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6 | <title>geom.c, geom2.c -- geometric and floating point routines</title>
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34 |
35 | <h2>geom.c, geom2.c, random.c -- geometric and floating point routines</h2>
36 | <blockquote>
37 | <p>Geometrically, a vertex is a point with <em>d</em> coordinates
38 | and a facet is a halfspace. A <em>halfspace</em> is defined by an
39 | oriented hyperplane through the facet's vertices. A <em>hyperplane</em>
40 | is defined by <em>d</em> normalized coefficients and an offset. A
41 | point is <em>above</em> a facet if its distance to the facet is
42 | positive.</p>
43 |
44 | <p>Qhull uses floating point coordinates for input points,
45 | vertices, halfspace equations, centrums, and an interior point.</p>
46 |
47 | <p>Qhull may be configured for single precision or double
48 | precision floating point arithmetic (see <a href="user.h#realT">realT</a>
49 | ). </p>
50 |
51 | <p>Each floating point operation may incur round-off error (see
52 | <a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">Merge</a>). The maximum error for distance
53 | computations is determined at initialization. The roundoff error
54 | in halfspace computation is accounted for by computing the
55 | distance from vertices to the halfspace. </p>
56 | </blockquote>
57 | <p><b>Copyright © 1995-2012 C.B. Barber</b></p>
58 | <hr>
59 | <p><a href="#TOP">»</a> <b>Geom</b>
60 | <a name="TOC">•</a> <a href="qh-globa.htm#TOC">Global</a> •
61 | <a href="qh-io.htm#TOC">Io</a> • <a href="qh-mem.htm#TOC">Mem</a> •
62 | <a href="qh-merge.htm#TOC">Merge</a> • <a href="qh-poly.htm#TOC">Poly</a> •
63 | <a href="qh-qhull.htm#TOC">Qhull</a> • <a href="qh-set.htm#TOC">Set</a> •
64 | <a href="qh-stat.htm#TOC">Stat</a> • <a href="qh-user.htm#TOC">User</a> </p>
65 |
66 | <h3>Index to <a href="geom.c">geom.c</a>,
67 | <a href="geom2.c">geom2.c</a>, <a href="geom.h">geom.h</a>,
68 | <a href="random.c">random.c</a>, <a href="random.h">random.h</a>
69 | </h3>
70 |
71 | <ul>
72 | <li><a href="#gtype">geometric data types and constants</a> </li>
73 | <li><a href="#gmacro">mathematical macros</a>
74 | </li>
75 | <li><a href="#gmath">mathematical functions</a> </li>
76 | <li><a href="#gcomp">computational geometry functions</a> </li>
77 | <li><a href="#gpoint">point array functions</a> </li>
78 | <li><a href="#gfacet">geometric facet functions</a> </li>
79 | <li><a href="#ground">geometric roundoff functions</a></li>
80 | </ul>
81 |
82 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="gtype">geometric data types
83 | and constants</a></h3>
84 |
85 | <ul>
86 | <li><a href="libqhull.h#coordT">coordT</a> coordinates and
87 | coefficients are stored as realT</li>
88 | <li><a href="libqhull.h#pointT">pointT</a> a point is an array
89 | of <tt>DIM3</tt> coordinates </li>
90 | </ul>
91 |
92 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="gmacro">mathematical macros</a></h3>
93 |
94 | <ul>
95 | <li><a href="geom.h#fabs_">fabs_</a> returns the absolute
96 | value of a </li>
97 | <li><a href="geom.h#fmax_">fmax_</a> returns the maximum
98 | value of a and b </li>
99 | <li><a href="geom.h#fmin_">fmin_</a> returns the minimum
100 | value of a and b </li>
101 | <li><a href="geom.h#maximize_">maximize_</a> maximize a value
102 | </li>
103 | <li><a href="geom.h#minimize_">minimize_</a> minimize a value
104 | </li>
105 | <li><a href="geom.h#det2_">det2_</a> compute a 2-d
106 | determinate </li>
107 | <li><a href="geom.h#det3_">det3_</a> compute a 3-d
108 | determinate </li>
109 | <li><a href="geom.h#dX">dX, dY, dZ</a> compute the difference
110 | between two coordinates </li>
111 | </ul>
112 |
113 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="gmath">mathematical functions</a></h3>
114 |
115 | <ul>
116 | <li><a href="geom.c#backnormal">qh_backnormal</a> solve for
117 | normal using back substitution </li>
118 | <li><a href="geom2.c#crossproduct">qh_crossproduct</a>
119 | compute the cross product of two 3-d vectors </li>
120 | <li><a href="geom2.c#determinant">qh_determinant</a> compute
121 | the determinant of a square matrix </li>
122 | <li><a href="geom.c#gausselim">qh_gausselim</a> Gaussian
123 | elimination with partial pivoting </li>
124 | <li><a href="geom2.c#gram_schmidt">qh_gram_schmidt</a>
125 | implements Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization by rows </li>
126 | <li><a href="geom2.c#maxabsval">qh_maxabsval</a> return max
127 | absolute value of a vector </li>
128 | <li><a href="geom2.c#minabsval">qh_minabsval</a> return min
129 | absolute value of a dim vector </li>
130 | <li><a href="geom2.c#mindiff">qh_mindiff</a> return index of
131 | min absolute difference of two vectors </li>
132 | <li><a href="geom.c#normalize">qh_normalize</a> normalize a
133 | vector </li>
134 | <li><a href="geom.c#normalize2">qh_normalize2</a> normalize a
135 | vector and report if too small </li>
136 | <li><a href="geom2.c#printmatrix">qh_printmatrix</a> print
137 | matrix given by row vectors </li>
138 | <li><a href="random.c#rand">qh_rand/srand</a> generate random
139 | numbers </li>
140 | <li><a href="random.c#randomfactor">qh_randomfactor</a> return
141 | a random factor near 1.0 </li>
142 | <li><a href="random.c#randommatrix">qh_randommatrix</a>
143 | generate a random dimXdim matrix in range (-1,1) </li>
144 | </ul>
145 |
146 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="gcomp">computational geometry functions</a></h3>
147 |
148 | <ul>
149 | <li><a href="geom2.c#detsimplex">qh_detsimplex</a> compute
150 | determinate of a simplex of points </li>
151 | <li><a href="io.c#detvnorm">qh_detvnorm</a> determine normal for Voronoi ridge </li>
152 | <li><a href="geom2.c#distnorm">qh_distnorm</a> compute
153 | distance from point to hyperplane as defined by normal and offset</li>
154 | <li><a href="geom2.c#facetarea_simplex">qh_facetarea_simplex</a>
155 | return area of a simplex</li>
156 | <li><a href="geom.c#getangle">qh_getangle</a> return cosine
157 | of angle (i.e., dot product) </li>
158 | <li><a href="geom.c#getcenter">qh_getcenter</a> return
159 | arithmetic center for a set of vertices </li>
160 | <li><a href="geom2.c#pointdist">qh_pointdist</a> return
161 | distance between two points </li>
162 | <li><a href="geom2.c#rotatepoints">qh_rotatepoints</a> rotate
163 | numpoints points by a row matrix </li>
164 | <li><a href="geom2.c#sethalfspace">qh_sethalfspace</a> set
165 | coords to dual of halfspace relative to an interior point </li>
166 | <li><a href="geom.c#sethyperplane_det">qh_sethyperplane_det</a>
167 | return hyperplane for oriented simplex using determinates
168 | </li>
169 | <li><a href="geom.c#sethyperplane_gauss">qh_sethyperplane_gauss</a>
170 | return hyperplane for oriented simplex using Gaussian
171 | elimination </li>
172 | <li><a href="geom2.c#voronoi_center">qh_voronoi_center</a>
173 | return Voronoi center for a set of points </li>
174 | </ul>
175 |
176 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="gpoint">point array functions</a></h3>
177 | <ul>
178 | <li><a href="geom2.c#copypoints">qh_copypoints</a> return
179 | malloc'd copy of points</li>
180 | <li><a href="geom2.c#joggleinput">qh_joggleinput</a> joggle
181 | input points by qh.JOGGLEmax </li>
182 | <li><a href="geom2.c#maxmin">qh_maxmin</a> return max/min
183 | points for each dimension</li>
184 | <li><a href="geom2.c#maxsimplex">qh_maxsimplex</a> determines
185 | maximum simplex for a set of points </li>
186 | <li><a href="geom2.c#printpoints">qh_printpoints</a> print ids for a
187 | set of points </li>
188 | <li><a href="geom2.c#projectinput">qh_projectinput</a> project
189 | input using qh DELAUNAY and qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
190 | <li><a href="geom2.c#projectpoints">qh_projectpoints</a>
191 | project points along one or more dimensions </li>
192 | <li><a href="geom2.c#rotateinput">qh_rotateinput</a> rotate
193 | input points using row matrix </li>
194 | <li><a href="geom2.c#scaleinput">qh_scaleinput</a> scale
195 | input points using qh low_bound/high_bound </li>
196 | <li><a href="geom2.c#scalelast">qh_scalelast</a> scale last
197 | coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations </li>
198 | <li><a href="geom2.c#scalepoints">qh_scalepoints</a> scale
199 | points to new lowbound and highbound </li>
200 | <li><a href="geom2.c#setdelaunay">qh_setdelaunay</a> project
201 | points to paraboloid for Delaunay triangulation </li>
202 | <li><a href="geom2.c#sethalfspace_all">qh_sethalfspace_all</a>
203 | generate dual for halfspace intersection with interior
204 | point </li>
205 | </ul>
206 |
207 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="gfacet">geometric facet functions</a></h3>
208 | <ul>
209 | <li><a href="geom.c#distplane">qh_distplane</a> return
210 | distance from point to facet </li>
211 | <li><a href="geom2.c#facetarea">qh_facetarea</a> return area
212 | of a facet </li>
213 | <li><a href="geom2.c#facetcenter">qh_facetcenter</a> return
214 | Voronoi center for a facet's vertices </li>
215 | <li><a href="geom.c#findbest">qh_findbest</a> find visible
216 | facet or best facet for a point </li>
217 | <li><a href="geom.c#findbesthorizon">qh_findbesthorizon</a>
218 | update best new facet with horizon facets</li>
219 | <li><a href="geom.c#findbestnew">qh_findbestnew</a> find best
220 | new facet for point </li>
221 | <li><a href="geom2.c#getarea">qh_getarea</a> get area of all
222 | facets in facetlist, collect statistics </li>
223 | <li><a href="geom.c#getcentrum">qh_getcentrum</a> return
224 | centrum for a facet </li>
225 | <li><a href="geom.c#getdistance">qh_getdistance</a> returns
226 | the max and min distance of a facet's vertices to a
227 | neighboring facet</li>
228 | <li><a href="geom2.c#findgooddist">qh_findgooddist</a> find
229 | best good facet visible for point from facet </li>
230 | <li><a href="geom2.c#inthresholds">qh_inthresholds</a> return
231 | True if facet normal within 'Pdn' and 'PDn'</li>
232 | <li><a href="geom2.c#orientoutside">qh_orientoutside</a>
233 | orient facet so that <tt>qh.interior_point</tt> is inside</li>
234 | <li><a href="geom.c#projectpoint">qh_projectpoint</a> project
235 | point onto a facet </li>
236 | <li><a href="geom.c#setfacetplane">qh_setfacetplane</a> sets
237 | the hyperplane for a facet </li>
238 | <li><a href="geom2.c#sharpnewfacets">qh_sharpnewfacets</a> true
239 | if new facets contains a sharp corner</li>
240 | </ul>
241 |
242 | <h3><a href="qh-geom.htm#TOC">»</a><a name="ground">geometric roundoff functions</a></h3>
243 | <ul>
244 | <li><a href="geom2.c#detjoggle">qh_detjoggle</a> determine
245 | default joggle for points and distance roundoff error</li>
246 | <li><a href="geom2.c#detroundoff">qh_detroundoff</a>
247 | determine maximum roundoff error and other precision constants</li>
248 | <li><a href="geom2.c#distround">qh_distround</a> compute
249 | maximum roundoff error due to a distance computation to a
250 | normalized hyperplane</li>
251 | <li><a href="geom2.c#divzero">qh_divzero</a> divide by a
252 | number that is nearly zero </li>
253 | <li><a href="geom2.c#maxouter">qh_maxouter</a> return maximum outer
254 | plane</li>
255 | <li><a href="geom2.c#outerinner">qh_outerinner</a> return actual
256 | outer and inner planes
257 | </ul>
258 |
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