1 | ///
2 | /// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
3 | ///
4 | /// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
5 | /// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
6 | ///
7 | /// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | /// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
9 | /// the Free Software Foundation.
10 | ///
11 | /// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | /// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | /// GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | ///
16 | /// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | /// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
18 | /// of your distribution package. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | ///
20 | /// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
21 | ///
22 | /// =================================================================================
23 | /// The Open Toolkit Library License
24 | ///
25 | /// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
26 | ///
27 | /// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
28 | /// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
29 | /// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
30 | /// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
31 | /// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
32 | /// so, subject to the following conditions:
33 | ///
34 | /// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
35 | /// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
36 | ///
37 | /// =================================================================================
38 | ///
39 |
40 | using System;
41 | using System.Collections.Generic;
42 | using System.Text;
43 | using System.IO;
44 | using System.Linq.Expressions;
45 | using System.Runtime.Serialization;
46 | using ILNumerics;
47 | using ILNumerics.Misc;
48 | using ILNumerics.Data;
49 | using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
50 |
51 | namespace ILNumerics.Storage {
52 |
53 | [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerTypeProxy(typeof(ILNumerics.Misc.ILArrayDebuggerProxy<>))]
54 | [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("{ShortInfo(),nq}")]
55 | internal partial class ILDenseStorage<ElementType> : ILStorage<ElementType> {
56 |
57 | #region Constructors
58 | /// <summary>
59 | /// create new dense storage
60 | /// </summary>
61 | /// <param name="system_array">countable array</param>
62 | /// <param name="dimensions">dimensions</param>
63 | internal ILDenseStorage(ElementType[] system_array, ILSize dimensions)
64 | : base(dimensions) {
65 | if (system_array == null || dimensions == null)
66 | throw new ILArgumentException("system array and dimensions parameter may not be null");
67 | #if DEBUG
68 | //DebuggerTraceHelper.Output.Append("\r\nILDenseStorage(ElementType[],dim) : ");
69 | //var m = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().GetFrame(1).GetMethod();
70 | //DebuggerTraceHelper.Output.Append(String.Format("Called from: {1} - {0}",m.ToString(),m.ReflectedType.Name));
71 | #endif
72 | m_data = new ILCountableArray<ElementType>(system_array,dimensions.NumberOfElements);
73 | m_data.IncreaseReference();
74 | }
75 | internal ILDenseStorage(ILCountableArray<ElementType> countableArray, ILSize dimensions)
76 | : base(dimensions) {
77 | if (countableArray == null || dimensions == null)
78 | throw new ILArgumentException("countableArray and dimensions parameter may not be null");
79 | m_data = countableArray;
80 | m_data.IncreaseReference();
81 | }
82 | internal ILDenseStorage(ILSize dimensions)
83 | : base(dimensions) {
84 | m_data = new ILCountableArray<ElementType>(dimensions.NumberOfElements,true);
85 | m_data.IncreaseReference();
86 | }
87 | #endregion
88 |
89 | #region Destructor + Dispose
90 |
91 | /// <summary>
92 | /// dispose this storage
93 | /// </summary>
94 | /// <remarks><para>Calling Dispose should be the last method called for an ILDenseStorage.</para></remarks>
95 | internal override void Dispose(bool manual) {
96 |
97 | #if VERBOSE
98 | System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Disposing " + this.GetHashCode() + " called from: " + getCallee() );
99 | #endif
100 | if (manual) {
101 | if (Settings.s_measurePerformanceAtRuntime && m_size.NumberOfElements >= ILMemoryPool.Pool.MinArrayLength<ElementType>()) {
102 | ILMemoryPoolInternal<ElementType>.s_performanceCounters.PCDisposedHighIncrement();
103 | }
104 | }
105 | if (!IsDisposed) {
106 | if (m_data != null) {
107 | #if DEBUG
108 | //DebuggerTraceHelper.Output.Append(String.Format("\r\nDenseStorage Dispose HashCode: " + GetHashCode()));
109 | #endif
110 | m_data.DecreaseReference();
111 | m_data = null;
112 | }
113 | }
114 | }
115 | /// <summary>
116 | /// detach this storage: copy its countable array if necessary
117 | /// </summary>
118 | protected virtual void Detach() {
119 | if (m_data.ReferenceCount <= 1)
120 | return;
121 | Data = m_data.CreateCopy();
122 | }
123 | #endregion
124 |
125 | #region Subarray interface
126 | /// <summary>
127 | /// Subarray from this array
128 | /// </summary>
129 | /// <param name="range"> arrays specifying the ranges to create subarray from</param>
130 | /// <returns>subarray as specified</returns>
131 | internal virtual ILDenseStorage<ElementType> Subarray (params ILBaseArray[] range) {
132 | if (range.Length == 0) {
133 | return CreateSelf(ILSize.Empty00);
134 | } else if (range.Length == 1) {
135 | #region sequential index access
136 | if (object.Equals(range[0],null)) {
137 | return CreateSelf(ILSize.Empty00);
138 | } else if (range[0] is ILBaseArray<ILFullRange>) {
139 | return CreateSubarrayStorageFull();
140 | } else if (range[0] is ILBaseArray<ILRegularRange>) {
141 | return CreateRangedSubarray(range[0] as ILBaseArray<ILRegularRange>);
142 | } else if (range[0] is ILBaseArray<double>) {
143 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential((ILBaseArray<double>)range[0]);
144 | } else if (range[0] is ILDenseArray<string>) {
145 | // special case? A[":;0:3;0:end;..."] -> multiple dimensions given as single string
146 | string indStr = (string)(range[0] as ILDenseArray<string>).GetValue(0);
147 | string[] dimParts = indStr.Split(';');
148 | if (dimParts.Length == 0) {
149 | // empty range given
150 | return CreateSelf(ILSize.Empty00);
151 | } else if (dimParts.Length > 1) {
152 | range = new ILBaseArray [dimParts.Length];
153 | for (int i = 0; i < dimParts.Length; i++) {
154 | range[i] = dimParts[i];
155 | } // continue below: multi-dim range specification
156 | } else {
157 | return Subarray(ILRange.ParseDimension(indStr, Size.NumberOfElements));
158 | }
159 | } else if (range[0].Storage is ILCellStorage) {
160 | ILCellStorage indices = range[0].Storage as ILCellStorage;
161 | if (indices.Size.NumberOfElements == 1) {
162 | return Subarray(indices.GetScalar(0));
163 | } else if (indices.Size.NumberOfElements == 0) {
164 | return CreateSelf(ILSize.Empty00);
165 | } else {
166 | ILRightSideRange rngCell = new ILRightSideRange(Size, range);
167 | return CreateSubarrayStorage(rngCell);
168 | }
169 | } else if (range[0] is ILRetLogical) {
170 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILNumerics.ILMath.find((ILRetLogical)range[0]));
171 | } else if (range[0] is ILLogical) {
172 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILNumerics.ILMath.find((ILLogical)range[0]));
173 | } else if (range[0] is ILBaseArray<float>) {
174 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential((ILBaseArray<float>)range[0]);
175 | } else if (range[0] is ILBaseArray<Int32>) {
176 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential((ILBaseArray<Int32>)range[0]);
177 | } else if (range[0] is ILBaseArray<Int64>) {
178 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential((ILBaseArray<Int64>)range[0]);
179 | } else if (range[0] is ILExpression) {
180 | return CreateSubarrayStorageSequential((ILExpression)range[0]);
181 | } else
182 | throw new ILArgumentException ("specified type of indices array is not supported for sequential addressing!");
183 | #endregion sequential index access
184 | }
185 | ILRightSideRange rng = new ILRightSideRange(m_size, range);
186 | if (rng.Size.NumberOfElements == 0)
187 | return CreateSelf(ILSize.Empty00);
188 | return CreateSubarrayStorage(rng);
189 | }
190 |
191 | /// <summary>
192 | /// subarray from single dim, single range
193 | /// </summary>
194 | /// <returns>subarray (column vector)</returns>
195 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateRangedSubarray(ILBaseArray<ILRegularRange> range) {
196 | System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(range.IsScalar);
197 | ILRegularRange regRange = range.GetValue(0);
198 | regRange.Evaluate(Size.NumberOfElements - 1);
199 | bool dummy;
200 | ElementType[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType>(regRange.Length,false, out dummy);
201 | regRange.Extract(GetArrayForRead(),retArr, Size.NumberOfElements - 1);
202 | return CreateSelf(retArr, new ILSize(regRange.Length, 1));
203 | }
204 |
205 | /// <summary>
206 | /// create new subarray storage, sequentially addressed elements
207 | /// </summary>
208 | /// <param name="indices">sequential indices, arbitrary size</param>
209 | /// <returns>new storage, type of this storage, size and shape of indices</returns>
210 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILBaseArray<Expression> indices) {
211 | if (indices.Storage is ILDenseStorage<Expression> ) {
212 | Expression expr = (indices.Storage as ILDenseStorage<Expression>).GetArrayForRead()[0];
213 | int idx = ILExpression.Evaluate(expr,Size.NumberOfElements-1);
214 | if (idx < 0 || idx >= Size.NumberOfElements)
215 | throw new ILArgumentException("sequential index out of range");
216 | return CreateSelf(new ElementType[]{GetArrayForRead()[idx]}, indices.Size);
217 | } else {
218 | throw new ILArgumentException("Unsupported storage method for indices!");
219 | }
220 | }
221 |
222 | |
223 |
224 |
225 | /// <summary>
226 | /// create new subarray storage, sequentially addressed elements
227 | /// </summary>
228 | /// <param name="indices">sequential indices, arbitrary size</param>
229 | /// <returns>new storage, type of this storage, size and shape of indices</returns>
230 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILBaseArray<double> indices) {
231 | if (indices.Storage is ILDenseStorage< double > ) {
232 | double [] indArr = (indices.Storage as ILDenseStorage< double >).GetArrayForRead();
233 | int outLen = indices.Size.NumberOfElements;
234 | int myLen = Size.NumberOfElements;
235 | ElementType[] outdata = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType> (outLen);
236 | ElementType[] myData = GetArrayForRead();
237 | for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) {
238 | int targetIndex = (int)indArr[i];
239 | if (targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex >= myLen)
240 | throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("sequential index at position {0} out of range: {1}", i, targetIndex));
241 | outdata[i] = myData[targetIndex];
242 | }
243 | return CreateSelf(outdata, indices.Size);
244 | } else {
245 | throw new ILArgumentException("unsupported storage type for indices");
246 | }
247 | }
248 | |
250 | |
251 |
252 |
253 | /// <summary>
254 | /// create new subarray storage, sequentially addressed elements
255 | /// </summary>
256 | /// <param name="indices">sequential indices, arbitrary size</param>
257 | /// <returns>new storage, type of this storage, size and shape of indices</returns>
258 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILBaseArray<long> indices) {
259 | if (indices.Storage is ILDenseStorage< long > ) {
260 | long [] indArr = (indices.Storage as ILDenseStorage< long >).GetArrayForRead();
261 | int outLen = indices.Size.NumberOfElements;
262 | int myLen = Size.NumberOfElements;
263 | ElementType[] outdata = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType> (outLen);
264 | ElementType[] myData = GetArrayForRead();
265 | for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) {
266 | int targetIndex = (int)indArr[i];
267 | if (targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex >= myLen)
268 | throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("sequential index at position {0} out of range: {1}", i, targetIndex));
269 | outdata[i] = myData[targetIndex];
270 | }
271 | return CreateSelf(outdata, indices.Size);
272 | } else {
273 | throw new ILArgumentException("unsupported storage type for indices");
274 | }
275 | }
276 |
277 |
278 | /// <summary>
279 | /// create new subarray storage, sequentially addressed elements
280 | /// </summary>
281 | /// <param name="indices">sequential indices, arbitrary size</param>
282 | /// <returns>new storage, type of this storage, size and shape of indices</returns>
283 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILBaseArray<int> indices) {
284 | if (indices.Storage is ILDenseStorage< int > ) {
285 | int [] indArr = (indices.Storage as ILDenseStorage< int >).GetArrayForRead();
286 | int outLen = indices.Size.NumberOfElements;
287 | int myLen = Size.NumberOfElements;
288 | ElementType[] outdata = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType> (outLen);
289 | ElementType[] myData = GetArrayForRead();
290 | for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) {
291 | int targetIndex = (int)indArr[i];
292 | if (targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex >= myLen)
293 | throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("sequential index at position {0} out of range: {1}", i, targetIndex));
294 | outdata[i] = myData[targetIndex];
295 | }
296 | return CreateSelf(outdata, indices.Size);
297 | } else {
298 | throw new ILArgumentException("unsupported storage type for indices");
299 | }
300 | }
301 |
302 |
303 | /// <summary>
304 | /// create new subarray storage, sequentially addressed elements
305 | /// </summary>
306 | /// <param name="indices">sequential indices, arbitrary size</param>
307 | /// <returns>new storage, type of this storage, size and shape of indices</returns>
308 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorageSequential(ILBaseArray<float> indices) {
309 | if (indices.Storage is ILDenseStorage< float > ) {
310 | float [] indArr = (indices.Storage as ILDenseStorage< float >).GetArrayForRead();
311 | int outLen = indices.Size.NumberOfElements;
312 | int myLen = Size.NumberOfElements;
313 | ElementType[] outdata = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType> (outLen);
314 | ElementType[] myData = GetArrayForRead();
315 | for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) {
316 | int targetIndex = (int)indArr[i];
317 | if (targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex >= myLen)
318 | throw new ILArgumentException(String.Format("sequential index at position {0} out of range: {1}", i, targetIndex));
319 | outdata[i] = myData[targetIndex];
320 | }
321 | return CreateSelf(outdata, indices.Size);
322 | } else {
323 | throw new ILArgumentException("unsupported storage type for indices");
324 | }
325 | }
326 |
328 |
329 |
330 | /// <summary>
331 | /// create column vector of all this array elements
332 | /// </summary>
333 | /// <returns>new storage, type of this storage, size and shape of indices</returns>
334 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorageFull( ) {
335 | return CreateSelf(Data,new ILSize(Size.NumberOfElements,1));
336 | }
337 |
338 |
339 | /// <summary>
340 | /// create subarray from ILDenseStorage
341 | /// </summary>
342 | /// <param name="range"></param>
343 | /// <returns></returns>
344 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSubarrayStorage( ILRange range ) {
345 | using (range) {
346 | if (range == null || range.Size.NumberOfElements == 0)
347 | return CreateSelf(ILSize.Empty00);
348 | int rangeDimLen = range.RangeArray.Length, higherDimSum = 0;
349 | int leadDimLenRange = range[0].Count, leadDimLen = m_size[0];
350 | int curPosOut = 0, d, outElemCount = range.Size.NumberOfElements;
351 | ElementType[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType>(outElemCount);
352 | ElementType[] myArr = GetArrayForRead();
353 | int[] idxArr = new int[rangeDimLen]; // used to store current position inside higher dims
354 | ILIntList[] rng = range.RangeArray;
355 | int[] seqDistances = m_size.GetSequentialIndexDistances(range.Size.NumberOfDimensions);
356 | int[] inFullDim = new int[rangeDimLen];
357 | // initialize higher dimension summand and inFullDim[] flag array
358 | for (int i = 1; i < idxArr.Length; i++) {
359 | if (rng[i][0] < 0) {
360 | inFullDim[i] = rng[i][0];
361 | } else {
362 | inFullDim[i] = 0;
363 | higherDimSum += seqDistances[i] * rng[i][0];
364 | }
365 | }
366 | //for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < leadDimLenRange; lIdx ++) {
367 | // retArr[curPosOut++] = myArr[higherDimSum + rleadDim[lIdx]];
368 | //}
369 |
370 | while (true) {
371 | // copy along leading dimension
372 | int rng0Count = rng[0].Count; int[] rng0 = rng[0].GetArray();
373 | for (int i = 0; i < rng0Count; i++) {
374 | int rng0i = rng0[i];
375 | if (rng0i < 0) {
376 | if (-rng0i > Settings.s_minElementLength4SystemArrayCopy) {
377 | //int endOut = curPosOut -(rng0i - 1), startIn = higherDimSum;
378 | //for (; curPosOut < retArr.Length; curPosOut++) {
379 | // if (curPosOut >= endOut) break;
380 | // retArr[curPosOut] = myArr[startIn++];
381 | //}
382 | System.Array.Copy(myArr, higherDimSum, retArr, curPosOut, -(rng0i - 1));
383 | curPosOut -= (rng0i - 1);
384 | } else {
385 | //for (int c = -rng0[i]; c-- >= 0; ) {
386 | // retArr[curPosOut++] = myArr[higherDimSum++];
387 | //}
388 | //higherDimSum += (rng0[i] - 1); // negative value in rng!
389 | int endOut = curPosOut - (rng0i - 1), startIn = higherDimSum;
390 | for (; curPosOut < outElemCount; curPosOut++) {
391 | if (curPosOut >= endOut) break;
392 | retArr[curPosOut] = myArr[startIn++];
393 | }
394 | }
395 | } else {
396 | retArr[curPosOut++] = myArr[higherDimSum + rng0i];
397 | }
398 | }
399 |
400 | // increase higher dims
401 | d = 1;
402 | while (d < rangeDimLen) {
403 | if (inFullDim[d] < 0) {
404 | higherDimSum += seqDistances[d];
405 | inFullDim[d]++;
406 | break;
407 | }
408 |
409 | if (rng[d][idxArr[d]] >= 0) {
410 | higherDimSum -= (rng[d][idxArr[d]] * seqDistances[d]);
411 | } else {
412 | higherDimSum += (rng[d][idxArr[d]] * seqDistances[d]);
413 | }
414 | idxArr[d]++;
415 | if (idxArr[d] == rng[d].Count) {
416 | idxArr[d] = 0;
417 | if (rng[d][0] < 0) {
418 | inFullDim[d] = rng[d][0];
419 | } else {
420 | higherDimSum += seqDistances[d] * rng[d][0];
421 | }
422 | d++;
423 | } else if (rng[d][idxArr[d]] < 0) {
424 | inFullDim[d] = rng[d][idxArr[d]];
425 | break;
426 | } else {
427 | higherDimSum += seqDistances[d] * rng[d][idxArr[d]];
428 | break;
429 | }
430 |
431 | }
432 | if (d >= idxArr.Length)
433 | break;
434 | }
435 | return CreateSelf(retArr, range.Size);
436 | }
437 | }
438 | /// <summary>
439 | /// create new storage, shift dimensions
440 | /// </summary>
441 | /// <param name="shift">number of dimensions to shift</param>
442 | /// <returns>shifted storage </returns>
443 | private ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateShiftedStorage(int shift) {
444 | ILSize retDimensions = m_size.GetShifted(shift);
445 | int numElem = m_size.NumberOfElements - 1;
446 | ElementType[] retArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New<ElementType>(retDimensions.NumberOfElements);
447 | ElementType[] myArr = GetArrayForRead();
448 | int inc = m_size.SequentialIndexDistance(Math.Min(shift, m_size.NumberOfDimensions));
449 | int pos = 0;
450 | int i = 0;
451 | while (i < numElem) {
452 | retArr[i++] = myArr[pos];
453 | pos = (pos + inc) % numElem;
454 | }
455 | if (numElem >= 0) // except empty
456 | retArr[i] = myArr[numElem];
457 | return CreateSelf(retArr,retDimensions);
458 | }
459 |
460 | protected virtual ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSelf(ElementType[] data, ILSize size) {
461 | return new ILDenseStorage<ElementType>(data, size);
462 | }
463 | protected virtual ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSelf(ILSize size) {
464 | return new ILDenseStorage<ElementType>(size);
465 | }
466 | protected virtual ILDenseStorage<ElementType> CreateSelf(ILCountableArray<ElementType> Data, ILSize iLDimension) {
467 | return new ILDenseStorage<ElementType>(Data, iLDimension);
468 | }
469 |
470 | #endregion
471 |
472 | }
473 | }