1 | using System.Collections.Generic;
2 | using System.Linq;
3 | using HeuristicLab.Analysis;
4 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Operators;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
11 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable;
12 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic;
13 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression;
14 |
15 | namespace HeuristicLab.EvolutionaryTracking.Analyzers.BuildingBlocks {
16 | [StorableClass]
17 | public class RelevantBuildingBlocksAnalyzer : SingleSuccessorOperator, IAnalyzer {
18 | private const string SymbolicExpressionTreeParameterName = "SymbolicExpressionTree";
19 | private const string UpdateIntervalParameterName = "UpdateInterval";
20 | private const string UpdateCounterParameterName = "UpdateCounter";
21 | private const string ResultsParameterName = "Results";
22 | private const string MatchVariablesParameterName = "MatchVariableNames";
23 | private const string MatchVariableWeightsParameterName = "MatchVariableWeights";
24 | private const string MatchConstantValuesParameterName = "MatchConstantValues";
25 | private const string SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameterName = "SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar";
26 | private const string ClonedSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameterName = "ClonedSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar";
27 | private const string SymbolicRegressionSolutionParameterName = "SymbolicRegressionSolution";
28 | private const string PopulationGraphParameterName = "PopulationGraph";
29 | private const string FrequentFragmentsTableParameterName = "FrequentFragmentsTable";
30 | private const string OccurrenceFrequencyTresholdParameterName = "OccurrenceThreshold";
31 |
32 | private readonly Dictionary<string, IFragment> foundFragments;
33 |
34 | #region Parameters
35 | public ValueParameter<IntValue> UpdateIntervalParameter {
36 | get { return (ValueParameter<IntValue>)Parameters[UpdateIntervalParameterName]; }
37 | }
38 |
39 | public ValueParameter<IntValue> UpdateCounterParameter {
40 | get { return (ValueParameter<IntValue>)Parameters[UpdateCounterParameterName]; }
41 | }
42 | public ValueParameter<DoubleValue> OccurrenceThresholdParameter {
43 | get { return (ValueParameter<DoubleValue>)Parameters[OccurrenceFrequencyTresholdParameterName]; }
44 | }
45 | public LookupParameter<ResultCollection> ResultsParameter {
46 | get { return (LookupParameter<ResultCollection>)Parameters[ResultsParameterName]; }
47 | }
48 | public IScopeTreeLookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionTree> SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter {
49 | get { return (IScopeTreeLookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionTree>)Parameters[SymbolicExpressionTreeParameterName]; }
50 | }
51 | public ValueParameter<BoolValue> MatchVariableNamesParameter {
52 | get { return (ValueParameter<BoolValue>)Parameters[MatchVariablesParameterName]; }
53 | }
54 | public ValueParameter<BoolValue> MatchVariableWeightsParameter {
55 | get { return (ValueParameter<BoolValue>)Parameters[MatchVariableWeightsParameterName]; }
56 | }
57 | public ValueParameter<BoolValue> MatchConstantValuesParameter {
58 | get { return (ValueParameter<BoolValue>)Parameters[MatchConstantValuesParameterName]; }
59 | }
60 | public IValueLookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar> SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameter {
61 | get { return (IValueLookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>)Parameters[SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameterName]; }
62 | }
63 | public ILookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar> ClonedSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameter {
64 | get { return (ILookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>)Parameters[ClonedSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameterName]; }
65 | }
66 | public ILookupParameter<ISymbolicRegressionSolution> SymbolicRegressionSolutionParameter {
67 | get { return (ILookupParameter<ISymbolicRegressionSolution>)Parameters[SymbolicRegressionSolutionParameterName]; }
68 | }
69 | #endregion
70 |
71 | #region Parameter properties
72 | public IntValue UpdateInterval {
73 | get { return UpdateIntervalParameter.Value; }
74 | }
75 | public IntValue UpdateCounter {
76 | get { return UpdateCounterParameter.Value; }
77 | }
78 | public DoubleValue OccurrenceThreshold {
79 | get { return OccurrenceThresholdParameter.Value; }
80 | }
81 | public ResultCollection Results {
82 | get { return ResultsParameter.ActualValue; }
83 | }
84 | public ItemArray<ISymbolicExpressionTree> SymbolicExpressionTrees {
85 | get { return SymbolicExpressionTreeParameter.ActualValue; }
86 | }
87 | public ISymbolicExpressionGrammar SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammar {
88 | get { return ClonedSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameter.ActualValue; }
89 | }
90 | public ISymbolicRegressionSolution SymbolicRegressionSolution {
91 | get { return SymbolicRegressionSolutionParameter.ActualValue; }
92 | }
93 | #endregion
94 |
95 | [StorableConstructor]
96 | protected RelevantBuildingBlocksAnalyzer(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { }
97 |
98 | public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) { return new RelevantBuildingBlocksAnalyzer(this, cloner); }
99 |
100 | protected RelevantBuildingBlocksAnalyzer(RelevantBuildingBlocksAnalyzer original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { }
101 |
102 | public RelevantBuildingBlocksAnalyzer() {
103 | #region Parameters add
104 | Parameters.Add(new ScopeTreeLookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionTree>(SymbolicExpressionTreeParameterName, "The symbolic expression trees to analyze."));
105 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>(UpdateIntervalParameterName, "The interval in which the tree length analysis should be applied.", new IntValue(1)));
106 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>(UpdateCounterParameterName, "The value which counts how many times the operator was called since the last update", new IntValue(0)));
107 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<DoubleValue>(OccurrenceFrequencyTresholdParameterName, "The occurrence threshold for a fragment to be considered a frequenct fragment.", new DoubleValue(0.5)));
108 | Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<ResultCollection>(ResultsParameterName, "The results collection where the analysis values should be stored."));
109 | // matching predicates
110 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<BoolValue>(MatchVariablesParameterName, "Specify if the symbolic expression tree comparer should match variable names.", new BoolValue(true)));
111 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<BoolValue>(MatchVariableWeightsParameterName, "Specify if the symbolic expression tree comparer should match variable weights.", new BoolValue(true)));
112 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<BoolValue>(MatchConstantValuesParameterName, "Specify if the symbolic expression tree comparer should match constant values.", new BoolValue(true)));
113 | Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>(SymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameterName, "The tree grammar that defines the correct syntax of symbolic expression trees that should be created."));
114 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<ISymbolicExpressionGrammar>(ClonedSymbolicExpressionTreeGrammarParameterName, "An immutable clone of the concrete grammar that is actually used to create and manipulate trees."));
115 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<ISymbolicRegressionSolution>(SymbolicRegressionSolutionParameterName, "The symbolic regression solution."));
116 | #endregion
117 | foundFragments = new Dictionary<string, IFragment>();
118 | }
119 |
120 | [StorableHook(HookType.AfterDeserialization)]
121 | private void AfterDeserialization() {
122 | }
123 |
124 | public override void ClearState() {
125 | foundFragments.Clear();
126 | base.InitializeState();
127 | }
128 |
129 | public bool EnabledByDefault { get; private set; }
130 |
131 | public override IOperation Apply() {
132 | UpdateCounter.Value++;
133 | if (UpdateCounter.Value != UpdateInterval.Value) return base.Apply();
134 | UpdateCounter.Value = 0;
135 |
136 | // if (SymbolicRegressionSolution == null) return base.Apply();
137 |
138 | var comparer = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer {
139 | MatchConstantValues = MatchConstantValuesParameter.Value.Value,
140 | MatchVariableNames = MatchVariableNamesParameter.Value.Value,
141 | MatchVariableWeights = MatchVariableWeightsParameter.Value.Value
142 | };
143 |
144 | var fragmentComparer = new SymbolicExpressionTreeFragmentSimilarityComparer { SimilarityComparer = comparer };
145 |
146 | // var bestIndividual = SymbolicRegressionSolution.Model.SymbolicExpressionTree;
147 | var bestTrainingSolution = (ISymbolicRegressionSolution)Results["Best training solution"].Value;
148 | var bestIndividual = bestTrainingSolution.Model.SymbolicExpressionTree;
149 | var subtrees = bestIndividual.IterateNodesPrefix().Where(node => node.SubtreeCount > 0).Select((node, index) => new { Node = node, Index = index });
150 | var frequentFragments = (from s in subtrees
151 | let fragment = new Fragment { Root = s.Node, Index = s.Index }
152 | let count = SymbolicExpressionTrees.Count(tree => tree.Root.ContainsFragment(fragment, comparer))
153 | let frequency = (double)count / SymbolicExpressionTrees.Length
154 | where frequency >= OccurrenceThreshold.Value
155 | select fragment).Distinct(fragmentComparer).ToList();
156 |
157 | var graph = (SymbolicExpressionTreeGenealogyGraph)Results[PopulationGraphParameterName].Value;
158 | DataTable table;
159 |
160 | if (!Results.ContainsKey(FrequentFragmentsTableParameterName)) {
161 | table = new DataTable(FrequentFragmentsTableParameterName);
162 | Results.Add(new Result(FrequentFragmentsTableParameterName, table));
163 | } else {
164 | table = (DataTable)Results[FrequentFragmentsTableParameterName].Value;
165 | }
166 |
167 | foreach (var fragment in foundFragments.Values) {
168 | var prefixString = fragment.Root.ToPrefixString();
169 | double count = SymbolicExpressionTrees.Count(t => t.Root.ContainsFragment(fragment, comparer));
170 | double frequency = count / SymbolicExpressionTrees.Length;
171 | table.Rows[prefixString].Values.Add(frequency);
172 | }
173 |
174 | var newFragments = frequentFragments.Where(f => !foundFragments.ContainsKey(f.Root.ToPrefixString())).ToList();
175 | foreach (var fragment in newFragments) {
176 | var prefixString = fragment.Root.ToPrefixString();
177 | var row = new DataRow(prefixString);
178 | row.Values.AddRange(from g in graph.Nodes.Where(n => n.Rank % 1 == 0).GroupBy(n => n.Rank)
179 | let count = (double)g.Count(n => n.SymbolicExpressionTree.Root.ContainsFragment(fragment, comparer))
180 | let frequency = count / SymbolicExpressionTrees.Length
181 | select frequency);
182 | foundFragments.Add(prefixString, fragment);
183 | table.Rows.Add(row);
184 | }
185 |
186 | return base.Apply();
187 | }
188 | }
189 | }