1 | /****************************************************************************
2 | **
3 | ** Copyright (c) 2009-2012 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
4 | ** $Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp#6 $$Change: 1464 $
5 | ** $DateTime: 2012/01/25 22:58:41 $$Author: bbarber $
6 | **
7 | ****************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | #include "QhullHyperplane.h"
10 | #include "QhullPoint.h"
11 |
12 | #include <iostream>
13 |
14 |
15 | #ifdef _MSC_VER // Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4
16 | #endif
17 |
18 | namespace orgQhull {
19 |
20 | #//Conversion
21 |
22 | // See qt-qhull.cpp for QList conversions
23 |
24 | #ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
25 | std::vector<coordT> QhullHyperplane::
26 | toStdVector() const
27 | {
28 | QhullHyperplaneIterator i(*this);
29 | std::vector<coordT> fs;
30 | while(i.hasNext()){
31 | fs.push_back(i.next());
32 | }
33 | fs.push_back(hyperplane_offset);
34 | return fs;
35 | }//toStdVector
36 | #endif //QHULL_NO_STL
37 |
38 | #//Value
39 |
40 | //! Return distance from point to hyperplane.
41 | //! If greater than zero, the point is above the facet (i.e., outside).
42 | // qh_distplane [geom.c], QhullFacet::distance, and QhullHyperplane::distance are copies
43 | // Does not support RANDOMdist or logging
44 | double QhullHyperplane::
45 | distance(const QhullPoint &p) const
46 | {
47 | const coordT *point= p.coordinates();
48 | int dim= p.dimension();
49 | QHULL_ASSERT(dim==dimension());
50 | const coordT *normal= coordinates();
51 | double dist;
52 |
53 | switch (dim){
54 | case 2:
55 | dist= offset() + point[0] * normal[0] + point[1] * normal[1];
56 | break;
57 | case 3:
58 | dist= offset() + point[0] * normal[0] + point[1] * normal[1] + point[2] * normal[2];
59 | break;
60 | case 4:
61 | dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3];
62 | break;
63 | case 5:
64 | dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4];
65 | break;
66 | case 6:
67 | dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4]+point[5]*normal[5];
68 | break;
69 | case 7:
70 | dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4]+point[5]*normal[5]+point[6]*normal[6];
71 | break;
72 | case 8:
73 | dist= offset()+point[0]*normal[0]+point[1]*normal[1]+point[2]*normal[2]+point[3]*normal[3]+point[4]*normal[4]+point[5]*normal[5]+point[6]*normal[6]+point[7]*normal[7];
74 | break;
75 | default:
76 | dist= offset();
77 | for (int k=dim; k--; )
78 | dist += *point++ * *normal++;
79 | break;
80 | }
81 | return dist;
82 | }//distance
83 |
84 | double QhullHyperplane::
85 | norm() const {
86 | double d= 0.0;
87 | const coordT *c= coordinates();
88 | for (int k=dimension(); k--; ){
89 | d += *c * *c;
90 | ++c;
91 | }
92 | return sqrt(d);
93 | }//norm
94 |
95 | #//Operator
96 |
97 | bool QhullHyperplane::
98 | operator==(const QhullHyperplane &other) const
99 | {
100 | if(hyperplane_dimension!=other.hyperplane_dimension){
101 | return false;
102 | }
103 | double d= fabs(hyperplane_offset-other.hyperplane_offset);
104 | if(d>UsingLibQhull::globalDistanceEpsilon()){
105 | return false;
106 | }
107 | const coordT *c= hyperplane_coordinates;
108 | const coordT *c2= other.hyperplane_coordinates;
109 | if(c==c2){
110 | return true;
111 | }
112 | double dist2= 0.0;
113 | for(int k= hyperplane_dimension; k--; ){
114 | double diff= *c++ - *c2++;
115 | dist2 += diff*diff;
116 | }
117 | if(dist2 > UsingLibQhull::globalAngleEpsilon()){
118 | return false;
119 | }
120 | return true;
121 | }//operator==
122 |
123 | #//GetSet
124 |
125 | }//namespace orgQhull
126 |
127 | #//Global functions
128 |
129 | using std::ostream;
130 | using orgQhull::QhullHyperplane;
131 | using orgQhull::UsingLibQhull;
132 |
133 | #//operator<<
134 |
135 | ostream &
136 | operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullHyperplane &p)
137 | {
138 | os << p.print();
139 | return os;
140 | }
141 |
142 | ostream &
143 | operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullHyperplane::PrintHyperplane &pr)
144 | {
145 | QhullHyperplane p= *pr.hyperplane;
146 | if(pr.print_message){
147 | os << pr.print_message;
148 | }
149 | const realT *c= p.coordinates();
150 | for(int k=p.dimension(); k--; ){
151 | realT r= *c++;
152 | if(pr.print_message){
153 | os << " " << r; // FIXUP QH11010 %8.4g
154 | }else{
155 | os << " " << r; // FIXUP QH11010 qh_REAL_1
156 | }
157 | }
158 | if(pr.hyperplane_offset_message){
159 | os << pr.hyperplane_offset_message << " " << p.offset();
160 | }else{
161 | os << " " << p.offset();
162 | }
163 | os << std::endl;
164 | return os;
165 | }//PrintHyperplane
166 |