1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Reflection;
6 | using System.Text;
7 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
11 | using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
12 |
13 | namespace HeuristicLab.JsonInterface {
14 | public class RegressionProblemDataConverter : BaseConverter {
15 | #region Constants
16 | private const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
17 | private const string TestPartition = "TestPartition";
18 | private const string TrainingPartition = "TrainingPartition";
19 | private const string TargetVariable = "TargetVariable";
20 | private const string AllowedInputVariables = "AllowedInputVariables";
21 | private const string Dataset = "Dataset";
22 | private const string VariableValues = "variableValues";
23 | private const string VariableNames = "variableNames";
24 | private const string InputVariables = "InputVariables";
25 | private const string Rows = "rows";
26 | private const string Value = "value";
27 | private const string Parameters = "parameters";
28 | private const string CheckedItemList = "CheckedItemList";
29 | #endregion
30 |
31 | public override int Priority => 20;
32 |
33 | // RegressionProblemData
34 | public override Type ConvertableType => HEAL.Attic.Mapper.StaticCache.GetType(new Guid("EE612297-B1AF-42D2-BF21-AF9A2D42791C"));
35 |
36 | public override void Inject(IItem item, IJsonItem data, IJsonItemConverter root) {
37 |
38 | dynamic regressionProblemData = (dynamic)item;
39 |
40 | DoubleMatrixJsonItem dataset = null;
41 | StringJsonItem targetVariable = null;
42 | IntRangeJsonItem testPartition = null;
43 | IntRangeJsonItem trainingPartition = null;
44 | StringArrayJsonItem allowedInputVariables = null;
45 |
46 |
47 | // search first for the items (cache them, because the
48 | // order is important for injection)
49 | foreach (var child in data.Children) {
50 |
51 | if (child.Path.EndsWith(Dataset))
52 | dataset = child as DoubleMatrixJsonItem;
53 | else if (child.Path.EndsWith(TargetVariable))
54 | targetVariable = child as StringJsonItem;
55 | else if (child.Path.EndsWith(TestPartition))
56 | testPartition = child as IntRangeJsonItem;
57 | else if (child.Path.EndsWith(TrainingPartition))
58 | trainingPartition = child as IntRangeJsonItem;
59 | else if (child.Path.EndsWith(AllowedInputVariables))
60 | allowedInputVariables = child as StringArrayJsonItem;
61 |
62 | }
63 |
64 | // check data
65 | if(!dataset.RowNames.Any(x => x == targetVariable.Value)) {
66 | throw new Exception($"The value of the target variable ('{targetVariable.Value}') has no matching row name value of the dataset.");
67 | }
68 |
69 | foreach(var v in allowedInputVariables.Value) {
70 | if(!dataset.RowNames.Any(x => x == v))
71 | throw new Exception($"The value of the input variable ('{v}') has no matching row name value of the dataset.");
72 | }
73 |
74 | // inject the value of the items
75 | SetDataset(regressionProblemData, dataset);
76 | SetTargetVariable(regressionProblemData, targetVariable);
77 | SetAllowedInputVariables(regressionProblemData, allowedInputVariables, dataset);
78 | SetTestPartition(regressionProblemData, testPartition);
79 | SetTrainingPartition(regressionProblemData, trainingPartition);
80 |
81 | }
82 |
83 | public override IJsonItem Extract(IItem value, IJsonItemConverter root) {
84 | IJsonItem item = new EmptyJsonItem() {
85 | Name = value.ItemName,
86 | Description = value.ItemDescription
87 | };
88 |
89 | IJsonItem ds = GetDataset(value);
90 | if(ds != null)
91 | item.AddChildren(ds);
92 |
93 | item.AddChildren(GetTestPartition(value));
94 | item.AddChildren(GetTrainingPartition(value));
95 | item.AddChildren(GetTargetVariable(value));
96 | item.AddChildren(GetAllowedInputVariables(value));
97 | return item;
98 | }
99 |
100 | #region Inject Helper
101 | private void SetDataset(dynamic regressionProblemData, DoubleMatrixJsonItem item) {
102 | if (item != null) {
103 | var dictTmp = new Dictionary<string, IList>();
104 | int c = 0;
105 | foreach (var col in item.RowNames) {
106 | dictTmp.Add(col, new List<double>(item.Value[c]));
107 | ++c;
108 | }
109 |
110 | object dataset = (object)regressionProblemData.Dataset;
111 | var rows = dataset.GetType().GetField(Rows, flags);
112 | rows.SetValue(dataset, item.Value[0].Length);
113 |
114 | var variableNames = dataset.GetType().GetField(VariableNames, flags);
115 | variableNames.SetValue(dataset, item.RowNames);
116 |
117 | var dataInfo = dataset.GetType().GetField(VariableValues, flags);
118 | dataInfo.SetValue(dataset, dictTmp);
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | private void SetTestPartition(dynamic regressionProblemData, IntRangeJsonItem item) {
123 | if (item != null) {
124 | regressionProblemData.TestPartition.Start = item.MinValue;
125 | regressionProblemData.TestPartition.End = item.MaxValue;
126 | }
127 | }
128 |
129 | private void SetTrainingPartition(dynamic regressionProblemData, IntRangeJsonItem item) {
130 | if (item != null) {
131 | regressionProblemData.TrainingPartition.Start = item.MinValue;
132 | regressionProblemData.TrainingPartition.End = item.MaxValue;
133 | }
134 | }
135 |
136 | private void SetTargetVariable(dynamic regressionProblemData, StringJsonItem item) {
137 | if (item != null) {
138 | var param = (IConstrainedValueParameter<StringValue>)regressionProblemData.TargetVariableParameter;
139 | StringValue v = param.Value;
140 | FieldInfo fi = v.GetType().GetField(Value, flags);
141 | fi.SetValue(v, item.Value);
142 | }
143 | }
144 |
145 | private void SetAllowedInputVariables(dynamic regressionProblemData, StringArrayJsonItem item, IMatrixJsonItem matrix) {
146 | if (item != null && regressionProblemData is IParameterizedItem p) {
147 | var regProbDataType = ((ParameterizedNamedItem)regressionProblemData).GetType(); //RegressionProblemData
148 |
149 | var parameterizedNamedItemType = regProbDataType.BaseType.BaseType;
150 |
151 | // reset parameter
152 | var parametersInfo = parameterizedNamedItemType.GetField(Parameters, flags);
153 | ParameterCollection col = (ParameterCollection)parametersInfo.GetValue((object)regressionProblemData);
154 | var oldParam = (FixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemList<StringValue>>)col[InputVariables];
155 | var value = oldParam.Value;
156 | PropertyInfo listInfo = value.GetType().GetProperty(CheckedItemList, flags);
157 | CheckedItemList<StringValue> checkedItemList = (CheckedItemList<StringValue>)listInfo.GetValue(value);
158 | checkedItemList.Clear();
159 |
160 | // add list items and set their check state (based on allowed input variables)
161 | foreach(var i in matrix.RowNames) {
162 | bool isChecked = false;
163 | foreach(var x in item.Value)
164 | isChecked = isChecked || (x == i);
165 | checkedItemList.Add(new StringValue(i).AsReadOnly(), isChecked);
166 | }
167 | }
168 | }
169 | #endregion
170 |
171 | #region Extract Helper
172 | private IJsonItem GetDataset(IItem item) {
173 | dynamic val = (dynamic)item;
174 | object dataset = (object)val.Dataset;
175 | FieldInfo dataInfo = dataset.GetType().GetField(VariableValues, flags);
176 |
177 | if (dataInfo.GetValue(dataset) is Dictionary<string, IList> dict) {
178 | IEnumerator it = dict.Values.First()?.GetEnumerator();
179 |
180 | if(it != null) {
181 | if(it.MoveNext() && it.Current is double) {
182 | CreateMatrix(dict, out IList<string> rowNames, out double[][] mat);
183 | return new DoubleMatrixJsonItem() {
184 | Name = Dataset,
185 | Value = mat,
186 | RowNames = rowNames,
187 | Minimum = double.MinValue,
188 | Maximum = double.MaxValue
189 | };
190 | } else if(it.Current is int) {
191 | CreateMatrix(dict, out IList<string> rowNames, out int[][] mat);
192 | return new IntMatrixJsonItem() {
193 | Name = Dataset,
194 | Value = mat,
195 | RowNames = rowNames,
196 | Minimum = int.MinValue,
197 | Maximum = int.MaxValue
198 | };
199 | } else if (it.Current is bool) {
200 | CreateMatrix(dict, out IList<string> rowNames, out bool[][] mat);
201 | return new BoolMatrixJsonItem() {
202 | Name = Dataset,
203 | Value = mat,
204 | RowNames = rowNames
205 | };
206 | }
207 | }
208 | }
209 | return null;
210 | }
211 |
212 | private void CreateMatrix<T>(Dictionary<string, IList> dict, out IList<string> rowNames, out T[][] matrix) {
213 | int cols = dict.Count, rows = 0, c = 0;
214 | rowNames = new List<string>();
215 | matrix = new T[cols][];
216 | foreach (var x in dict) {
217 | rows = Math.Max(rows, x.Value.Count);
218 | rowNames.Add(x.Key);
219 |
220 | matrix[c] = new T[rows];
221 | int r = 0;
222 |
223 | foreach (var rowValue in x.Value) {
224 | matrix[c][r] = (T)rowValue;
225 | ++r;
226 | }
227 | ++c;
228 | }
229 | }
230 |
231 | private IJsonItem GetTestPartition(IItem item) {
232 | dynamic val = (dynamic)item;
233 | var trainingPartition = (IntRange)val.TrainingPartition;
234 | var testPartition = (IntRange)val.TestPartition;
235 | return new IntRangeJsonItem() {
236 | Name = TestPartition,
237 | MinValue = testPartition.Start,
238 | MaxValue = testPartition.End,
239 | Minimum = 0,
240 | Maximum = int.MaxValue //Math.Max(testPartition.End, trainingPartition.End)
241 | };
242 | }
243 |
244 | private IJsonItem GetTrainingPartition(IItem item) {
245 | dynamic val = (dynamic)item;
246 | var trainingPartition = (IntRange)val.TrainingPartition;
247 | var testPartition = (IntRange)val.TestPartition;
248 | return new IntRangeJsonItem() {
249 | Name = TrainingPartition,
250 | MinValue = trainingPartition.Start,
251 | MaxValue = trainingPartition.End,
252 | Minimum = 0,
253 | Maximum = int.MaxValue //Math.Max(testPartition.End, trainingPartition.End)
254 | };
255 | }
256 |
257 |
258 | private IJsonItem GetTargetVariable(IItem item) {
259 | var vars = (IEnumerable<StringValue>)((dynamic)item).InputVariables;
260 | return new StringJsonItem() {
261 | Name = TargetVariable,
262 | Value = (string)((dynamic)item).TargetVariable,
263 | ConcreteRestrictedItems = vars.Select(x => x.Value)
264 | };
265 | }
266 |
267 | private IJsonItem GetAllowedInputVariables(IItem item) {
268 | var vars = (IEnumerable<StringValue>)((dynamic)item).InputVariables;
269 | return new StringArrayJsonItem() {
270 | Name = AllowedInputVariables,
271 | Value = ((IEnumerable<string>)((dynamic)item).AllowedInputVariables).ToArray(),
272 | ConcreteRestrictedItems = vars.Select(x => x.Value)
273 | };
274 | }
275 | #endregion
276 | }
277 | }