1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Drawing;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
6 | using HeuristicLab.EvolutionaryTracking.Views.Primitives;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Visualization;
8 |
9 | namespace HeuristicLab.EvolutionaryTracking.Views {
10 | public class ExtendedSymbolicExpressionTreeCanvas : ChartControl {
11 | private const int HSize = 20;
12 | private const int VSize = 15;
13 | private const int HDistance = 5;
14 | private const int VDistance = 5;
15 | private const int MinGroupHorizontalSpacing = 200;
16 | private const int MinGroupVerticalSpacing = 200;
17 | private const int HorizontalGroupDistance = 20;
18 | private const int VerticalGroupDistance = 20;
19 |
20 | public ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> TreeLayoutEngine { get; set; }
21 | public ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<ISymbolicExpressionTree> GroupsLayoutEngine { get; set; }
22 |
23 | private SymbolicExpressionTreeLayoutAdapter layoutAdapter;
24 |
25 | private Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, IPrimitive> nodesToPrimitives;
26 | private Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTree, IPrimitive> treesToGroups;
27 |
28 | private Dictionary<Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>, Line> primitiveConnections;
29 | private Dictionary<Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>, Line> groupsConnections;
30 |
31 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode currentSelected;
32 | private ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode SelectedSubtree {
33 | get { return currentSelected; }
34 | set {
35 | if (Chart == null)
36 | Chart = new Chart(0, 0, PreferredSize.Width, PreferredSize.Height);
37 |
38 | if (value == currentSelected) return;
39 | var previousSelected = currentSelected;
40 | currentSelected = value;
41 |
42 | DisableUpdate();
43 | if (previousSelected != null) HighlightSubtree(previousSelected, Color.Black); // un-highlight the previously selected subtree
44 | if (currentSelected != null) HighlightSubtree(currentSelected, Color.DeepSkyBlue); // highlight the new selected subtree
45 | EnableUpdate();
46 | EnforceUpdate();
47 | }
48 | }
49 |
50 | public ISymbolicExpressionTreeGenealogyGraph GenealogyGraph { get; set; }
51 |
52 | private void ClearDictionaries() {
53 | if (nodesToPrimitives == null) nodesToPrimitives = new Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, IPrimitive>();
54 | nodesToPrimitives.Clear();
55 |
56 | if (treesToGroups == null) treesToGroups = new Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTree, IPrimitive>();
57 | treesToGroups.Clear();
58 |
59 | if (groupsConnections == null) groupsConnections = new Dictionary<Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>, Line>();
60 | groupsConnections.Clear();
61 |
62 | if (primitiveConnections == null) primitiveConnections = new Dictionary<Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>, Line>();
63 | primitiveConnections.Clear();
64 | }
65 |
66 | private ISymbolicExpressionTree root;
67 | public ISymbolicExpressionTree Root {
68 | get {
69 | return root;
70 | }
71 | set {
72 | if (value == null)
73 | throw new ArgumentNullException();
74 |
75 | if (root == value) return;
76 |
77 | ClearDictionaries();
78 | TreeLayoutEngine.Reset();
79 | GroupsLayoutEngine.Reset();
80 |
81 | root = value;
82 | currentSelected = null;
83 |
84 | if (Chart == null)
85 | Chart = new Chart(0, 0, PreferredSize.Width, PreferredSize.Height);
86 |
87 | DisableUpdate();
88 | Chart.Group.Clear();
89 | var group = LayoutTree(root);
90 | group.Ancestor = group;
91 | group.Content = root;
92 | Chart.Group.Add(group);
93 | GroupsLayoutEngine.Root = group;
94 | GroupsLayoutEngine.AddNode(group.Content, group);
95 | treesToGroups.Add(group.Content, group);
96 |
97 | // highlight the received fragment
98 | var graphNode = GenealogyGraph.GetGraphNodes(root).First();
99 | if (graphNode.InEdges != null) {
100 | var arc = graphNode.InEdges.Last(x => x.Source != x.Target);
101 | var fragment = (IFragment)arc.Data;
102 | if (fragment != null && fragment.Root != null) {
103 | HighlightSubtree(fragment.Root, Color.Orange);
104 | }
105 | }
106 |
107 | EnableUpdate();
108 | EnforceUpdate();
109 | }
110 | }
111 |
112 | public ExtendedSymbolicExpressionTreeCanvas() {
113 | TreeLayoutEngine = new ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> { MinHorizontalSpacing = HDistance + HSize, MinVerticalSpacing = VDistance + VSize };
114 | layoutAdapter = new SymbolicExpressionTreeLayoutAdapter();
115 | GroupsLayoutEngine = new ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<ISymbolicExpressionTree> { MinHorizontalSpacing = MinGroupHorizontalSpacing, MinVerticalSpacing = MinGroupVerticalSpacing };
116 | if (Chart == null)
117 | Chart = new Chart(0, 0, PreferredSize.Width, PreferredSize.Height);
118 | nodesToPrimitives = new Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, IPrimitive>();
119 | treesToGroups = new Dictionary<ISymbolicExpressionTree, IPrimitive>();
120 | groupsConnections = new Dictionary<Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>, Line>();
121 | primitiveConnections = new Dictionary<Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>, Line>();
122 | }
123 |
124 | /// <summary>
125 | /// Draws a symbolic expression tree using HeuristicLab.Visualization primitives and the ReingoldTilford layout algorithm.
126 | /// </summary>
127 | /// <param name="tree">The symbolic expression tree</param>
128 | /// <returns>An IChart containing a group of primitives representing the tree.</returns>
129 | private PrimitiveGroup LayoutTree(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree) {
130 | var group = LayoutTree(tree.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0));
131 | group.Content = tree;
132 | return group;
133 | }
134 |
135 | // this function is used by the SymbolicExpressionTreeLayoutAdapter
136 | private ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> ConvertFunction(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode node) {
137 | ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> layoutNode;
138 | if (node.SubtreeCount == 0) {
139 | layoutNode = new LabeledRectangle(Chart, 0, 0, HSize, VSize) { Text = node.ToString(), Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12) };
140 | } else {
141 | layoutNode = new LabeledEllipse(Chart, 0, 0, HSize, VSize) { Text = node.ToString(), Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12) };
142 | }
143 | // layoutNode.Children are not initialized here, but when the adapter expands the tree
144 | layoutNode.Ancestor = layoutNode;
145 | layoutNode.Content = node;
146 | return layoutNode;
147 | }
148 |
149 | private PrimitiveGroup LayoutTree(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode treeRoot) {
150 | if (treeRoot == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
151 |
152 | var layoutNodes = layoutAdapter.Convert(treeRoot, ConvertFunction).ToList(); // returns a list of layoutNodes in breadth order (relative to the tree traversal)
153 | TreeLayoutEngine.Reset();
154 | var group = new PrimitiveGroup(Chart);
155 | // add primitives (rectangles and ellipses corresponding to terminal/function nodes)
156 | foreach (var layoutNode in layoutNodes) {
157 | var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
158 | var pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
159 | var fontBrush = new SolidBrush(pen.Color);
160 | var treeNode = layoutNode.Content;
161 | layoutNode.Number = layoutNode.Parent == null ? 0 : layoutNode.Parent.Content.IndexOfSubtree(layoutNode.Content);
162 | var primitive = (IPrimitive)layoutNode;
163 | primitive.Brush = brush;
164 | primitive.Pen = pen;
165 | if (treeNode.SubtreeCount == 0) {
166 | var rectangle = (LabeledRectangle)primitive;
167 | rectangle.FontBrush = fontBrush;
168 | } else {
169 | var ellipse = (LabeledEllipse)primitive;
170 | ellipse.FontBrush = fontBrush;
171 | }
172 | TreeLayoutEngine.AddNode(treeNode, layoutNode);
173 | group.Add(primitive);
174 | nodesToPrimitives.Add(treeNode, primitive);
175 | }
176 | TreeLayoutEngine.Root = (ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>)nodesToPrimitives[treeRoot];
177 | TreeLayoutEngine.CalculateLayout(); // calculate X,Y coordinates for each layout node
178 |
179 | foreach (var layoutNode in layoutNodes) {
180 | var primitive = (RectangularPrimitiveBase)layoutNode;
181 | var lowerLeft = new PointD(layoutNode.X, layoutNode.Y);
182 | primitive.SetPosition(lowerLeft, lowerLeft + new Offset(primitive.Size));
183 | }
184 | // connect nodes with lines
185 | foreach (var layoutNode in layoutNodes) {
186 | var primitive = (RectangularPrimitiveBase)layoutNode;
187 | var pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
188 | var node = layoutNode.Content;
189 | if (node.SubtreeCount == 0) continue;
190 | foreach (var subtree in node.Subtrees) {
191 | var subtreePrimitive = (RectangularPrimitiveBase)nodesToPrimitives[subtree];
192 | var start = new PointD(primitive.UpperRight.X - primitive.Size.Width / 2f, primitive.UpperRight.Y);
193 | var end = new PointD(subtreePrimitive.LowerLeft.X + subtreePrimitive.Size.Width / 2f, subtreePrimitive.LowerLeft.Y);
194 | var line = new Line(Chart, start, end, pen);
195 | group.Add(line);
196 | primitiveConnections.Add(new Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>(primitive, subtreePrimitive), line);
197 | }
198 | }
199 | // once the coordonates for each primitive are updated according to the calculated layout, we update the bounds of the group (LowerLeft and UpperRight)
200 | group.UpdateBounds();
201 | return group;
202 | }
203 | /// <summary>
204 | /// Handler for the user click event inside the ExtendedSymbolicExpressionTreeCanvas. When the user clicks, the following things should happen:
205 | /// 1) The group of primitives containing the clicked screen point is identified
206 | /// 2) The corresponding symbolic expression tree is retrieved from the groupsToTreesDictionary
207 | /// 3) The corresponding genealogy graph node is retrieved from the GenealogyGraph
208 | /// 4) The parents and the fragment are retrieved from the graph
209 | /// 5) Both parents are laid out using the symbolic expression tree layout engine and the resulting groups of primitives are added to the canvas
210 | /// 6) The fragment is highlighted in the root parent and in the other parent
211 | /// </summary>
212 | /// <param name="sender"></param>
213 | /// <param name="e"></param>
214 | protected override void pictureBox_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) {
215 | // STEP 1: Get the primitives and the group
216 | var primitives = Chart.GetAllPrimitives(e.Location).Where(p => p is PrimitiveGroup).ToList();
217 | if (primitives.Count == 0) return;
218 | if (primitives.Count > 1) throw new Exception("Groups/trees should not overlap."); // in the extended canvas, the PrimitiveGroups (each representing a symbolic expression tree) should not overlap
219 | var selectedGroup = (PrimitiveGroup)primitives[0];
220 | var selectedPrimitive = selectedGroup.GetAllPrimitives(Chart.TransformPixelToWorld(e.Location)).First(p => p is ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>); // similarly with the above condition, there should only be one primitive in that location
221 | // STEP 2: Get the selected tree and the selected subtree
222 | SelectedSubtree = ((ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>)selectedPrimitive).Content;
223 | var selectedTree = ((ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTree>)selectedGroup).Content;
224 | // STEP 3: Get the genealogy graph node, the parents and the fragment
225 | var graphNode = GenealogyGraph.GetGraphNodes(selectedTree).First(); // get the GenealogyGraphNode corresponding to the tree
226 | var parentVertices = graphNode.InEdges.Select(edge => (SymbolicExpressionTreeGenealogyGraphNode)edge.Source).ToList();
227 |
228 | DisableUpdate();
229 |
230 | foreach (var edge in graphNode.InEdges) {
231 | var parentVertex = (SymbolicExpressionTreeGenealogyGraphNode)edge.Source;
232 | var parent = parentVertex.SymbolicExpressionTree;
233 | if (treesToGroups.ContainsKey(parent)) continue;
234 | var childGroup = LayoutTree(parent); // from the layout perspective, roles are reversed and genealogical parents become layout children
235 | treesToGroups.Add(parent, childGroup);
236 | Chart.Group.Add(childGroup);
237 | if (selectedGroup.Children == null) selectedGroup.Children = new List<ILayoutNode<ISymbolicExpressionTree>>();
238 | selectedGroup.Children.Add(childGroup);
239 | childGroup.Parent = selectedGroup;
240 | childGroup.Level = childGroup.Parent.Level + 1;
241 | childGroup.Number = childGroup.Parent.Children.Count - 1;
242 | childGroup.Ancestor = childGroup;
243 | childGroup.Content = parent;
244 | GroupsLayoutEngine.AddNode(childGroup.Content, childGroup);
245 | }
246 | var parents = parentVertices.Select(x => x.SymbolicExpressionTree).ToList();
247 | // highlight the fragment
248 | if (graphNode.InEdges.Count == 2) {
249 | // highlight the fragment
250 | var fragment = (IFragment)graphNode.InEdges.Last().Data;
251 | if (!(fragment == null || fragment.Root == null)) {
252 |
253 | var subtree0 = parents[0].IterateNodesPrefix().ElementAt(fragment.Index);
254 | HighlightSubtree(subtree0, Color.Red);
255 |
256 | var subtree1 = parents[1].IterateNodesPrefix().ElementAt(fragment.OldIndex);
257 | HighlightSubtree(subtree1, Color.LimeGreen);
258 | }
259 | }
260 | // layout the groups
261 | var groups = Chart.Group.Primitives.Where(p => p is PrimitiveGroup).Cast<PrimitiveGroup>().ToList();
262 | var maxSize = new SizeF(groups.Max(g => g.Size.Width), groups.Max(g => g.Size.Height));
263 | GroupsLayoutEngine.MinHorizontalSpacing = maxSize.Width + HorizontalGroupDistance;
264 | GroupsLayoutEngine.MinVerticalSpacing = maxSize.Height + VerticalGroupDistance;
265 |
266 | GroupsLayoutEngine.CalculateLayout();
267 | foreach (var group in Chart.Group.Primitives.Where(p => p is PrimitiveGroup).Cast<PrimitiveGroup>()) {
268 | group.Move(new PointD(group.X, group.Y) - group.LowerLeft);
269 | }
270 | // draw or update (start,end) coordinates of group connections
271 | foreach (var group in Chart.Group.Primitives.Where(p => p is PrimitiveGroup).Cast<PrimitiveGroup>()) {
272 | if (group.Children == null) continue;
273 | var start = new PointD(group.UpperRight.X - group.Size.Width / 2, group.UpperRight.Y);
274 | foreach (var childGroup in group.Children.Cast<PrimitiveGroup>()) {
275 | var tuple = new Tuple<IPrimitive, IPrimitive>(group, childGroup);
276 | var childRoot = (RectangularPrimitiveBase)nodesToPrimitives[childGroup.Content.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0)];
277 | var end = new PointD(childRoot.LowerLeft.X + childRoot.Size.Width / 2, childRoot.LowerLeft.Y);
278 | if (groupsConnections.ContainsKey(tuple)) {
279 | var line = groupsConnections[tuple];
280 | line.SetPosition(start, end);
281 | } else {
282 | var line = new Line(Chart, start, end) { Pen = new Pen(Color.Black) };
283 | Chart.Group.Add(line);
284 | groupsConnections.Add(tuple, line);
285 | }
286 | }
287 | }
288 |
289 | EnableUpdate();
290 | EnforceUpdate();
291 |
292 | base.pictureBox_MouseUp(sender, e);
293 | }
294 | // highlight a given subtree with the specified color
295 | public void HighlightSubtree(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode subtree, Color color) {
296 | foreach (var node in subtree.IterateNodesBreadth()) {
297 | var primitive = nodesToPrimitives[node];
298 | primitive.Pen.Brush = new SolidBrush(color);
299 | }
300 | }
301 | // the (0,0) point of the HeuristicLab.Visualization.Chart is at the bottom left corner of the screen, while the (0,0) point of the layout engine
302 | // and of the actual user control is at the top left corner. so we have to vertically flip everything to maintain correct orientation.
303 | private void FlipVertical() {
304 | foreach (var primitive in Chart.Group.Primitives) {
305 | var group = primitive as PrimitiveGroup;
306 | if (group != null) {
307 | foreach (var groupPrimitive in group.Primitives) {
308 | var rp = groupPrimitive as RectangularPrimitiveBase;
309 | if (rp != null) {
310 | rp.SetPosition(rp.LowerLeft.X, Height - rp.UpperRight.Y, rp.UpperRight.X, Height - rp.LowerLeft.Y);
311 | } else {
312 | var lp = groupPrimitive as LinearPrimitiveBase;
313 | if (lp != null) {
314 | lp.SetPosition(lp.Start.X, Height - lp.Start.Y, lp.End.X, Height - lp.End.Y);
315 | }
316 | }
317 | }
318 | } else {
319 | var lp = primitive as LinearPrimitiveBase;
320 | if (lp != null) {
321 | lp.SetPosition(lp.Start.X, Height - lp.Start.Y, lp.End.X, Height - lp.End.Y);
322 | }
323 | }
324 | }
325 | }
326 | // some convenience methods for the lazy (enabling, disabling updates for the Chart)
327 | private void EnableUpdate() {
328 | Chart.UpdateEnabled = true;
329 | }
330 | private void DisableUpdate() {
331 | Chart.UpdateEnabled = false;
332 | }
333 | private void EnforceUpdate() {
334 | DisableUpdate();
335 | FlipVertical();
336 | EnableUpdate();
337 | Chart.EnforceUpdate();
338 | }
339 | }
340 | }