1 | /****************************************************************************
2 | **
3 | ** Copyright (c) 2009-2012 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
4 | ** $Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullPointSet.cpp#5 $$Change: 1464 $
5 | ** $DateTime: 2012/01/25 22:58:41 $$Author: bbarber $
6 | **
7 | ****************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | #include "QhullPointSet.h"
10 |
11 | #include <iostream>
12 | #include <algorithm>
13 |
14 | #ifdef _MSC_VER // Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | namespace orgQhull {
18 |
19 | #// Conversion
20 |
21 | // See qt-qhull.cpp for QList conversion
22 |
23 | #ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
24 | std::vector<QhullPoint> QhullPointSet::
25 | toStdVector() const
26 | {
27 | QhullPointSetIterator i(*this);
28 | std::vector<QhullPoint> vs;
29 | while(i.hasNext()){
30 | vs.push_back(i.next());
31 | }
32 | return vs;
33 | }//toStdVector
34 | #endif //QHULL_NO_STL
35 |
36 | #//Element-access
37 | //! Derived from QhullSet::value
38 | QhullPoint QhullPointSet::
39 | value(int idx) const
40 | {
41 | // Avoid call to qh_setsize() and assert in elementPointer()
42 | //const T *n= reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&SETelem_(getSetT(), idx));
43 | void **n= reinterpret_cast<void **>(&SETelem_(getSetT(), idx));
44 | coordT **n2= reinterpret_cast<coordT **>(n);
45 | if(idx>=0 && n<endPointer()){
46 | return QhullPoint(dimension(), *n2);
47 | }else{
48 | return QhullPoint();
49 | }
50 | }//value
51 |
52 | //! Non-const since copy is an alias
53 | //! Derived from QhullSet::value
54 | QhullPoint QhullPointSet::
55 | value(int idx, QhullPoint &defaultValue) const
56 | {
57 | // Avoid call to qh_setsize() and assert in elementPointer()
58 | void **n= reinterpret_cast<void **>(&SETelem_(getSetT(), idx));
59 | coordT **n2= reinterpret_cast<coordT **>(n);
60 | if(idx>=0 && n<endPointer()){
61 | return QhullPoint(dimension(), *n2);
62 | }else{
63 | return defaultValue;
64 | }
65 | }//value
66 |
67 | #//Read-only
68 |
69 | bool QhullPointSet::
70 | operator==(const QhullPointSet &o) const
71 | {
72 | if(dimension()!=o.dimension() || count()!=o.count()){
73 | return false;
74 | }
75 | QhullPointSetIterator i(*this);
76 | QhullPointSetIterator j(o);
77 | while(i.hasNext()){
78 | if(i.next()!=j.next()){
79 | return false;
80 | }
81 | }
82 | return true;
83 | }//operator==
84 |
85 | #//Search
86 | bool QhullPointSet::
87 | contains(const QhullPoint &t) const
88 | {
89 | QhullPointSetIterator i(*this);
90 | while(i.hasNext()){
91 | if(i.next()==t){
92 | return true;
93 | }
94 | }
95 | return false;
96 | }//contains
97 |
98 | int QhullPointSet::
99 | count(const QhullPoint &t) const
100 | {
101 | int n= 0;
102 | QhullPointSetIterator i(*this);
103 | while(i.hasNext()){
104 | if(i.next()==t){
105 | ++n;
106 | }
107 | }
108 | return n;
109 | }//count
110 |
111 | int QhullPointSet::
112 | indexOf(const QhullPoint &t) const
113 | {
114 | int idx= 0;
115 | QhullPointSetIterator i(*this);
116 | while(i.hasNext()){
117 | if(i.next()==t){
118 | return idx;
119 | }
120 | ++idx;
121 | }
122 | return -1;
123 | }//indexOf
124 |
125 | int QhullPointSet::
126 | lastIndexOf(const QhullPoint &t) const
127 | {
128 | int idx= count()-1;
129 | QhullPointSetIterator i(*this);
130 | i.toBack();
131 | while(i.hasPrevious()){
132 | if(i.previous()==t){
133 | break;
134 | }
135 | --idx;
136 | }
137 | return idx;
138 | }//lastIndexOf
139 |
140 |
141 | #//QhullPointSetIterator
142 |
143 | bool QhullPointSetIterator::
144 | findNext(const QhullPoint &p)
145 | {
146 | while(i!=c->constEnd()){
147 | if(*i++ == p){
148 | return true;
149 | }
150 | }
151 | return false;
152 | }//findNext
153 |
154 | bool QhullPointSetIterator::
155 | findPrevious(const QhullPoint &p)
156 | {
157 | while(i!=c->constBegin()){
158 | if(*(--i) == p){
159 | return true;
160 | }
161 | }
162 | return false;
163 | }//findPrevious
164 |
165 | }//namespace orgQhull
166 |
167 | #//Global functions
168 |
169 | using std::endl;
170 | using std::ostream;
171 | using orgQhull::QhullPoint;
172 | using orgQhull::QhullPointSet;
173 | using orgQhull::UsingLibQhull;
174 |
175 | #//operator<<
176 |
177 | ostream &
178 | operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullPointSet &ps)
179 | {
180 | os << ps.print(UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId);
181 | return os;
182 | }//<<QhullPointSet
183 |
184 | ostream &
185 | operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullPointSet::PrintIdentifiers &pr)
186 | {
187 | const QhullPointSet s= *pr.point_set;
188 | if (pr.print_message) {
189 | os << pr.print_message;
190 | }
191 | for(QhullPointSet::const_iterator i=s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i){
192 | if(i!=s.begin()){
193 | os << " ";
194 | }
195 | const QhullPoint point= *i;
196 | int id= point.id(pr.run_id);
197 | os << "p" << id;
198 | }
199 | os << endl;
200 | return os;
201 | }//PrintIdentifiers
202 |
203 | ostream &
204 | operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullPointSet::PrintPointSet &pr)
205 | {
206 | const QhullPointSet s= *pr.point_set;
207 | if (pr.print_message) {
208 | os << pr.print_message;
209 | }
210 | for(QhullPointSet::const_iterator i=s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i){
211 | const QhullPoint point= *i;
212 | os << point.print(pr.run_id);
213 | }
214 | return os;
215 | }//printPointSet
216 |
217 |