1 | ///
2 | /// This file is part of ILNumerics Community Edition.
3 | ///
4 | /// ILNumerics Community Edition - high performance computing for applications.
5 | /// Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Haymo Kutschbach, http://ilnumerics.net
6 | ///
7 | /// ILNumerics Community Edition is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | /// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
9 | /// the Free Software Foundation.
10 | ///
11 | /// ILNumerics Community Edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | /// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | /// GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | ///
16 | /// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | /// along with ILNumerics Community Edition. See the file License.txt in the root
18 | /// of your distribution package. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | ///
20 | /// In addition this software uses the following components and/or licenses:
21 | ///
22 | /// =================================================================================
23 | /// The Open Toolkit Library License
24 | ///
25 | /// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
26 | ///
27 | /// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
28 | /// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
29 | /// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
30 | /// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
31 | /// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
32 | /// so, subject to the following conditions:
33 | ///
34 | /// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
35 | /// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
36 | ///
37 | /// =================================================================================
38 | ///
39 |
40 | using System;
41 | using System.Drawing;
42 | using System.Drawing.Imaging;
43 | using System.Windows.Forms;
44 | using System.Diagnostics;
45 | using ILNumerics.Exceptions;
46 | using ILNumerics.Drawing;
47 | using ILNumerics.Drawing.Graphs;
48 | using ILNumerics.Drawing.Lighting;
49 | using ILNumerics.Drawing.Interfaces;
50 | using OpenTK.Graphics;
51 | using OpenTK.Platform;
52 | using OpenTK;
53 | using OpenTK.Math;
54 | using ILNumerics.Drawing.Shapes;
55 | using System.Linq;
56 |
57 | namespace ILNumerics.Drawing.Platform.OpenGL {
58 | /// <summary>
59 | /// OpenGL implementation for ILPanel
60 | /// </summary>
61 | internal partial class ILOGLPanel : ILPanel, IILCreationFactory{
62 |
63 | #region members / properties
64 | bool m_mustReconfigureLight = true;
65 | GraphicsMode m_format;
66 | IWindowInfo m_window_info;
67 | IGraphicsContext m_context;
68 | IGLControl m_implementation;
69 | private const float Sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097f;
70 | double[] m_projMatrix = new double[16];
71 | double[] m_modelViewMatrix = new double[16];
72 | int[] m_viewMatrix = new int[16];
73 | float[] m_selectionVertices = new float[32]; // V2F format, interleaved
74 | int m_errorCount = 0;
75 | private readonly int MAXERRORLOGCOUNT = 100;
76 | protected bool m_polyOffsetEnable = true;
77 | /// <summary>
78 | /// Gets an interface to the underlying GraphicsContext used by this GLControl.
79 | /// </summary>
80 | public override object GetDeviceContext() {
81 | return m_context;
82 | }
83 |
84 | internal double[] ProjectionMatrix {
85 | get {
86 | return m_projMatrix;
87 | }
88 | }
89 | internal double[] ModelviewMatrix {
90 | get {
91 | return m_modelViewMatrix;
92 | }
93 | }
94 | internal int[] ViewMatrix {
95 | get {
96 | return m_viewMatrix;
97 | }
98 | }
99 |
100 | /// <summary>
101 | /// Control polygon offset ([on]/off)
102 | /// </summary>
103 | public bool PolyOffsetEnable {
104 | get {
105 | return m_polyOffsetEnable;
106 | }
107 | set {
108 | m_polyOffsetEnable = value;
109 | }
110 | }
111 |
112 | #endregion private members
113 |
114 | #region constructors
115 |
116 | internal ILOGLPanel() : base( GraphicDeviceType.OpenGL ) {
117 | #if TRACE
118 | Trace.TraceInformation("{0},{1} ILOGLPanel.ctor(mode) start",DateTime.Now, Environment.TickCount);
119 | Trace.Indent();
120 | #endif
121 |
122 | this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
123 | this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
124 | this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
125 | m_format = GraphicsMode.Default;
126 |
127 | if (Configuration.RunningOnWindows)
128 | m_implementation = new OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLControl(m_format, this);
129 | else if (Configuration.RunningOnX11)
130 | m_implementation = new OpenTK.Platform.X11.X11GLControl(m_format, this);
131 | else if (Configuration.RunningOnOSX)
132 | throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Refer to http://www.opentk.com for more information.");
133 |
134 | this.CreateControl();
135 |
136 | #if TRACE
137 | Trace.Unindent();
138 | Trace.TraceInformation("{0},{1} ILPanel.ctor(mode) end",DateTime.Now, Environment.TickCount);
139 | #endif
140 | }
141 |
142 | #endregion
143 |
144 | #region panel setup / destroy
145 |
146 | /// <summary>
147 | /// will get called after the handle has been created
148 | /// </summary>
149 | /// <param name="e"></param>
150 | protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) {
151 | base.OnHandleCreated(e);
152 | if (DesignMode)
153 | m_context = new DummyGLContext(null);
154 | else
155 | m_context = m_implementation.CreateContext();
156 |
157 | m_window_info = m_implementation.WindowInfo;
158 | this.MakeCurrent();
159 | ((IGraphicsContextInternal)m_context).LoadAll();
160 | OnGraphicsDeviceCreated();
161 | }
162 | /// <summary>
163 | /// gets called, after the handle has been destroyed
164 | /// </summary>
165 | /// <param name="e"></param>
166 | protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e)
167 | {
168 | base.OnHandleDestroyed(e);
169 | if (m_context != null)
170 | {
171 | m_context.Dispose();
172 | m_context = null;
173 | }
174 | m_window_info = null;
175 | }
176 | /// <summary>
177 | /// Dispose off the panels resources
178 | /// </summary>
179 | /// <param name="disposing"></param>
180 | protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
181 | m_active = false;
182 | base.Dispose(disposing);
183 | if (disposing) {
184 | // he ?
185 | }
186 | if (m_context != null && disposing) {
187 | m_context.Dispose();
188 | m_context = null;
189 | }
190 | }
191 |
192 | #endregion
193 |
194 | #region rendering related
195 |
196 | /// <summary>
197 | /// set up viewport, projection and modelview matrices
198 | /// </summary>
199 | protected override void UpdateMatrices(float width2D, float height2D, float zDepth) {
200 | if (ClientSize.IsEmpty) return;
201 | if (m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Size.IsEmpty) return;
202 |
203 | float worldSceneWidth;
204 | float worldSceneHeight;
205 | // ILPoint3Df camPos = m_camera.Position;
206 | ILPoint3Df top;
207 | ILPoint3Df moveOffset;
208 | helperUpdateMatrices(width2D, height2D, out worldSceneWidth, out worldSceneHeight, out top, out moveOffset);
209 |
210 | #region projection
211 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
212 | GL.LoadIdentity();
213 |
214 | float nearPlane = 0f; // Math.Max(0.0f, m_camera.Distance - m_clippingView.SphereRadius);
215 | float farPlane = m_camera.Distance + m_clippingView.SphereRadius * 100;
216 | if (m_projection == Projection.Perspective) {
217 | float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(worldSceneHeight / 2.0f, m_camera.Distance - (zDepth / 2)) * 2.0f;
218 | Glu.Perspective(angle / Math.PI * 180, (double)worldSceneWidth / worldSceneHeight,
219 | nearPlane, farPlane);
220 | } else {
221 | GL.Ortho(
222 | -worldSceneWidth / 2.0, worldSceneWidth / 2.0
223 | , -worldSceneHeight / 2.0, worldSceneHeight / 2.0
224 | , nearPlane, farPlane);
225 | }
226 | GL.GetDouble(GetPName.ProjectionMatrix,m_projMatrix);
227 | // set viewport
228 | GL.Viewport(0,0,ClientSize.Width,ClientSize.Height);
229 | GL.GetInteger(GetPName.Viewport,m_viewMatrix);
230 | #endregion
231 |
232 | #region modelview
233 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
234 | GL.LoadIdentity();
235 | ILGLU.LookAt (m_camera.Position, m_camera.LookAt, m_camera.Top, moveOffset);
236 |
237 | // Glu.LookAt(camPos.X, camPos.Y, camPos.Z
238 | // , m_camera.LookAt.X, m_camera.LookAt.Y, m_camera.LookAt.Z
239 | // , m_camera.Top.X, m_camera.Top.Y, m_camera.Top.Z);
240 | // GL.Translate(moveOffset.X,moveOffset.Y,moveOffset.Z);
241 |
242 | GL.GetDouble(GetPName.ModelviewMatrix, m_modelViewMatrix);
243 | //Console.Out.WriteLine("Camera: {0} || Top: {1} \n m_modelViewMatr:{2}",m_camera.ToString(), m_camera.Top.ToString(), String.Join(", ", m_modelViewMatrix));
244 | //Console.Out.WriteLine("Camera: {0} || Top: {1} \n m_modelViewMatr:{2}",m_camera.ToString(), m_camera.Top.ToString(), String.Join(", ", m_modelViewMatrix));
245 | #endregion
246 |
247 | }
248 |
249 | protected override void iRenderingState1(ILRenderProperties p) {
250 | MakeCurrent();
251 | }
252 | /// <summary>
253 | /// Render the OpenGL scene
254 | /// </summary>
255 | /// <param name="g"></param>
256 | protected override void iRenderingState2(ILRenderProperties p) {
257 |
258 | if (m_context == null || (!m_active && !m_drawHidden))
259 | return;
260 | try {
261 | //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("ILOGLPanel{0}: RenderScene, Thread={1}"
262 | // ,this.GetHashCode(), System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()));
263 | // draw background
264 | GL.ClearColor(m_backColor);
265 | GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
266 | // draw back axis
267 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest);
268 | if (m_fillBackground)
269 | renderBackground();
270 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend);
271 | //GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
272 | //GL.PushMatrix();
273 | if (m_polyOffsetEnable) {
274 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.PolygonOffsetFill);
275 | } else {
276 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.PolygonOffsetFill);
277 | }
278 | GL.PolygonOffset(1.0f,1.0f);
279 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend);
280 | m_axes.XAxis.RenderState1(p);
281 | m_axes.YAxis.RenderState1(p);
282 | if (m_camera.SinRho > 1e-5)
283 | m_axes.ZAxis.RenderState1(p);
284 |
285 | if ((m_plotBoxScreenSizeMode != PlotBoxScreenSizeMode.StrictOptimal)
286 | || (p.PassCount > 0)) {
287 |
288 | #region enable clipping planes
289 | if (m_renderProperties.Clipping) {
290 | unsafe {
291 | fixed (double* pClip = m_clipplanes) {
292 | if (m_clippingView.WidthF > 0) {
293 | GL.ClipPlane(ClipPlaneName.ClipPlane0, pClip);
294 | GL.ClipPlane(ClipPlaneName.ClipPlane1, pClip + 4);
295 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.ClipPlane0);
296 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.ClipPlane1);
297 | }
298 | if (m_clippingView.HeightF > 0) {
299 | GL.ClipPlane(ClipPlaneName.ClipPlane2, pClip + 8);
300 | GL.ClipPlane(ClipPlaneName.ClipPlane3, pClip + 12);
301 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.ClipPlane2);
302 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.ClipPlane3);
303 | }
304 | if (m_clippingView.DepthF > 0) {
305 | GL.ClipPlane(ClipPlaneName.ClipPlane4, pClip + 16);
306 | GL.ClipPlane(ClipPlaneName.ClipPlane5, pClip + 20);
307 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.ClipPlane4);
308 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.ClipPlane5);
309 | }
310 | }
311 | }
312 | }
313 | #endregion
314 | // draw all graphs
315 | //GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
316 | //ILPoint3Df ab = m_clippingView.CenterToUnitCube();
317 | //GL.Translate(ab.X, ab.Y, ab.Z);
318 | //ab = m_clippingView.ScaleToUnitCube();
319 | //GL.Scale(ab.X, ab.Y, ab.Z); //Identity; //RotationZ(m_cameraPhi);
320 |
321 | #region lighting
322 | if (m_mustReconfigureLight) {
323 | m_mustReconfigureLight = false;
324 | if (m_lights.Enabled) {
325 | float[] tmpF = new float[4]; tmpF[3] = 1.0f;
326 | foreach (ILLight light in m_lights) {
327 | EnableCap lightID = EnableCap.Light0 + light.Index;
328 | if (!light.Enabled) {
329 | GL.Disable(lightID);
330 | continue;
331 | }
332 | GL.Enable(lightID);
333 | tmpF[0] = light.Position.X;
334 | tmpF[1] = light.Position.Y;
335 | tmpF[2] = light.Position.Z;
336 | GL.Lightv((LightName)lightID, LightParameter.Position, tmpF);
337 | tmpF[0] = (float)light.Ambient.R / 255;
338 | tmpF[1] = (float)light.Ambient.G / 255;
339 | tmpF[2] = (float)light.Ambient.B / 255;
340 | GL.Lightv((LightName)lightID, LightParameter.Ambient, tmpF);
341 | tmpF[0] = (float)light.Specular.R / 255;
342 | tmpF[1] = (float)light.Specular.G / 255;
343 | tmpF[2] = (float)light.Specular.B / 255;
344 | GL.Lightv((LightName)lightID, LightParameter.Specular, tmpF);
345 | tmpF[0] = (float)light.Diffuse.R / 255;
346 | tmpF[1] = (float)light.Diffuse.G / 255;
347 | tmpF[2] = (float)light.Diffuse.B / 255;
348 | GL.Lightv((LightName)lightID, LightParameter.Diffuse, tmpF);
349 | }
350 | }
351 | }
352 | #endregion
353 |
354 | #region graph rendering
355 | // Easy sorting - this expects a few graphs in the collection only.
356 | // For situations, where a large number of graphs need to be sorted here,
357 | // one may implement sorting in the way it is done in ILSceneGraph
358 | // (via ILNumerics.ILArray and ILMath.sort).
359 |
360 | //m_graphs.Sort(new ILNumerics.Drawing.Misc.ILGraphComparer());
361 | m_sortingCacheList.Clear();
362 | m_graphs.GetSortedList4Render(m_camera, m_sortingCacheList);
363 | foreach (ILGraph graph in m_sortingCacheList) {
364 | try {
365 | graph.Draw(p);
366 | } catch (Exception e) {
367 | #if TRACE
368 | m_errorCount++;
369 |
370 | if (m_errorCount < MAXERRORLOGCOUNT) {
371 | System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError(String.Format("[{0}].Draw() failed: {1}",graph.GetType().Name,e.ToString()));
372 | } else if (m_errorCount == MAXERRORLOGCOUNT) {
373 | System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError(String.Format("(more than {0} errors. Further reporting disabled.)",m_errorCount));
374 | }
375 | #endif
376 | if (m_errorCount < 3) {
377 | MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "ILNumerics.Drawing");
378 | }
379 |
380 | }
381 | }
382 | #endregion
383 |
384 | #region world label test, please delete me
385 | //ILNumerics.Drawing.Labeling.ILLabel label = new ILNumerics.Drawing.Labeling.ILLabel(this);
386 | //label.Position = new Point(0,0);
387 | //label.Text = "World";
388 | //label.Renderer = TextRendererManager.GetDefault(CoordSystem.World3D);
389 | //label.Draw(g);
390 | #endregion
391 |
392 | #region disable clipping planes
393 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.ClipPlane0);
394 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.ClipPlane1);
395 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.ClipPlane2);
396 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.ClipPlane3);
397 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.ClipPlane4);
398 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.ClipPlane5);
399 | #endregion disable clipping planes
400 |
401 | }
402 | // render front axis
403 | //GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
404 | //GL.PopMatrix();
405 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend);
406 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.LineSmooth);
407 | m_axes.XAxis.RenderState2(p);
408 | m_axes.YAxis.RenderState2(p);
409 | if (m_camera.SinRho > 1e-5)
410 | m_axes.ZAxis.RenderState2(p);
411 |
412 | } catch (ILArgumentException e) {
413 | throw new ILArgumentException("rendering failed at state 2",e);
414 | }
415 | }
416 | /// <summary>
417 | /// swap buffers and finalize rendering
418 | /// </summary>
419 | /// <param name="p"></param>
420 | protected override void iRenderingState3(ILRenderProperties p) {
421 |
422 | try {
423 | p.Graphics = null;
424 | m_legend.Draw(p, Rectangle.Empty);
425 |
426 | #region screen label test, please delete me
427 | //label = new ILNumerics.Drawing.Labeling.ILLabel(this);
428 | //label.Position = new Point(30,40);
429 | //label.Text = "Screen";
430 | //label.Renderer = TextRendererManager.GetDefault(CoordSystem.Screen);
431 | //label.Draw(g);
432 | #endregion
433 |
434 | //GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
435 | if (m_selectingMode == InteractiveModes.ZoomRectangle && m_isDragging)
436 | drawSelectionRect(PointToClient(MousePosition));
437 |
439 | #region
440 | float[] viewport = new float[4];
441 | GL.GetFloat(GetPName.Viewport, viewport);
442 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
443 | GL.PushMatrix();
444 | GL.LoadIdentity();
445 | GL.Ortho(viewport[0], viewport[2], viewport[3], viewport[1], -1.0, 1.0);
446 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
447 | GL.PushMatrix();
448 | GL.LoadIdentity();
449 | GL.Color3(Color.LightGray);
450 | GL.LineWidth(1f);
451 | GL.Begin(BeginMode.LineLoop);
452 | GL.Vertex2(m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Left * ClientSize.Width, m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Top * ClientSize.Height);
453 | GL.Vertex2(m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Right * ClientSize.Width, m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Top * ClientSize.Height);
454 | GL.Vertex2(m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Right * ClientSize.Width, m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Bottom * ClientSize.Height);
455 | GL.Vertex2(m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Left * ClientSize.Width, m_plotBoxScreenRectF.Bottom * ClientSize.Height);
456 | GL.End();
457 | GL.PopMatrix();
458 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
459 | GL.PopMatrix();
460 | #endregion
461 |
462 | #endif
463 | //GL.Finish();
464 | // update model matrix (to be avilable for zooming etc.)
465 | //GL.GetDouble(GetPName.ModelviewMatrix,m_modelViewMatrix);
466 |
467 |
469 | #region
470 | // prepare GL
471 | float[] deb_viewport = new float[4];
472 | GL.GetFloat(GetPName.Viewport, deb_viewport);
473 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
474 | GL.PushMatrix();
475 | GL.LoadIdentity();
476 | GL.Ortho(deb_viewport[0], deb_viewport[2], deb_viewport[3], deb_viewport[1], -1.0, 1.0);
477 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
478 | GL.PushMatrix();
479 | GL.LoadIdentity();
480 | GL.PushAttrib(AttribMask.TextureBit | AttribMask.EnableBit | AttribMask.ColorBufferBit);
481 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D);
482 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend);
483 | GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
484 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest);
485 | // draw one large quad with whole texture sheet
486 | GL.Begin(BeginMode.Quads);
487 | GL.TexCoord2(0,1);
488 | GL.Vertex2(0,ClientSize.Height/2); // ul
489 | GL.TexCoord2(0,0);
490 | GL.Vertex2(0,0); // bl
491 | GL.TexCoord2(1,0);
492 | GL.Vertex2(ClientSize.Width,0); // br
493 | GL.TexCoord2(1,1);
494 | GL.Vertex2(ClientSize.Width,ClientSize.Height/2); // tr
495 | GL.End();
496 | #endregion
497 | #endif
498 |
499 | SwapBuffers();
500 | m_axes.XAxis.RenderState3(p);
501 | m_axes.YAxis.RenderState3(p);
502 | if (m_camera.SinRho > 1e-5)
503 | m_axes.ZAxis.RenderState3(p);
504 |
505 | //if (false) {
506 | // p.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Red)), m_axes[0].Label.m_position, m_axes[0].Label.m_position);
507 | // p.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Green)), m_axes[1].Label.m_position, m_axes[0].Label.m_position);
508 | // p.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Blue)), m_axes[2].Label.m_position, m_axes[0].Label.m_position);
509 | //}
510 | } catch (ILArgumentException exc) {
511 | throw new ILArgumentException("rendering failed aat state 3",exc);
512 | // todo: exception handling
513 | }
514 | }
515 | /// <summary>
516 | /// draws the selection rectangle va OpenGL (rather than GDI in base class)
517 | /// </summary>
518 | /// <param name="endPoint"></param>
519 | protected override void drawSelectionRect(Point endPoint) {
520 | float [] viewport = new float[4];
521 | GL.GetFloat(GetPName.Viewport, viewport);
522 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
523 | GL.PushMatrix();
524 | GL.LoadIdentity();
525 | GL.Ortho(viewport[0], viewport[2], viewport[3], viewport[1], -1.0, 1.0);
526 |
527 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
528 | GL.PushMatrix();
529 | GL.LoadIdentity();
530 |
531 | //GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D);
532 | //GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend);
533 | //GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
534 |
535 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.DepthTest);
536 | SetupLineStyle(m_selectionRectangle);
537 | //// upper left corner
538 | m_selectionVertices[0] = m_mouseStart.X;
539 | m_selectionVertices[1] = m_mouseStart.Y + (endPoint.Y - m_mouseStart.Y) / 4;
540 | m_selectionVertices[2] = m_mouseStart.X;
541 | m_selectionVertices[3] = m_mouseStart.Y;
542 | m_selectionVertices[4] = m_mouseStart.X;
543 | m_selectionVertices[5] = m_mouseStart.Y;
544 | m_selectionVertices[6] = m_mouseStart.X + (endPoint.X - m_mouseStart.X) / 4;
545 | m_selectionVertices[7] = m_mouseStart.Y;
546 | // lower left corner
547 | m_selectionVertices[8] = m_mouseStart.X;
548 | m_selectionVertices[9] = endPoint.Y - (endPoint.Y - m_mouseStart.Y) / 4;
549 | m_selectionVertices[10] = m_mouseStart.X;
550 | m_selectionVertices[11] = endPoint.Y;
551 | m_selectionVertices[12] = m_mouseStart.X;
552 | m_selectionVertices[13] = endPoint.Y;
553 | m_selectionVertices[14] = m_mouseStart.X + (endPoint.X - m_mouseStart.X) / 4;
554 | m_selectionVertices[15] = endPoint.Y;
555 | // lower right corner
556 | m_selectionVertices[16] = endPoint.X;
557 | m_selectionVertices[17] = endPoint.Y - (endPoint.Y - m_mouseStart.Y) / 4;
558 | m_selectionVertices[18] = endPoint.X;
559 | m_selectionVertices[19] = endPoint.Y;
560 | m_selectionVertices[20] = endPoint.X;
561 | m_selectionVertices[21] = endPoint.Y;
562 | m_selectionVertices[22] = endPoint.X - (endPoint.X - m_mouseStart.X) / 4;
563 | m_selectionVertices[23] = endPoint.Y;
564 | // upper right corner
565 | m_selectionVertices[24] = endPoint.X;
566 | m_selectionVertices[25] = m_mouseStart.Y + (endPoint.Y - m_mouseStart.Y) / 4;
567 | m_selectionVertices[26] = endPoint.X;
568 | m_selectionVertices[27] = m_mouseStart.Y;
569 | m_selectionVertices[28] = endPoint.X;
570 | m_selectionVertices[29] = m_mouseStart.Y;
571 | m_selectionVertices[30] = endPoint.X - (endPoint.X - m_mouseStart.X) / 4;
572 | m_selectionVertices[31] = m_mouseStart.Y;
573 | // draw them
574 | unsafe {
575 | fixed (float* verticesP = m_selectionVertices) {
576 | GL.InterleavedArrays(InterleavedArrayFormat.V2f,8,(IntPtr)verticesP);
577 | GL.DrawArrays(BeginMode.Lines,0,16);
578 | }
579 | }
580 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview);
581 | GL.PopMatrix();
582 | GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection);
583 | GL.PopMatrix();
584 | }
585 | /// <summary>
586 | /// Swaps the front and back buffers, presenting the rendered scene to the screen.
587 | /// </summary>
588 | protected void SwapBuffers() {
589 | if (m_context != null)
590 | m_context.SwapBuffers();
591 | }
592 | /// <summary>
593 | /// Makes the underlying this GLControl current in the calling thread.
594 | /// All OpenGL commands issued are hereafter interpreted by this GLControl.
595 | /// </summary>
596 | protected void MakeCurrent() {
597 | if (m_context != null)
598 | m_context.MakeCurrent(m_implementation.WindowInfo);
599 | }
600 |
601 | public override void DrawToBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, Rectangle bounds) {
602 | RenderScene(m_renderProperties);
603 | BitmapData bmpData = bitmap.LockBits(bounds,ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
604 | System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
605 | // reset any changes to pixel store
606 | GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackAlignment,4.0f);
607 | GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackRowLength,bmpData.Width);
608 | GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackSkipRows,bounds.Y);
609 | GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackSkipPixels,bounds.X);
610 | GL.ReadPixels(0,0,bounds.Width,bounds.Height,OpenTK.Graphics.PixelFormat.Bgr,
611 | PixelType.UnsignedByte,(IntPtr)bmpData.Scan0);
612 | bitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData);
613 | bitmap.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY);
614 | }
615 | #endregion
616 |
617 | #region IILGraphFactory member
618 | /// <summary>
619 | /// Create specific graph (device dependent)
620 | /// </summary>
621 | /// <param name="data">numeric data to be visualized, any numeric type is accepted</param>
622 | /// <param name="type">type of graph to be created</param>
623 | /// <param name="additionalParams">user defined parameter, depend on concrete device type</param>
624 | /// <returns>Concrete ILGraph object</returns>
625 | public ILGraph CreateGraph(ILInArray<float> data, GraphType graphType, params ILArray<float>[] parameter) {
626 | using (ILScope.Enter(data)) {
627 | switch (graphType) {
628 | case GraphType.Plot2D:
629 | if (parameter != null && parameter.Length == 1
630 | && parameter[0] != null && parameter[0] is ILArray<float>) {
631 | return new ILOGLPlot2DGraph(this, parameter[0] as ILArray<float>,
632 | data, m_graphs.Limits);
633 | } else {
634 | return new ILOGLPlot2DGraph(this, data, m_graphs.Limits);
635 | }
636 | case GraphType.Surf:
637 | if (parameter == null || parameter.Length == 0)
638 | return new ILOGLSurfaceGraph(this, null, null, data, null, m_graphs.Limits);
639 | if (parameter.Length == 2) {
640 | return new ILOGLSurfaceGraph(this, data, parameter[0] as ILArray<float>,
641 | parameter[1] as ILArray<float>, null, m_graphs.Limits);
642 | } else if (parameter.Length == 1) {
643 | return new ILOGLSurfaceGraph(this, null, null, data,
644 | parameter[0] as ILArray<float>, m_graphs.Limits);
645 | } else if (parameter.Length == 3) {
646 | return new ILOGLSurfaceGraph(this, parameter[0] as ILArray<float>, parameter[1] as ILArray<float>,
647 | data, parameter[2] as ILArray<float>, m_graphs.Limits);
648 | } else
649 | throw new ILArgumentException("graph creation: invalid number of arguments! (surface)");
650 | case GraphType.Imagesc:
651 | return new ILOGLImageSCGraph(this, null, null, data, null, m_graphs.Limits);
652 | default:
653 | throw new ILInvalidOperationException("Graph type not supported: " + graphType.ToString());
654 | }
655 | }
656 | }
657 | /// <summary>
658 | /// Create Axis (device dependent)
659 | /// </summary>
660 | /// <param name="name">specfies axis name (X,Y,ZAxis)</param>
661 | /// <param name="clippingView">the global clipping view object for the axis</param>
662 | /// <param name="parameters">user defined parameters (implementation dependent)</param>
663 | /// <returns>ILAXis object</returns>
664 | public ILAxis CreateAxis(AxisNames name, ILClippingData clippingView, params object[] parameters) {
665 | switch (name) {
666 | case AxisNames.XAxis:
667 | return new ILOGLXAxis(clippingView, m_layoutData, this);
668 | case AxisNames.YAxis:
669 | return new ILOGLYAxis(clippingView, m_layoutData, this);
670 | default:
671 | return new ILOGLZAxis(clippingView, m_layoutData, this);
672 | }
673 | }
674 | /// <summary>
675 | /// create a new device dependent scene graph for hosting shapes, internally used
676 | /// </summary>
677 | /// <returns>scene graph</returns>
678 | public ILSceneGraph CreateSceneGraph() {
679 | return new ILSceneGraph(this,m_graphs.Limits);
680 | }
681 | public ILVertexRenderer CreateVertexRenderer(Type vertexType, ILShape shape) {
682 | if (vertexType == typeof(C4bV3f)) {
683 | ILVertexRenderer ret;
684 | if (shape is ILQuads) {
685 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4bV3f(BeginMode.Quads);
686 | } else if (shape is ILPolygon) {
687 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4bV3f(BeginMode.Polygon);
688 | } else if (shape is ILLine) {
689 | ret = new ILOGLLineRendererC4bV3f(shape.VertexCount);
690 | ret.CloseLines = false;
691 | } else if (shape is ILTriangle) {
692 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4bV3f(BeginMode.Triangles);
693 | } else if (shape is ILQuad) {
694 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4bV3f(BeginMode.Quads);
695 | } else if (shape is ILLines) {
696 | ret = new ILOGLLinesRendererC4bV3f();
697 | } else if (shape is ILTriangles) {
698 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4bV3f(BeginMode.Triangles);
699 | } else if (shape is ILPoints) {
700 | ret = new ILOGLPointsRendererC4bV3f();
701 | } else
702 | throw new NotSupportedException ("Shape of type " + shape.GetType().Name + " is not supported!");
703 | return ret;
704 | } else if (vertexType == typeof(C4fN3fV3f)) {
705 | ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f ret;
706 | if (shape is ILLitQuads) {
707 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f(BeginMode.Quads);
708 | ret.UseLight = true;
709 | } else if (shape is ILLitPolygon) {
710 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f(BeginMode.Polygon);
711 | ret.UseLight = true;
712 | } else if (shape is ILLitQuad) {
713 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f(BeginMode.Quads);
714 | ret.UseLight = true;
715 | } else if (shape is ILLitTriangle) {
716 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f(BeginMode.Triangles);
717 | ret.UseLight = true;
718 | } else if (shape is ILLitSphere) {
719 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f(BeginMode.Triangles);
720 | ret.UseLight = true;
721 | } else if (shape is ILLitTriangles) {
722 | ret = new ILOGLVertexRendererC4fN3fV3f(BeginMode.Triangles);
723 | ret.UseLight = true;
724 | } else {
725 | throw new NotSupportedException("Shape of type " + shape.GetType().Name + " is not supported for vertex type " + vertexType.Name + "!");
726 | }
727 | return ret;
728 | } else {
729 | throw new NotSupportedException("VertexType is not supported!");
730 | }
731 | }
732 | internal override IILCreationFactory GetCreationFactory() {
733 | return this;
734 | }
735 |
736 | #endregion
737 |
738 | #region public methods
739 |
740 | public override Point World2Screen(ILPoint3Df world) {
741 | //Vector3 w = new Vector3(world.X, world.Y, world.Z);
742 | ILPoint3Df screen;
743 | ILGLU.Project(world,m_modelViewMatrix, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out screen);
744 | return new Point((int)screen.X,(int)(ClientSize.Height - screen.Y));
745 | }
746 | public override Point World2Screen(ILPoint3Df world, double[] modelview) {
747 | //Vector3 w = new Vector3(world.X, world.Y, world.Z);
748 | ILPoint3Df screen;
749 | ILGLU.Project(world,modelview, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out screen);
750 | return new Point((int)screen.X,(int)(ClientSize.Height - screen.Y));
751 | }
752 |
753 | public static void SetupLineStyle(ILLineProperties wireprops) {
754 | if (wireprops.Style == LineStyle.Solid) {
755 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.LineStipple);
756 | } else {
757 | int stipFactr = 1;
758 | short stipple;
759 | if (wireprops.Style != LineStyle.UserPattern)
760 | stipple = ILPanel.StippleFromLineStyle(
761 | wireprops.Style, ref stipFactr);
762 | else {
763 | stipple = wireprops.Pattern;
764 | stipFactr = (int)wireprops.PatternScale;
765 | }
766 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.LineStipple);
767 | GL.LineStipple(stipFactr, stipple);
768 | }
769 | if (wireprops.Antialiasing && wireprops.Width > 1)
770 | GL.Enable(EnableCap.LineSmooth);
771 | else
772 | GL.Disable(EnableCap.LineSmooth);
773 | GL.LineWidth(wireprops.Width);
774 | GL.Color3(wireprops.Color);
775 | }
776 |
777 | private string DebugJoin(string seperator, double[] list) {
778 | System.Text.StringBuilder ret = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
779 | foreach (object o in list) {
780 | ret.Append(seperator + String.Format("{0:f2}",o));
781 | }
782 | return ret.ToString();
783 | }
784 |
785 | /// <summary>
786 | /// Transform 2 world coordinates into screen coords under current matrices
787 | /// </summary>
788 | /// <param name="p1_3D">world coord point 1</param>
789 | /// <param name="p2_3D">world coord point 2</param>
790 | /// <param name="p1_2D">(output) screen coord point 1</param>
791 | /// <param name="p2_2D">(output) screen coord point 2</param>
792 | public override void World2Screen(ILPoint3Df p1_3D, ILPoint3Df p2_3D, out Point p1_2D, out Point p2_2D) {
793 | ILPoint3Df s, e;
794 | ILGLU.Project(p1_3D, m_modelViewMatrix, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out s);
795 | ILGLU.Project(p2_3D, m_modelViewMatrix, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out e);
796 | p1_2D = new Point((int)s.X,(int)(ClientSize.Height - s.Y));
797 | p2_2D = new Point((int)e.X,(int)(ClientSize.Height - e.Y));
798 | }
799 | /// <summary>
800 | /// transform from screen space into world space using OpenGL
801 | /// </summary>
802 | /// <param name="x">screen X</param>
803 | /// <param name="y">screen Y</param>
804 | /// <returns>world coord</returns>
805 | public override void Screen2World(int x, int y, out ILPoint3Df nearClip, out ILPoint3Df farClip) {
806 | // TODO: check the Z coord values. 0.68 here was result of trial only!
807 | ILGLU.UnProject(new ILPoint3Df(x, y, 0.0f), m_modelViewMatrix, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out nearClip);
808 | ILGLU.UnProject(new ILPoint3Df(x, y, 1.0f), m_modelViewMatrix, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out farClip);
809 |
810 | }
811 | public override ILPoint3Df Screen2World2D(int x, int y) {
812 | ILPoint3Df ret;
813 | ILGLU.UnProject(new ILPoint3Df(x, y, 0), m_modelViewMatrix, m_projMatrix, m_viewMatrix, out ret);
814 | ret.Z = m_clippingView.CenterF.Z;
815 | return ret;
816 | }
817 |
818 | #endregion
819 |
820 | #region private helper
821 | private void renderBackground () {
822 | //determine, which edges are in the back, fill with cube background color
823 | GL.Begin(BeginMode.TriangleStrip);
824 | GL.Color3(m_cubeBGColor);
825 | float xmin = m_clippingView.XMin;
826 | float xmax = m_clippingView.XMax;
827 | float ymin = m_clippingView.YMin;
828 | float ymax = m_clippingView.YMax;
829 | float zmin = m_clippingView.ZMin;
830 | float zmax = m_clippingView.ZMax;
831 | if (!m_camera.LooksFromLeft) {
832 | if (m_camera.LooksFromFront) {
833 | // left & back border
834 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmin);
835 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmax);
836 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmin);
837 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmax);
838 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmin);
839 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmax);
840 | } else {
841 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmin); //
842 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmax);
843 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmin);
844 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmax);
845 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmin);
846 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmax);
847 | }
848 | } else {
849 | if (!m_camera.LooksFromFront) {
850 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmin);
851 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmax);
852 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmin);
853 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmax);
854 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmin);
855 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmax);
856 | } else {
857 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmin);
858 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmax);
859 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmin);
860 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmax);
861 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmin);
862 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmax);
863 | }
864 | }
865 | GL.End();
866 | // draw bottom
867 | if (m_camera.LooksFromTop) {
868 | GL.Begin(BeginMode.TriangleStrip);
869 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymin,zmin);
870 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymin,zmin);
871 | GL.Vertex3(xmin,ymax,zmin);
872 | GL.Vertex3(xmax,ymax,zmin);
873 | GL.End();
874 | }
875 | }
876 | #endregion
877 |
878 | }
879 | } |