1 | /****************************************************************************
2 | **
3 | ** Copyright (c) 2008-2012 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
4 | ** $Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullSet.h#7 $$Change: 1464 $
5 | ** $DateTime: 2012/01/25 22:58:41 $$Author: bbarber $
6 | **
7 | ****************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | #ifndef QhullSet_H
10 | #define QhullSet_H
11 |
12 | #include "QhullError.h"
13 | extern "C" {
14 | #include "libqhull/qhull_a.h"
15 | }
16 |
17 |
18 | #ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
19 | #include <vector>
20 | #endif
21 |
22 | #ifdef QHULL_USES_QT
23 | #include <QtCore/QList>
24 | #endif
25 |
26 | namespace orgQhull {
27 |
28 | #//Type
29 | class QhullSetBase; //! Base class for QhullSet<T>
30 | //! QhullSet<T> -- A read-only wrapper to Qhull's collection class, setT.
31 | //! QhullSet is similar to STL's <vector> and Qt's QVector.
32 | //! QhullSet is unrelated to STL and Qt's set and map types (e.g., QSet and QMap)
33 | //! For STL efficiency, QhullSet caches endPointer()
34 | //! T must be a pointer type
35 | //! A QhullSet does not own its contents -- erase(), clear(), removeFirst(), removeLast(), pop_back(), pop_front(), fromStdList() not defined
36 | //! Qhull's FOREACHelement_() [qset.h] is more efficient than QhullSet. It uses a NULL terminator instead of an end pointer. STL requires an end pointer.
37 | //! Derived from QhullLinkedList.h and Qt/core/tools/qvector.h
38 |
39 | //! QhullSetIterator<T> defined below
40 | //See: QhullPointSet, QhullLinkedList<T>
41 |
42 | class QhullSetBase {
43 |
44 | private:
45 | #//Fields --
46 | setT *qh_set;
47 |
48 | #//Class objects
49 | static setT s_empty_set; //! Workaround for no setT allocator. Used if setT* is NULL
50 |
51 | public:
52 | #//Class methods
53 | static int count(const setT *set);
54 | //s may be null
55 | static bool isEmpty(const setT *s) { return SETempty_(s); }
56 |
57 |
58 | #//Constructors
59 | //! Copy constructor copies the pointer but not the set. Needed for return by value and parameter passing.
60 | QhullSetBase(const QhullSetBase &o) : qh_set(o.qh_set) {}
61 | explicit QhullSetBase(setT *s) : qh_set(s ? s : &s_empty_set) {}
62 | ~QhullSetBase() {}
63 |
64 | private:
65 | //!disabled since memory allocation for QhullSet not defined
66 | QhullSetBase() {}
67 | //!disabled since qs= qs2 is ambiguous (pointer vs. contents)
68 | QhullSetBase &operator=(const QhullSetBase &);
69 | public:
70 |
71 | #//Conversions
72 | //! Not type-safe since setT may contain any type
73 | void defineAs(setT *s) { qh_set= s ? s : &s_empty_set; }
74 | setT *getSetT() const { return qh_set; }
75 | setT **referenceSetT() { return &qh_set; }
76 |
77 | #//Read-only
78 | int count() const { return QhullSetBase::count(qh_set); }
79 | bool empty() const { return SETfirst_(qh_set)==0; }
80 | bool isEmpty() const { return empty(); }
81 | size_t size() const { return count(); }
82 |
83 | #//Element
84 | protected:
85 | void **beginPointer() const { return &qh_set->e[0].p; }
86 | void **elementPointer(int idx) const { QHULL_ASSERT(idx>=0 && idx<qh_set->maxsize); return &SETelem_(qh_set, idx); }
87 | //! Always points to 0
88 | void **endPointer() const { return qh_setendpointer(qh_set); }
89 | };//QhullSetBase
90 |
91 |
92 | //! set of pointers to baseT, T.getBaseT()
93 | template <typename T>
94 | class QhullSet : public QhullSetBase {
95 |
96 | private:
97 | #//Fields -- see QhullSetBase
98 |
99 | #//Class objects
100 | static setT s_empty_set; //! Workaround for no setT allocator. Used if setT* is NULL
101 |
102 | public:
103 | #//Subtypes
104 | typedef T *iterator;
105 | typedef const T *const_iterator;
106 | typedef typename QhullSet<T>::iterator Iterator;
107 | typedef typename QhullSet<T>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
108 |
109 | #//Class methods
110 | static int count(const setT *set);
111 | //s may be null
112 | static bool isEmpty(const setT *s) { return SETempty_(s); }
113 |
114 | #//Constructors
115 | //Copy constructor copies pointer but not contents. Needed for return by value.
116 | QhullSet<T>(const QhullSet<T> &o) : QhullSetBase(o) {}
117 | //Conversion from setT* is not type-safe. Implicit conversion for void* to T
118 | explicit QhullSet<T>(setT *s) : QhullSetBase(s) { QHULL_ASSERT(sizeof(T)==sizeof(void *)); }
119 | ~QhullSet<T>() {}
120 |
121 | private:
122 | //!Disable default constructor and copy assignment. See QhullSetBase
123 | QhullSet<T>();
124 | QhullSet<T> &operator=(const QhullSet<T> &);
125 | public:
126 |
127 | #//Conversion
128 |
129 | #ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
130 | std::vector<T> toStdVector() const;
131 | #endif
132 | #ifdef QHULL_USES_QT
133 | QList<T> toQList() const;
134 | #endif
135 |
136 | #//Read-only -- see QhullSetBase for count(), empty(), isEmpty(), size()
137 | using QhullSetBase::count;
138 | using QhullSetBase::isEmpty;
139 | // operator== defined for QhullSets of the same type
140 | bool operator==(const QhullSet<T> &other) const { return qh_setequal(getSetT(), other.getSetT()); }
141 | bool operator!=(const QhullSet<T> &other) const { return !operator==(other); }
142 |
143 | #//Element access
144 | const T &at(int idx) const { return operator[](idx); }
145 | T &back() { return last(); }
146 | T &back() const { return last(); }
147 | //! end element is NULL
148 | const T *constData() const { return constBegin(); }
149 | T *data() { return begin(); }
150 | const T *data() const { return begin(); }
151 | T &first() { QHULL_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *begin(); }
152 | const T &first() const { QHULL_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *begin(); }
153 | T &front() { return first(); }
154 | const T &front() const { return first(); }
155 | T &last() { QHULL_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *(end()-1); }
156 | const T &last() const { QHULL_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *(end()-1); }
157 | // mid() not available. No setT constructor
158 | T &operator[](int idx) { T *n= reinterpret_cast<T *>(elementPointer(idx)); QHULL_ASSERT(idx>=0 && n < reinterpret_cast<T *>(endPointer())); return *n; }
159 | const T &operator[](int idx) const { const T *n= reinterpret_cast<const T *>(elementPointer(idx)); QHULL_ASSERT(idx>=0 && n < reinterpret_cast<T *>(endPointer())); return *n; }
160 | T &second() { return operator[](1); }
161 | const T &second() const { return operator[](1); }
162 | T value(int idx) const;
163 | T value(int idx, const T &defaultValue) const;
164 |
165 | #//Read-write -- Not available, no setT constructor
166 |
167 | #//iterator
168 | iterator begin() { return iterator(beginPointer()); }
169 | const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(beginPointer()); }
170 | const_iterator constBegin() const { return const_iterator(beginPointer()); }
171 | const_iterator constEnd() const { return const_iterator(endPointer()); }
172 | iterator end() { return iterator(endPointer()); }
173 | const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(endPointer()); }
174 |
175 | #//Search
176 | bool contains(const T &t) const;
177 | int count(const T &t) const;
178 | int indexOf(const T &t) const { /* no qh_qh */ return qh_setindex(getSetT(), t.getBaseT()); }
179 | int lastIndexOf(const T &t) const;
180 |
181 | };//class QhullSet
182 |
183 | // FIXUP? can't use QHULL_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_ITERATOR because it is not a template
184 |
185 | template <typename T>
186 | class QhullSetIterator {
187 |
188 | #//Subtypes
189 | typedef typename QhullSet<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
190 |
191 | private:
192 | #//Fields
193 | const_iterator i;
194 | const_iterator begin_i;
195 | const_iterator end_i;
196 |
197 | public:
198 | #//Constructors
199 | QhullSetIterator<T>(const QhullSet<T> &s) : i(s.begin()), begin_i(i), end_i(s.end()) {}
200 | QhullSetIterator<T>(const QhullSetIterator<T> &o) : i(o.i), begin_i(o.begin_i), end_i(o.end_i) {}
201 | QhullSetIterator<T> &operator=(const QhullSetIterator<T> &o) { i= o.i; begin_i= o.begin_i; end_i= o.end_i; return *this; }
202 |
203 | #//ReadOnly
204 | int countRemaining() { return (int)(end_i-begin_i); } // WARN64
205 |
206 | #//Search
207 | bool findNext(const T &t);
208 | bool findPrevious(const T &t);
209 |
210 | #//Foreach
211 | bool hasNext() const { return i != end_i; }
212 | bool hasPrevious() const { return i != begin_i; }
213 | T next() { return *i++; }
214 | T peekNext() const { return *i; }
215 | T peekPrevious() const { const_iterator p = i; return *--p; }
216 | T previous() { return *--i; }
217 | void toBack() { i = end_i; }
218 | void toFront() { i = begin_i; }
219 | };//class QhullSetIterator
220 |
221 | #//== Definitions =========================================
222 |
223 | #//Conversion
224 |
225 | #ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
226 | template <typename T>
227 | std::vector<T> QhullSet<T>::
228 | toStdVector() const
229 | {
230 | QhullSetIterator<T> i(*this);
231 | std::vector<T> vs;
232 | vs.reserve(i.countRemaining());
233 | while(i.hasNext()){
234 | vs.push_back(i.next());
235 | }
236 | return vs;
237 | }//toStdVector
238 | #endif
239 |
240 | #ifdef QHULL_USES_QT
241 | template <typename T>
242 | QList<T> QhullSet<T>::
243 | toQList() const
244 | {
245 | QhullSetIterator<T> i(*this);
246 | QList<T> vs;
247 | while(i.hasNext()){
248 | vs.append(i.next());
249 | }
250 | return vs;
251 | }//toQList
252 | #endif
253 |
254 | #//Element
255 |
256 | template <typename T>
257 | T QhullSet<T>::
258 | value(int idx) const
259 | {
260 | // Avoid call to qh_setsize() and assert in elementPointer()
261 | const T *n= reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&SETelem_(getSetT(), idx));
262 | return (idx>=0 && n<end()) ? *n : T();
263 | }//value
264 |
265 | template <typename T>
266 | T QhullSet<T>::
267 | value(int idx, const T &defaultValue) const
268 | {
269 | // Avoid call to qh_setsize() and assert in elementPointer()
270 | const T *n= reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&SETelem_(getSetT(), idx));
271 | return (idx>=0 && n<end()) ? *n : defaultValue;
272 | }//value
273 |
274 | #//Search
275 |
276 | template <typename T>
277 | bool QhullSet<T>::
278 | contains(const T &t) const
279 | {
280 | setT *s= getSetT();
281 | void *e= t.getBaseT(); // contains() is not inline for better error reporting
282 | int result= qh_setin(s, e);
283 | return result!=0;
284 | }//contains
285 |
286 | template <typename T>
287 | int QhullSet<T>::
288 | count(const T &t) const
289 | {
290 | int c= 0;
291 | const T *i= data();
292 | const T *e= end();
293 | while(i<e){
294 | if(*i==t){
295 | c++;
296 | }
297 | i++;
298 | }
299 | return c;
300 | }//count
301 |
302 | template <typename T>
303 | int QhullSet<T>::
304 | lastIndexOf(const T &t) const
305 | {
306 | const T *b= begin();
307 | const T *i= end();
308 | while(--i>=b){
309 | if(*i==t){
310 | break;
311 | }
312 | }
313 | return (int)(i-b); // WARN64
314 | }//lastIndexOf
315 |
316 | #//QhullSetIterator
317 |
318 | template <typename T>
319 | bool QhullSetIterator<T>::
320 | findNext(const T &t)
321 | {
322 | while(i!=end_i){
323 | if(*(++i)==t){
324 | return true;
325 | }
326 | }
327 | return false;
328 | }//findNext
329 |
330 | template <typename T>
331 | bool QhullSetIterator<T>::
332 | findPrevious(const T &t)
333 | {
334 | while(i!=begin_i){
335 | if(*(--i)==t){
336 | return true;
337 | }
338 | }
339 | return false;
340 | }//findPrevious
341 |
342 | }//namespace orgQhull
343 |
344 |
345 | #//== Global namespace =========================================
346 |
347 | template <typename T>
348 | std::ostream &
349 | operator<<(std::ostream &os, const orgQhull::QhullSet<T> &qs)
350 | {
351 | const T *i= qs.begin();
352 | const T *e= qs.end();
353 | while(i!=e){
354 | os << *i;
355 | ++i;
356 | }
357 | return os;
358 | }//operator<<
359 |
360 | #endif // QhullSet_H