1 | package symexpr
2 |
3 | import (
4 | "fmt"
5 | "math"
6 | "strconv"
7 | "strings"
8 | )
9 |
10 | func ParseFunc(text string, varNames []string) Expr {
11 | expr := parse(text, varNames)
12 | return expr
13 | }
14 |
15 | var itemPrec = map[itemType]int{
16 | itemAdd: 3,
17 | itemNeg: 4,
18 | itemMul: 5,
19 | itemDiv: 5,
20 | itemDiv2: 5,
21 | itemKeyword: 6,
22 | itemCarrot: 7,
23 | }
24 |
25 | func parse(input string, variables []string) Expr {
26 | L := lex("test", input, variables)
27 | go L.run()
28 |
29 | // var rules = DefaultRules()
30 |
31 | // fmt.Printf( "Input: %s\n",input)
32 | expr := parseExpr("", L, 0)
33 | // fmt.Printf( "Result: %v\n\n",expr)
34 | // simp := expr.Simplify(rules)
35 | // fmt.Printf( "Output: %v\n\n",simp)
36 |
37 | return expr
38 | }
39 |
40 | func parseExpr(prefix string, L *lexer, p int) Expr {
41 | // fmt.Printf("%sin-E(%d)\n", prefix, p)
42 | e := parsePiece(prefix+" ", L)
43 | // fmt.Printf("%se(%d): %v\n", prefix, p, e)
44 | for i := 0; ; i++ {
45 | var next item
46 | // fmt.Printf("%sLEX: %v\n", prefix, L.nextToken)
47 |
48 | if L.nextToken.typ == itemNil {
49 | next = <-L.items
50 | } else {
51 | next, L.nextToken.typ = L.nextToken, itemNil
52 | }
53 | // fmt.Printf("%snext(%d-%d): %v\n", prefix, p, i, next)
54 | typ := next.typ
55 | // fmt.Printf("%sn(%d): %v\n", prefix, p, next)
56 | if isBinary(typ) && itemPrec[typ] >= p {
57 | // fmt.Printf("%sbin: %v\n", prefix, next)
58 | q := itemPrec[typ]
59 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, q)
60 | // fmt.Printf("%se2: %v\n", prefix, e2)
61 | // fmt.Printf("%snext2(%d-%d): %v\n", prefix, p, i, next2)
62 | switch typ {
63 | case itemAdd:
64 | add := NewAdd()
65 | add.Insert(e)
66 | add.Insert(e2)
67 | e = add
68 | case itemMul:
69 | mul := NewMul()
70 | mul.Insert(e)
71 | mul.Insert(e2)
72 | e = mul
73 | case itemNeg:
74 | if e == nil {
75 | neg := NewNeg(e2)
76 | e = neg
77 | } else {
78 | add := NewAdd()
79 | add.Insert(e)
80 | add.Insert(NewNeg(e2))
81 | e = add
82 | }
83 | case itemDiv, itemDiv2:
84 | div := NewDiv(e, e2)
85 | e = div
86 | case itemCarrot:
87 | switch e2.ExprType() {
88 | case CONSTANTF:
89 | pow := NewPowI(e, int(e2.(*ConstantF).F))
90 | e = pow
91 | default:
92 | pow := NewPowE(e, e2)
93 | e = pow
94 | }
95 | }
96 | // fmt.Printf("%snew e: %v\n", prefix, e)
97 | } else if typ == itemIdentifier && itemPrec[itemMul] >= p {
98 | L.nextToken = next
99 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemMul])
100 | mul := NewMul()
101 | mul.Insert(e)
102 | mul.Insert(e2)
103 | e = mul
104 | // fmt.Printf("%sid-e: %v\ne2: %v\n", prefix, e, e2)
105 | } else if typ > itemKeyword && itemPrec[itemKeyword] >= p {
106 | // fmt.Printf("%skey-e: %v\n", prefix, e)
107 | L.nextToken = next
108 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
109 | mul := NewMul()
110 | mul.Insert(e)
111 | mul.Insert(e2)
112 | e = mul
113 | // fmt.Printf("%se: %v\ne2: %v\n", prefix, e, e2)
114 | } else if typ == itemLParen || typ == itemLBrack {
115 | // consumed '(' or '{'
116 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, 0)
117 | // now consume ')','}'
118 | var next2 item
119 | if L.nextToken.typ == itemNil {
120 | next2 = <-L.items
121 | } else {
122 | next2, L.nextToken.typ = L.nextToken, itemNil
123 | }
124 | typ2 := next2.typ
125 | if (typ == itemLParen && typ2 != itemRParen) || (typ == itemLBrack && typ2 != itemRBrack) {
126 | fmt.Printf("error: expected rhs of %v\n", next2)
127 | }
128 | // fmt.Printf("%s(): %v %v\n", prefix, e, e2)
129 |
130 | mul := NewMul()
131 | mul.Insert(e)
132 | mul.Insert(e2)
133 | e = mul
134 | } else {
135 | // fmt.Printf("%selse(%d-%d): %v %v\n", prefix, p, itemPrec[typ], e, next)
136 | L.nextToken = next
137 | break
138 | }
139 | }
140 | // fmt.Printf("%sout-E(%d): %v %v\n", prefix, p, e, L.nextToken)
141 | return e
142 | }
143 |
144 | func parsePiece(prefix string, L *lexer) Expr {
145 | // fmt.Printf("%sin-P()\n", prefix)
146 | var next item
147 | if L.nextToken.typ == itemNil {
148 | next = <-L.items
149 | } else {
150 | next, L.nextToken.typ = L.nextToken, itemNil
151 | }
152 | typ := next.typ
153 | var e Expr
154 | // fmt.Printf("%spnxt %v\n", prefix, next)
155 |
156 | // if isUnary(typ) {
157 | // e1 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, 0)
158 | // e = NewNeg(e1)
159 | // } else
160 | if typ == itemNeg {
161 | e1 := parsePiece(prefix+" ", L)
162 | e = NewNeg(e1)
163 | } else if typ == itemLParen || typ == itemLBrack {
164 | // consumed '(' or '{'
165 | e = parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, 0)
166 | // now consume ')','}'
167 | var next2 item
168 | if L.nextToken.typ == itemNil {
169 | next2 = <-L.items
170 | } else {
171 | next2, L.nextToken.typ = L.nextToken, itemNil
172 | }
173 | typ2 := next2.typ
174 | if (typ == itemLParen && typ2 != itemRParen) || (typ == itemLBrack && typ2 != itemRBrack) {
175 | fmt.Printf("error: expected rhs of %v\n", next2)
176 | }
177 | return e
178 | } else if typ == itemIdentifier { // leaf
179 | if next.val[0] == 'C' {
180 | // coefficient
181 | ipos := strings.Index(next.val, "_") + 1
182 | index, err := strconv.ParseInt(next.val[ipos:], 0, 64)
183 | if err != nil {
184 | fmt.Printf("Error (%v) parsing index in '%s'\n", err, next.val)
185 | }
186 | e = NewConstant(int(index))
187 | } else if next.val[0] == 'X' {
188 | // variable
189 | ipos := strings.Index(next.val, "_") + 1
190 | index, err := strconv.ParseInt(next.val[ipos:], 0, 64)
191 | if err != nil {
192 | fmt.Printf("Error (%v) parsing index in '%s'\n", err, next.val)
193 | }
194 | return NewVar(int(index))
195 | } else {
196 | // is it a named variable ?
197 | for p, v := range L.vars {
198 | if next.val == v {
199 | e = NewVar(p)
200 | break
201 | }
202 | }
203 | // is it a named constant ?
204 | if strings.ToLower(next.val) == "pi" {
205 | e = NewConstantF(math.Pi)
206 | }
207 |
208 | if e == nil {
209 | fmt.Printf("UNIMPLEMENTED IDENTIFIER: %v\n", next)
210 | }
211 | }
212 | } else if typ == itemNumber {
213 | flt, err := strconv.ParseFloat(next.val, 64)
214 | if err != nil {
215 | fmt.Printf("Error (%v) parsing number in '%s'\n", err, next.val)
216 | }
217 | e = NewConstantF(flt)
218 |
219 | // } elsi if { // func name...
220 | } else if typ > itemKeyword {
221 | // is it a named function
222 | switch typ {
223 | case itemSin:
224 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
225 | e = NewSin(e2)
226 | case itemCos:
227 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
228 | e = NewCos(e2)
229 | case itemTan:
230 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
231 | e = NewTan(e2)
232 | case itemAbs:
233 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
234 | e = NewAbs(e2)
235 | case itemSqrt:
236 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
237 | e = NewSqrt(e2)
238 | case itemExp:
239 | // now consume the '^'
240 | var next2 item
241 | if L.nextToken.typ == itemNil {
242 | next2 = <-L.items
243 | } else {
244 | next2, L.nextToken.typ = L.nextToken, itemNil
245 | }
246 | typ2 := next2.typ
247 | if next.val == "e" && typ2 != itemCarrot {
248 | fmt.Printf("error: expected ^ after 'e', got %v & %v\n", next, next2)
249 | }
250 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemCarrot])
251 | e = NewExp(e2)
252 | case itemLog:
253 | e2 := parseExpr(prefix+" ", L, itemPrec[itemKeyword])
254 | e = NewLog(e2)
255 | }
256 |
257 | if e == nil {
258 | fmt.Printf("Unimplemented Function: %v\n", next)
259 | }
260 |
261 | } else { // error
262 | L.nextToken = next
263 | e = nil
264 | }
265 | // } else if { is it a user defined function
266 |
267 | // fmt.Printf("%sout-P(): %v\n", prefix, e)
268 | return e
269 | }