1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
5 | //using HeuristicLab.EvolutionTracking;
6 |
7 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic {
8 | public static class SymbolicExpressionTreeMatching {
9 | public static bool ContainsSubtree(this ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode subtree, SymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer comparer) {
10 | return FindMatches(root, subtree, comparer).Any();
11 | }
12 | public static IEnumerable<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> FindMatches(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode subtree, SymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer comparer) {
13 | return FindMatches(tree.Root, subtree, comparer);
14 | }
15 |
16 | public static IEnumerable<ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode> FindMatches(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode subtree, SymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer comp) {
17 | var fragmentLength = subtree.GetLength();
18 | // below, we use ">=" for Match(n, subtree, comp) >= fragmentLength because in case of relaxed conditions,
19 | // we can have multiple matches of the same node
20 |
21 | return root.IterateNodesBreadth().Where(n => n.GetLength() >= fragmentLength && Match(n, subtree, comp) == fragmentLength);
22 | }
23 |
24 | ///<summary>
25 | /// Finds the longest common subsequence in quadratic time and linear space
26 | /// Variant of:
27 | /// D. S. Hirschberg. A linear space algorithm for or computing maximal common subsequences. 1975.
28 | /// http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=360861
29 | /// </summary>
30 | /// <returns>Number of pairs that were matched</returns>
31 | public static int Match(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode a, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode b, SymbolicExpressionTreeNodeSimilarityComparer comp) {
32 | if (!comp.Equals(a, b)) return 0;
33 | int m = a.SubtreeCount;
34 | int n = b.SubtreeCount;
35 | if (m == 0 || n == 0) return 1;
36 | var matrix = new int[m + 1, n + 1];
37 | for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
38 | var ai = a.GetSubtree(i - 1);
39 | for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
40 | var bj = b.GetSubtree(j - 1);
41 | int match = Match(ai, bj, comp);
42 | matrix[i, j] = Math.Max(Math.Max(matrix[i, j - 1], matrix[i - 1, j]), matrix[i - 1, j - 1] + match);
43 | }
44 | }
45 | return matrix[m, n] + 1;
46 | }
47 | }
48 | }