumerable<Sequence> GetAlternatives(char nt) {
94 | return rules[nt];
95 | }
96 |
97 | public IEnumerable<Sequence> GetTerminalAlternatives(char nt) {
98 | return GetAlternatives(nt).Where(alt => alt.All(IsTerminal));
99 | }
100 |
101 | public IEnumerable<Sequence> GetNonTerminalAlternatives(char nt) {
102 | return GetAlternatives(nt).Where(alt => alt.Any(IsNonTerminal));
103 | }
104 |
105 | #region population of minphraselength cache
106 | private int CalcAndSetMinSymbolLength(char symb) {
107 | if (IsTerminal(symb)) return 1;
108 | else return Math.Min(short.MaxValue, rules[symb].Min(alt => CalcAndSetMinPhraseLength(alt))); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
109 | }
110 | private int CalcAndSetMinPhraseLength(Sequence phrase) {
111 | Debug.Assert(phrase is ReadonlySequence);
112 | int l;
113 | if (minPhraseLength.TryGetValue(phrase, out l)) return l;
114 | l = 0;
115 | minPhraseLength[phrase] = short.MaxValue; // mark
116 |
117 | foreach (var symb in phrase) {
118 | l += CalcAndSetMinSymbolLength(symb);
119 | }
120 |
121 | l = Math.Min(short.MaxValue, l); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
122 | minPhraseLength[phrase] = l; // update
123 | return l;
124 | }
125 | #endregion
126 |
127 | // read only access to caches
128 | private int MinSymbolLength(char symb) {
129 | if (IsTerminal(symb)) return 1;
130 | else return Math.Min(short.MaxValue, rules[symb].Min(alt => MinPhraseLength(alt))); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
131 | }
132 | public int MinPhraseLength(Sequence phrase) {
133 | var minLen = 0;
134 | if (minPhraseLength.TryGetValue(phrase, out minLen)) return minLen;
135 | foreach (var s in phrase) {
136 | minLen += MinSymbolLength(s);
137 | }
138 | return Math.Min(short.MaxValue, minLen); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
139 | }
140 |
141 | #region population of maxphraselength cache
142 | private int CalcAndSetMaxSymbolLength(char symb) {
143 | if (IsTerminal(symb)) return 1;
144 | else return Math.Min(short.MaxValue, rules[symb].Max(alt => CalcAndSetMaxPhraseLength(alt))); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
145 | }
146 | // caches for this are build in construction of object
147 | private int CalcAndSetMaxPhraseLength(Sequence phrase) {
148 | Debug.Assert(phrase is ReadonlySequence);
149 | int l;
150 | if (maxPhraseLength.TryGetValue(phrase, out l)) return l;
151 | l = 0;
152 | maxPhraseLength[phrase] = short.MaxValue; // mark
153 |
154 | foreach (var symb in phrase) {
155 | l += CalcAndSetMaxSymbolLength(symb);
156 | }
157 | l = Math.Min(short.MaxValue, l); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
158 | maxPhraseLength[phrase] = l; // update
159 | return l;
160 | }
161 | #endregion
162 |
163 | // read only access to caches
164 | public int MaxSymbolLength(char symb) {
165 | if (IsTerminal(symb)) return 1;
166 | else return Math.Min(short.MaxValue, rules[symb].Max(alt => MaxPhraseLength(alt))); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
167 | }
168 | public int MaxPhraseLength(Sequence phrase) {
169 | var maxLen = 0;
170 | if (maxPhraseLength.TryGetValue(phrase, out maxLen)) return maxLen;
171 | foreach (var s in phrase) {
172 | maxLen += MaxSymbolLength(s);
173 | }
174 | return Math.Min(short.MaxValue, maxLen); // maximal allowed value is short.MaxValue
175 | }
176 |
177 | public Sequence CompleteSentenceRandomly(System.Random random, Sequence phrase, int maxLen) {
178 | if (phrase.Length > maxLen) throw new ArgumentException();
179 | if (MinPhraseLength(phrase) > maxLen) throw new ArgumentException();
180 | while (!phrase.IsTerminal) {
181 | char nt = phrase.FirstNonTerminal;
182 |
183 | int maxLenOfReplacement = maxLen - (phrase.Length - 1); // replacing aAb with maxLen 4 means we can only use alternatives with a minPhraseLen <= 2
184 | Debug.Assert(maxLenOfReplacement > 0);
185 |
186 | var alts = GetTerminalAlternatives(nt).Where(alt => MinPhraseLength(alt) <= maxLenOfReplacement);
187 | Debug.Assert(alts.Any());
188 |
189 | // replace nt with random alternative
190 | var selectedAlt = alts.SelectRandom(random);
191 | phrase.ReplaceAt(phrase.FirstNonTerminalIndex, 1, selectedAlt);
192 |
193 | }
194 | return phrase;
195 | }
196 |
197 | public bool IsTerminal(char symbol) {
198 | return terminalSymbols.Contains(symbol);
199 | }
200 |
201 | public bool IsTerminal(string phrase) {
202 | // reverse because for our grammars and left-canonical derivation it is more likely that NTs occur near the end of the sequence
203 | for (int i = phrase.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
204 | if (!IsTerminal(phrase[i])) return false;
205 | }
206 | return true;
207 | }
208 |
209 | public bool IsNonTerminal(char symbol) {
210 | return nonTerminalSymbols.Contains(symbol);
211 | }
212 |
213 | private static readonly string symbRegex = @"(?<symb>[^\s\|\.])";
214 | private static readonly string altRegex = @"(?<alt>[^\s\|\.]+)";
215 | private static readonly string altListRegex = altRegex + @"(\s*\|\s*" + altRegex + @")*";
216 | // private static readonly string terminalClassRegex = @"[^\s\|\.]\s*\.\.\s*[^\s\|\.]";
217 | private static readonly string terminalClassRegex = symbRegex + @"\s*\.\.\s*" + symbRegex + @"\s*";
218 |
219 | private static readonly Regex sentenceSymbRegex = new Regex(@"\s*G\(" + symbRegex + @"\):\s*$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
220 | private static readonly Regex ruleRegex = new Regex(@"\s*" + symbRegex + @"\s*->\s*(" + altListRegex + "|" + terminalClassRegex + @")\s*$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
221 |
222 |
223 | // supports only meta-symbol for alternatives (syntax of formal grammars)
224 | // epsilon-alternatives are not supported
225 | public static IGrammar FromString(string grammar) {
226 | char sentenceSymbol;
227 | var nonTerminals = new List<char>();
228 | var terminals = new List<char>();
229 | var rules = new List<Tuple<char, string>>();
230 |
231 | using (var reader = new StringReader(grammar)) {
232 | var line = reader.ReadLine();
233 | while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) line = reader.ReadLine();
234 | // first line contains "G(...):"
235 | var match = sentenceSymbRegex.Match(line);
236 | if (!match.Success) throw new ArgumentException();
237 | sentenceSymbol = match.Groups["symb"].Value[0]; // only a single symbol is in the capture group
238 |
239 | line = reader.ReadLine();
240 | while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) {
241 | match = ruleRegex.Match(line);
242 | if (match.Length != line.Length) throw new ArgumentException();
243 | var nt = match.Groups["symb"].Captures[0].Value[0];
244 | if (!nonTerminals.Contains(nt)) nonTerminals.Add(nt);
245 |
246 | // contains alternatives?
247 | if (match.Groups["alt"].Captures.Count > 0) {
248 | foreach (var m in match.Groups["alt"].Captures) {
249 | rules.Add(Tuple.Create(nt, m.ToString()));
250 | }
251 | } else if (match.Groups["symb"].Captures.Count == 3) {
252 | // contains terminal range
253 | var fromSymb = match.Groups["symb"].Captures[1].Value[0];
254 | var toSymb = match.Groups["symb"].Captures[2].Value[0];
255 | if (fromSymb > toSymb) throw new ArgumentException("left symbol is larger than right symbol in range");
256 |
257 | for (byte b = Convert.ToByte(fromSymb); b <= Convert.ToByte(toSymb); b++) {
258 | rules.Add(Tuple.Create(nt, Convert.ToChar(b).ToString()));
259 | }
260 | }
261 |
262 | line = reader.ReadLine();
263 | }
264 | }
265 |
266 | foreach (var r in rules) {
267 | foreach (var s in r.Item2) {
268 | if (!nonTerminals.Contains(s) && !terminals.Contains(s)) terminals.Add(s);
269 | }
270 | }
271 | return new Grammar(sentenceSymbol, terminals, nonTerminals, rules);
272 | }
273 |
274 | public override string ToString() {
275 | // for debugging
276 | var sb = new StringBuilder();
277 | sb.AppendFormat("G({0}):", sentenceSymbol).AppendLine();
278 | foreach (var r in rules) {
279 | foreach (var alt in r.Value) {
280 | sb.AppendFormat(" {0} -> {1} (min: {2}, max {3})", r.Key, alt, MinPhraseLength(alt), MaxPhraseLength(alt))
281 | .AppendLine();
282 | }
283 | }
284 | return sb.ToString();
285 | }
286 | }
287 | }