1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Diagnostics;
4 | using System.Linq;
5 | using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression.Extensions;
9 |
10 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Regression {
11 | internal class ConstrainedNLSInternal : IDisposable {
12 | private readonly int maxIterations;
13 | public int MaxIterations => maxIterations;
14 |
15 | private readonly string solver;
16 | public string Solver => solver;
17 |
18 | private readonly ISymbolicExpressionTree expr;
19 | public ISymbolicExpressionTree Expr => expr;
20 |
21 | private readonly IRegressionProblemData problemData;
22 |
23 | public IRegressionProblemData ProblemData => problemData;
24 |
25 |
26 | public event Action FunctionEvaluated;
27 | public event Action<int, double> ConstraintEvaluated;
28 |
29 | private double bestError = double.MaxValue;
30 | public double BestError => bestError;
31 |
32 | private double curError = double.MaxValue;
33 | public double CurError => curError;
34 |
35 | private double[] bestSolution;
36 | public double[] BestSolution => bestSolution;
37 |
38 | private ISymbolicExpressionTree bestTree;
39 | public ISymbolicExpressionTree BestTree => bestTree;
40 |
41 | private double[] bestConstraintValues;
42 | public double[] BestConstraintValues => bestConstraintValues;
43 |
44 | public NLOpt.nlopt_result OptResult { get; private set; }
45 |
46 | private bool disposed = false;
47 |
48 |
49 | // for debugging (must be in the same order as processed below)
50 | public IEnumerable<string> ConstraintDescriptions {
51 | get {
52 | foreach (var elem in problemData.IntervalConstraints.Constraints) {
53 | if (!elem.Enabled) continue;
54 | if (elem.Interval.UpperBound < double.PositiveInfinity) {
55 | yield return elem.Expression + " < " + elem.Interval.UpperBound;
56 | }
57 | if (elem.Interval.LowerBound > double.NegativeInfinity) {
58 | yield return "-" + elem.Expression + " < " + (-1) * elem.Interval.LowerBound;
59 | }
60 | }
61 | }
62 | }
63 |
64 | public bool CheckGradient { get; internal set; }
65 |
66 | // begin internal state
67 | private IntPtr nlopt;
68 | private SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeLinearInterpreter interpreter;
69 | private readonly NLOpt.nlopt_func calculateObjectiveDelegate; // must hold the delegate to prevent GC
70 | // private readonly NLOpt.nlopt_precond preconditionDelegate;
71 | private readonly IntPtr[] constraintDataPtr; // must hold the objects to prevent GC
72 | private readonly NLOpt.nlopt_func[] calculateConstraintDelegates; // must hold the delegates to prevent GC
73 | private readonly List<double> thetaValues;
74 | private readonly IDictionary<string, Interval> dataIntervals;
75 | private readonly int[] trainingRows;
76 | private readonly double[] target;
77 | private readonly ISymbolicExpressionTree preparedTree;
78 | private readonly ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] preparedTreeParameterNodes;
79 | private readonly List<ConstantTreeNode>[] allThetaNodes;
80 | public List<ISymbolicExpressionTree> constraintTrees; // TODO make local in ctor (public for debugging)
81 |
82 | private readonly double[] fi_eval;
83 | private readonly double[,] jac_eval;
84 | private readonly ISymbolicExpressionTree scaledTree;
85 | private readonly VectorAutoDiffEvaluator autoDiffEval;
86 | private readonly VectorEvaluator eval;
87 | private readonly bool invalidProblem = false;
88 | private readonly double targetVariance;
89 |
90 | // end internal state
91 |
92 |
93 | // for data exchange to/from optimizer in native code
94 | [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
95 | private struct ConstraintData {
96 | public int Idx;
97 | public ISymbolicExpressionTree Tree;
98 | public ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] ParameterNodes;
99 | }
100 |
101 | internal ConstrainedNLSInternal(string solver, ISymbolicExpressionTree expr, int maxIterations, IRegressionProblemData problemData, double ftol_rel = 0, double ftol_abs = 0, double maxTime = 0) {
102 | this.solver = solver;
103 | this.expr = expr;
104 | this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
105 | this.problemData = problemData;
106 | this.interpreter = new SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeLinearInterpreter();
107 | this.autoDiffEval = new VectorAutoDiffEvaluator();
108 | this.eval = new VectorEvaluator();
109 |
110 | CheckGradient = false;
111 |
112 | var intervalConstraints = problemData.IntervalConstraints;
113 | dataIntervals = problemData.VariableRanges.GetIntervals();
114 | trainingRows = problemData.TrainingIndices.ToArray();
115 | // buffers
116 | target = problemData.TargetVariableTrainingValues.ToArray();
117 | targetVariance = target.VariancePop();
118 | var pred = interpreter.GetSymbolicExpressionTreeValues(expr, problemData.Dataset, trainingRows).ToArray();
119 |
120 | // all trees are linearly scaled (to improve GP performance)
121 | if (pred.Any(pi => double.IsInfinity(pi) || double.IsNaN(pi)) || pred.StandardDeviationPop() == 0) {
122 | invalidProblem = true;
123 | bestError = targetVariance;
124 | bestSolution = new double[0];
125 | bestConstraintValues = new double[0];
126 | } else {
127 | #region linear scaling
128 | var cov = OnlineCovarianceCalculator.Calculate(pred, target, out OnlineCalculatorError covError);
129 | var scalingFactor = cov / pred.VariancePop();
130 | var offset = target.Average() - scalingFactor * pred.Average();
131 |
132 | scaledTree = CopyAndScaleTree(expr, scalingFactor, offset);
133 | #endregion
134 |
135 | // convert constants to variables named theta...
136 | var treeForDerivation = ReplaceAndExtractParameters(scaledTree, out List<string> thetaNames, out thetaValues); // copies the tree
137 |
138 | // create trees for relevant derivatives
139 | Dictionary<string, ISymbolicExpressionTree> derivatives = new Dictionary<string, ISymbolicExpressionTree>();
140 | allThetaNodes = thetaNames.Select(_ => new List<ConstantTreeNode>()).ToArray();
141 | constraintTrees = new List<ISymbolicExpressionTree>();
142 | foreach (var constraint in intervalConstraints.Constraints) {
143 | if (!constraint.Enabled) continue;
144 | if (constraint.IsDerivation) {
145 | if (!problemData.AllowedInputVariables.Contains(constraint.Variable))
146 | throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid constraint: the variable {constraint.Variable} does not exist in the dataset.");
147 | var df = DerivativeCalculator.Derive(treeForDerivation, constraint.Variable);
148 |
149 | // NLOpt requires constraint expressions of the form c(x) <= 0
150 | // -> we make two expressions, one for the lower bound and one for the upper bound
151 |
152 | if (constraint.Interval.UpperBound < double.PositiveInfinity) {
153 | var df_smaller_upper = Subtract((ISymbolicExpressionTree)df.Clone(), CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.UpperBound));
154 | // convert variables named theta back to constants
155 | var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(df_smaller_upper, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
156 | constraintTrees.Add(df_prepared);
157 | }
158 | if (constraint.Interval.LowerBound > double.NegativeInfinity) {
159 | var df_larger_lower = Subtract(CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.LowerBound), (ISymbolicExpressionTree)df.Clone());
160 | // convert variables named theta back to constants
161 | var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(df_larger_lower, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
162 | constraintTrees.Add(df_prepared);
163 | }
164 | } else {
165 | if (constraint.Interval.UpperBound < double.PositiveInfinity) {
166 | var f_smaller_upper = Subtract((ISymbolicExpressionTree)treeForDerivation.Clone(), CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.UpperBound));
167 | // convert variables named theta back to constants
168 | var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(f_smaller_upper, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
169 | constraintTrees.Add(df_prepared);
170 | }
171 | if (constraint.Interval.LowerBound > double.NegativeInfinity) {
172 | var f_larger_lower = Subtract(CreateConstant(constraint.Interval.LowerBound), (ISymbolicExpressionTree)treeForDerivation.Clone());
173 | // convert variables named theta back to constants
174 | var df_prepared = ReplaceVarWithConst(f_larger_lower, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
175 | constraintTrees.Add(df_prepared);
176 | }
177 | }
178 | }
179 |
180 | preparedTree = ReplaceVarWithConst(treeForDerivation, thetaNames, thetaValues, allThetaNodes);
181 | preparedTreeParameterNodes = GetParameterNodes(preparedTree, allThetaNodes);
182 |
183 | var dim = thetaValues.Count;
184 | fi_eval = new double[target.Length]; // init buffer;
185 | jac_eval = new double[target.Length, dim]; // init buffer
186 |
187 |
188 | var minVal = Math.Min(-1000.0, thetaValues.Min());
189 | var maxVal = Math.Max(1000.0, thetaValues.Max());
190 | var lb = Enumerable.Repeat(minVal, thetaValues.Count).ToArray();
191 | var up = Enumerable.Repeat(maxVal, thetaValues.Count).ToArray();
192 | nlopt = NLOpt.nlopt_create(GetSolver(solver), (uint)dim);
193 |
194 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_lower_bounds(nlopt, lb);
195 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_upper_bounds(nlopt, up);
196 | calculateObjectiveDelegate = new NLOpt.nlopt_func(CalculateObjective); // keep a reference to the delegate (see below)
197 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_min_objective(nlopt, calculateObjectiveDelegate, IntPtr.Zero); // --> without preconditioning
198 |
199 | //preconditionDelegate = new NLOpt.nlopt_precond(PreconditionObjective);
200 | //NLOpt.nlopt_set_precond_min_objective(nlopt, calculateObjectiveDelegate, preconditionDelegate, IntPtr.Zero);
201 |
202 |
203 | constraintDataPtr = new IntPtr[constraintTrees.Count];
204 | calculateConstraintDelegates = new NLOpt.nlopt_func[constraintTrees.Count]; // make sure we keep a reference to the delegates (otherwise GC will free delegate objects see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7302045/callback-delegates-being-collected#7302258)
205 | for (int i = 0; i < constraintTrees.Count; i++) {
206 | var constraintData = new ConstraintData() { Idx = i, Tree = constraintTrees[i], ParameterNodes = GetParameterNodes(constraintTrees[i], allThetaNodes) };
207 | constraintDataPtr[i] = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf<ConstraintData>());
208 | Marshal.StructureToPtr(constraintData, constraintDataPtr[i], fDeleteOld: false);
209 | calculateConstraintDelegates[i] = new NLOpt.nlopt_func(CalculateConstraint);
210 | NLOpt.nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(nlopt, calculateConstraintDelegates[i], constraintDataPtr[i], 1e-8);
211 | // NLOpt.nlopt_add_precond_inequality_constraint(nlopt, calculateConstraintDelegates[i], preconditionDelegate, constraintDataPtr[i], 1e-8);
212 | }
213 |
214 |
215 | var x = thetaValues.ToArray(); /* initial parameters */
216 | // calculate initial quality
217 | // calculate constraints of initial solution
218 | double[] constraintGrad = new double[x.Length];
219 | bestConstraintValues = new double[calculateConstraintDelegates.Length];
220 | for (int i = 0; i < calculateConstraintDelegates.Length; i++) {
221 | bestConstraintValues[i] = calculateConstraintDelegates[i].Invoke((uint)x.Length, x, constraintGrad, constraintDataPtr[i]);
222 | }
223 |
224 | // if all constraints are OK then calculate the initial error (when there is any violation we use the variance)
225 | if (bestConstraintValues.Any(c => c > 0)) {
226 | bestError = targetVariance;
227 | } else {
228 | bestError = CalculateObjective((uint)dim, x, null, IntPtr.Zero);
229 | }
230 |
231 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_ftol_rel(nlopt, ftol_rel);
232 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_ftol_abs(nlopt, ftol_abs);
233 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_maxtime(nlopt, maxTime);
234 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_maxeval(nlopt, maxIterations);
235 | } // end if valid problem
236 | }
237 |
238 |
239 | ~ConstrainedNLSInternal() {
240 | Dispose(false);
241 | }
242 |
243 |
244 | public enum OptimizationMode { ReadOnly, UpdateParameters, UpdateParametersAndKeepLinearScaling };
245 |
246 | internal void Optimize(OptimizationMode mode) {
247 | if (invalidProblem) return;
248 | var x = thetaValues.ToArray(); /* initial guess */
249 | double minf = double.MaxValue; /* minimum objective value upon return */
250 | OptResult = NLOpt.nlopt_optimize(nlopt, x, ref minf);
251 |
252 | if (OptResult < 0 && OptResult != NLOpt.nlopt_result.NLOPT_FORCED_STOP) {
253 | // throw new InvalidOperationException($"NLOpt failed {res} {NLOpt.nlopt_get_errmsg(nlopt)}");
254 | return;
255 | } else if (!double.IsNaN(minf) && minf < double.MaxValue) {
256 |
257 | // calculate constraints of final solution
258 | double[] _ = new double[x.Length];
259 | var optimizedConstraintValues = new double[calculateConstraintDelegates.Length];
260 | for (int i = 0; i < calculateConstraintDelegates.Length; i++) {
261 | optimizedConstraintValues[i] = calculateConstraintDelegates[i].Invoke((uint)x.Length, x, _, constraintDataPtr[i]);
262 | }
263 |
264 | // we accept the optimized parameters when either the error has been reduced or at least one of the violated constraints was improved (all constraints < 0 are OK anyway)
265 | if (minf < bestError || bestConstraintValues.Zip(optimizedConstraintValues, Tuple.Create).Any(t => t.Item1 > 0 && t.Item1 > t.Item2)) {
266 |
267 | bestConstraintValues = optimizedConstraintValues;
268 | bestSolution = x;
269 | bestError = Math.Min(minf, targetVariance); // limit the error to variance
270 |
271 | // update parameters in tree
272 | UpdateParametersInTree(scaledTree, x);
273 |
274 | if (mode == OptimizationMode.UpdateParameters) {
275 | // update original expression (when called from evaluator we want to write back optimized parameters)
276 | var newChild = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)scaledTree.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0).Clone(); // the optimized sub-tree (without scaling nodes), we need to clone again to remove the parameter nodes which are used in multiple trees (and have incorrect parent relations)
277 | var oldChild = expr.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0);
278 | expr.Root.GetSubtree(0).RemoveSubtree(0); // delete old tree
279 | expr.Root.GetSubtree(0).InsertSubtree(0, newChild);
280 |
281 | } else if (mode == OptimizationMode.UpdateParametersAndKeepLinearScaling) {
282 | var oldChild = expr.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0);
283 | var newChild = (ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode)scaledTree.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0).Clone(); // we need to clone again to remove the parameter nodes which are used in multiple trees(and have incorrect parent relations)
284 | expr.Root.GetSubtree(0).RemoveSubtree(0); // delete old tree
285 | expr.Root.GetSubtree(0).InsertSubtree(0, newChild); // insert the optimized sub-tree (including scaling nodes)
286 | }
287 | }
288 | }
289 | bestTree = expr;
290 | }
291 |
292 |
293 | double CalculateObjective(uint dim, double[] curX, double[] grad, IntPtr data) {
294 | UpdateThetaValues(curX);
295 | var sse = 0.0;
296 |
297 | if (grad != null) {
298 | autoDiffEval.Evaluate(preparedTree, problemData.Dataset, trainingRows,
299 | preparedTreeParameterNodes, fi_eval, jac_eval);
300 |
301 | // calc sum of squared errors and gradient
302 | for (int j = 0; j < grad.Length; j++) grad[j] = 0;
303 | for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++) {
304 | var r = target[i] - fi_eval[i];
305 | sse += r * r;
306 | for (int j = 0; j < grad.Length; j++) {
307 | grad[j] -= 2 * r * jac_eval[i, j];
308 | }
309 | }
310 | // average
311 | for (int j = 0; j < grad.Length; j++) { grad[j] /= target.Length; }
312 |
313 | #region check gradient
314 | if (grad != null && CheckGradient) {
315 | for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
316 | // make two additional evaluations
317 | var xForNumDiff = (double[])curX.Clone();
318 | double delta = Math.Abs(xForNumDiff[i] * 1e-5);
319 | xForNumDiff[i] += delta;
320 | UpdateThetaValues(xForNumDiff);
321 | var evalHigh = eval.Evaluate(preparedTree, problemData.Dataset, trainingRows);
322 | var mseHigh = MSE(target, evalHigh);
323 | xForNumDiff[i] = curX[i] - delta;
324 | UpdateThetaValues(xForNumDiff);
325 | var evalLow = eval.Evaluate(preparedTree, problemData.Dataset, trainingRows);
326 | var mseLow = MSE(target, evalLow);
327 |
328 | var numericDiff = (mseHigh - mseLow) / (2 * delta);
329 | var autoDiff = grad[i];
330 | if ((Math.Abs(autoDiff) < 1e-10 && Math.Abs(numericDiff) > 1e-2)
331 | || (Math.Abs(autoDiff) >= 1e-10 && Math.Abs((numericDiff - autoDiff) / numericDiff) > 1e-2))
332 | throw new InvalidProgramException();
333 | }
334 | }
335 | #endregion
336 | } else {
337 | var eval = new VectorEvaluator();
338 | var prediction = eval.Evaluate(preparedTree, problemData.Dataset, trainingRows);
339 |
340 | // calc sum of squared errors
341 | sse = 0.0;
342 | for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++) {
343 | var r = target[i] - prediction[i];
344 | sse += r * r;
345 | }
346 | }
347 |
348 | // UpdateBestSolution(sse / target.Length, curX);
349 | RaiseFunctionEvaluated();
350 |
351 | if (double.IsNaN(sse)) {
352 | if (grad != null) Array.Clear(grad, 0, grad.Length);
353 | return double.MaxValue;
354 | }
355 | return sse / target.Length;
356 | }
357 |
358 | // TODO
359 | // private void PreconditionObjective(uint n, double[] x, double[] v, double[] vpre, IntPtr data) {
360 | // UpdateThetaValues(x); // calc H(x)
361 | //
362 | // autoDiffEval.Evaluate(preparedTree, problemData.Dataset, trainingRows,
363 | // preparedTreeParameterNodes, fi_eval, jac_eval);
364 | // var k = jac_eval.GetLength(0);
365 | // var h = new double[n, n];
366 | //
367 | // // calc residuals and scale jac_eval
368 | // var f = 2.0 / (k*k);
369 | //
370 | // // approximate hessian H(x) = J(x)^T * J(x)
371 | // alglib.rmatrixgemm((int)n, (int)n, k,
372 | // f, jac_eval, 0, 0, 1, // transposed
373 | // jac_eval, 0, 0, 0,
374 | // 0.0, ref h, 0, 0,
375 | // null
376 | // );
377 | //
378 | //
379 | // // scale v
380 | // alglib.rmatrixmv((int)n, (int)n, h, 0, 0, 0, v, 0, ref vpre, 0, alglib.serial);
381 | //
382 | //
383 | // alglib.spdmatrixcholesky(ref h, (int)n, true);
384 | //
385 | // var det = alglib.matdet.spdmatrixcholeskydet(h, (int)n, alglib.serial);
386 | // }
387 |
388 |
389 | private double MSE(double[] a, double[] b) {
390 | Trace.Assert(a.Length == b.Length);
391 | var sse = 0.0;
392 | for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) sse += (a[i] - b[i]) * (a[i] - b[i]);
393 | return sse / a.Length;
394 | }
395 |
396 | private void UpdateBestSolution(double curF, double[] curX) {
397 | if (double.IsNaN(curF) || double.IsInfinity(curF)) return;
398 | else if (curF < bestError) {
399 | bestError = curF;
400 | bestSolution = (double[])curX.Clone();
401 | }
402 | curError = curF;
403 | }
404 |
405 | private void UpdateConstraintViolations(int constraintIdx, double value) {
406 | if (double.IsNaN(value) || double.IsInfinity(value)) return;
407 | RaiseConstraintEvaluated(constraintIdx, value);
408 | // else if (curF < bestError) {
409 | // bestError = curF;
410 | // bestSolution = (double[])curX.Clone();
411 | // }
412 | }
413 |
414 | double CalculateConstraint(uint dim, double[] curX, double[] grad, IntPtr data) {
415 | UpdateThetaValues(curX);
416 | var intervalEvaluator = new IntervalEvaluator();
417 | var refIntervalEvaluator = new IntervalInterpreter();
418 |
419 | var constraintData = Marshal.PtrToStructure<ConstraintData>(data);
420 |
421 | if (grad != null) Array.Clear(grad, 0, grad.Length);
422 |
423 | var interval = intervalEvaluator.Evaluate(constraintData.Tree, dataIntervals, constraintData.ParameterNodes,
424 | out double[] lowerGradient, out double[] upperGradient);
425 |
426 | // compare to reference interval calculation
427 | // var refInterval = refIntervalEvaluator.GetSymbolicExpressionTreeInterval(constraintData.Tree, dataIntervals);
428 | // if (Math.Abs(interval.LowerBound - refInterval.LowerBound) > Math.Abs(interval.LowerBound) * 1e-4) throw new InvalidProgramException($"Intervals don't match. {interval.LowerBound} <> {refInterval.LowerBound}");
429 | // if (Math.Abs(interval.UpperBound - refInterval.UpperBound) > Math.Abs(interval.UpperBound) * 1e-4) throw new InvalidProgramException($"Intervals don't match. {interval.UpperBound} <> {refInterval.UpperBound}");
430 |
431 | // we transformed this to a constraint c(x) <= 0, so only the upper bound is relevant for us
432 | if (grad != null) for (int j = 0; j < grad.Length; j++) { grad[j] = upperGradient[j]; }
433 |
434 | #region check gradient
435 | if (grad != null && CheckGradient)
436 | for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
437 | // make two additional evaluations
438 | var xForNumDiff = (double[])curX.Clone();
439 | double delta = Math.Abs(xForNumDiff[i] * 1e-5);
440 | xForNumDiff[i] += delta;
441 | UpdateThetaValues(xForNumDiff);
442 | var evalHigh = intervalEvaluator.Evaluate(constraintData.Tree, dataIntervals, constraintData.ParameterNodes,
443 | out double[] unusedLowerGradientHigh, out double[] unusedUpperGradientHigh);
444 |
445 | xForNumDiff[i] = curX[i] - delta;
446 | UpdateThetaValues(xForNumDiff);
447 | var evalLow = intervalEvaluator.Evaluate(constraintData.Tree, dataIntervals, constraintData.ParameterNodes,
448 | out double[] unusedLowerGradientLow, out double[] unusedUpperGradientLow);
449 |
450 | var numericDiff = (evalHigh.UpperBound - evalLow.UpperBound) / (2 * delta);
451 | var autoDiff = grad[i];
452 |
453 | if ((Math.Abs(autoDiff) < 1e-10 && Math.Abs(numericDiff) > 1e-2)
454 | || (Math.Abs(autoDiff) >= 1e-10 && Math.Abs((numericDiff - autoDiff) / numericDiff) > 1e-2))
455 | throw new InvalidProgramException();
456 | }
457 | #endregion
458 |
459 |
460 | UpdateConstraintViolations(constraintData.Idx, interval.UpperBound);
461 | if (double.IsNaN(interval.UpperBound)) {
462 | if (grad != null) Array.Clear(grad, 0, grad.Length);
463 | return double.MaxValue;
464 | } else return interval.UpperBound;
465 | }
466 |
467 |
468 | void UpdateThetaValues(double[] theta) {
469 | for (int i = 0; i < theta.Length; ++i) {
470 | foreach (var constNode in allThetaNodes[i]) constNode.Value = theta[i];
471 | }
472 | }
473 |
474 | internal void RequestStop() {
475 | NLOpt.nlopt_set_force_stop(nlopt, 1); // hopefully NLOpt is thread safe , val must be <> 0 otherwise no effect
476 | }
477 |
478 | private void RaiseFunctionEvaluated() {
479 | FunctionEvaluated?.Invoke();
480 | }
481 |
482 | private void RaiseConstraintEvaluated(int idx, double value) {
483 | ConstraintEvaluated?.Invoke(idx, value);
484 | }
485 |
486 |
487 | #region helper
488 |
489 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTree CopyAndScaleTree(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, double scalingFactor, double offset) {
490 | var m = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)tree.Clone();
491 |
492 | var add = MakeNode<Addition>(MakeNode<Multiplication>(m.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0), CreateConstant(scalingFactor)), CreateConstant(offset));
493 | m.Root.GetSubtree(0).RemoveSubtree(0);
494 | m.Root.GetSubtree(0).AddSubtree(add);
495 | return m;
496 | }
497 |
498 |
499 | private NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm GetSolver(string solver) {
500 | if (solver.Contains("MMA")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_MMA;
501 | if (solver.Contains("COBYLA")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_COBYLA;
502 | if (solver.Contains("CCSAQ")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_CCSAQ;
503 | if (solver.Contains("ISRES")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_ISRES;
504 |
505 | if (solver.Contains("DIRECT_G")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_DIRECT;
506 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L;
507 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L_RAND;
508 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_DIRECT;
509 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L;
510 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GD_STOGO")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GD_STOGO;
511 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GD_STOGO_RAND")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GD_STOGO_RAND;
512 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_LBFGS_NOCEDAL")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_LBFGS_NOCEDAL;
513 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_LBFGS")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_LBFGS;
514 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS;
515 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_VAR1")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_VAR1;
516 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_VAR2")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_VAR2;
517 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON;
518 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_RESTART")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_RESTART;
519 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND;
520 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART;
521 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM;
522 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_MLSL")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_MLSL;
523 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GD_MLSL")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GD_MLSL;
524 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS;
525 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GD_MLSL_LDS;
526 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA;
527 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA_BOUND")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA_BOUND;
528 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD;
529 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_SBPLX")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_SBPLX;
530 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG;
531 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_AUGLAG;
532 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA;
533 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_AUGLAG")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_AUGLAG;
534 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_SLSQP")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_SLSQP;
535 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_LD_CCSAQ))")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_LD_CCSAQ;
536 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_ESCH")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_ESCH;
537 | if (solver.Contains("NLOPT_GN_AGS")) return NLOpt.nlopt_algorithm.NLOPT_GN_AGS;
538 |
539 | throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown solver {solver}");
540 | }
541 |
542 | // determines the nodes over which we can calculate the partial derivative
543 | // this is different from the vector of all parameters because not every tree contains all parameters
544 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] GetParameterNodes(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, List<ConstantTreeNode>[] allNodes) {
545 | // TODO better solution necessary
546 | var treeConstNodes = tree.IterateNodesPostfix().OfType<ConstantTreeNode>().ToArray();
547 | var paramNodes = new ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[allNodes.Length];
548 | for (int i = 0; i < paramNodes.Length; i++) {
549 | paramNodes[i] = allNodes[i].SingleOrDefault(n => treeConstNodes.Contains(n));
550 | }
551 | return paramNodes;
552 | }
553 |
554 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTree ReplaceVarWithConst(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, List<string> thetaNames, List<double> thetaValues, List<ConstantTreeNode>[] thetaNodes) {
555 | var copy = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)tree.Clone();
556 | var nodes = copy.IterateNodesPostfix().ToList();
557 | for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
558 | var n = nodes[i] as VariableTreeNode;
559 | if (n != null) {
560 | var thetaIdx = thetaNames.IndexOf(n.VariableName);
561 | if (thetaIdx >= 0) {
562 | var parent = n.Parent;
563 | if (thetaNodes[thetaIdx].Any()) {
565 | // we use this trick to allow autodiff over thetas when thetas occurr multiple times in the tree (e.g. in derived trees)
566 | var constNode = thetaNodes[thetaIdx].First();
567 | var childIdx = parent.IndexOfSubtree(n);
568 | parent.RemoveSubtree(childIdx);
569 | parent.InsertSubtree(childIdx, constNode);
570 | } else {
571 | var constNode = (ConstantTreeNode)CreateConstant(thetaValues[thetaIdx]);
572 | var childIdx = parent.IndexOfSubtree(n);
573 | parent.RemoveSubtree(childIdx);
574 | parent.InsertSubtree(childIdx, constNode);
575 | thetaNodes[thetaIdx].Add(constNode);
576 | }
577 | }
578 | }
579 | }
580 | return copy;
581 | }
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 | private void UpdateParametersInTree(ISymbolicExpressionTree scaledTree, double[] x) {
587 | var pIdx = 0;
588 | // here we lose the two last parameters (for linear scaling)
589 | foreach (var node in scaledTree.IterateNodesPostfix()) {
590 | if (node is ConstantTreeNode constTreeNode) {
591 | constTreeNode.Value = x[pIdx++];
592 | } else if (node is VariableTreeNode varTreeNode) {
593 | if (varTreeNode.Weight != 1.0) // see ReplaceAndExtractParameters
594 | varTreeNode.Weight = x[pIdx++];
595 | }
596 | }
597 | if (pIdx != x.Length) throw new InvalidProgramException();
598 | }
599 |
600 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTree ReplaceAndExtractParameters(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, out List<string> thetaNames, out List<double> thetaValues) {
601 | thetaNames = new List<string>();
602 | thetaValues = new List<double>();
603 | var copy = (ISymbolicExpressionTree)tree.Clone();
604 | var nodes = copy.IterateNodesPostfix().ToList();
605 |
606 | int n = 1;
607 | for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; ++i) {
608 | var node = nodes[i];
609 | if (node is ConstantTreeNode constantTreeNode) {
610 | var thetaVar = (VariableTreeNode)new Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable().CreateTreeNode();
611 | thetaVar.Weight = 1;
612 | thetaVar.VariableName = $"θ{n++}";
613 |
614 | thetaNames.Add(thetaVar.VariableName);
615 | thetaValues.Add(constantTreeNode.Value);
616 |
617 | var parent = constantTreeNode.Parent;
618 | if (parent != null) {
619 | var index = constantTreeNode.Parent.IndexOfSubtree(constantTreeNode);
620 | parent.RemoveSubtree(index);
621 | parent.InsertSubtree(index, thetaVar);
622 | }
623 | }
624 | if (node is VariableTreeNode varTreeNode) {
625 | if (varTreeNode.Weight == 1) continue; // NOTE: here we assume that we do not tune variable weights when they are originally exactly 1 because we assume that the tree has been parsed and the tree explicitly has the structure w * var
626 |
627 | var thetaVar = (VariableTreeNode)new Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable().CreateTreeNode();
628 | thetaVar.Weight = 1;
629 | thetaVar.VariableName = $"θ{n++}";
630 |
631 | thetaNames.Add(thetaVar.VariableName);
632 | thetaValues.Add(varTreeNode.Weight);
633 |
634 | var parent = varTreeNode.Parent;
635 | if (parent != null) {
636 | var index = varTreeNode.Parent.IndexOfSubtree(varTreeNode);
637 | parent.RemoveSubtree(index);
638 | var prodNode = MakeNode<Multiplication>();
639 | varTreeNode.Weight = 1.0;
640 | prodNode.AddSubtree(varTreeNode);
641 | prodNode.AddSubtree(thetaVar);
642 | parent.InsertSubtree(index, prodNode);
643 | }
644 | }
645 | }
646 | return copy;
647 | }
648 |
649 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode CreateConstant(double value) {
650 | var constantNode = (ConstantTreeNode)new Constant().CreateTreeNode();
651 | constantNode.Value = value;
652 | return constantNode;
653 | }
654 |
655 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTree Subtract(ISymbolicExpressionTree t, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode b) {
656 | var sub = MakeNode<Subtraction>(t.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0), b);
657 | t.Root.GetSubtree(0).RemoveSubtree(0);
658 | t.Root.GetSubtree(0).InsertSubtree(0, sub);
659 | return t;
660 | }
661 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTree Subtract(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode b, ISymbolicExpressionTree t) {
662 | var sub = MakeNode<Subtraction>(b, t.Root.GetSubtree(0).GetSubtree(0));
663 | t.Root.GetSubtree(0).RemoveSubtree(0);
664 | t.Root.GetSubtree(0).InsertSubtree(0, sub);
665 | return t;
666 | }
667 |
668 | private static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode MakeNode<T>(params ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode[] fs) where T : ISymbol, new() {
669 | var node = new T().CreateTreeNode();
670 | foreach (var f in fs) node.AddSubtree(f);
671 | return node;
672 | }
673 |
674 | public void Dispose() {
675 | Dispose(true);
676 | GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
677 | }
678 |
679 | protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
680 | if (disposed)
681 | return;
682 |
683 | if (disposing) {
684 | // Free any other managed objects here.
685 | }
686 |
687 | // Free any unmanaged objects here.
688 | if (nlopt != IntPtr.Zero) {
689 | NLOpt.nlopt_destroy(nlopt);
690 | nlopt = IntPtr.Zero;
691 | }
692 | if (constraintDataPtr != null) {
693 | for (int i = 0; i < constraintDataPtr.Length; i++)
694 | if (constraintDataPtr[i] != IntPtr.Zero) {
695 | Marshal.DestroyStructure<ConstraintData>(constraintDataPtr[i]);
696 | Marshal.FreeHGlobal(constraintDataPtr[i]);
697 | constraintDataPtr[i] = IntPtr.Zero;
698 | }
699 | }
700 |
701 | disposed = true;
702 | }
703 | #endregion
704 | }
705 | }