1 | /*******************************************************************************
2 | * You may amend and distribute as you like, but don't remove this header!
3 | *
4 | * EPPlus provides server-side generation of Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets.
5 | * See http://www.codeplex.com/EPPlus for details.
6 | *
7 | * Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Källman
8 | *
9 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 |
14 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 | *
19 | * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be viewed at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
20 | * If you unfamiliar with this license or have questions about it, here is an http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
21 | *
22 | * All code and executables are provided "as is" with no warranty either express or implied.
23 | * The author accepts no liability for any damage or loss of business that this product may cause.
24 | *
25 | * Code change notes:
26 | *
27 | * Author Change Date
28 | *******************************************************************************
29 | * Jan Källman Added 2009-10-01
30 | * Jan Källman License changed GPL-->LGPL 2011-12-16
31 | *******************************************************************************/
32 | using System;
33 | using System.Collections.Generic;
34 | using System.Globalization;
35 | using System.Text;
36 | using System.Xml;
37 | using System.IO;
38 | using OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable;
39 | using OfficeOpenXml.Utils;
40 | using OfficeOpenXml.Packaging;
41 |
42 | namespace OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart
43 | {
44 | #region "Chart Enums"
45 | /// <summary>
46 | /// Chart type
47 | /// </summary>
48 | public enum eChartType
49 | {
50 | Area3D=-4098,
51 | AreaStacked3D=78,
52 | AreaStacked1003D=79,
53 | BarClustered3D= 60,
54 | BarStacked3D=61,
55 | BarStacked1003D=62,
56 | Column3D=-4100,
57 | ColumnClustered3D=54,
58 | ColumnStacked3D=55,
59 | ColumnStacked1003D=56,
60 | Line3D=-4101,
61 | Pie3D=-4102,
62 | PieExploded3D=70,
63 | Area=1,
64 | AreaStacked=76,
65 | AreaStacked100=77,
66 | BarClustered=57,
67 | BarOfPie=71,
68 | BarStacked=58,
69 | BarStacked100=59,
70 | Bubble=15,
71 | Bubble3DEffect=87,
72 | ColumnClustered=51,
73 | ColumnStacked=52,
74 | ColumnStacked100=53,
75 | ConeBarClustered=102,
76 | ConeBarStacked=103,
77 | ConeBarStacked100=104,
78 | ConeCol=105,
79 | ConeColClustered=99,
80 | ConeColStacked=100,
81 | ConeColStacked100=101,
82 | CylinderBarClustered=95,
83 | CylinderBarStacked=96,
84 | CylinderBarStacked100=97,
85 | CylinderCol=98,
86 | CylinderColClustered=92,
87 | CylinderColStacked=93,
88 | CylinderColStacked100=94,
89 | Doughnut=-4120,
90 | DoughnutExploded=80,
91 | Line=4,
92 | LineMarkers=65,
93 | LineMarkersStacked=66,
94 | LineMarkersStacked100=67,
95 | LineStacked=63,
96 | LineStacked100=64,
97 | Pie=5,
98 | PieExploded=69,
99 | PieOfPie=68,
100 | PyramidBarClustered=109,
101 | PyramidBarStacked=110,
102 | PyramidBarStacked100=111,
103 | PyramidCol=112,
104 | PyramidColClustered=106,
105 | PyramidColStacked=107,
106 | PyramidColStacked100=108,
107 | Radar=-4151,
108 | RadarFilled=82,
109 | RadarMarkers=81,
110 | StockHLC=88,
111 | StockOHLC=89,
112 | StockVHLC=90,
113 | StockVOHLC=91,
114 | Surface=83,
115 | SurfaceTopView=85,
116 | SurfaceTopViewWireframe=86,
117 | SurfaceWireframe=84,
118 | XYScatter=-4169,
119 | XYScatterLines=74,
120 | XYScatterLinesNoMarkers=75,
121 | XYScatterSmooth=72,
122 | XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers=73
123 | }
124 | /// <summary>
125 | /// Bar or column
126 | /// </summary>
127 | public enum eDirection
128 | {
129 | Column,
130 | Bar
131 | }
132 | /// <summary>
133 | /// How the series are grouped
134 | /// </summary>
135 | public enum eGrouping
136 | {
137 | Standard,
138 | Clustered,
139 | Stacked,
140 | PercentStacked
141 | }
142 | /// <summary>
143 | /// Shape for bar charts
144 | /// </summary>
145 | public enum eShape
146 | {
147 | Box,
148 | Cone,
149 | ConeToMax,
150 | Cylinder,
151 | Pyramid,
152 | PyramidToMax
153 | }
154 | /// <summary>
155 | /// Smooth or lines markers
156 | /// </summary>
157 | public enum eScatterStyle
158 | {
159 | LineMarker,
160 | SmoothMarker,
161 | }
162 | public enum eRadarStyle
163 | {
164 | /// <summary>
165 | /// Specifies that the radar chart shall be filled and have lines but no markers.
166 | /// </summary>
167 | Filled,
168 | /// <summary>
169 | /// Specifies that the radar chart shall have lines and markers but no fill.
170 | /// </summary>
171 | Marker,
172 | /// <summary>
173 | /// Specifies that the radar chart shall have lines but no markers and no fill.
174 | /// </summary>
175 | Standard
176 | }
177 | /// <summary>
178 | /// Bar or pie
179 | /// </summary>
180 | public enum ePieType
181 | {
182 | Bar,
183 | Pie
184 | }
185 | /// <summary>
186 | /// Position of the labels
187 | /// </summary>
188 | public enum eLabelPosition
189 | {
190 | BestFit,
191 | Left,
192 | Right,
193 | Center,
194 | Top,
195 | Bottom,
196 | InBase,
197 | InEnd,
198 | OutEnd
199 | }
200 | /// <summary>
201 | /// Axis label position
202 | /// </summary>
203 | public enum eTickLabelPosition
204 | {
205 | High,
206 | Low,
207 | NextTo,
208 | None
209 | }
210 | /// <summary>
211 | /// Markerstyle
212 | /// </summary>
213 | public enum eMarkerStyle
214 | {
215 | Circle,
216 | Dash,
217 | Diamond,
218 | Dot,
219 | None,
220 | Picture,
221 | Plus,
222 | Square,
223 | Star,
224 | Triangle,
225 | X,
226 | }
227 | /// <summary>
228 | /// The build in style of the chart.
229 | /// </summary>
230 | public enum eChartStyle
231 | {
232 | None,
233 | Style1,
234 | Style2,
235 | Style3,
236 | Style4,
237 | Style5,
238 | Style6,
239 | Style7,
240 | Style8,
241 | Style9,
242 | Style10,
243 | Style11,
244 | Style12,
245 | Style13,
246 | Style14,
247 | Style15,
248 | Style16,
249 | Style17,
250 | Style18,
251 | Style19,
252 | Style20,
253 | Style21,
254 | Style22,
255 | Style23,
256 | Style24,
257 | Style25,
258 | Style26,
259 | Style27,
260 | Style28,
261 | Style29,
262 | Style30,
263 | Style31,
264 | Style32,
265 | Style33,
266 | Style34,
267 | Style35,
268 | Style36,
269 | Style37,
270 | Style38,
271 | Style39,
272 | Style40,
273 | Style41,
274 | Style42,
275 | Style43,
276 | Style44,
277 | Style45,
278 | Style46,
279 | Style47,
280 | Style48
281 | }
282 | /// <summary>
283 | /// Type of Trendline for a chart
284 | /// </summary>
285 | public enum eTrendLine
286 | {
287 | /// <summary>
288 | /// Specifies the trendline shall be an exponential curve in the form
289 | /// </summary>
290 | Exponential,
291 | /// <summary>
292 | /// Specifies the trendline shall be a logarithmic curve in the form , where log is the natural
293 | /// </summary>
294 | Linear,
295 | /// <summary>
296 | /// Specifies the trendline shall be a logarithmic curve in the form , where log is the natural
297 | /// </summary>
298 | Logarithmic,
299 | /// <summary>
300 | /// Specifies the trendline shall be a moving average of period Period
301 | /// </summary>
302 | MovingAvgerage,
303 | /// <summary>
304 | /// Specifies the trendline shall be a polynomial curve of order Order in the form
305 | /// </summary>
306 | Polynomial,
307 | /// <summary>
308 | /// Specifies the trendline shall be a power curve in the form
309 | /// </summary>
310 | Power
311 | }
312 | /// <summary>
313 | /// Specifies the possible ways to display blanks
314 | /// </summary>
315 | public enum eDisplayBlanksAs
316 | {
317 | /// <summary>
318 | /// Blank values shall be left as a gap
319 | /// </summary>
320 | Gap,
321 | /// <summary>
322 | /// Blank values shall be spanned with a line (Line charts)
323 | /// </summary>
324 | Span,
325 | /// <summary>
326 | /// Blank values shall be treated as zero
327 | /// </summary>
328 | Zero
329 | }
330 | public enum eSizeRepresents
331 | {
332 | /// <summary>
333 | /// Specifies the area of the bubbles shall be proportional to the bubble size value.
334 | /// </summary>
335 | Area,
336 | /// <summary>
337 | /// Specifies the radius of the bubbles shall be proportional to the bubble size value.
338 | /// </summary>
339 | Width
340 | }
341 | #endregion
342 |
343 |
344 | /// <summary>
345 | /// Base class for Chart object.
346 | /// </summary>
347 | public class ExcelChart : ExcelDrawing
348 | {
349 | const string rootPath = "c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea";
350 | //string _chartPath;
351 | protected internal ExcelChartSeries _chartSeries;
352 | internal ExcelChartAxis[] _axis;
353 | protected XmlHelper _chartXmlHelper;
354 | #region "Constructors"
355 | internal ExcelChart(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode node, eChartType type, bool isPivot) :
356 | base(drawings, node, "xdr:graphicFrame/xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/@name")
357 | {
358 | ChartType = type;
359 | CreateNewChart(drawings, type, null);
360 |
361 | Init(drawings, _chartNode);
362 |
363 | _chartSeries = new ExcelChartSeries(this, drawings.NameSpaceManager, _chartNode, isPivot);
364 |
365 | SetTypeProperties();
366 | LoadAxis();
367 | }
368 | internal ExcelChart(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode node, eChartType type, ExcelChart topChart, ExcelPivotTable PivotTableSource) :
369 | base(drawings, node, "xdr:graphicFrame/xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/@name")
370 | {
371 | ChartType = type;
372 | CreateNewChart(drawings, type, topChart);
373 |
374 | Init(drawings, _chartNode);
375 |
376 | _chartSeries = new ExcelChartSeries(this, drawings.NameSpaceManager, _chartNode, PivotTableSource!=null);
377 | if (PivotTableSource != null) SetPivotSource(PivotTableSource);
378 |
379 | SetTypeProperties();
380 | if (topChart == null)
381 | LoadAxis();
382 | else
383 | {
384 | _axis = topChart.Axis;
385 | if (_axis.Length > 0)
386 | {
387 | XAxis = _axis[0];
388 | YAxis = _axis[1];
389 | }
390 | }
391 | }
392 | internal ExcelChart(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode node, Uri uriChart, ZipPackagePart part, XmlDocument chartXml, XmlNode chartNode) :
393 | base(drawings, node, "xdr:graphicFrame/xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/@name")
394 | {
395 | UriChart = uriChart;
396 | Part = part;
397 | ChartXml = chartXml;
398 | _chartNode = chartNode;
399 | InitChartLoad(drawings, chartNode);
400 | ChartType = GetChartType(chartNode.LocalName);
401 | }
402 | internal ExcelChart(ExcelChart topChart, XmlNode chartNode) :
403 | base(topChart._drawings, topChart.TopNode, "xdr:graphicFrame/xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/@name")
404 | {
405 | UriChart = topChart.UriChart;
406 | Part = topChart.Part;
407 | ChartXml = topChart.ChartXml;
408 | _plotArea = topChart.PlotArea;
409 | _chartNode = chartNode;
410 |
411 | InitChartLoad(topChart._drawings, chartNode);
412 | }
413 | private void InitChartLoad(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode chartNode)
414 | {
415 | //SetChartType();
416 | bool isPivot = false;
417 | Init(drawings, chartNode);
418 | _chartSeries = new ExcelChartSeries(this, drawings.NameSpaceManager, _chartNode, isPivot /*ChartXml.SelectSingleNode(_chartPath, drawings.NameSpaceManager)*/);
419 | LoadAxis();
420 | }
421 |
422 | private void Init(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode chartNode)
423 | {
424 | //_chartXmlHelper = new XmlHelper(drawings.NameSpaceManager, chartNode);
425 | _chartXmlHelper = XmlHelperFactory.Create(drawings.NameSpaceManager, chartNode);
426 | _chartXmlHelper.SchemaNodeOrder = new string[] { "title", "pivotFmt", "autoTitleDeleted", "view3D", "floor", "sideWall", "backWall", "plotArea", "wireframe", "barDir", "grouping", "scatterStyle", "radarStyle", "varyColors", "ser", "dLbls", "bubbleScale", "showNegBubbles", "dropLines", "upDownBars", "marker", "smooth", "shape", "legend", "plotVisOnly", "dispBlanksAs", "showDLblsOverMax", "overlap", "bandFmts", "axId", "spPr", "printSettings" };
427 | WorkSheet = drawings.Worksheet;
428 | }
429 | #endregion
430 | #region "Private functions"
431 | private void SetTypeProperties()
432 | {
433 | /******* Grouping *******/
434 | if (IsTypeClustered())
435 | {
436 | Grouping = eGrouping.Clustered;
437 | }
438 | else if (
439 | IsTypeStacked())
440 | {
441 | Grouping = eGrouping.Stacked;
442 | }
443 | else if (
444 | IsTypePercentStacked())
445 | {
446 | Grouping = eGrouping.PercentStacked;
447 | }
448 |
449 | /***** 3D Perspective *****/
450 | if (IsType3D())
451 | {
452 | View3D.RotY = 20;
453 | View3D.Perspective = 30; //Default to 30
454 | if (IsTypePieDoughnut())
455 | {
456 | View3D.RotX = 30;
457 | }
458 | else
459 | {
460 | View3D.RotX = 15;
461 | }
462 | }
463 | }
464 | private void CreateNewChart(ExcelDrawings drawings, eChartType type, ExcelChart topChart)
465 | {
466 | if (topChart == null)
467 | {
468 | XmlElement graphFrame = TopNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("graphicFrame", ExcelPackage.schemaSheetDrawings);
469 | graphFrame.SetAttribute("macro", "");
470 | TopNode.AppendChild(graphFrame);
471 | graphFrame.InnerXml = string.Format("<xdr:nvGraphicFramePr><xdr:cNvPr id=\"{0}\" name=\"Chart 1\" /><xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr /></xdr:nvGraphicFramePr><xdr:xfrm><a:off x=\"0\" y=\"0\" /> <a:ext cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" /></xdr:xfrm><a:graphic><a:graphicData uri=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart\"><c:chart xmlns:c=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart\" xmlns:r=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships\" r:id=\"rId1\" /> </a:graphicData> </a:graphic>",_id);
472 | TopNode.AppendChild(TopNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("clientData", ExcelPackage.schemaSheetDrawings));
473 |
474 | var package = drawings.Worksheet._package.Package;
475 | UriChart = GetNewUri(package, "/xl/charts/chart{0}.xml");
476 |
477 | ChartXml = new XmlDocument();
478 | ChartXml.PreserveWhitespace = ExcelPackage.preserveWhitespace;
479 | LoadXmlSafe(ChartXml, ChartStartXml(type), Encoding.UTF8);
480 |
481 | // save it to the package
482 | Part = package.CreatePart(UriChart, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml", _drawings._package.Compression);
483 |
484 | StreamWriter streamChart = new StreamWriter(Part.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
485 | ChartXml.Save(streamChart);
486 | streamChart.Close();
487 | package.Flush();
488 |
489 | var chartRelation = drawings.Part.CreateRelationship(UriHelper.GetRelativeUri(drawings.UriDrawing, UriChart), Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships + "/chart");
490 | graphFrame.SelectSingleNode("a:graphic/a:graphicData/c:chart", NameSpaceManager).Attributes["r:id"].Value = chartRelation.Id;
491 | package.Flush();
492 | _chartNode = ChartXml.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea/{0}", GetChartNodeText()), NameSpaceManager);
493 | }
494 | else
495 | {
496 | ChartXml = topChart.ChartXml;
497 | Part = topChart.Part;
498 | _plotArea = topChart.PlotArea;
499 | UriChart = topChart.UriChart;
500 | _axis = topChart._axis;
501 |
502 | XmlNode preNode = _plotArea.ChartTypes[_plotArea.ChartTypes.Count - 1].ChartNode;
503 | _chartNode = ((XmlDocument)ChartXml).CreateElement(GetChartNodeText(), ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
504 | preNode.ParentNode.InsertAfter(_chartNode, preNode);
505 | if (topChart.Axis.Length == 0)
506 | {
507 | AddAxis();
508 | }
509 | string serieXML = GetChartSerieStartXml(type, int.Parse(topChart.Axis[0].Id), int.Parse(topChart.Axis[1].Id), topChart.Axis.Length>2?int.Parse(topChart.Axis[2].Id) : -1);
510 | _chartNode.InnerXml = serieXML;
511 | }
512 | }
513 | private void LoadAxis()
514 | {
515 | XmlNodeList nl = _chartNode.SelectNodes("c:axId", NameSpaceManager);
516 | List<ExcelChartAxis> l = new List<ExcelChartAxis>();
517 | foreach (XmlNode node in nl)
518 | {
519 | string id = node.Attributes["val"].Value;
520 | var axNode = ChartXml.SelectNodes(rootPath + string.Format("/*/c:axId[@val=\"{0}\"]", id), NameSpaceManager);
521 | if (axNode != null && axNode.Count>1)
522 | {
523 | foreach (XmlNode axn in axNode)
524 | {
525 | if (axn.ParentNode.LocalName.EndsWith("Ax"))
526 | {
527 | XmlNode axisNode = axNode[1].ParentNode;
528 | ExcelChartAxis ax = new ExcelChartAxis(NameSpaceManager, axisNode);
529 | l.Add(ax);
530 | }
531 | }
532 | }
533 | }
534 | _axis = l.ToArray();
535 |
536 | if(_axis.Length > 0) XAxis = _axis[0];
537 | if (_axis.Length > 1) YAxis = _axis[1];
538 | }
539 | //private void SetChartType()
540 | //{
541 | // ChartType = 0;
542 | // //_plotArea = new ExcelChartPlotArea(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea", NameSpaceManager));
543 | // int pos=0;
544 | // foreach (XmlElement n in ChartXml.SelectSingleNode(rootPath, _drawings.NameSpaceManager).ChildNodes)
545 | // {
546 | // if (pos == 0)
547 | // {
548 | // ChartType = GetChartType(n.Name);
549 | // if (ChartType != 0)
550 | // {
551 | // //_chartPath = rootPath + "/" + n.Name;
552 | // PlotArea.ChartTypes.Add(this);
553 | // }
554 | // }
555 | // else
556 | // {
557 | // var chartSerieType = GetChart(_drawings, TopNode/*, n*/);
558 | // chartSerieType = GetChart(n, _drawings, TopNode, UriChart, Part, ChartXml, null, isPivot);
559 | // PlotArea.ChartTypes.Add(chartSerieType);
560 | // //var chartType = GetChartType(n.Name);
561 | // }
562 | // if (ChartType != 0)
563 | // {
564 | // pos++;
565 | // }
566 | // }
567 | //}
568 | internal virtual eChartType GetChartType(string name)
569 | {
570 |
571 | switch (name)
572 | {
573 | case "area3DChart":
574 | if(Grouping==eGrouping.Stacked)
575 | {
576 | return eChartType.AreaStacked3D;
577 | }
578 | else if (Grouping == eGrouping.PercentStacked)
579 | {
580 | return eChartType.AreaStacked1003D;
581 | }
582 | else
583 | {
584 | return eChartType.Area3D;
585 | }
586 | case "areaChart":
587 | if (Grouping == eGrouping.Stacked)
588 | {
589 | return eChartType.AreaStacked;
590 | }
591 | else if (Grouping == eGrouping.PercentStacked)
592 | {
593 | return eChartType.AreaStacked100;
594 | }
595 | else
596 | {
597 | return eChartType.Area;
598 | }
599 | case "doughnutChart":
600 | return eChartType.Doughnut;
601 | case "pie3DChart":
602 | return eChartType.Pie3D;
603 | case "pieChart":
604 | return eChartType.Pie;
605 | case "radarChart":
606 | return eChartType.Radar;
607 | case "scatterChart":
608 | return eChartType.XYScatter;
609 | case "surface3DChart":
610 | case "surfaceChart":
611 | return eChartType.Surface;
612 | case "stockChart":
613 | return eChartType.StockHLC;
614 | default:
615 | return 0;
616 | }
617 | }
618 | #region "Xml init Functions"
619 | private string ChartStartXml(eChartType type)
620 | {
621 | StringBuilder xml=new StringBuilder();
622 | int axID=1;
623 | int xAxID=2;
624 | int serAxID = IsTypeSurface() ? 3 : -1;
625 |
626 | xml.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");
627 | xml.AppendFormat("<c:chartSpace xmlns:c=\"{0}\" xmlns:a=\"{1}\" xmlns:r=\"{2}\">", ExcelPackage.schemaChart, ExcelPackage.schemaDrawings, ExcelPackage.schemaRelationships);
628 | xml.Append("<c:chart>");
629 | xml.AppendFormat("{0}{1}<c:plotArea><c:layout/>",AddPerspectiveXml(type), AddSurfaceXml(type));
630 |
631 | string chartNodeText = GetChartNodeText();
632 | xml.AppendFormat("<{0}>", chartNodeText);
633 | xml.Append(GetChartSerieStartXml(type, axID, xAxID, serAxID));
634 | xml.AppendFormat("</{0}>", chartNodeText);
635 |
636 | //Axis
637 | if (!IsTypePieDoughnut())
638 | {
639 | if (IsTypeScatterBubble())
640 | {
641 | xml.AppendFormat("<c:valAx><c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\"/><c:axPos val=\"b\"/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{1}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/></c:valAx>", axID, xAxID);
642 | }
643 | else
644 | {
645 | xml.AppendFormat("<c:catAx><c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\"/><c:axPos val=\"b\"/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{1}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/><c:auto val=\"1\"/><c:lblAlgn val=\"ctr\"/><c:lblOffset val=\"100\"/></c:catAx>", axID, xAxID);
646 | }
647 | xml.AppendFormat("<c:valAx><c:axId val=\"{1}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\"/><c:axPos val=\"l\"/><c:majorGridlines/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{0}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/><c:crossBetween val=\"between\"/></c:valAx>", axID, xAxID);
648 | if (serAxID==3) //Sureface Chart
649 | {
650 | xml.AppendFormat("<c:serAx><c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\"/><c:axPos val=\"b\"/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{1}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/></c:serAx>", serAxID, xAxID);
651 | }
652 | }
653 |
654 | xml.AppendFormat("</c:plotArea><c:legend><c:legendPos val=\"r\"/><c:layout/><c:overlay val=\"0\" /></c:legend><c:plotVisOnly val=\"1\"/></c:chart>", axID, xAxID);
655 |
656 | xml.Append("<c:printSettings><c:headerFooter/><c:pageMargins b=\"0.75\" l=\"0.7\" r=\"0.7\" t=\"0.75\" header=\"0.3\" footer=\"0.3\"/><c:pageSetup/></c:printSettings></c:chartSpace>");
657 | return xml.ToString();
658 | }
659 |
660 | private string GetChartSerieStartXml(eChartType type, int axID, int xAxID, int serAxID)
661 | {
662 | StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
663 |
664 | xml.Append(AddScatterType(type));
665 | xml.Append(AddRadarType(type));
666 | xml.Append(AddBarDir(type));
667 | xml.Append(AddGrouping());
668 | xml.Append(AddVaryColors());
669 | xml.Append(AddHasMarker(type));
670 | xml.Append(AddShape(type));
671 | xml.Append(AddFirstSliceAng(type));
672 | xml.Append(AddHoleSize(type));
673 | if (ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked100 ||
674 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked ||
675 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked ||
676 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked100)
677 | {
678 | xml.Append("<c:overlap val=\"100\"/>");
679 | }
680 | if (IsTypeSurface())
681 | {
682 | xml.Append("<c:bandFmts/>");
683 | }
684 | xml.Append(AddAxisId(axID, xAxID, serAxID));
685 |
686 | return xml.ToString();
687 | }
688 | private string AddAxisId(int axID,int xAxID, int serAxID)
689 | {
690 | if (!IsTypePieDoughnut())
691 | {
692 | if (IsTypeSurface())
693 | {
694 | return string.Format("<c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:axId val=\"{1}\"/><c:axId val=\"{2}\"/>", axID, xAxID, serAxID);
695 | }
696 | else
697 | {
698 | return string.Format("<c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:axId val=\"{1}\"/>", axID, xAxID);
699 | }
700 | }
701 | else
702 | {
703 | return "";
704 | }
705 | }
706 | private string AddAxType()
707 | {
708 | switch(ChartType)
709 | {
710 | case eChartType.XYScatter:
711 | case eChartType.XYScatterLines:
712 | case eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers:
713 | case eChartType.XYScatterSmooth:
714 | case eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers:
715 | case eChartType.Bubble:
716 | case eChartType.Bubble3DEffect:
717 | return "valAx";
718 | default:
719 | return "catAx";
720 | }
721 | }
722 | private string AddScatterType(eChartType type)
723 | {
724 | if (type == eChartType.XYScatter ||
725 | type == eChartType.XYScatterLines ||
726 | type == eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers ||
727 | type == eChartType.XYScatterSmooth ||
728 | type == eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers)
729 | {
730 | return "<c:scatterStyle val=\"\" />";
731 | }
732 | else
733 | {
734 | return "";
735 | }
736 | }
737 | private string AddRadarType(eChartType type)
738 | {
739 | if (type == eChartType.Radar ||
740 | type == eChartType.RadarFilled||
741 | type == eChartType.RadarMarkers)
742 | {
743 | return "<c:radarStyle val=\"\" />";
744 | }
745 | else
746 | {
747 | return "";
748 | }
749 | }
750 | private string AddGrouping()
751 | {
752 | //IsTypeClustered() || IsTypePercentStacked() || IsTypeStacked() ||
753 | if(IsTypeShape() || IsTypeLine())
754 | {
755 | return "<c:grouping val=\"standard\"/>";
756 | }
757 | else
758 | {
759 | return "";
760 | }
761 | }
762 | private string AddHoleSize(eChartType type)
763 | {
764 | if (type == eChartType.Doughnut ||
765 | type == eChartType.DoughnutExploded)
766 | {
767 | return "<c:holeSize val=\"50\" />";
768 | }
769 | else
770 | {
771 | return "";
772 | }
773 | }
774 | private string AddFirstSliceAng(eChartType type)
775 | {
776 | if (type == eChartType.Doughnut ||
777 | type == eChartType.DoughnutExploded)
778 | {
779 | return "<c:firstSliceAng val=\"0\" />";
780 | }
781 | else
782 | {
783 | return "";
784 | }
785 | }
786 | private string AddVaryColors()
787 | {
788 | if (IsTypePieDoughnut())
789 | {
790 | return "<c:varyColors val=\"1\" />";
791 | }
792 | else
793 | {
794 | return "<c:varyColors val=\"0\" />";
795 | }
796 | }
797 | private string AddHasMarker(eChartType type)
798 | {
799 | if (type == eChartType.LineMarkers ||
800 | type == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked ||
801 | type == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100 /*||
802 | type == eChartType.XYScatterLines ||
803 | type == eChartType.XYScatterSmooth*/)
804 | {
805 | return "<c:marker val=\"1\"/>";
806 | }
807 | else
808 | {
809 | return "";
810 | }
811 | }
812 | private string AddShape(eChartType type)
813 | {
814 | if (IsTypeShape())
815 | {
816 | return "<c:shape val=\"box\" />";
817 | }
818 | else
819 | {
820 | return "";
821 | }
822 | }
823 | private string AddBarDir(eChartType type)
824 | {
825 | if (IsTypeShape())
826 | {
827 | return "<c:barDir val=\"col\" />";
828 | }
829 | else
830 | {
831 | return "";
832 | }
833 | }
834 | private string AddPerspectiveXml(eChartType type)
835 | {
836 | //Add for 3D sharts
837 | if (IsType3D())
838 | {
839 | return "<c:view3D><c:perspective val=\"30\" /></c:view3D>";
840 | }
841 | else
842 | {
843 | return "";
844 | }
845 | }
846 | private string AddSurfaceXml(eChartType type)
847 | {
848 | if (IsTypeSurface())
849 | {
850 | return AddSurfacePart("floor") + AddSurfacePart("sideWall") + AddSurfacePart("backWall");
851 | }
852 | else
853 | {
854 | return "";
855 | }
856 | }
857 |
858 | private string AddSurfacePart(string name)
859 | {
860 | return string.Format("<c:{0}><c:thickness val=\"0\"/><c:spPr><a:noFill/><a:ln><a:noFill/></a:ln><a:effectLst/><a:sp3d/></c:spPr></c:{0}>", name);
861 | }
862 | #endregion
863 | #endregion
864 | #region "Chart type functions
865 | internal static bool IsType3D(eChartType chartType)
866 | {
867 | return chartType == eChartType.Area3D ||
868 | chartType == eChartType.AreaStacked3D ||
869 | chartType == eChartType.AreaStacked1003D ||
870 | chartType == eChartType.BarClustered3D ||
871 | chartType == eChartType.BarStacked3D ||
872 | chartType == eChartType.BarStacked1003D ||
873 | chartType == eChartType.Column3D ||
874 | chartType == eChartType.ColumnClustered3D ||
875 | chartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked3D ||
876 | chartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked1003D ||
877 | chartType == eChartType.Line3D ||
878 | chartType == eChartType.Pie3D ||
879 | chartType == eChartType.PieExploded3D ||
880 | chartType == eChartType.ConeBarClustered ||
881 | chartType == eChartType.ConeBarStacked ||
882 | chartType == eChartType.ConeBarStacked100 ||
883 | chartType == eChartType.ConeCol ||
884 | chartType == eChartType.ConeColClustered ||
885 | chartType == eChartType.ConeColStacked ||
886 | chartType == eChartType.ConeColStacked100 ||
887 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderBarClustered ||
888 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderBarStacked ||
889 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderBarStacked100 ||
890 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderCol ||
891 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderColClustered ||
892 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderColStacked ||
893 | chartType == eChartType.CylinderColStacked100 ||
894 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidBarClustered ||
895 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidBarStacked ||
896 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidBarStacked100 ||
897 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidCol ||
898 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidColClustered ||
899 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidColStacked ||
900 | chartType == eChartType.PyramidColStacked100 ||
901 | chartType == eChartType.Surface ||
902 | chartType == eChartType.SurfaceTopView ||
903 | chartType == eChartType.SurfaceTopViewWireframe ||
904 | chartType == eChartType.SurfaceWireframe;
905 | }
906 | internal protected bool IsType3D()
907 | {
908 | return IsType3D(ChartType);
909 | }
910 | protected bool IsTypeLine()
911 | {
912 | return ChartType == eChartType.Line ||
913 | ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkers ||
914 | ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100 ||
915 | ChartType == eChartType.LineStacked ||
916 | ChartType == eChartType.LineStacked100 ||
917 | ChartType == eChartType.Line3D;
918 | }
919 | protected bool IsTypeScatterBubble()
920 | {
921 | return ChartType == eChartType.XYScatter ||
922 | ChartType == eChartType.XYScatterLines ||
923 | ChartType == eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers ||
924 | ChartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmooth ||
925 | ChartType == eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers ||
926 | ChartType == eChartType.Bubble ||
927 | ChartType == eChartType.Bubble3DEffect;
928 | }
929 | protected bool IsTypeSurface()
930 | {
931 | return ChartType == eChartType.Surface ||
932 | ChartType == eChartType.SurfaceTopView ||
933 | ChartType == eChartType.SurfaceTopViewWireframe ||
934 | ChartType == eChartType.SurfaceWireframe;
935 | }
936 | protected bool IsTypeShape()
937 | {
938 | return ChartType == eChartType.BarClustered3D ||
939 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked3D ||
940 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked1003D ||
941 | ChartType == eChartType.BarClustered3D ||
942 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked3D ||
943 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked1003D ||
944 | ChartType == eChartType.Column3D ||
945 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnClustered3D ||
946 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked3D ||
947 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked1003D ||
948 | //ChartType == eChartType.3DPie ||
949 | //ChartType == eChartType.3DPieExploded ||
950 | //ChartType == eChartType.Bubble3DEffect ||
951 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeBarClustered ||
952 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeBarStacked ||
953 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeBarStacked100 ||
954 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeCol ||
955 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeColClustered ||
956 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeColStacked ||
957 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeColStacked100 ||
958 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderBarClustered ||
959 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderBarStacked ||
960 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderBarStacked100 ||
961 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderCol ||
962 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderColClustered ||
963 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderColStacked ||
964 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderColStacked100 ||
965 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidBarClustered ||
966 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidBarStacked ||
967 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidBarStacked100 ||
968 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidCol ||
969 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidColClustered ||
970 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidColStacked ||
971 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidColStacked100; //||
972 | //ChartType == eChartType.Doughnut ||
973 | //ChartType == eChartType.DoughnutExploded;
974 | }
975 | protected internal bool IsTypePercentStacked()
976 | {
977 | return ChartType == eChartType.AreaStacked100 ||
978 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked100 ||
979 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked1003D ||
980 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked100 ||
981 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked1003D ||
982 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeBarStacked100 ||
983 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeColStacked100 ||
984 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderBarStacked100 ||
985 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderColStacked ||
986 | ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100 ||
987 | ChartType == eChartType.LineStacked100 ||
988 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidBarStacked100 ||
989 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidColStacked100;
990 | }
991 | protected internal bool IsTypeStacked()
992 | {
993 | return ChartType == eChartType.AreaStacked ||
994 | ChartType == eChartType.AreaStacked3D ||
995 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked ||
996 | ChartType == eChartType.BarStacked3D ||
997 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked3D ||
998 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnStacked ||
999 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeBarStacked ||
1000 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeColStacked ||
1001 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderBarStacked ||
1002 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderColStacked ||
1003 | ChartType == eChartType.LineMarkersStacked ||
1004 | ChartType == eChartType.LineStacked ||
1005 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidBarStacked ||
1006 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidColStacked;
1007 | }
1008 | protected bool IsTypeClustered()
1009 | {
1010 | return ChartType == eChartType.BarClustered ||
1011 | ChartType == eChartType.BarClustered3D ||
1012 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnClustered3D ||
1013 | ChartType == eChartType.ColumnClustered ||
1014 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeBarClustered ||
1015 | ChartType == eChartType.ConeColClustered ||
1016 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderBarClustered ||
1017 | ChartType == eChartType.CylinderColClustered ||
1018 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidBarClustered ||
1019 | ChartType == eChartType.PyramidColClustered;
1020 | }
1021 | protected internal bool IsTypePieDoughnut()
1022 | {
1023 | return ChartType == eChartType.Pie ||
1024 | ChartType == eChartType.PieExploded ||
1025 | ChartType == eChartType.PieOfPie ||
1026 | ChartType == eChartType.Pie3D ||
1027 | ChartType == eChartType.PieExploded3D ||
1028 | ChartType == eChartType.BarOfPie ||
1029 | ChartType == eChartType.Doughnut ||
1030 | ChartType == eChartType.DoughnutExploded;
1031 | }
1032 | #endregion
1033 | /// <summary>
1034 | /// Get the name of the chart node
1035 | /// </summary>
1036 | /// <returns>The name</returns>
1037 | protected string GetChartNodeText()
1038 | {
1039 | switch (ChartType)
1040 | {
1041 | case eChartType.Area3D:
1042 | case eChartType.AreaStacked3D:
1043 | case eChartType.AreaStacked1003D:
1044 | return "c:area3DChart";
1045 | case eChartType.Area:
1046 | case eChartType.AreaStacked:
1047 | case eChartType.AreaStacked100:
1048 | return "c:areaChart";
1049 | case eChartType.BarClustered:
1050 | case eChartType.BarStacked:
1051 | case eChartType.BarStacked100:
1052 | case eChartType.ColumnClustered:
1053 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked:
1054 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked100:
1055 | return "c:barChart";
1056 | case eChartType.BarClustered3D:
1057 | case eChartType.BarStacked3D:
1058 | case eChartType.BarStacked1003D:
1059 | case eChartType.ColumnClustered3D:
1060 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked3D:
1061 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked1003D:
1062 | case eChartType.ConeBarClustered:
1063 | case eChartType.ConeBarStacked:
1064 | case eChartType.ConeBarStacked100:
1065 | case eChartType.ConeCol:
1066 | case eChartType.ConeColClustered:
1067 | case eChartType.ConeColStacked:
1068 | case eChartType.ConeColStacked100:
1069 | case eChartType.CylinderBarClustered:
1070 | case eChartType.CylinderBarStacked:
1071 | case eChartType.CylinderBarStacked100:
1072 | case eChartType.CylinderCol:
1073 | case eChartType.CylinderColClustered:
1074 | case eChartType.CylinderColStacked:
1075 | case eChartType.CylinderColStacked100:
1076 | case eChartType.PyramidBarClustered:
1077 | case eChartType.PyramidBarStacked:
1078 | case eChartType.PyramidBarStacked100:
1079 | case eChartType.PyramidCol:
1080 | case eChartType.PyramidColClustered:
1081 | case eChartType.PyramidColStacked:
1082 | case eChartType.PyramidColStacked100:
1083 | return "c:bar3DChart";
1084 | case eChartType.Bubble:
1085 | case eChartType.Bubble3DEffect:
1086 | return "c:bubbleChart";
1087 | case eChartType.Doughnut:
1088 | case eChartType.DoughnutExploded:
1089 | return "c:doughnutChart";
1090 | case eChartType.Line:
1091 | case eChartType.LineMarkers:
1092 | case eChartType.LineMarkersStacked:
1093 | case eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100:
1094 | case eChartType.LineStacked:
1095 | case eChartType.LineStacked100:
1096 | return "c:lineChart";
1097 | case eChartType.Line3D:
1098 | return "c:line3DChart";
1099 | case eChartType.Pie:
1100 | case eChartType.PieExploded:
1101 | return "c:pieChart";
1102 | case eChartType.BarOfPie:
1103 | case eChartType.PieOfPie:
1104 | return "c:ofPieChart";
1105 | case eChartType.Pie3D:
1106 | case eChartType.PieExploded3D:
1107 | return "c:pie3DChart";
1108 | case eChartType.Radar:
1109 | case eChartType.RadarFilled:
1110 | case eChartType.RadarMarkers:
1111 | return "c:radarChart";
1112 | case eChartType.XYScatter:
1113 | case eChartType.XYScatterLines:
1114 | case eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers:
1115 | case eChartType.XYScatterSmooth:
1116 | case eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers:
1117 | return "c:scatterChart";
1118 | case eChartType.Surface:
1119 | case eChartType.SurfaceWireframe:
1120 | return "c:surface3DChart";
1121 | case eChartType.SurfaceTopView:
1122 | case eChartType.SurfaceTopViewWireframe:
1123 | return "c:surfaceChart";
1124 | case eChartType.StockHLC:
1125 | return "c:stockChart";
1126 | default:
1127 | throw(new NotImplementedException("Chart type not implemented"));
1128 | }
1129 | }
1130 | /// <summary>
1131 | /// Add a secondary axis
1132 | /// </summary>
1133 | internal void AddAxis()
1134 | {
1135 | XmlElement catAx = ChartXml.CreateElement(string.Format("c:{0}",AddAxType()), ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
1136 | int axID;
1137 | if (_axis.Length == 0)
1138 | {
1139 | _plotArea.TopNode.AppendChild(catAx);
1140 | axID = 1;
1141 | }
1142 | else
1143 | {
1144 | _axis[0].TopNode.ParentNode.InsertAfter(catAx, _axis[_axis.Length-1].TopNode);
1145 | axID = int.Parse(_axis[0].Id) < int.Parse(_axis[1].Id) ? int.Parse(_axis[1].Id) + 1 : int.Parse(_axis[0].Id) + 1;
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 |
1149 | XmlElement valAx = ChartXml.CreateElement("c:valAx", ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
1150 | catAx.ParentNode.InsertAfter(valAx, catAx);
1151 |
1152 | if (_axis.Length == 0)
1153 | {
1154 | catAx.InnerXml = string.Format("<c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\" /><c:axPos val=\"b\"/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{1}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/><c:auto val=\"1\"/><c:lblAlgn val=\"ctr\"/><c:lblOffset val=\"100\"/>", axID, axID + 1);
1155 | valAx.InnerXml = string.Format("<c:axId val=\"{1}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\" /><c:axPos val=\"l\"/><c:majorGridlines/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{0}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/><c:crossBetween val=\"between\"/>", axID, axID + 1);
1156 | }
1157 | else
1158 | {
1159 | catAx.InnerXml = string.Format("<c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"1\" /><c:axPos val=\"b\"/><c:tickLblPos val=\"none\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{1}\"/><c:crosses val=\"autoZero\"/>", axID, axID + 1);
1160 | valAx.InnerXml = string.Format("<c:axId val=\"{0}\"/><c:scaling><c:orientation val=\"minMax\"/></c:scaling><c:delete val=\"0\" /><c:axPos val=\"r\"/><c:tickLblPos val=\"nextTo\"/><c:crossAx val=\"{1}\"/><c:crosses val=\"max\"/><c:crossBetween val=\"between\"/>", axID + 1, axID);
1161 | }
1162 |
1163 | if (_axis.Length == 0)
1164 | {
1165 | _axis = new ExcelChartAxis[2];
1166 | }
1167 | else
1168 | {
1169 | ExcelChartAxis[] newAxis = new ExcelChartAxis[_axis.Length + 2];
1170 | Array.Copy(_axis, newAxis, _axis.Length);
1171 | _axis = newAxis;
1172 | }
1173 |
1174 | _axis[_axis.Length - 2] = new ExcelChartAxis(NameSpaceManager, catAx);
1175 | _axis[_axis.Length - 1] = new ExcelChartAxis(NameSpaceManager, valAx);
1176 | foreach (var chart in _plotArea.ChartTypes)
1177 | {
1178 | chart._axis = _axis;
1179 | }
1180 | }
1181 | internal void RemoveSecondaryAxis()
1182 | {
1183 | throw (new NotImplementedException("Not yet implemented"));
1184 | }
1185 | #region "Properties"
1186 | /// <summary>
1187 | /// Reference to the worksheet
1188 | /// </summary>
1189 | public ExcelWorksheet WorkSheet { get; internal set; }
1190 | /// <summary>
1191 | /// The chart xml document
1192 | /// </summary>
1193 | public XmlDocument ChartXml { get; internal set; }
1194 | /// <summary>
1195 | /// Type of chart
1196 | /// </summary>
1197 | public eChartType ChartType { get; internal set; }
1198 | internal protected XmlNode _chartNode = null;
1199 | internal XmlNode ChartNode
1200 | {
1201 | get
1202 | {
1203 | return _chartNode;
1204 | }
1205 | }
1206 | /// <summary>
1207 | /// Titel of the chart
1208 | /// </summary>
1209 | public ExcelChartTitle Title
1210 | {
1211 | get
1212 | {
1213 | if (_title == null)
1214 | {
1215 | _title = new ExcelChartTitle(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:chart", NameSpaceManager));
1216 | }
1217 | return _title;
1218 | }
1219 | }
1220 | /// <summary>
1221 | /// Chart series
1222 | /// </summary>
1223 | public virtual ExcelChartSeries Series
1224 | {
1225 | get
1226 | {
1227 | return _chartSeries;
1228 | }
1229 | }
1230 | /// <summary>
1231 | /// An array containg all axis of all Charttypes
1232 | /// </summary>
1233 | public ExcelChartAxis[] Axis
1234 | {
1235 | get
1236 | {
1237 | return _axis;
1238 | }
1239 | }
1240 | /// <summary>
1241 | /// The XAxis
1242 | /// </summary>
1243 | public ExcelChartAxis XAxis
1244 | {
1245 | get;
1246 | private set;
1247 | }
1248 | /// <summary>
1249 | /// The YAxis
1250 | /// </summary>
1251 | public ExcelChartAxis YAxis
1252 | {
1253 | get;
1254 | private set;
1255 | }
1256 | bool _secondaryAxis=false;
1257 | /// <summary>
1258 | /// If true the charttype will use the secondary axis.
1259 | /// The chart must contain a least one other charttype that uses the primary axis.
1260 | /// </summary>
1261 | public bool UseSecondaryAxis
1262 | {
1263 | get
1264 | {
1265 | return _secondaryAxis;
1266 | }
1267 | set
1268 | {
1269 | if (_secondaryAxis != value)
1270 | {
1271 | if (value)
1272 | {
1273 | if (IsTypePieDoughnut())
1274 | {
1275 | throw (new Exception("Pie charts do not support axis"));
1276 | }
1277 | else if (HasPrimaryAxis() == false)
1278 | {
1279 | throw (new Exception("Can't set to secondary axis when no serie uses the primary axis"));
1280 | }
1281 | if (Axis.Length == 2)
1282 | {
1283 | AddAxis();
1284 | }
1285 | var nl = ChartNode.SelectNodes("c:axId", NameSpaceManager);
1286 | nl[0].Attributes["val"].Value = Axis[2].Id;
1287 | nl[1].Attributes["val"].Value = Axis[3].Id;
1288 | XAxis = Axis[2];
1289 | YAxis = Axis[3];
1290 | }
1291 | else
1292 | {
1293 | var nl = ChartNode.SelectNodes("c:axId", NameSpaceManager);
1294 | nl[0].Attributes["val"].Value = Axis[0].Id;
1295 | nl[1].Attributes["val"].Value = Axis[1].Id;
1296 | XAxis = Axis[0];
1297 | YAxis = Axis[1];
1298 | }
1299 | _secondaryAxis = value;
1300 | }
1301 | }
1302 | }
1303 | /// <summary>
1304 | /// The build-in chart styles.
1305 | /// </summary>
1306 | public eChartStyle Style
1307 | {
1308 | get
1309 | {
1310 | XmlNode node = ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:style/@val", NameSpaceManager);
1311 | if (node == null)
1312 | {
1313 | return eChartStyle.None;
1314 | }
1315 | else
1316 | {
1317 | int v;
1318 | if (int.TryParse(node.Value, out v))
1319 | {
1320 | return (eChartStyle)v;
1321 | }
1322 | else
1323 | {
1324 | return eChartStyle.None;
1325 | }
1326 | }
1327 |
1328 | }
1329 | set
1330 | {
1331 | if (value == eChartStyle.None)
1332 | {
1333 | XmlElement element = ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:style", NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
1334 | if (element != null)
1335 | {
1336 | element.ParentNode.RemoveChild(element);
1337 | }
1338 | }
1339 | else
1340 | {
1341 | XmlElement element = ChartXml.CreateElement("c:style", ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
1342 | element.SetAttribute("val", ((int)value).ToString());
1343 | XmlElement parent = ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace", NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
1344 | parent.InsertBefore(element, parent.SelectSingleNode("c:chart", NameSpaceManager));
1345 | }
1346 | }
1347 | }
1348 | const string _plotVisibleOnlyPath="../../c:plotVisOnly/@val";
1349 | /// <summary>
1350 | /// Show data in hidden rows and columns
1351 | /// </summary>
1352 | public bool ShowHiddenData
1353 | {
1354 | get
1355 | {
1356 | //!!Inverted value!!
1357 | return !_chartXmlHelper.GetXmlNodeBool(_plotVisibleOnlyPath);
1358 | }
1359 | set
1360 | {
1361 | //!!Inverted value!!
1362 | _chartXmlHelper.SetXmlNodeBool(_plotVisibleOnlyPath, !value);
1363 | }
1364 | }
1365 | const string _displayBlanksAsPath = "../../c:dispBlanksAs/@val";
1366 | /// <summary>
1367 | /// Specifies the possible ways to display blanks
1368 | /// </summary>
1369 | public eDisplayBlanksAs DisplayBlanksAs
1370 | {
1371 | get
1372 | {
1373 | string v=_chartXmlHelper.GetXmlNodeString(_displayBlanksAsPath);
1374 | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
1375 | {
1376 | return eDisplayBlanksAs.Zero; //Issue 14715 Changed in Office 2010-?
1377 | }
1378 | else
1379 | {
1380 | return (eDisplayBlanksAs)Enum.Parse(typeof(eDisplayBlanksAs), v, true);
1381 | }
1382 | }
1383 | set
1384 | {
1385 | _chartSeries.SetXmlNodeString(_displayBlanksAsPath, value.ToString().ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
1386 | }
1387 | }
1388 | const string _showDLblsOverMax = "../../c:showDLblsOverMax/@val";
1389 | /// <summary>
1390 | /// Specifies data labels over the maximum of the chart shall be shown
1391 | /// </summary>
1392 | public bool ShowDataLabelsOverMaximum
1393 | {
1394 | get
1395 | {
1396 | return _chartXmlHelper.GetXmlNodeBool(_showDLblsOverMax, true);
1397 | }
1398 | set
1399 | {
1400 | _chartXmlHelper.SetXmlNodeBool(_showDLblsOverMax,value, true);
1401 | }
1402 | }
1403 | private bool HasPrimaryAxis()
1404 | {
1405 | if (_plotArea.ChartTypes.Count == 1)
1406 | {
1407 | return false;
1408 | }
1409 | foreach (var chart in _plotArea.ChartTypes)
1410 | {
1411 | if (chart != this)
1412 | {
1413 | if (chart.UseSecondaryAxis == false && chart.IsTypePieDoughnut()==false)
1414 | {
1415 | return true;
1416 | }
1417 | }
1418 | }
1419 | return false;
1420 | }
1421 | ///// <summary>
1422 | ///// Sets position of the axis of a chart-serie
1423 | ///// </summary>
1424 | ///// <param name="XAxis">Left or Right</param>
1425 | ///// <param name="YAxis">Top or Bottom</param>
1426 | //internal void SetAxis(eXAxisPosition XAxis, eYAxisPosition YAxis)
1427 | //{
1428 | // bool xAxisExists = false, yAxisExists = false;
1429 | // foreach (var axis in _axis)
1430 | // {
1431 | // if (axis.AxisPosition == (eAxisPosition)XAxis)
1432 | // {
1433 | // //Found
1434 | // xAxisExists=true;
1435 | // if (axis != this.XAxis)
1436 | // {
1437 | // CheckRemoveAxis(this.XAxis);
1438 | // this.XAxis = axis;
1439 | // }
1440 | // }
1441 | // else if (axis.AxisPosition == (eAxisPosition)YAxis)
1442 | // {
1443 | // yAxisExists = true;
1444 | // if (axis != this.YAxis)
1445 | // {
1446 | // CheckRemoveAxis(this.YAxis);
1447 | // this.YAxis = axis;
1448 | // }
1449 | // }
1450 | // }
1451 |
1452 | // if (!xAxisExists)
1453 | // {
1454 | // if (ExistsAxis(this.XAxis))
1455 | // {
1456 | // AddAxis((eAxisPosition)XAxis);
1457 | // this.XAxis = Axis[Axis.Length - 1];
1458 | // }
1459 | // else
1460 | // {
1461 | // this.XAxis.AxisPosition = (eAxisPosition)XAxis;
1462 | // }
1463 | // }
1464 | // if (!yAxisExists)
1465 | // {
1466 | // if (ExistsAxis(this.XAxis))
1467 | // {
1468 | // AddAxis((eAxisPosition)YAxis);
1469 | // this.YAxis = Axis[Axis.Length - 1];
1470 | // }
1471 | // else
1472 | // {
1473 | // this.YAxis.AxisPosition = (eAxisPosition)YAxis;
1474 | // }
1475 | // }
1476 | //}
1477 |
1478 | /// <summary>
1479 | /// Remove all axis that are not used any more
1480 | /// </summary>
1481 | /// <param name="excelChartAxis"></param>
1482 | private void CheckRemoveAxis(ExcelChartAxis excelChartAxis)
1483 | {
1484 | if (ExistsAxis(excelChartAxis))
1485 | {
1486 | //Remove the axis
1487 | ExcelChartAxis[] newAxis = new ExcelChartAxis[Axis.Length - 1];
1488 | int pos = 0;
1489 | foreach (var ax in Axis)
1490 | {
1491 | if (ax != excelChartAxis)
1492 | {
1493 | newAxis[pos] = ax;
1494 | }
1495 | }
1496 |
1497 | //Update all charttypes.
1498 | foreach (ExcelChart chartType in _plotArea.ChartTypes)
1499 | {
1500 | chartType._axis = newAxis;
1501 | }
1502 | }
1503 | }
1504 |
1505 | private bool ExistsAxis(ExcelChartAxis excelChartAxis)
1506 | {
1507 | foreach (ExcelChart chartType in _plotArea.ChartTypes)
1508 | {
1509 | if (chartType != this)
1510 | {
1511 | if (chartType.XAxis.AxisPosition == excelChartAxis.AxisPosition ||
1512 | chartType.YAxis.AxisPosition == excelChartAxis.AxisPosition)
1513 | {
1514 | //The axis exists
1515 | return true;
1516 | }
1517 | }
1518 | }
1519 | return false;
1520 | }
1521 | ExcelChartPlotArea _plotArea = null;
1522 | /// <summary>
1523 | /// Plotarea
1524 | /// </summary>
1525 | public ExcelChartPlotArea PlotArea
1526 | {
1527 | get
1528 | {
1529 | if (_plotArea == null)
1530 | {
1531 | _plotArea = new ExcelChartPlotArea(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea", NameSpaceManager), this);
1532 | }
1533 | return _plotArea;
1534 | }
1535 | }
1536 | ExcelChartLegend _legend = null;
1537 | /// <summary>
1538 | /// Legend
1539 | /// </summary>
1540 | public ExcelChartLegend Legend
1541 | {
1542 | get
1543 | {
1544 | if (_legend == null)
1545 | {
1546 | _legend = new ExcelChartLegend(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:legend", NameSpaceManager), this);
1547 | }
1548 | return _legend;
1549 | }
1550 |
1551 | }
1552 | ExcelDrawingBorder _border = null;
1553 | /// <summary>
1554 | /// Border
1555 | /// </summary>
1556 | public ExcelDrawingBorder Border
1557 | {
1558 | get
1559 | {
1560 | if (_border == null)
1561 | {
1562 | _border = new ExcelDrawingBorder(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace",NameSpaceManager), "c:spPr/a:ln");
1563 | }
1564 | return _border;
1565 | }
1566 | }
1567 | ExcelDrawingFill _fill = null;
1568 | /// <summary>
1569 | /// Fill
1570 | /// </summary>
1571 | public ExcelDrawingFill Fill
1572 | {
1573 | get
1574 | {
1575 | if (_fill == null)
1576 | {
1577 | _fill = new ExcelDrawingFill(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace", NameSpaceManager), "c:spPr");
1578 | }
1579 | return _fill;
1580 | }
1581 | }
1582 | /// <summary>
1583 | /// 3D-settings
1584 | /// </summary>
1585 | public ExcelView3D View3D
1586 | {
1587 | get
1588 | {
1589 | if (IsType3D())
1590 | {
1591 | return new ExcelView3D(NameSpaceManager, ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("//c:view3D", NameSpaceManager));
1592 | }
1593 | else
1594 | {
1595 | throw (new Exception("Charttype does not support 3D"));
1596 | }
1597 |
1598 | }
1599 | }
1600 | //string _groupingPath = "c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea/{0}/c:grouping/@val";
1601 | string _groupingPath = "c:grouping/@val";
1602 | public eGrouping Grouping
1603 | {
1604 | get
1605 | {
1606 | return GetGroupingEnum(_chartXmlHelper.GetXmlNodeString(_groupingPath));
1607 | }
1608 | internal set
1609 | {
1610 | _chartXmlHelper.SetXmlNodeString(_groupingPath, GetGroupingText(value));
1611 | }
1612 | }
1613 | //string _varyColorsPath = "c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea/{0}/c:varyColors/@val";
1614 | string _varyColorsPath = "c:varyColors/@val";
1615 | /// <summary>
1616 | /// If the chart has only one serie this varies the colors for each point.
1617 | /// </summary>
1618 | public bool VaryColors
1619 | {
1620 | get
1621 | {
1622 | return _chartXmlHelper.GetXmlNodeBool(_varyColorsPath);
1623 | }
1624 | set
1625 | {
1626 | if (value)
1627 | {
1628 | _chartXmlHelper.SetXmlNodeString(_varyColorsPath, "1");
1629 | }
1630 | else
1631 | {
1632 | _chartXmlHelper.SetXmlNodeString(_varyColorsPath, "0");
1633 | }
1634 | }
1635 | }
1636 | internal Packaging.ZipPackagePart Part { get; set; }
1637 | /// <summary>
1638 | /// Package internal URI
1639 | /// </summary>
1640 | internal Uri UriChart { get; set; }
1641 | internal new string Id
1642 | {
1643 | get { return ""; }
1644 | }
1645 | ExcelChartTitle _title = null;
1646 | #endregion
1647 | #region "Grouping Enum Translation"
1648 | private string GetGroupingText(eGrouping grouping)
1649 | {
1650 | switch (grouping)
1651 | {
1652 | case eGrouping.Clustered:
1653 | return "clustered";
1654 | case eGrouping.Stacked:
1655 | return "stacked";
1656 | case eGrouping.PercentStacked:
1657 | return "percentStacked";
1658 | default:
1659 | return "standard";
1660 |
1661 | }
1662 | }
1663 | private eGrouping GetGroupingEnum(string grouping)
1664 | {
1665 | switch (grouping)
1666 | {
1667 | case "stacked":
1668 | return eGrouping.Stacked;
1669 | case "percentStacked":
1670 | return eGrouping.PercentStacked;
1671 | default: //"clustered":
1672 | return eGrouping.Clustered;
1673 | }
1674 | }
1675 | #endregion
1676 | internal static ExcelChart GetChart(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode node/*, XmlNode chartTypeNode*/)
1677 | {
1678 | XmlNode chartNode = node.SelectSingleNode("xdr:graphicFrame/a:graphic/a:graphicData/c:chart", drawings.NameSpaceManager);
1679 | if (chartNode != null)
1680 | {
1681 | var drawingRelation = drawings.Part.GetRelationship(chartNode.Attributes["r:id"].Value);
1682 | var uriChart = UriHelper.ResolvePartUri(drawings.UriDrawing, drawingRelation.TargetUri);
1683 |
1684 | var part = drawings.Part.Package.GetPart(uriChart);
1685 | var chartXml = new XmlDocument();
1686 | LoadXmlSafe(chartXml, part.GetStream());
1687 |
1688 | ExcelChart topChart = null;
1689 | foreach (XmlElement n in chartXml.SelectSingleNode(rootPath, drawings.NameSpaceManager).ChildNodes)
1690 | {
1691 | if (topChart == null)
1692 | {
1693 | topChart = GetChart(n, drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, null);
1694 | if(topChart!=null)
1695 | {
1696 | topChart.PlotArea.ChartTypes.Add(topChart);
1697 | }
1698 | }
1699 | else
1700 | {
1701 | var subChart = GetChart(n, null, null, null, null, null, topChart);
1702 | if (subChart != null)
1703 | {
1704 | topChart.PlotArea.ChartTypes.Add(subChart);
1705 | }
1706 | }
1707 | }
1708 | return topChart;
1709 | }
1710 | else
1711 | {
1712 | return null;
1713 | }
1714 | }
1715 | internal static ExcelChart GetChart(XmlElement chartNode, ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode node, Uri uriChart, Packaging.ZipPackagePart part, XmlDocument chartXml, ExcelChart topChart)
1716 | {
1717 | switch (chartNode.LocalName)
1718 | {
1719 | case "area3DChart":
1720 | case "areaChart":
1721 | case "stockChart":
1722 | if (topChart == null)
1723 | {
1724 | return new ExcelChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1725 | }
1726 | else
1727 | {
1728 | return new ExcelChart(topChart, chartNode);
1729 | }
1730 | case "surface3DChart":
1731 | case "surfaceChart":
1732 | if (topChart == null)
1733 | {
1734 | return new ExcelSurfaceChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1735 | }
1736 | else
1737 | {
1738 | return new ExcelSurfaceChart(topChart, chartNode);
1739 | }
1740 | case "radarChart":
1741 | if (topChart == null)
1742 | {
1743 | return new ExcelRadarChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1744 | }
1745 | else
1746 | {
1747 | return new ExcelRadarChart(topChart, chartNode);
1748 | }
1749 | case "bubbleChart":
1750 | if (topChart == null)
1751 | {
1752 | return new ExcelBubbleChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1753 | }
1754 | else
1755 | {
1756 | return new ExcelBubbleChart(topChart, chartNode);
1757 | }
1758 | case "barChart":
1759 | case "bar3DChart":
1760 | if (topChart == null)
1761 | {
1762 | return new ExcelBarChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1763 | }
1764 | else
1765 | {
1766 | return new ExcelBarChart(topChart, chartNode);
1767 | }
1768 | case "doughnutChart":
1769 | if (topChart == null)
1770 | {
1771 | return new ExcelDoughnutChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1772 | }
1773 | else
1774 | {
1775 | return new ExcelDoughnutChart(topChart, chartNode);
1776 | }
1777 | case "pie3DChart":
1778 | case "pieChart":
1779 | if (topChart == null)
1780 | {
1781 | return new ExcelPieChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1782 | }
1783 | else
1784 | {
1785 | return new ExcelPieChart(topChart, chartNode);
1786 | }
1787 | case "ofPieChart":
1788 | if (topChart == null)
1789 | {
1790 | return new ExcelOfPieChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1791 | }
1792 | else
1793 | {
1794 | return new ExcelBarChart(topChart, chartNode);
1795 | }
1796 | case "lineChart":
1797 | case "line3DChart":
1798 | if (topChart == null)
1799 | {
1800 | return new ExcelLineChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1801 | }
1802 | else
1803 | {
1804 | return new ExcelLineChart(topChart, chartNode);
1805 | }
1806 | case "scatterChart":
1807 | if (topChart == null)
1808 | {
1809 | return new ExcelScatterChart(drawings, node, uriChart, part, chartXml, chartNode);
1810 | }
1811 | else
1812 | {
1813 | return new ExcelScatterChart(topChart, chartNode);
1814 | }
1815 | default:
1816 | return null;
1817 | }
1818 | }
1819 | internal static ExcelChart GetNewChart(ExcelDrawings drawings, XmlNode drawNode, eChartType chartType, ExcelChart topChart, ExcelPivotTable PivotTableSource)
1820 | {
1821 | switch(chartType)
1822 | {
1823 | case eChartType.Pie:
1824 | case eChartType.PieExploded:
1825 | case eChartType.Pie3D:
1826 | case eChartType.PieExploded3D:
1827 | return new ExcelPieChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1828 | case eChartType.BarOfPie:
1829 | case eChartType.PieOfPie:
1830 | return new ExcelOfPieChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1831 | case eChartType.Doughnut:
1832 | case eChartType.DoughnutExploded:
1833 | return new ExcelDoughnutChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1834 | case eChartType.BarClustered:
1835 | case eChartType.BarStacked:
1836 | case eChartType.BarStacked100:
1837 | case eChartType.BarClustered3D:
1838 | case eChartType.BarStacked3D:
1839 | case eChartType.BarStacked1003D:
1840 | case eChartType.ConeBarClustered:
1841 | case eChartType.ConeBarStacked:
1842 | case eChartType.ConeBarStacked100:
1843 | case eChartType.CylinderBarClustered:
1844 | case eChartType.CylinderBarStacked:
1845 | case eChartType.CylinderBarStacked100:
1846 | case eChartType.PyramidBarClustered:
1847 | case eChartType.PyramidBarStacked:
1848 | case eChartType.PyramidBarStacked100:
1849 | case eChartType.ColumnClustered:
1850 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked:
1851 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked100:
1852 | case eChartType.Column3D:
1853 | case eChartType.ColumnClustered3D:
1854 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked3D:
1855 | case eChartType.ColumnStacked1003D:
1856 | case eChartType.ConeCol:
1857 | case eChartType.ConeColClustered:
1858 | case eChartType.ConeColStacked:
1859 | case eChartType.ConeColStacked100:
1860 | case eChartType.CylinderCol:
1861 | case eChartType.CylinderColClustered:
1862 | case eChartType.CylinderColStacked:
1863 | case eChartType.CylinderColStacked100:
1864 | case eChartType.PyramidCol:
1865 | case eChartType.PyramidColClustered:
1866 | case eChartType.PyramidColStacked:
1867 | case eChartType.PyramidColStacked100:
1868 | return new ExcelBarChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1869 | case eChartType.XYScatter:
1870 | case eChartType.XYScatterLines:
1871 | case eChartType.XYScatterLinesNoMarkers:
1872 | case eChartType.XYScatterSmooth:
1873 | case eChartType.XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers:
1874 | return new ExcelScatterChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1875 | case eChartType.Line:
1876 | case eChartType.Line3D:
1877 | case eChartType.LineMarkers:
1878 | case eChartType.LineMarkersStacked:
1879 | case eChartType.LineMarkersStacked100:
1880 | case eChartType.LineStacked:
1881 | case eChartType.LineStacked100:
1882 | return new ExcelLineChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1883 | case eChartType.Bubble:
1884 | case eChartType.Bubble3DEffect:
1885 | return new ExcelBubbleChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1886 | case eChartType.Radar:
1887 | case eChartType.RadarFilled:
1888 | case eChartType.RadarMarkers:
1889 | return new ExcelRadarChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1890 | case eChartType.Surface:
1891 | case eChartType.SurfaceTopView:
1892 | case eChartType.SurfaceTopViewWireframe:
1893 | case eChartType.SurfaceWireframe:
1894 | return new ExcelSurfaceChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1895 | default:
1896 | return new ExcelChart(drawings, drawNode, chartType, topChart, PivotTableSource);
1897 | }
1898 | }
1899 | public ExcelPivotTable PivotTableSource
1900 | {
1901 | get;
1902 | private set;
1903 | }
1904 | internal void SetPivotSource(ExcelPivotTable pivotTableSource)
1905 | {
1906 | PivotTableSource = pivotTableSource;
1907 | XmlElement chart = ChartXml.SelectSingleNode("c:chartSpace/c:chart", NameSpaceManager) as XmlElement;
1908 |
1909 | var pivotSource = ChartXml.CreateElement("pivotSource", ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
1910 | chart.ParentNode.InsertBefore(pivotSource, chart);
1911 | pivotSource.InnerXml = string.Format("<c:name>[]{0}!{1}</c:name><c:fmtId val=\"0\"/>", PivotTableSource.WorkSheet.Name, pivotTableSource.Name);
1912 |
1913 | var fmts = ChartXml.CreateElement("pivotFmts", ExcelPackage.schemaChart);
1914 | chart.PrependChild(fmts);
1915 | fmts.InnerXml = "<c:pivotFmt><c:idx val=\"0\"/><c:marker><c:symbol val=\"none\"/></c:marker></c:pivotFmt>";
1916 |
1917 | Series.AddPivotSerie(pivotTableSource);
1918 | }
1919 | internal override void DeleteMe()
1920 | {
1921 | try
1922 | {
1923 | Part.Package.DeletePart(UriChart);
1924 | }
1925 | catch (Exception ex)
1926 | {
1927 | throw (new InvalidDataException("EPPlus internal error when deleteing chart.", ex));
1928 | }
1929 | base.DeleteMe();
1930 | }
1931 | }
1932 | }