1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Grammars;
6 |
7 | namespace CodeGenerator {
8 | public class BruteForceCodeGen {
9 | private string solverTemplate = @"
10 | namespace ?PROBLEMNAME? {
11 | public sealed class ?IDENT?Solver {
12 |
13 | private static Dictionary<int, int[]> transition = new Dictionary<int, int[]>() {
15 | };
16 | private static Dictionary<int, int> subtreeCount = new Dictionary<int, int>() {
17 | { -1, 0 }, // terminals
19 | };
20 |
21 | private static string[] symb = new string[] { ?SYMBOLNAMES? };
22 | private static bool[] isTerminal = new bool[] { ?TERMINALTABLE? };
23 | private static bool[] hasAlternatives = new bool[] {?HASALTERNATIVESTABLE? };
24 |
25 |
26 | public sealed class SolverState : ISolverState {
27 | private class Node {
28 | public int state;
29 | public int count;
30 | public List<Node> nodes;
31 | public bool done;
32 | private int nextAlt;
33 | public Node(int state) {
34 | this.state = state;
35 | nodes = new List<Node>(transition[state].Length);
36 | if (!hasAlternatives[state]) {
37 | foreach (var t in transition[state]) { nodes.Add(new Node(t)); }
38 | }
39 | }
40 |
41 | public int GetNextAlternative() {
42 | System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(hasAlternatives[state]);
43 | if(nodes.Count == 0 && !isTerminal[state]) {
44 | foreach(var targetState in transition[state]) nodes.Add(new Node(targetState));
45 | nextAlt = 0;
46 | // begin with a terminal if possible
47 | if(!isTerminal[nodes[nextAlt].state])
48 | do { nextAlt = (nextAlt + 1) % nodes.Count; } while(nextAlt != 0 /* full circle*/ && !isTerminal[nodes[nextAlt].state]);
49 | }
50 |
51 | throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO: handle terminal classes correctly
52 | return nextAlt;
53 | }
54 |
55 | public void Update() {
56 | count++;
57 | if(hasAlternatives[state] && !isTerminal[state]) {
58 | nodes[GetNextAlternative()].Update();
59 | // check if all nodes done and set this node to done
60 | if(nodes.All(n=>n.done)) {
61 | this.done = true;
62 | } else {
63 | // must not walk nodes that are done
64 | do { nextAlt = (nextAlt + 1) % nodes.Count; } while (nodes[nextAlt].done);
65 | }
66 | } else {
67 | if(isTerminal[state]) {
68 | throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO: handle terminal classes correctly
69 | done = (nextAlt + 1) >= GetAlternativesCount(symb[state]);
70 | } else {
71 | // update the smallest count. this basically means keeping all sub-trees the same and only altering the updated one
72 | Node minNode = nodes.First();
73 | foreach(var node in nodes.Skip(1)) {
74 | if(node.count < minNode.count) {
75 | minNode = node;
76 | }
77 | }
78 | minNode.Update();
79 | if(nodes.All(n=>n.done)) this.done = true;
80 | }
81 | }
82 | }
83 | }
84 |
85 |
87 |
88 |
89 | public int curDepth;
90 | public int steps;
91 | public int depth;
92 | private readonly Stack<Node> nodes;
93 | private readonly IGpdlProblem problem;
94 | private readonly Node searchTree;
95 |
96 | public SolverState(IGpdlProblem problem) {
97 | this.problem = problem;
98 | nodes = new Stack<Node>();
99 | searchTree = new Node(0);
100 | nodes.Push(searchTree);
101 | }
102 |
103 | public void Reset() {
104 | System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 1);
105 | steps = 0;
106 | depth = 0;
107 | curDepth = 0;
108 | }
109 |
110 | public int PeekNextAlternative() {
111 | var curNode = nodes.Peek();
112 | System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(hasAlternatives[curNode.state]);
113 | return curNode.GetNextAlternative();
114 | }
115 |
116 | public void Follow(int idx) {
117 | steps++;
118 | curDepth++;
119 | depth = Math.Max(depth, curDepth);
120 | var curNode = nodes.Peek();
121 | if(hasAlternatives[curNode.state]) {
122 | nodes.Push(curNode.nodes[curNode.GetNextAlternative()]);
123 | } else {
124 | nodes.Push(curNode.nodes[idx]);
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | public void Unwind() {
129 | nodes.Pop();
130 | curDepth--;
131 | }
132 |
133 | public void Update() {
134 | searchTree.Update();
135 | }
136 | }
137 |
138 | public static void Main(string[] args) {
139 | var problem = new ?IDENT?Problem();
140 | var solver = new ?IDENT?Solver(problem);
141 | solver.Start();
142 | }
143 |
144 | private readonly ?IDENT?Problem problem;
145 | public ?IDENT?Solver(?IDENT?Problem problem) {
146 | this.problem = problem;
147 | }
148 |
149 | private void Start() {
150 | var bestF = ?MAXIMIZATION? ? double.NegativeInfinity : double.PositiveInfinity;
151 | int n = 0;
152 | long sumDepth = 0;
153 | long sumSize = 0;
154 | var sumF = 0.0;
155 | var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
156 | sw.Start();
157 | var _state = new SolverState(problem);
158 | while (true) {
159 |
160 | var f = problem.Evaluate(_state);
161 | _state.Update();
162 |
163 | n++;
164 | sumSize += _state.steps;
165 | sumDepth += _state.depth;
166 | sumF += f;
167 | if (IsBetter(f, bestF)) {
168 | // evaluate again with tracing to console
169 | // problem.Evaluate(new SolverState(_state.seed, true));
170 | bestF = f;
171 | Console.WriteLine(""{0}\t{1}\t(size={2}, depth={3})"", n, bestF, _state.steps, _state.depth);
172 | }
173 | if (n % 1000 == 0) {
174 | sw.Stop();
175 | Console.WriteLine(""{0}\tbest: {1:0.000}\t(avg: {2:0.000})\t(avg size: {3:0.0})\t(avg. depth: {4:0.0})\t({5:0.00} sols/ms)"", n, bestF, sumF/1000.0, sumSize/1000.0, sumDepth/1000.0, 1000.0 / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
176 | sw.Reset();
177 | sumSize = 0;
178 | sumDepth = 0;
179 | sumF = 0.0;
180 | sw.Start();
181 | }
182 | }
183 | }
184 |
185 | private bool IsBetter(double a, double b) {
186 | return ?MAXIMIZATION? ? a > b : a < b;
187 | }
188 | }
189 | }";
190 |
191 |
192 | public void Generate(IGrammar grammar, bool maximization, SourceBuilder problemSourceCode) {
193 | var solverSourceCode = new SourceBuilder();
194 | solverSourceCode.Append(solverTemplate)
195 | .Replace("?MAXIMIZATION?", maximization.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
196 | .Replace("?SYMBOLNAMES?", grammar.Symbols.Select(s => s.Name).Aggregate(string.Empty, (str, symb) => str + "\"" + symb + "\", "))
197 | .Replace("?TERMINALTABLE?", grammar.Symbols.Select(grammar.IsTerminal).Aggregate(string.Empty, (str, b) => str + b.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + ", "))
198 | .Replace("?HASALTERNATIVESTABLE?", grammar.Symbols.Select(s => grammar.IsNonTerminal(s) && (grammar.NumberOfAlternatives(s) > 1)).Aggregate(string.Empty, (str, b) => str + b.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + ", "))
199 | .Replace("?TRANSITIONTABLE?", GenerateTransitionTable(grammar))
200 | .Replace("?SUBTREECOUNTTABLE?", GenerateSubtreeCountTable(grammar))
201 | .Replace("?ALTERNATIVESCOUNTMETHOD?", GenerateAlternativesCountMethod(grammar))
202 | ;
203 |
204 | problemSourceCode.Append(solverSourceCode.ToString());
205 | }
206 |
207 | #region same as random search
208 | private string GenerateTransitionTable(IGrammar grammar) {
209 | Debug.Assert(grammar.Symbols.First().Equals(grammar.StartSymbol));
210 | var sb = new SourceBuilder();
211 |
212 | // state idx = idx of the corresponding symbol in the grammar
213 | var allSymbols = grammar.Symbols.ToList();
214 | var attributes = new List<string>();
215 | foreach (var s in grammar.Symbols) {
216 | var targetStates = new List<int>();
217 | if (grammar.IsTerminal(s)) {
218 | foreach (var att in s.Attributes) {
219 | targetStates.Add(allSymbols.Count + attributes.Count);
220 | attributes.Add(s.Name + "_" + att);
221 | }
222 | } else {
223 | if (grammar.NumberOfAlternatives(s) > 1) {
224 | foreach (var alt in grammar.GetAlternatives(s)) {
225 | // only single-symbol alternatives are supported
226 | Debug.Assert(alt.Count() == 1);
227 | targetStates.Add(allSymbols.IndexOf(alt.Single()));
228 | }
229 | } else {
230 | // rule is a sequence of symbols
231 | var seq = grammar.GetAlternatives(s).Single();
232 | targetStates.AddRange(seq.Select(symb => allSymbols.IndexOf(symb)));
233 | }
234 | }
235 |
236 | var targetStateString = targetStates.Aggregate(string.Empty, (str, state) => str + state + ", ");
237 |
238 | var idxOfSourceState = allSymbols.IndexOf(s);
239 | sb.AppendFormat("// {0}", s).AppendLine();
240 | sb.AppendFormat("{{ {0} , new int[] {{ {1} }} }},", idxOfSourceState, targetStateString).AppendLine();
241 | }
242 | for (int attIdx = 0; attIdx < attributes.Count; attIdx++) {
243 | sb.AppendFormat("// {0}", attributes[attIdx]).AppendLine();
244 | sb.AppendFormat("{{ {0} , new int[] {{ }} }},", attIdx + allSymbols.Count).AppendLine();
245 | }
246 | return sb.ToString();
247 | }
248 | private string GenerateSubtreeCountTable(IGrammar grammar) {
249 | Debug.Assert(grammar.Symbols.First().Equals(grammar.StartSymbol));
250 | var sb = new SourceBuilder();
251 |
252 | // state idx = idx of the corresponding symbol in the grammar
253 | var allSymbols = grammar.Symbols.ToList();
254 | var attributes = new List<string>();
255 | foreach (var s in grammar.Symbols) {
256 | int subtreeCount;
257 | if (grammar.IsTerminal(s)) {
258 | subtreeCount = s.Attributes.Count();
259 | attributes.AddRange(s.Attributes.Select(att => s.Name + "_" + att.Name));
260 | } else {
261 | if (grammar.NumberOfAlternatives(s) > 1) {
262 | Debug.Assert(grammar.GetAlternatives(s).All(alt => alt.Count() == 1));
263 | subtreeCount = 1;
264 | } else {
265 | subtreeCount = grammar.GetAlternative(s, 0).Count();
266 | }
267 | }
268 |
269 | sb.AppendFormat("// {0}", s).AppendLine();
270 | sb.AppendFormat("{{ {0} , {1} }},", allSymbols.IndexOf(s), subtreeCount).AppendLine();
271 | }
272 |
273 | for (int attIdx = 0; attIdx < attributes.Count; attIdx++) {
274 | sb.AppendFormat("// {0}", attributes[attIdx]).AppendLine();
275 | sb.AppendFormat("{{ {0} , 1 }},", attIdx + allSymbols.Count).AppendLine();
276 | }
277 | return sb.ToString();
278 | }
279 | #endregion
280 | private string GenerateAlternativesCountMethod(IGrammar grammar) {
281 | Debug.Assert(grammar.Symbols.First().Equals(grammar.StartSymbol));
282 | var sb = new SourceBuilder();
283 | sb.Append("public int GetAlternativesCount(string symbol, string attribute = null) {").BeginBlock();
284 | sb.AppendLine("switch(symbol) {");
285 | foreach (var s in grammar.Symbols) {
286 | sb.AppendFormat("case \"{0}\":", s.Name).AppendLine();
287 | int altCount;
288 | if (grammar.IsTerminal(s)) {
289 | if (s.Attributes.Any()) {
290 | sb.Append("switch(attribute) {").BeginBlock();
291 | foreach (var att in s.Attributes) {
292 | sb.AppendFormat("case \"{1}\": return problem.GetCardinality(\"{0}\", \"{1}\");", s.Name, att.Name).AppendLine();
293 | }
294 | sb.Append("} // switch").EndBlock();
295 | } else {
296 | sb.AppendLine("return 0;");
297 | }
298 | } else {
299 | sb.AppendFormat("return {0};", grammar.NumberOfAlternatives(s)).AppendLine();
300 | }
301 |
302 |
303 | }
304 | sb.AppendLine("} // switch");
305 | sb.Append("}").EndBlock();
306 | return sb.ToString();
307 | }
308 | }
309 | }