1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System;
23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
24 | using System.Drawing;
25 | using System.Linq;
26 | using HeuristicLab.Core.Views;
27 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
28 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding.Views;
29 | using HeuristicLab.EvolutionTracking;
30 | using HeuristicLab.MainForm;
31 | using HeuristicLab.Visualization;
32 |
33 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Views {
34 | [View("FragmentGraphView")]
35 | [Content(typeof(IGenealogyGraph<IFragment<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>>), IsDefaultView = true)]
36 | public sealed partial class FragmentGraphView : ItemView {
37 | private const int PreferredHorizontalSpacing = 10;
38 | private const int PreferredVerticalSpacing = 25;
39 |
40 | private ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<TileLayoutNode> layoutEngine;
41 | private ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> symbolicExpressionEngine;
42 |
43 | private Dictionary<IGenealogyGraphNode<IFragment<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>>, TileLayoutNode> tileDictionary;
44 |
45 | private SymbolicExpressionTreeTile Root { get; set; }
46 |
47 | public new IGenealogyGraph<IFragment<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>> Content {
48 | get { return (IGenealogyGraph<IFragment<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>>)base.Content; }
49 | set { base.Content = value; }
50 | }
51 |
52 | public FragmentGraphView() {
53 | InitializeComponent();
54 |
55 | layoutEngine = new ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<TileLayoutNode>(n => n.Children) {
56 | HorizontalSpacing = PreferredHorizontalSpacing,
57 | VerticalSpacing = PreferredVerticalSpacing,
58 | };
59 | symbolicExpressionEngine = new ReingoldTilfordLayoutEngine<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>(n => n.Subtrees) {
60 | HorizontalSpacing = PreferredHorizontalSpacing,
61 | VerticalSpacing = PreferredVerticalSpacing,
62 | NodeWidth = 80,
63 | NodeHeight = 40
64 | };
65 | tileDictionary = new Dictionary<IGenealogyGraphNode<IFragment<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode>>, TileLayoutNode>();
66 | }
67 |
68 | private void MakeTiles() {
69 | var chart = symbolicExpressionChartControl.Chart;
70 | tileDictionary.Clear();
71 | foreach (var node in Content.Nodes) {
72 | var tile = new SymbolicExpressionTreeTile(chart);
73 | tile.LayoutEngine = symbolicExpressionEngine;
74 | tile.Label = "Generation " + node.Rank + Environment.NewLine +
75 | "Quality " + String.Format("{0:0.000}", node.Quality);
76 | tile.Root = node.Content.Root;
77 | var tileNode = new TileLayoutNode { Tile = tile };
78 | tileDictionary.Add(node, tileNode);
79 | }
80 | foreach (var node in Content.Nodes.Where(n => n.Children.Any())) {
81 | var layoutNode = tileDictionary[node];
82 | layoutNode.Children = new List<TileLayoutNode>(node.Children.Select(x => tileDictionary[x]));
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 | private void Draw() {
87 | var chart = symbolicExpressionChartControl.Chart;
88 | var nodes = Content.Nodes.ToList();
89 | var root = nodes[0];
90 | var fragmentRoot = tileDictionary[root];
91 | int maxTileWidth = 0, maxTileHeight = 0;
92 | var tiles = nodes.Select(x => tileDictionary[x].Tile).ToList();
93 |
94 | foreach (var tile in tiles) {
95 | var size = tile.Size;
96 | if (maxTileWidth < size.Width) maxTileWidth = size.Width;
97 | if (maxTileHeight < size.Height) maxTileHeight = size.Height;
98 | }
99 | layoutEngine.NodeWidth = maxTileWidth;
100 | layoutEngine.NodeHeight = maxTileHeight;
101 | layoutEngine.HorizontalSpacing = PreferredHorizontalSpacing;
102 | layoutEngine.VerticalSpacing = PreferredVerticalSpacing;
103 |
104 | var visualNodes = layoutEngine.CalculateLayout(fragmentRoot);
105 |
106 | symbolicExpressionChartControl.UpdateEnabled = false;
107 | foreach (var visualNode in visualNodes) {
108 | var tile = visualNode.Content.Tile;
109 | tile.Position = new Point(visualNode.X, visualNode.Y);
110 | symbolicExpressionChartControl.Add(tile);
111 | }
112 |
113 | // add connections between the tiles
114 | foreach (var node in nodes) {
115 | var aTile = tileDictionary[node].Tile;
116 | var aSize = aTile.Size;
117 | var aPos = aTile.Position;
118 |
119 | var fragment = node.Content;
120 | if (fragment.Index1 > 0) {
121 | var subtree = fragment.Root.NodeAt(fragment.Index1);
122 | foreach (var s in subtree.IterateNodesPrefix()) {
123 | var primitive = aTile.GetPrimitive(s);
124 | if (primitive != null) {
125 | var rpb = primitive as RectangularPrimitiveBase;
126 | if (rpb != null) {
127 | rpb.Pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
128 | }
129 | }
130 | }
131 | }
132 | if (fragment.Index2 > 0) {
133 | var subtree = fragment.Root.NodeAt(fragment.Index2);
134 | foreach (var s in subtree.IterateNodesPrefix()) {
135 | var primitive = aTile.GetPrimitive(s);
136 | if (primitive != null) {
137 | var rpb = primitive as RectangularPrimitiveBase;
138 | if (rpb != null) {
139 | rpb.Brush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray);
140 | }
141 | }
142 | }
143 | }
144 |
145 | if (node.Parents.Any() && node == node.Parents.First().Children.First()) {
146 | var parent = node.Parents.First();
147 | var index = fragment.Index1 + (parent.Content.Index2 - parent.Content.Index1);
148 | // some mutations create discontinuities which invalidate the index
149 | if (index >= 0 && index < fragment.Root.GetLength()) {
150 | var subtree = fragment.Root.NodeAt(index);
151 | var primitive = aTile.GetPrimitive(subtree);
152 | primitive.Brush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightCoral);
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | foreach (var child in node.Children) {
157 | var bTile = tileDictionary[child].Tile;
158 | var bSize = bTile.Size;
159 | var bPos = bTile.Position;
160 |
161 | var line = new Line(chart, new PointD(aPos.X + aSize.Width / 2.0, aPos.Y + aSize.Height), new PointD(bPos.X + bSize.Width / 2.0, bPos.Y)) {
162 | Pen = Pens.DimGray
163 | };
164 | symbolicExpressionChartControl.Add(line);
165 | }
166 | }
167 | // center display on the root of the fragment graph
168 | symbolicExpressionChartControl.Chart.Move(tileDictionary[root].Tile.Position.X, tileDictionary[root].Tile.Position.Y);
169 | symbolicExpressionChartControl.UpdateEnabled = true;
170 | symbolicExpressionChartControl.EnforceUpdate();
171 | }
172 |
173 | protected override void DeregisterContentEvents() {
174 | // TODO: Deregister your event handlers here
175 | base.DeregisterContentEvents();
176 | }
177 |
178 | protected override void RegisterContentEvents() {
179 | base.RegisterContentEvents();
180 | // TODO: Register your event handlers here
181 | }
182 |
183 | #region Event Handlers (Content)
184 | // TODO: Put event handlers of the content here
185 | protected override void OnContentChanged() {
186 | base.OnContentChanged();
187 | if (Content != null) {
188 | MakeTiles();
189 | Draw();
190 | }
191 | }
192 | #endregion
193 |
194 | protected override void SetEnabledStateOfControls() {
195 | base.SetEnabledStateOfControls();
196 | // TODO: Enable or disable controls based on whether the content is null or the view is set readonly
197 | }
198 |
199 | #region Event Handlers (child controls)
200 |
201 | // TODO: Put event handlers of child controls here.
202 |
203 | #endregion
204 | }
205 |
206 | internal static class Util {
207 | internal static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode NodeAt(this ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, int position) {
208 | return NodeAt(tree.Root, position);
209 | }
210 | internal static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode NodeAt(this ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, int position) {
211 | return root.IterateNodesPrefix().ElementAt(position);
212 | }
213 | }
214 |
215 | internal class TileLayoutNode {
216 | public SymbolicExpressionTreeTile Tile { get; set; }
217 |
218 | private List<TileLayoutNode> children;
219 | public IEnumerable<TileLayoutNode> Children {
220 | get { return children ?? Enumerable.Empty<TileLayoutNode>(); }
221 | set { children = value.ToList(); }
222 | }
223 | }
224 | } |