[9102] | 1 | Changes in version 3.0 (RC/CTP)
| 2 | =============================================
| 3 | * new scene graph implementation
| 4 | * bugfix: complete dimension array removal retains other dim sizes
| 5 |
| 6 | Changes in version 2.14a (patch)
| 7 | =============================================
| 8 | * reverted to unsigned assemblies due to several reported issues
| 9 | (signed assemblies will be provided in the pro edition seperately
| 10 | in the future)
| 11 | * made the initialization of Renderer Types more robust + trace infos
| 12 |
| 13 | Changes in version 2.14
| 14 | =============================================
| 15 | * bugfix in mvnrnd: certain input data led to dimension mismatch error
| 16 | * bugfix in ILSize.IndexFromArray, corrected OOB checks
| 17 | * Updated MKL: version 11.1 (Windows, large matrix eigSymm bugfix)
| 18 | * Community + Professional Edition: strongly named assemblies
| 19 |
| 20 | Changes in version 2.13
| 21 | =============================================
| 22 | * implemented cross(A,B,normalize) for array columns
| 23 | * included Powershell module into nuget package
| 24 | see: http://ilnumerics.net/blog
| 25 |
| 26 | Changes in version 2.12
| 27 | =============================================
| 28 | * Added partial support for ILArray<System.Numerics.Complex>
| 29 | + ToString(), ILMath.convert<Complex,complex> and vice versa.
| 30 | * Added Complex[].ToILArray and ILArray<complex>.ToMSComplex
| 31 | Extension Methods
| 32 | * bugfix: expansion on emtpy arrays with first dim specified > 0 failed
| 33 | * bugfix: sort, on arrays with all but the last element sorted and no
| 34 | nans failed in certain cases
| 35 | * improved/closed hole in memory management: GetArrayForRead/Write()
| 36 | do only exist for non-temporary arrays (all except ILRet???)
| 37 | * removed license manager and toolbox license control
| 38 | * introduced Community (GPL) and Professional Edition
| 39 | * removed free and evaluation licenses (-> Community Edition)
| 40 |
| 41 | Changes in version 2.11
| 42 | =============================================
| 43 | * bug in var() fixed: in optimized scenarios may lead to inefficient memory handling
| 44 | * more robust license file handling for Free Trial Licenses
| 45 |
| 46 | Changes in version 2.10
| 47 | =============================================
| 48 | * loading of license from resources more robust:
| 49 | Now works even in secondary app domain scenarios. Recommended:
| 50 | Licenses should be loaded from file if the application is not started within a
| 51 | managed application domain (what happens when started from a console f.e.).
| 52 | This bugfix makes the library ignore an empty AppDomain Resource Manager and
| 53 | try to load the license from a regular file instead.
| 54 | * parallelized randn()
| 55 |
| 56 | Changes in version 2.9 (bugfix release)
| 57 | =============================================
| 58 | * fixes a bug in repmat: repmat did not handle insufficient dimension
| 59 | specifications for row vectors properly
| 60 |
| 61 | Changes in version 2.8.4408.34136
| 62 | =============================================
| 63 | * increased speed of all binary and unary functions
| 64 | * improved vector expansion: more efficient implace operations
| 65 | * some ML functions 2..3 times faster (especially kmeans)
| 66 | * new optimized ML function: distL1 (user request)
| 67 | * more robust license file handling: ignoring common encoding issues
| 68 | * option to (re)load license file at runtime
| 69 | * option to embed license file into execution assembly
| 70 | * removed a common privilege issue with performance counter installation
| 71 |
| 72 | Changes in version 2.7.4368.41400 (bugfix patch)
| 73 | =============================================
| 74 | bugfix: qr in economy mode failed in certain situations
| 75 |
| 76 | Changes in version 2.7.4363.39308
| 77 | =============================================
| 78 | bugfix: memory management had limited efficiency in certain situations
| 79 | ILMath.check: provide "Default" parameter on input 'null'
| 80 | reworked threading control for MKL
| 81 | added support for 32 bit Linux, MKL, v.10.3
| 82 | new Drawing example: LitSurfaceExample
| 83 | enabled COM/Interop for ILNumerics
| 84 |
| 85 | Changes in version 2.6.4343.42870 (first commercial release)
| 86 | =============================================
| 87 | removed namespace ILNumerics.BuiltInFunctions -> ILNumerics
| 88 | MachineParameterFloat -> MachineParameterSingle
| 89 | reduced number of supported types
| 90 | removed reference array feature -> lazy full clones instead
| 91 | removed CreateReference(), ILArray<T>.R
| 92 | removed "shifted subarrays"
| 93 | all binary operators receive arrays of same type only! (or System.Value type)
| 94 | types array creation: ILMath.create<>, .empty<>, .zeros<>
| 95 | removed: ILArray.Diagonal -> use ILMath.diag
| 96 | ILArray.GetShifted -> ILArray.Shifted
| 97 | removed ILIterator
| 98 | GetArrayForRead()/-Write()
| 99 | improved array debugger display
| 100 | ILCell (always) returns ILArrays!, scalars are unboxed
| 101 | optional setting: implicitly cast logical array to bool with allall()
| 102 | ILArray.Reshape does return reshaped array but does NOT alter self
| 103 | binary functions (add, subtract... ) dimension SIZE sufficient to match (was:shape)
| 104 | trailing singleton dimensions are not trimmed by default
| 105 | renamed: ILMath.vector -> ILMath.vec, explicit element type overloads (double, float, int)
| 106 | A[int[]] is not supported anymore due to conflicts with A[cell(1,2,3,4,5)]
| 107 | A[string[]] is integrated into A[params BaseArray[]], reducing compiler overload resolution problems
| 108 | .. -> simply replace "new int[]" (double,string,..) with "new ILBaseArray[]"
| 109 | A[null] -> empty !
| 110 | new subarray specifications: cell(A,B,2,full,r(1,2)),r(0:end(A,1)-1),full):
| 111 | * ILMath.end allows simple calculations (via expressions)
| 112 | * ILMath.full selects full dimension
| 113 | default vector orientation: column (specification by single dimension)
| 114 | Reshape on arrays: removed params int[] overload, use ILMath.size(dim1,dim2,..) instead
| 115 | meshgrid -> return arrays as cell
| 116 | subarray index specifier can now be mixed between string and array format: A[":",i,end]
| 117 | ILNumerics.Drawing is integrated into ILNumerics
| 118 | removed ILNumerics.Drawing.Controls namespace -> ILNumerics.Drawing
| 119 | changed function signatures for functions with multiple return parameters: removed ref keyword, incoming out parameters (if needed) are expected to be initialized already, f.e. ILMath.empty<>()
| 120 | removed ILArray<T>.zeros - use ILMath.zeros<T>() instead
| 121 | cart2pol removed result type. regular new ILNumerics API instead
| 122 | ILMath.FFT renamed to: ILMath.FFTImplementation (VB compatibility)
| 123 | ILMemoryPool: created generic equivalents for some functionality
| 124 | ILMath... API: removed all ref parameter (according to new general API parameter type schema)
| 125 | C# limited support: var and compound assignment operators are not supported anymore!!
| 126 | removed namespace ILNumerics.Settings -> ILSettings renamed to ILNumerics.Settings
| 127 | parallelized all internal functions
| 128 | complex structs are now serializable
| 129 | speed up repmat by factor 200
| 130 | changed typed interface for ILCell: indexer return cells only, scalar cells are dereferenced, added GetArray<T>, GetCell, GetScalar<T>
| 131 | homogenized interface for ILMatfile
| 132 | added xor()
| 133 | enabled virtual vector expansion on matching arrays for all binary operators (saving repmats)
| 134 | added isempty, mod + % operator, std, var, cov
| 135 | default orientation for vectors from elements: column vector
| 136 | conf setting: CreateRowVectorByDefault, defaults to: false / 'column'
| 137 | renamed ILDimension -> ILSize
| 138 | renamed A.Dimensions -> A.Size (original is deprecated)
| 139 | renamed A.D[] -> A.S[] (orig. is deprecated)
| 140 | added pif (single prec. pi constant)
| 141 | added epsf (single prec. eps constant)
| 142 | added nanmean(), nansum()
| 143 | added license management
| 144 | reworked all examples
| 145 | provided 64 bit binaries (MKL)
| 146 | primary support for MKL now, options for FFTW3 and ACML kept
| 147 | implemented new memory management
| 148 | simplyfied ILNumerics.Drawing namespace
| 149 | removed support for ILFigure, ILControl
| 150 | removed ILNumerics.BuiltinFunctions namespace; moved ILMath -> ILNumerics
| 151 | several new settings -> ILSettings class
| 152 | implemented windows performance counters for memory pool
| 153 | windows performance counter for thread pool measures
| 154 |
| 155 | =======================================================
| 156 | Changelog for old (open source) core module:
| 157 |
| 158 | Changes in version 1.4.11
| 159 | =========================
| 160 | * small docu bugfix: ILArray<T>[int] (contributed)
| 161 | * added AutoTestCaseGeneration project
| 162 | (permutes all parameter for all Core functions)
| 163 |
| 164 | Changes in version 1.4.10
| 165 | =========================
| 166 | * implemented nonrecursive quicksort
| 167 | * some documentation fixes
| 168 | * new Settings in ILSettings (rel. sorting)
| 169 | * refinements in ILArray.ToString() for NaN/Inf
| 170 |
| 171 | Changes in version 1.4.09
| 172 | =========================
| 173 | * switched to .NET 3.5/ VS2008
| 174 | * refinements to complex.ToString() (contributed)
| 175 | * refinements to ILArray.ToString() (contributed)
| 176 | * made public internal QuickSort public
| 177 | * bugfix: sequential index access on reference arrays failed in certain situations
| 178 |
| 179 | Changes in version 1.4.08
| 180 | ==========================
| 181 | (skipped)
| 182 |
| 183 | Changes in version 1.4.07
| 184 | ==========================
| 185 | * added builtin function: atan2
| 186 |
| 187 | Changes in version 1.4.06
| 188 | ==========================
| 189 | * bugfix: ILACML1_4.cs: incorrect mapping for ?potri
| 190 |
| 191 | Changes in version 1.4.05
| 192 | ==========================
| 193 | * fixed a bug in ILMath.rank
| 194 |
| 195 | Changes in version 1.4.04
| 196 | ===========================
| 197 | * fixed a bug in single element set acces:
| 198 | (setting element in referencing array led to wrong result for certain subarrays)
| 199 | * sped up implicit cast operator T[,] and T[,,]
| 200 |
| 201 | Changes in version 1.4.03
| 202 | ===========================
| 203 | * sort: return indices rel. to dim length
| 204 | * repmat: simplified interface (no 'rows' parameter)
| 205 | * horzcat, vertcat: improved exception handling
| 206 | * added: isequal, isequalwithequalnans
| 207 | * max,min handling NaN and Inf properly now
| 208 | * new testing framework: ILAutoTestCaseGenerator
| 209 | * ILMatFile: added Int64, UInt64 capabilities
| 210 | * binary function (add,.. etc) allowing one empty if the other parameter ist scalar
| 211 | * binary functions (add,...) saturate for integral types
| 212 | * fixed a bug in pinv for complex types (conj missed transpose)
| 213 | * complex division operator: properly handles NaN inputs
| 214 | * any() now truely ignores NaN values
| 215 |
| 216 | Changes in version 1.4.01
| 217 | ===========================
| 218 | * bugfix and(scalar, array), or(scalar,array)
| 219 | * ILArray.Reshape(params int[]) added
| 220 | * added: ILDimension.IsSameShape()
| 221 | * implemented FFT (generic interface)
| 222 | * implemented 3 FFT modules
| 223 | * moved all TESTs into seperate assembly
| 224 | * ILDimension is _really_ immutable now
| 225 | * ILDimension.getShiftedVersion -> GetShifted()
| 226 | * ILMath.reshape(A,...) preserving A
| 227 | * empty arrays dimensions preserve true sizes
| 228 | * ILArray can have trailing singleton dimensions
| 229 | * AMD ACML updated to version 4.1
| 230 | * ACML provided as seperate module
| 231 |
| 232 | Changes in version 1.3.15
| 233 | ===========================
| 234 | C: bugfix: diag(vect,-d)
| 235 | C: complex division with real values improved for NAN
| 236 | C: bugfix:ILArray<>.MaxValue, .MinValue on all NaN's
| 237 | C: bugfix:complex subtraction
| 238 | C: implemented unary minus on complex
| 239 | C: added ILMath.conj() - complex conjugate
| 240 | C: bugfix on n-dim reference unary operators for n>2 in certain situations
| 241 |
| 242 | Changes in version 1.3.14
| 243 | ===========================
| 244 | * C: mkl update to
| 245 | * C: MatrixProperties: Unknown,None
| 246 | * C: complex: support for NaN
| 247 | * C: complex division 0/inf=>NaN
| 248 | * C: + robust against overflow
| 249 | * C: strong name for core dll
| 250 | * D: 0.10.0
| 251 | * D: ILAxisLabel -> ILLabel (in NS also)
| 252 | * D: AxisLabelAlign -> LabelAlign
| 253 | * D: legends implemented
| 254 |
| 255 | Changes in version 1.3.13
| 256 | ===========================
| 257 | * C: bugfix:binary operator (some ref.matrices op. on scalar)
| 258 | * C: bugfix:complex division handling inf's
| 259 | * C: bugfix:ILDimension (semi)immutable
| 260 | * C: added ILSpecialData.sphere(int), moebius()
| 261 | * D: 0.9.29: plot controls
| 262 | * D: Y-Line graphs starting at '0' now
| 263 | * D: all markers (and more), -> <a href="http://ilnumerics.net/main.php?site=5136312">docu</a>
| 264 | * D: implemented colormaps for ILPanel
| 265 | * D: surface graphs receive X,Y,C arguments
| 266 | * D: colorbar renders current colormap
| 267 | * D: SaveToBitmap for ILPanel, ILSubfigure
| 268 |
| 269 | Changes in version 1.3.12
| 270 | ===========================
| 271 | * C: new function 'diff'
| 272 | * C: complex number bug fixes
| 273 | * D: 0.9.28: plot controls
| 274 | * D: internal labeling redesign
| 275 | * D: partial tex interpreter
| 276 | * D: X/Y plots
| 277 |
| 278 | Changes in version 1.3.11
| 279 | ===========================
| 280 | * D: 0.9.27: more speaking trace log
| 281 | * D: removed assertion failure on TickMode.Manual
| 282 | * C: bugfix: expand emtpy ILArrays
| 283 |
| 284 | Changes in version 1.3.10
| 285 | ===========================
| 286 | * new ILArray member: ExportValues(ref BaseT[] result)
| 287 | * bugfix on ILMath.ccomplex (had empty imag part)
| 288 | * new special data provider: ILSpecialData
| 289 | * redesigned ILFigure.dll -> ILNumerics.Drawing.dll
| 290 | * removed binary installer
| 291 |
| 292 | Changes in version 1.3.9
| 293 | ===========================
| 294 | * ILMath.convert supports numeric ILBaseArray as argument
| 295 | * Intel MKL merged into single lib
| 296 | * Redesign for OpenGL plot panel (beta)
| 297 |
| 298 | Changes in version 1.3.8
| 299 | ===========================
| 300 | * support for generalized eigenproblems for symmetrical/hermitian matrices A and B
| 301 | * improved string/debug display for complex number types
| 302 | * performance optimiziations for MKL working arrays (utilizing ILMemoryPool)
| 303 |
| 304 | Changes in version 1.3.7
| 305 | ===========================
| 306 | * License changed to LGPL v3
| 307 | * implemented Intel's MKL v10.0 (sequential)
| 308 |
| 309 | Changes in version 1.3.6
| 310 | ===========================
| 311 | * bugfix: expanding ILArray with left side ranges out of bounds, would not expand correctly in a special case
| 312 | * ILArray<T> A -> comparison with 'null' now also possible in boolean expressions like 'if (A==null) {...'
| 313 | * Improved array naming when writing to Matlab *.mat file.
| 314 |
| 315 | Changes in version 1.3.5
| 316 | ===========================
| 317 | * all ILMath.* functions now lowercase!
| 318 | -> PLEASE RENAME! find,vertact,horzcat!
| 319 | * bugfix: ILAsyncAlgorithm possibly caused
| 320 | dead lock on start
| 321 | * bugfix: in certain situations sort(A,out B)
| 322 | returned wrong indices
| 323 |
| 324 | Changes in version 1.3.4
| 325 | ===========================
| 326 | + new determinant function: ILMath.det(A)
| 327 | * implicit cast System.Array ->ILArray
| 328 | * some changes/corrections for docu
| 329 |
| 330 | Changes in version 1.3.3
| 331 | ===========================
| 332 | * Bugfix: calling linsolve with hermitian, pos.def. matrix A
| 333 | on non-AMD-processors was causing exception
| 334 | * added xml documentation files for IDE support:
| 335 | -> +ILNumerics.Net.xml,
| 336 | -> +ILFigure.xml
| 337 |
| 338 | =======================================================
| 339 | Changelog for old (open source) drawing module:
| 340 |
| 341 | Changes in version 0.13.03
| 342 | ===========================
| 343 | * reset defaults for ILSubfigure
| 344 | * reset defaults for Plot2dGraph
| 345 | * lots of documentation fixes
| 346 | * aligned web/html docu and chm files
| 347 | * fixed IILPanelConfigurator for older graphs
| 348 | * added > 10 examples to SVN repos.
| 349 |
| 350 | Changes in version 0.13.02
| 351 | ===========================
| 352 | * renamed: Drawing.Plots.ILLitBox3D
| 353 | -> Drawing.Shapes.ILLitBox
| 354 | * moved: Drawing.Graphs.ILBarGraph2D
| 355 | -> Drawing.Plots.ILBarGraph2D
| 356 | * implemented ILPlot (custom plots base)
| 357 | * ILPanel.Create() sets Dock=Filled also
| 358 | * added new plot: ILLitSink (demo)
| 359 | * added ILSceneGraphNode.EventingSuspend()
| 360 | * added ILSceneGraphNode.EventingResume()
| 361 | * new ILPanel.InteractiveMode: Translating (via CTRL key)
| 362 | * renamed ILLitBox3D.Wireframe -> ILLitBox3D.Edges
| 363 | * sped up ILLitBox3D
| 364 | * added ILPanel.Graph.AddPlot()
| 365 | * improved ILPanel event handling
| 366 | * ILPanel.AutoZoomContent -> AutoZoomOptions
| 367 | * IILPanelConfigurator interface
| 368 | * added ILSceneGraph.NodeAdded event
| 369 | * added ILSceneGraph.NodeRemoved event
| 370 | * removed! scene graph IEnumerable implementation
| 371 | -> use ILSceneGraphNode instead
| 372 | * added ILSceneGraphInnerNode.Remove(ILShape)
| 373 | * removed! IILLegendRenderer.Label
| 374 | * added IILLegendRenderer.LabelSize
| 375 | * renamed: IILRenderer -> IILTextRenderer
| 376 | * improved stability of axis ticks (NaN, Inf)
| 377 | * added Plots.ILBarGraph3D: IILPanelConfigurator
| 378 | * some documentation
| 379 | * added Plots.ILLitSurface: IILPanelConfigurator
| 380 | * improved ILLitSurface performance
| 381 | * renamed: Drawing.Plots.ILVectorField
| 382 | -> Drawing.Plots.ILVectorField2D
| 383 | * Implemented ILBorderedShape.Update()
| 384 | * improved sorting for transparent composite shapes
| 385 | * ILLitPolygon, ILPolygon, ILLines accept
| 386 | changed datalength on Update()
| 387 | * ILTriangles, ILQuads: added missing constructors
| 388 |
| 389 | Changes in version 0.13.01
| 390 | ===========================
| 391 | * hides labeled ticks also when hiding axis main lines
| 392 | * ILLitSurface: option to update X and Y values as well
| 393 | * added line properties for ILLines also
| 394 | * hides edge tick lines in 2D mode
| 395 | * renamed ILPanel.Transform -> ILPanel.World2Screen
| 396 | * added new shape: ILLitSphere via triangularization
| 397 | * ILLabel.Anchor, repl. ILTickLabelAlign
| 398 | * bugfix: ILPanel.DrawToBitmap()
| 399 | * Zoom actions more robust
| 400 | * lots of documentation
| 401 | * added ILPanel.PlotBoxScreenRect
| 402 | * added ILPanel.PlotBoxScreenSizeMode
| 403 | * added ILPanel.AspectRatio
| 404 | * switched to .NET 3.5/ VS2008
| 405 | * improved sorting of graphs for rendering
| 406 | * general performance tunings
| 407 | * added ILTickCollection.TicksAllowOverlap
| 408 | * some tick label tuning
| 409 | * added DefaultView handling for ILPanel (AutoDefaultView)
| 410 | * rebuilt rendering section (ILPanel,ILRenderProperties)
| 411 | * added ILLabel.Visible property
| 412 | * added ILCamera.Top
| 413 | * added ILCamera.LookAt
| 414 |
| 415 | Changes in version 0.12.12
| 416 | ===========================
| 417 | * addes some convenience constructors for ILLine shapes
| 418 | * improved properties interface for ILLine (lokal properties are aliased to local ILProperties class)
| 419 | * fixed a minor bug in ILTextRenderer (char caching may failed at edge of texture sheets)
| 420 | * added update capabilities for all composite shapes
| 421 | * new higher level plots: ILLitSurface, ILBarGraph3D, ILVectorField
| 422 | * much improved text rendering for shape labels: ILShapeLabel.FringeColor
| 423 | * some slight layout improvements (f.e. backcolor for ILPanel > light gray)
| 424 | * bugfix in ILColormap, handling out-o-range values
| 425 |
| 426 | Changes in version 0.12.11
| 427 | ===========================
| 428 | * reworked scene graph inner node structure
| 429 | * fixed automatic invalidation on changes to scene graph children collection
| 430 | * improved lightning for shapes
| 431 | * added new shapes: ILLitBorderedShape, ILLitQuad, ILLitTriangle
| 432 | * added new plots: ILLitBox3D, ILBarGraph3D (still under construction)
| 433 | * possibly breaking change: ILShape.Visible moved to ILSceneGraphNode.Visible
| 434 | (as well as some other properties of ILShape)
| 435 |
| 436 | Changes in version 0.12.10
| 437 | ===========================
| 438 | * corrected color (byte) -> OpenGL (float) translation in
| 439 | vertex renderer
| 440 |
| 441 | Changes in version 0.12.09
| 442 | ===========================
| 443 | * added Material to ILLitCompositShapes
| 444 | * removed unneeded/ outdated classes/files
| 445 |
| 446 | Changes in version 0.12.08
| 447 | ===========================
| 448 | * bugfix: ILLines did not apply line properties correctly
| 449 | * bugfix: compute normal vectors for composite shapes
| 450 |
| 451 | Changes in version 0.12.07
| 452 | ===========================
| 453 | * improved light capabilities
| 454 | * added ILLitSurfaceShape
| 455 | * improved performance on ILLitCompositeShapes
| 456 |
| 457 | Changes in version 0.12.06
| 458 | ===========================
| 459 | * added ILShape.Visible property
| 460 |
| 461 | Changes in version 0.12.05
| 462 | ===========================
| 463 | * fixes Zoom in 3D
| 464 | * implements morphing feature for Zoom
| 465 |
| 466 | Changes in version 0.12.04
| 467 | ===========================
| 468 | * removed AutoFitContent from graphs - caused confusion
| 469 | * added AutoZoomContent to ILPanel as replacement
| 470 |
| 471 | Changes in version 0.12.03
| 472 | ===========================
| 473 | bugfix on zero-height planes (surf)
| 474 | + added ILClippingData: AllowZeroVolume
| 475 | + moved m_* attributes of ILClippingData to private
| 476 | + zero planes get _middle_ color from colormap
| 477 | + fixed colorbar accordingly
| 478 |
| 479 | Changes in version 0.12.02
| 480 | ===========================
| 481 | * bugfix: ILColorBar.RegisterRangeSource improved parameter checking
| 482 |
| 483 | Changes in version 0.12.01
| 484 | ===========================
| 485 | * complete scene graph implementation
| 486 | * support for transparency (sorting of graphs)
| 487 | * more cleaner eventing / signaling model
| 488 | * scene graph partial invalidation/ reconfiguration
| 489 | * light for scene objects
| 490 | * dynamic graphs
| 491 | * ILCamera: new property: Position (X,Y,Z)
| 492 | * ... (just too much to count)
| 493 |
| 494 | Changes in version 0.10.02
| 495 | ===========================
| 496 | * detaching events on disposals
| 497 | * ILRendererAtrribute: added CoordSystem
| 498 | * ILRenderers are reused everywhere
| 499 |
| 500 | Changes in version: 0.10.01
| 501 | ===========================
| 502 | * ILAxisLabel -> ILLabel (in NS also)
| 503 | * AxisLabelAlign -> LabelAlign
| 504 | * legends implemented |