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31 | <hr>
32 | <h2>user.c -- user-definable operations</h2>
33 | <blockquote>
34 | <p>This section contains functions and constants that the
35 | user may want to change. </p>
36 |
37 | </blockquote>
38 | <p><b>Copyright © 1995-2012 C.B. Barber</b></p>
39 | <hr>
40 | <p><a href="#TOP">»</a> <a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">Geom</a>
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42 | • <a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">Io</a> • <a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">Mem</a>
43 | • <a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">Merge</a> • <a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">Poly</a>
44 | • <a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> • <a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">Set</a>
45 | • <a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> • <b>User</b>
46 | </p>
47 | <h3>Index to <a href="user.c">user.c</a>, <a href="usermem.c">usermem.c</a>, <a href="userprintf.c">userprintf.c</a>, <a href="userprintf_rbox.c">userprintf_rbox.c</a> and
48 | <a href="user.h">user.h</a></h3>
49 | <ul>
50 | <li><a href="#qulllib">qhull library constants</a></li>
51 | <li><a href="#utype">user.h data types and
52 | configuration macros</a> </li>
53 | <li><a href="#ujoggle">joggle constants</a></li>
54 | <li><a href="#uperform">performance related constants</a></li>
55 | <li><a href="#umemory">memory constants</a></li>
56 | <li><a href="#ucond">conditional compilation</a></li>
57 | <li><a href="#umerge">merge constants</a> </li>
58 | <li><a href="#ufunc">user.c functions</a> </li>
59 | <li><a href="#u2func">usermem.c functions</a> </li>
60 | <li><a href="#u3func">userprintf.c functions</a> </li>
61 | </ul>
62 |
63 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="qulllib">Qhull library constants</a></h3>
64 | <ul>
65 | <li><a href="user.h#filenamelen">FILENAMElen</a> -- max length of TI or TO filename </li>
66 | <li><a href="user.h#msgcode">msgcode</a> -- unique message codes for qh_fprintf </li>
67 | <li><a href="user.h#qh_OPTIONline">qh_OPTIONline</a> -- max length of option line ('FO')</li>
68 | </ul>
69 |
70 |
71 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="utype">user.h data
72 | types and configuration macros</a></h3>
73 | <ul>
74 | <li><a href="user.h#realT">realT, qh_REAL...</a> size
75 | of floating point numbers </li>
76 | <li><a href="user.h#CPUclock">qh_CPUclock</a> clock()
77 | function for reporting the total time spent by
78 | Qhull </li>
79 | <li><a href="user.h#RANDOM">qh_RANDOM...</a> random
80 | number generator </li>
81 | </ul>
82 |
83 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="udef">definition constants</a></h3>
84 | <ul>
85 | <li><a href="user.h#DEFAULTbox">qh_DEFAULTbox</a>
86 | define default box size for rbox, 'Qbb', and 'QbB' (Geomview expects 0.5) </li>
87 | <li><a href="user.h#INFINITE">qh_INFINITE</a> on
88 | output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity </li>
89 | <li><a href="user.h#ORIENTclock">qh_ORIENTclock</a>
90 | define convention for orienting facets</li>
91 | <li><a href="user.h#ZEROdelaunay">qh_ZEROdelaunay</a>
92 | define facets that are ignored in Delaunay triangulations</li>
93 | </ul>
94 |
95 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="ujoggle">joggle constants</a></h3>
96 | <ul>
97 | <li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEagain">qh_JOGGLEagain</a>
98 | how often to retry before using qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease
99 | again </li>
100 | <li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEdefault">qh_JOGGLEdefault</a>
101 | default value for qh.JOGGLEmax for 'QP' </li>
102 | <li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEincrease">qh_JOGGLEincrease</a>
103 | factor to increase qh.JOGGLEmax on retrys for
104 | 'QPn' </li>
105 | <li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEmaxincrease">qh_JOGGLEmaxincrease</a> max
106 | for increasing qh.JOGGLEmax relative to
107 | qh.MAXwidth </li>
108 | <li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEretry">qh_JOGGLEmaxretry</a>
109 | report error if this many retries </li>
110 | <li><a href="user.h#JOGGLEretry">qh_JOGGLEretry</a>
111 | how often to retry before using qh_JOGGLEmax </li>
112 | </ul>
113 |
114 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="uperform">performance
115 | related constants</a></h3>
116 | <ul>
117 | <li><a href="user.h#HASHfactor">qh_HASHfactor</a>
118 | total/used hash slots </li>
119 | <li><a href="user.h#INITIALmax">qh_INITIALmax</a> if
120 | dim >= qh_INITIALmax, use min/max coordinate
121 | points for initial simplex </li>
122 | <li><a href="user.h#INITIALsearch">qh_INITIALsearch</a>
123 | if qh.INITIALmax, search points up to this
124 | dimension </li>
125 | <li><a href="user.h#NOtrace">qh_NOtrace</a> disallow
126 | tracing </li>
127 | <li><a href="user.h#VERIFYdirect">qh_VERIFYdirect</a>
128 | 'Tv' verifies all <em>points X facets</em> if op
129 | count is smaller </li>
130 | </ul>
131 |
132 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="umemory">memory constants</a></h3>
133 | <ul>
134 | <li><a href="user.h#MEMalign">qh_MEMalign</a> memory
135 | alignment for qh_meminitbuffers() in global.c </li>
136 | <li><a href="user.h#MEMbufsize">qh_MEMbufsize</a>
137 | size of additional memory buffers </li>
138 | <li><a href="user.h#MEMinitbuf">qh_MEMinitbuf</a>
139 | size of initial memory buffer </li>
140 | </ul>
141 |
142 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="ucond">conditional compilation</a></h3>
143 | <ul>
144 | <li><a href="user.h#compiler">compiler</a> defined symbols,
145 | e.g., _STDC_ and _cplusplus
146 |
147 | <li><a href="user.h#COMPUTEfurthest">qh_COMPUTEfurthest</a>
148 | compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
149 | <li><a href="user.h#KEEPstatistics">qh_KEEPstatistics</a>
150 | enable statistic gathering and reporting with option 'Ts'
151 | <li><a href="user.h#MAXoutside">qh_MAXoutside</a>
152 | record outer plane for each facet
153 | <li><a href="user.h#NOmerge">qh_NOmerge</a>
154 | disable facet merging
155 | <li><a href="user.h#NOtrace">qh_NOtrace</a>
156 | disable tracing with option 'T4'
157 | <li><a href="user.h#QHpointer">qh_QHpointer</a>
158 | access global data with pointer or static structure
159 | <li><a href="user.h#QUICKhelp">qh_QUICKhelp</a>
160 | use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
161 | </ul>
162 |
163 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="umerge">merge
164 | constants</a></h3>
165 | <ul>
166 | <li><a href="user.h#BESTcentrum">qh_BESTcentrum</a>
167 | when does qh_findbestneighbor() test centrums? </li>
168 | <li><a href="user.h#BESTnonconvex">qh_BESTnonconvex</a>
169 | when does qh_findbestneighbor() test nonconvex
170 | ridges only? </li>
171 | <li><a href="user.h#COPLANARratio">qh_COPLANARratio</a>
172 | what is qh.MINvisible? </li>
173 | <li><a href="user.h#DIMreduceBuild">qh_DIMreduceBuild</a>
174 | max dimension for vertex reduction </li>
175 | <li><a href="user.h#DIMmergeVertex">qh_DIMmergeVertex</a>
176 | max dimension for vertex merging </li>
177 | <li><a href="user.h#DISToutside">qh_DISToutside</a>
178 | when is a point clearly outside of a facet for qh_findbestnew and qh_partitionall</li>
179 | <li><a href="user.h#MAXnarrow">qh_MAXnarrow</a> max.
180 | cosine for qh.NARROWhull </li>
181 | <li><a href="user.h#MAXnewcentrum">qh_MAXnewcentrum</a>
182 | when does qh_reducevertices_centrum() reset the
183 | centrum? </li>
184 | <li><a href="user.h#MAXnewmerges">qh_MAXnewmerges</a>
185 | when does qh_merge_nonconvex() call
186 | qh_reducevertices_centrums? </li>
187 | <li><a href="user.h#RATIOnearinside">qh_RATIOnearinside</a>
188 | ratio for retaining inside points for
189 | qh_check_maxout() </li>
190 | <li><a href="user.h#SEARCHdist">qh_SEARCHdist</a>
191 | when is facet coplanar with the best facet for qh_findbesthorizon</li>
192 | <li><a href="user.h#USEfindbestnew">qh_USEfindbestnew</a>
193 | when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()</li>
194 | <li><a href="user.h#WIDEcoplanar">qh_WIDEcoplanar</a>
195 | what is a WIDEfacet? </li>
196 | <li><a href="user.h#WARNnarrow">qh_WARNnarrow</a>
197 | max. cosine to warn about qh.NARROWhull </li>
198 | </ul>
199 |
200 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="ufunc">user.c
201 | functions</a></h3>
202 | <ul>
203 | <li><a href="user.c#errexit">qh_errexit</a> report
204 | error and exit qhull()</li>
205 | <li><a href="user.c#errprint">qh_errprint</a> print
206 | information about facets and ridges </li>
207 | <li><a href="user.c#new_qhull">qh_new_qhull</a> call qhull on an array
208 | of points</li>
209 | <li><a href="user.c#printfacetlist">qh_printfacetlist</a>
210 | print all fields of all facets </li>
211 | </ul>
212 |
213 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="u2func">usermem.c
214 | functions</a></h3>
215 | <ul>
216 | <li><a href="usermem.c#qh_exit">qh_exit</a> exit program, same as exit().</li>
217 | <li><a href="usermem.c#qh_free">qh_free</a> free memory, same as free().</li>
218 | <li><a href="usermem.c#qh_malloc">qh_malloc</a> allocate memory, same as malloc()</li>
219 | </ul>
220 |
221 | <h3><a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="u3func">userprintf.c
222 | and userprintf_rbox,c functions</a></h3>
223 | <ul>
224 | <li><a href="userprintf.c#qh_fprintf">qh_fprintf</a> print
225 | information from Qhull, sames as fprintf(). </li>
226 | <li><a href="userprintf_rbox.c#qh_fprintf_rbox">qh_fprintf_rbox</a> print
227 | information from Rbox, sames as fprintf(). </li>
228 | </ul>
229 |
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259 | <p>Comments to: <a href=mailto:qhull@qhull.org>qhull@qhull.org</a>
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