1 | /*<html><pre> -<a href="qh-user.htm"
2 | >-------------------------------</a><a name="TOP">-</a>
3 |
4 | user.h
5 | user redefinable constants
6 |
7 | see qh-user.htm. see COPYING for copyright information.
8 |
9 | before reading any code, review libqhull.h for data structure definitions and
10 | the "qh" macro.
11 |
12 | Sections:
13 | ============= qhull library constants ======================
14 | ============= data types and configuration macros ==========
15 | ============= performance related constants ================
16 | ============= memory constants =============================
17 | ============= joggle constants =============================
18 | ============= conditional compilation ======================
19 | ============= -merge constants- ============================
20 |
21 | Code flags --
22 | NOerrors -- the code does not call qh_errexit()
23 | WARN64 -- the code may be incompatible with 64-bit pointers
24 |
25 | */
26 |
27 | #include <time.h>
28 |
29 | #ifndef qhDEFuser
30 | #define qhDEFuser 1
31 |
32 | /*============================================================*/
33 | /*============= qhull library constants ======================*/
34 | /*============================================================*/
35 |
36 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
37 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="filenamelen">-</a>
38 |
39 | FILENAMElen -- max length for TI and TO filenames
40 |
41 | */
42 |
43 | #define qh_FILENAMElen 500
44 |
45 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
46 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="msgcode">-</a>
47 |
48 | msgcode -- Unique message codes for qh_fprintf
49 |
50 | If add new messages, assign these values and increment.
51 |
52 | def counters = [27, 1047, 2059, 3025, 4068, 5003,
53 | 6241, 7079, 8143, 9410, 10000, 11026]
54 |
55 | See: qh_ERR* [libqhull.h]
56 | */
57 |
58 | #define MSG_TRACE0 0
59 | #define MSG_TRACE1 1000
60 | #define MSG_TRACE2 2000
61 | #define MSG_TRACE3 3000
62 | #define MSG_TRACE4 4000
63 | #define MSG_TRACE5 5000
64 | #define MSG_ERROR 6000 /* errors written to qh.ferr */
65 | #define MSG_WARNING 7000
66 | #define MSG_STDERR 8000 /* log messages Written to qh.ferr */
67 | #define MSG_OUTPUT 9000
68 | #define MSG_QHULL_ERROR 10000 /* errors thrown by QhullError [QhullError.h] */
69 | #define MSG_FIXUP 11000 /* FIXUP QH11... */
70 | #define MSG_MAXLEN 3000 /* qh_printhelp_degenerate() in user.c */
71 |
72 |
73 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
74 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="qh_OPTIONline">-</a>
75 |
76 | qh_OPTIONline -- max length of an option line 'FO'
77 | */
78 | #define qh_OPTIONline 80
79 |
80 | /*============================================================*/
81 | /*============= data types and configuration macros ==========*/
82 | /*============================================================*/
83 |
84 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
85 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="realT">-</a>
86 |
87 | realT
88 | set the size of floating point numbers
89 |
90 | qh_REALdigits
91 | maximimum number of significant digits
92 |
93 | qh_REAL_1, qh_REAL_2n, qh_REAL_3n
94 | format strings for printf
95 |
96 | qh_REALmax, qh_REALmin
97 | maximum and minimum (near zero) values
98 |
99 | qh_REALepsilon
100 | machine roundoff. Maximum roundoff error for addition and multiplication.
101 |
102 | notes:
103 | Select whether to store floating point numbers in single precision (float)
104 | or double precision (double).
105 |
106 | Use 'float' to save about 8% in time and 25% in space. This is particularly
107 | helpful if high-d where convex hulls are space limited. Using 'float' also
108 | reduces the printed size of Qhull's output since numbers have 8 digits of
109 | precision.
110 |
111 | Use 'double' when greater arithmetic precision is needed. This is needed
112 | for Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams when you are not merging
113 | facets.
114 |
115 | If 'double' gives insufficient precision, your data probably includes
116 | degeneracies. If so you should use facet merging (done by default)
117 | or exact arithmetic (see imprecision section of manual, qh-impre.htm).
118 | You may also use option 'Po' to force output despite precision errors.
119 |
120 | You may use 'long double', but many format statements need to be changed
121 | and you may need a 'long double' square root routine. S. Grundmann
122 | (sg@eeiwzb.et.tu-dresden.de) has done this. He reports that the code runs
123 | much slower with little gain in precision.
124 |
125 | WARNING: on some machines, int f(){realT a= REALmax;return (a == REALmax);}
126 | returns False. Use (a > REALmax/2) instead of (a == REALmax).
127 |
128 | REALfloat = 1 all numbers are 'float' type
129 | = 0 all numbers are 'double' type
130 | */
131 | #define REALfloat 0
132 |
133 | #if (REALfloat == 1)
134 | #define realT float
135 | #define REALmax FLT_MAX
136 | #define REALmin FLT_MIN
137 | #define REALepsilon FLT_EPSILON
138 | #define qh_REALdigits 8 /* maximum number of significant digits */
139 | #define qh_REAL_1 "%6.8g "
140 | #define qh_REAL_2n "%6.8g %6.8g\n"
141 | #define qh_REAL_3n "%6.8g %6.8g %6.8g\n"
142 |
143 | #elif (REALfloat == 0)
144 | #define realT double
145 | #define REALmax DBL_MAX
146 | #define REALmin DBL_MIN
147 | #define REALepsilon DBL_EPSILON
148 | #define qh_REALdigits 16 /* maximum number of significant digits */
149 | #define qh_REAL_1 "%6.16g "
150 | #define qh_REAL_2n "%6.16g %6.16g\n"
151 | #define qh_REAL_3n "%6.16g %6.16g %6.16g\n"
152 |
153 | #else
154 | #error unknown float option
155 | #endif
156 |
157 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
158 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="CPUclock">-</a>
159 |
160 | qh_CPUclock
161 | define the clock() function for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
162 | returns CPU ticks as a 'long int'
163 | qh_CPUclock is only used for reporting the total time spent by Qhull
164 |
165 | qh_SECticks
166 | the number of clock ticks per second
167 |
168 | notes:
169 | looks for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or assumes microseconds
170 | to define a custom clock, set qh_CLOCKtype to 0
171 |
172 | if your system does not use clock() to return CPU ticks, replace
173 | qh_CPUclock with the corresponding function. It is converted
174 | to 'unsigned long' to prevent wrap-around during long runs. By default,
175 | <time.h> defines clock_t as 'long'
176 |
177 | Set qh_CLOCKtype to
178 |
179 | 1 for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, or microsecond
180 | Note: may fail if more than 1 hour elapsed time
181 |
182 | 2 use qh_clock() with POSIX times() (see global.c)
183 | */
184 | #define qh_CLOCKtype 1 /* change to the desired number */
185 |
186 | #if (qh_CLOCKtype == 1)
187 |
188 | #if defined(CLOCKS_PER_SECOND)
189 | #define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
190 | #define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SECOND
191 |
192 | #elif defined(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
193 | #define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
194 | #define qh_SECticks CLOCKS_PER_SEC
195 |
196 | #elif defined(CLK_TCK)
197 | #define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
198 | #define qh_SECticks CLK_TCK
199 |
200 | #else
201 | #define qh_CPUclock ((unsigned long)clock()) /* return CPU clock */
202 | #define qh_SECticks 1E6
203 | #endif
204 |
205 | #elif (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
206 | #define qh_CPUclock qh_clock() /* return CPU clock */
207 | #define qh_SECticks 100
208 |
209 | #else /* qh_CLOCKtype == ? */
210 | #error unknown clock option
211 | #endif
212 |
213 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
214 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="RANDOM">-</a>
215 |
216 | qh_RANDOMtype, qh_RANDOMmax, qh_RANDOMseed
217 | define random number generator
218 |
219 | qh_RANDOMint generates a random integer between 0 and qh_RANDOMmax.
220 | qh_RANDOMseed sets the random number seed for qh_RANDOMint
221 |
222 | Set qh_RANDOMtype (default 5) to:
223 | 1 for random() with 31 bits (UCB)
224 | 2 for rand() with RAND_MAX or 15 bits (system 5)
225 | 3 for rand() with 31 bits (Sun)
226 | 4 for lrand48() with 31 bits (Solaris)
227 | 5 for qh_rand() with 31 bits (included with Qhull)
228 |
229 | notes:
230 | Random numbers are used by rbox to generate point sets. Random
231 | numbers are used by Qhull to rotate the input ('QRn' option),
232 | simulate a randomized algorithm ('Qr' option), and to simulate
233 | roundoff errors ('Rn' option).
234 |
235 | Random number generators differ between systems. Most systems provide
236 | rand() but the period varies. The period of rand() is not critical
237 | since qhull does not normally use random numbers.
238 |
239 | The default generator is Park & Miller's minimal standard random
240 | number generator [CACM 31:1195 '88]. It is included with Qhull.
241 |
242 | If qh_RANDOMmax is wrong, qhull will report a warning and Geomview
243 | output will likely be invisible.
244 | */
245 | #define qh_RANDOMtype 5 /* *** change to the desired number *** */
246 |
247 | #if (qh_RANDOMtype == 1)
248 | #define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, random()/MAX */
249 | #define qh_RANDOMint random()
250 | #define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srandom(seed);
251 |
252 | #elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 2)
253 | #ifdef RAND_MAX
254 | #define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)RAND_MAX)
255 | #else
256 | #define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)32767) /* 15 bits (System 5) */
257 | #endif
258 | #define qh_RANDOMint rand()
259 | #define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
260 |
261 | #elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 3)
262 | #define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, Sun */
263 | #define qh_RANDOMint rand()
264 | #define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand((unsigned)seed);
265 |
266 | #elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 4)
267 | #define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)0x7fffffffUL) /* 31 bits, lrand38()/MAX */
268 | #define qh_RANDOMint lrand48()
269 | #define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) srand48(seed);
270 |
271 | #elif (qh_RANDOMtype == 5)
272 | #define qh_RANDOMmax ((realT)2147483646UL) /* 31 bits, qh_rand/MAX */
273 | #define qh_RANDOMint qh_rand()
274 | #define qh_RANDOMseed_(seed) qh_srand(seed);
275 | /* unlike rand(), never returns 0 */
276 |
277 | #else
278 | #error: unknown random option
279 | #endif
280 |
281 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
282 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="ORIENTclock">-</a>
283 |
284 | qh_ORIENTclock
285 | 0 for inward pointing normals by Geomview convention
286 | */
287 | #define qh_ORIENTclock 0
288 |
289 |
290 | /*============================================================*/
291 | /*============= joggle constants =============================*/
292 | /*============================================================*/
293 |
294 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
295 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEdefault">-</a>
296 |
297 | qh_JOGGLEdefault
298 | default qh.JOGGLEmax is qh.DISTround * qh_JOGGLEdefault
299 |
300 | notes:
301 | rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-15 QR0 generates 90% faults at distround 7e-16
302 | rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-14 QR0 generates 70% faults
303 | rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-13 QR0 generates 35% faults
304 | rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 8% faults
305 | rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 1% faults
306 | rbox s r 100 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 0% faults
307 | rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-12 QR0 generates 86% faults
308 | rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-11 QR0 generates 20% faults
309 | rbox 1000 W0 | qhull QJ1e-10 QR0 generates 2% faults
310 | the later have about 20 points per facet, each of which may interfere
311 |
312 | pick a value large enough to avoid retries on most inputs
313 | */
314 | #define qh_JOGGLEdefault 30000.0
315 |
316 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
317 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEincrease">-</a>
318 |
319 | qh_JOGGLEincrease
320 | factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on qh_JOGGLEretry or qh_JOGGLEagain
321 | */
322 | #define qh_JOGGLEincrease 10.0
323 |
324 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
325 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEretry">-</a>
326 |
327 | qh_JOGGLEretry
328 | if ZZretry = qh_JOGGLEretry, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
329 |
330 | notes:
331 | try twice at the original value in case of bad luck the first time
332 | */
333 | #define qh_JOGGLEretry 2
334 |
335 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
336 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEagain">-</a>
337 |
338 | qh_JOGGLEagain
339 | every following qh_JOGGLEagain, increase qh.JOGGLEmax
340 |
341 | notes:
342 | 1 is OK since it's already failed qh_JOGGLEretry times
343 | */
344 | #define qh_JOGGLEagain 1
345 |
346 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
347 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxincrease">-</a>
348 |
349 | qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
350 | maximum qh.JOGGLEmax due to qh_JOGGLEincrease
351 | relative to qh.MAXwidth
352 |
353 | notes:
354 | qh.joggleinput will retry at this value until qh_JOGGLEmaxretry
355 | */
356 | #define qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease 1e-2
357 |
358 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
359 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="JOGGLEmaxretry">-</a>
360 |
361 | qh_JOGGLEmaxretry
362 | stop after qh_JOGGLEmaxretry attempts
363 | */
364 | #define qh_JOGGLEmaxretry 100
365 |
366 | /*============================================================*/
367 | /*============= performance related constants ================*/
368 | /*============================================================*/
369 |
370 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
371 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="HASHfactor">-</a>
372 |
373 | qh_HASHfactor
374 | total hash slots / used hash slots. Must be at least 1.1.
375 |
376 | notes:
377 | =2 for at worst 50% occupancy for qh hash_table and normally 25% occupancy
378 | */
379 | #define qh_HASHfactor 2
380 |
381 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
382 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="VERIFYdirect">-</a>
383 |
384 | qh_VERIFYdirect
385 | with 'Tv' verify all points against all facets if op count is smaller
386 |
387 | notes:
388 | if greater, calls qh_check_bestdist() instead
389 | */
390 | #define qh_VERIFYdirect 1000000
391 |
392 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
393 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALsearch">-</a>
394 |
395 | qh_INITIALsearch
396 | if qh_INITIALmax, search points up to this dimension
397 | */
398 | #define qh_INITIALsearch 6
399 |
400 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
401 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="INITIALmax">-</a>
402 |
403 | qh_INITIALmax
404 | if dim >= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate points for initial simplex
405 |
406 | notes:
407 | from points with non-zero determinants
408 | use option 'Qs' to override (much slower)
409 | */
410 | #define qh_INITIALmax 8
411 |
412 | /*============================================================*/
413 | /*============= memory constants =============================*/
414 | /*============================================================*/
415 |
416 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
417 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMalign">-</a>
418 |
419 | qh_MEMalign
420 | memory alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
421 |
422 | notes:
423 | to avoid bus errors, memory allocation must consider alignment requirements.
424 | malloc() automatically takes care of alignment. Since mem.c manages
425 | its own memory, we need to explicitly specify alignment in
426 | qh_meminitbuffers().
427 |
428 | A safe choice is sizeof(double). sizeof(float) may be used if doubles
429 | do not occur in data structures and pointers are the same size. Be careful
430 | of machines (e.g., DEC Alpha) with large pointers.
431 |
432 | If using gcc, best alignment is
433 | #define qh_MEMalign fmax_(__alignof__(realT),__alignof__(void *))
434 | */
435 | #define qh_MEMalign ((int)(fmax_(sizeof(realT), sizeof(void *))))
436 |
437 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
438 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMbufsize">-</a>
439 |
440 | qh_MEMbufsize
441 | size of additional memory buffers
442 |
443 | notes:
444 | used for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
445 | */
446 | #define qh_MEMbufsize 0x10000 /* allocate 64K memory buffers */
447 |
448 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
449 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MEMinitbuf">-</a>
450 |
451 | qh_MEMinitbuf
452 | size of initial memory buffer
453 |
454 | notes:
455 | use for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c
456 | */
457 | #define qh_MEMinitbuf 0x20000 /* initially allocate 128K buffer */
458 |
459 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
460 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="INFINITE">-</a>
461 |
462 | qh_INFINITE
463 | on output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity
464 | */
465 | #define qh_INFINITE -10.101
466 |
467 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
468 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="DEFAULTbox">-</a>
469 |
470 | qh_DEFAULTbox
471 | default box size (Geomview expects 0.5)
472 |
473 | qh_DEFAULTbox
474 | default box size for integer coorindate (rbox only)
475 | */
476 | #define qh_DEFAULTbox 0.5
477 | #define qh_DEFAULTzbox 1e6
478 |
479 | /*============================================================*/
480 | /*============= conditional compilation ======================*/
481 | /*============================================================*/
482 |
483 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
484 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="compiler">-</a>
485 |
486 | __cplusplus
487 | defined by C++ compilers
488 |
489 | __MSC_VER
490 | defined by Microsoft Visual C++
491 |
492 | __MWERKS__ && __POWERPC__
493 | defined by Metrowerks when compiling for the Power Macintosh
494 |
495 | __STDC__
496 | defined for strict ANSI C
497 | */
498 |
499 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
500 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="COMPUTEfurthest">-</a>
501 |
502 | qh_COMPUTEfurthest
503 | compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
504 | =1 to compute furthest
505 |
506 | notes:
507 | computing furthest saves memory but costs time
508 | about 40% more distance tests for partitioning
509 | removes facet->furthestdist
510 | */
511 | #define qh_COMPUTEfurthest 0
512 |
513 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
514 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="KEEPstatistics">-</a>
515 |
516 | qh_KEEPstatistics
517 | =0 removes most of statistic gathering and reporting
518 |
519 | notes:
520 | if 0, code size is reduced by about 4%.
521 | */
522 | #define qh_KEEPstatistics 1
523 |
524 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
525 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXoutside">-</a>
526 |
527 | qh_MAXoutside
528 | record outer plane for each facet
529 | =1 to record facet->maxoutside
530 |
531 | notes:
532 | this takes a realT per facet and slightly slows down qhull
533 | it produces better outer planes for geomview output
534 | */
535 | #define qh_MAXoutside 1
536 |
537 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
538 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="NOmerge">-</a>
539 |
540 | qh_NOmerge
541 | disables facet merging if defined
542 |
543 | notes:
544 | This saves about 10% space.
545 |
546 | Unless 'Q0'
547 | qh_NOmerge sets 'QJ' to avoid precision errors
548 |
549 | #define qh_NOmerge
550 |
551 | see:
552 | <a href="mem.h#NOmem">qh_NOmem</a> in mem.c
553 |
554 | see user.c/user_eg.c for removing io.o
555 | */
556 |
557 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
558 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="NOtrace">-</a>
559 |
560 | qh_NOtrace
561 | no tracing if defined
562 |
563 | notes:
564 | This saves about 5% space.
565 |
566 | #define qh_NOtrace
567 | */
568 |
569 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
570 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="QHpointer">-</a>
571 |
572 | qh_QHpointer
573 | access global data with pointer or static structure
574 |
575 | qh_QHpointer = 1 access globals via a pointer to allocated memory
576 | enables qh_saveqhull() and qh_restoreqhull()
577 | [2010, gcc] costs about 4% in time and 4% in space
578 | [2003, msvc] costs about 8% in time and 2% in space
579 |
580 | = 0 qh_qh and qh_qhstat are static data structures
581 | only one instance of qhull() can be active at a time
582 | default value
583 |
584 | qh_QHpointer_dllimport and qh_dllimport define qh_qh as __declspec(dllimport) [libqhull.h]
585 | It is required for msvc-2005. It is not needed for gcc.
586 |
587 | notes:
588 | all global variables for qhull are in qh, qhmem, and qhstat
589 | qh is defined in libqhull.h
590 | qhmem is defined in mem.h
591 | qhstat is defined in stat.h
592 | C++ build defines qh_QHpointer [libqhullp.pro, libqhullcpp.pro]
593 |
594 | see:
595 | user_eg.c for an example
596 | */
597 | #ifdef qh_QHpointer
598 | #if qh_dllimport
599 | #error QH6207 Qhull error: Use qh_QHpointer_dllimport instead of qh_dllimport with qh_QHpointer
600 | #endif
601 | #else
602 | #define qh_QHpointer 0
603 | #if qh_QHpointer_dllimport
604 | #error QH6234 Qhull error: Use qh_dllimport instead of qh_QHpointer_dllimport when qh_QHpointer is not defined
605 | #endif
606 | #endif
607 | #if 0 /* sample code */
608 | qhT *oldqhA, *oldqhB;
609 |
610 | exitcode= qh_new_qhull(dim, numpoints, points, ismalloc,
611 | flags, outfile, errfile);
612 | /* use results from first call to qh_new_qhull */
613 | oldqhA= qh_save_qhull();
614 | exitcode= qh_new_qhull(dimB, numpointsB, pointsB, ismalloc,
615 | flags, outfile, errfile);
616 | /* use results from second call to qh_new_qhull */
617 | oldqhB= qh_save_qhull();
618 | qh_restore_qhull(&oldqhA);
619 | /* use results from first call to qh_new_qhull */
620 | qh_freeqhull(qh_ALL); /* frees all memory used by first call */
621 | qh_restore_qhull(&oldqhB);
622 | /* use results from second call to qh_new_qhull */
623 | qh_freeqhull(!qh_ALL); /* frees long memory used by second call */
624 | qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong); /* frees short memory and memory allocator */
625 | #endif
626 |
627 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
628 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="QUICKhelp">-</a>
629 |
630 | qh_QUICKhelp
631 | =1 to use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
632 | */
633 | #define qh_QUICKhelp 0
634 |
635 | /*============================================================*/
636 | /*============= -merge constants- ============================*/
637 | /*============================================================*/
638 | /*
639 | These constants effect facet merging. You probably will not need
640 | to modify them. They effect the performance of facet merging.
641 | */
642 |
643 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
644 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMmergeVertex">-</a>
645 |
646 | qh_DIMmergeVertex
647 | max dimension for vertex merging (it is not effective in high-d)
648 | */
649 | #define qh_DIMmergeVertex 6
650 |
651 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
652 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="DIMreduceBuild">-</a>
653 |
654 | qh_DIMreduceBuild
655 | max dimension for vertex reduction during build (slow in high-d)
656 | */
657 | #define qh_DIMreduceBuild 5
658 |
659 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
660 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTcentrum">-</a>
661 |
662 | qh_BESTcentrum
663 | if > 2*dim+n vertices, qh_findbestneighbor() tests centrums (faster)
664 | else, qh_findbestneighbor() tests all vertices (much better merges)
665 |
666 | qh_BESTcentrum2
667 | if qh_BESTcentrum2 * DIM3 + BESTcentrum < #vertices tests centrums
668 | */
669 | #define qh_BESTcentrum 20
670 | #define qh_BESTcentrum2 2
671 |
672 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
673 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="BESTnonconvex">-</a>
674 |
675 | qh_BESTnonconvex
676 | if > dim+n neighbors, qh_findbestneighbor() tests nonconvex ridges.
677 |
678 | notes:
679 | It is needed because qh_findbestneighbor is slow for large facets
680 | */
681 | #define qh_BESTnonconvex 15
682 |
683 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
684 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewmerges">-</a>
685 |
686 | qh_MAXnewmerges
687 | if >n newmerges, qh_merge_nonconvex() calls qh_reducevertices_centrums.
688 |
689 | notes:
690 | It is needed because postmerge can merge many facets at once
691 | */
692 | #define qh_MAXnewmerges 2
693 |
694 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
695 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnewcentrum">-</a>
696 |
697 | qh_MAXnewcentrum
698 | if <= dim+n vertices (n approximates the number of merges),
699 | reset the centrum in qh_updatetested() and qh_mergecycle_facets()
700 |
701 | notes:
702 | needed to reduce cost and because centrums may move too much if
703 | many vertices in high-d
704 | */
705 | #define qh_MAXnewcentrum 5
706 |
707 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
708 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="COPLANARratio">-</a>
709 |
710 | qh_COPLANARratio
711 | for 3-d+ merging, qh.MINvisible is n*premerge_centrum
712 |
713 | notes:
714 | for non-merging, it's DISTround
715 | */
716 | #define qh_COPLANARratio 3
717 |
718 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
719 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="DISToutside">-</a>
720 |
721 | qh_DISToutside
722 | When is a point clearly outside of a facet?
723 | Stops search in qh_findbestnew or qh_partitionall
724 | qh_findbest uses qh.MINoutside since since it is only called if no merges.
725 |
726 | notes:
727 | 'Qf' always searches for best facet
728 | if !qh.MERGING, same as qh.MINoutside.
729 | if qh_USEfindbestnew, increase value since neighboring facets may be ill-behaved
730 | [Note: Zdelvertextot occurs normally with interior points]
731 | RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001188774 | QHULL Tv
732 | When there is a sharp edge, need to move points to a
733 | clearly good facet; otherwise may be lost in another partitioning.
734 | if too big then O(n^2) behavior for partitioning in cone
735 | if very small then important points not processed
736 | Needed in qh_partitionall for
737 | RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t1001032651 | QHULL Tv
738 | Needed in qh_findbestnew for many instances of
739 | RBOX 1000 s Z1 G1e-13 t | QHULL Tv
740 |
741 | See:
742 | qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
743 | qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
744 | qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
745 | */
746 | #define qh_DISToutside ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
747 | fmax_((qh MERGING ? 2 : 1)*qh MINoutside, qh max_outside))
748 |
749 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
750 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="RATIOnearinside">-</a>
751 |
752 | qh_RATIOnearinside
753 | ratio of qh.NEARinside to qh.ONEmerge for retaining inside points for
754 | qh_check_maxout().
755 |
756 | notes:
757 | This is overkill since do not know the correct value.
758 | It effects whether 'Qc' reports all coplanar points
759 | Not used for 'd' since non-extreme points are coplanar
760 | */
761 | #define qh_RATIOnearinside 5
762 |
763 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
764 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="SEARCHdist">-</a>
765 |
766 | qh_SEARCHdist
767 | When is a facet coplanar with the best facet?
768 | qh_findbesthorizon: all coplanar facets of the best facet need to be searched.
769 |
770 | See:
771 | qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
772 | qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
773 | qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
774 | */
775 | #define qh_SEARCHdist ((qh_USEfindbestnew ? 2 : 1) * \
776 | (qh max_outside + 2 * qh DISTround + fmax_( qh MINvisible, qh MAXcoplanar)));
777 |
778 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
779 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="USEfindbestnew">-</a>
780 |
781 | qh_USEfindbestnew
782 | Always use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint, otherwise use
783 | qh_findbestnew if merged new facet or sharpnewfacets.
784 |
785 | See:
786 | qh_DISToutside -- when is a point clearly outside of a facet
787 | qh_SEARCHdist -- when is facet coplanar with the best facet?
788 | qh_USEfindbestnew -- when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
789 | */
790 | #define qh_USEfindbestnew (zzval_(Ztotmerge) > 50)
791 |
792 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
793 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="WIDEcoplanar">-</a>
794 |
795 | qh_WIDEcoplanar
796 | n*MAXcoplanar or n*MINvisible for a WIDEfacet
797 |
798 | if vertex is further than qh.WIDEfacet from the hyperplane
799 | then its ridges are not counted in computing the area, and
800 | the facet's centrum is frozen.
801 |
802 | notes:
803 | qh.WIDEfacet= max(qh.MAXoutside,qh_WIDEcoplanar*qh.MAXcoplanar,
804 | qh_WIDEcoplanar * qh.MINvisible);
805 | */
806 | #define qh_WIDEcoplanar 6
807 |
808 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
809 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="MAXnarrow">-</a>
810 |
811 | qh_MAXnarrow
812 | max. cosine in initial hull that sets qh.NARROWhull
813 |
814 | notes:
815 | If qh.NARROWhull, the initial partition does not make
816 | coplanar points. If narrow, a coplanar point can be
817 | coplanar to two facets of opposite orientations and
818 | distant from the exact convex hull.
819 |
820 | Conservative estimate. Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0
821 | */
822 | #define qh_MAXnarrow -0.99999999
823 |
824 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
825 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="WARNnarrow">-</a>
826 |
827 | qh_WARNnarrow
828 | max. cosine in initial hull to warn about qh.NARROWhull
829 |
830 | notes:
831 | this is a conservative estimate.
832 | Don't actually see problems until it is -1.0. See qh-impre.htm
833 | */
834 | #define qh_WARNnarrow -0.999999999999999
835 |
836 | /*-<a href="qh-user.htm#TOC"
837 | >--------------------------------</a><a name="ZEROdelaunay">-</a>
838 |
839 | qh_ZEROdelaunay
840 | a zero Delaunay facet occurs for input sites coplanar with their convex hull
841 | the last normal coefficient of a zero Delaunay facet is within
842 | qh_ZEROdelaunay * qh.ANGLEround of 0
843 |
844 | notes:
845 | qh_ZEROdelaunay does not allow for joggled input ('QJ').
846 |
847 | You can avoid zero Delaunay facets by surrounding the input with a box.
848 |
849 | Use option 'PDk:-n' to explicitly define zero Delaunay facets
850 | k= dimension of input sites (e.g., 3 for 3-d Delaunay triangulation)
851 | n= the cutoff for zero Delaunay facets (e.g., 'PD3:-1e-12')
852 | */
853 | #define qh_ZEROdelaunay 2
854 |
855 | #endif /* qh_DEFuser */
856 |
857 |
858 |