1 | [cmdletbinding()]
2 | param(
3 | [int] $WaitToStep = 200,
4 | [parameter(Position=0)][string] $BenchName = "Pagie_1",
5 | [int] $PeelCnt = 3,
6 | [int] $EvalCnt = 3,
7 | [ValidateSet("method1","method2", "method3")][string] $InitMethod = "method1",
8 | [ValidateSet("method1","method2", "method3")][string] $GrowMethod = "method1",
9 | [switch] $NoClear,
10 | [switch] $UseExisting,
11 | [switch] $i386,
12 | [int]$MaxSecondsTimeout = 6000
13 | )
14 |
15 | $GenerateNew = -not $UseExisting.IsPresent
16 |
17 | $LogFolder = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath "tmplog"
18 |
19 | $CLog = Join-Path -Path $LogFolder -ChildPath "$($BenchName)_CGen.log"
20 | $GoLog = Join-Path -Path $LogFolder -ChildPath "$($BenchName)_GoOut.log"
21 |
22 | $CLogError = Join-Path -Path $LogFolder -ChildPath "$($BenchName)_CGen.err"
23 | $GoLogError = Join-Path -Path $LogFolder -ChildPath "$($BenchName)_GoOut.err"
24 |
25 | if($i386.IsPresent) {
26 | $CExecutable = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath 'src\go-pge\testmulti32.exe'
27 | $GoExecutable = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath 'src\go-pge\go-pge32.exe'
28 | } else {
29 | $CExecutable = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath 'src\go-pge\testmulti.exe'
30 | $GoExecutable = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath 'src\go-pge\go-pge.exe'
31 | }
32 |
33 | $BenchData = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath 'src\go-pge\data\benchmark'
34 | $TestDataFile = Join-Path -Path $BenchData -ChildPath "$($BenchName).trn"
35 | $TrainDataFile = Join-Path -Path $BenchData -ChildPath "$($BenchName).tst"
36 |
37 | $ConfigData = Join-Path -Path $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot) -ChildPath 'src\go-pge\config\prob\bench'
38 | $ConfigDataFile = Join-Path -Path $ConfigData -ChildPath "$($BenchName).cfg"
39 |
40 | if(-not $(Test-Path -Path $TestDataFile -PathType Leaf) -or -not $(Test-Path -Path $TrainDataFile -PathType Leaf)) {
41 | Write-Error "Train/test file does't exist for benchmark: $TestDataFile"
42 | exit 4
43 | }
44 | if(-not $(Test-Path -Path $ConfigDataFile -PathType Leaf)) {
45 | Write-Error "Configfile doesn't exist for benchmark: $ConfigDataFile"
46 | exit 4
47 | }
48 |
49 | if($NoClear.IsPresent) {
50 | $Clear = $false
51 | } else {
52 | $Clear = $GenerateNew
53 | }
54 |
55 | $env:GOGC="off"
56 | $env:GODEBUG="cgocheck=0"
57 | $env:CGO_ENABLED=1
58 |
59 | if(-not $(Test-Path $LogFolder -Type Container)) {
60 | New-Item -Path $LogFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
61 | }
62 |
63 | if($GenerateNew -or -not $(Test-Path -Path $CLog)) {
64 | if(Test-Path $CLog -Type Leaf) {
65 | Remove-Item -Path $CLog
66 | }
67 | if(Test-Path $CLogError -Type Leaf) {
68 | Remove-Item -Path $CLogError
69 | }
70 | $CGenProc = Start-Process -FilePath $CExecutable -ArgumentList "$BenchName -evals=$($EvalCnt) -peel=$($PeelCnt) -iter=$($WaitToStep) -init=$($InitMethod) -grow=$($GrowMethod)" -RedirectStandardOutput $CLog -RedirectStandardError $CLogError -WorkingDirectory $(Split-Path -Path $GoExecutable -Parent) -PassThru
71 | $StepReached = $false
72 | $LastLogLength = 0
73 | $Timeout = $MaxSecondsTimeout
74 | while(-not $StepReached) {
75 | $CGenCont = Get-Content $CLog
76 | if($CGenCont | Select-String -Pattern "\*+ StepW: $WaitToStep \*+") {
77 | $StepReached = $true
78 | }
79 | if(-not $StepReached -and $LastLogLength -eq $CGenCont.Length) {
80 | $Timeout--
81 | } else {
82 | $Timeout = $MaxSecondsTimeout
83 | }
84 | if($Timeout -le 0) {
85 | $CGenProc | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
86 | Write-Error "C-data generation timed out!"
87 | exit 2
88 | }
89 | $LastLogLength = $CGenCont.Length
90 | Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
91 | }
92 | $CGenProc | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
93 | }
94 |
95 | if($GenerateNew -or -not $(Test-Path -Path $GoLog)) {
96 | if(Test-Path $GoLogError -Type Leaf) {
97 | Remove-Item -Path $GoLogError
98 | }
99 | if(Test-Path $GoLog -Type Leaf) {
100 | Remove-Item -Path $GoLog
101 | }
102 | $GoGenProc = Start-Process -FilePath $GoExecutable -ArgumentList "-pcfg=prob/bench/$($BenchName).cfg -evals=$($EvalCnt) -peel=$($PeelCnt) -iter=$($WaitToStep) -init=$($InitMethod) -grow=$($GrowMethod)" -RedirectStandardOutput $GoLog -RedirectStandardError $GoLogError -WorkingDirectory $(Split-Path -Path $GoExecutable -Parent) -PassThru
103 | $StepReached = $false
104 | $Timeout = $MaxSecondsTimeout
105 | $LastLogLength = 0
106 | while(-not $StepReached) {
107 | $GoGenCont = Get-Content $GoLog
108 | if($GoGenCont | Select-String -Pattern "PS\.step\(\)\s+$($WaitToStep)") {
109 | $StepReached = $true
110 | }
111 | if($LastLogLength -eq $CGenCont.Length) {
112 | $Timeout--
113 | } else {
114 | $Timeout = $MaxSecondsTimeout
115 | }
116 | if(-not $StepReached -and $Timeout -le 0) {
117 | $GoGenProc | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
118 | Write-Error "Go-data generation timed out!"
119 | exit 3
120 | }
121 | $LastLogLength = $CGenCont.Length
122 | Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
123 | }
124 | $GoGenProc | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
125 | }
126 |
127 | # Read Result
128 |
129 | function Get-CSteps {
130 | param([Object[]] $Content)
131 | $ValueList = @{}
132 | $CurrentStep = 0
133 | foreach($Line in $Content) {
134 | if($Line -match "\*+ StepW: (\d+) \*+") {
135 | [int]$CurrentStep = $Matches[1]
136 | $ValueList[$CurrentStep] = $(New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList)
137 | } elseif($Line -match "push\/pop \(\d+\,\d+\) (.+)") {
138 | $ValueList[$CurrentStep].Add($Matches[1].Trim().Replace('(', '').Replace(')', '').Replace(' ', '')) | Out-Null
139 | }
140 | }
141 | return $ValueList
142 | }
143 |
144 | function Get-GoSteps {
145 | param([Object[]] $Content)
146 | $ValueList = @{}
147 | $CurrentStep = 0
148 | foreach($Line in $Content) {
149 | if($Line -match "PS\.step\(\)\s+(\d+)") {
150 | [int]$CurrentStep = $Matches[1]
151 | $ValueList[$CurrentStep] = $(New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList)
152 | } elseif($Line -match "pop\/push\(\d+\,\d+\)\: (.+)") {
153 | $ValueList[$CurrentStep].Add($Matches[1].Trim().Replace('(', '').Replace(')', '').Replace(' ', '')) | Out-Null
154 | }
155 | }
156 | return $ValueList
157 | }
158 |
159 | function Compare-Results {
160 | param(
161 | [string]$First,
162 | [string]$Second
163 | )
164 | $FirstChars = $First.Trim().ToUpper().ToCharArray() | Sort-Object
165 | $SecondChars = $Second.Trim().ToUpper().ToCharArray() | Sort-Object
166 |
167 | [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LeftChars = $SecondChars.Clone()
168 | $FirstCharNr = 0
169 | foreach($FirstChar in $FirstChars) {
170 | $SecondChar = $SecondChars[$FirstCharNr]
171 | if($FirstChar -eq $SecondChar) {
172 | $LeftChars.Remove($FirstChar)
173 | } else {
174 | return $false
175 | }
176 | $FirstCharNr++
177 | }
178 | return [bool]($LeftChars.Count -eq 0)
179 | }
180 |
181 | $CContent = Get-Content -Path $CLog
182 | $GoContent = Get-Content -Path $GoLog
183 |
184 | $ParseC = Get-CSteps -Content $CContent
185 | $ParseGo = Get-GoSteps -Content $GoContent
186 |
187 | for($StepNr = 1; $StepNr -le $WaitToStep; $StepNr++) {
188 | $GoResult = $ParseGo[$StepNr]
189 | [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CResult = $ParseC[$StepNr]
190 | if($null -eq $GoResult -or $null -eq $CResult) {
191 | $StepResult = $false
192 | } else {
193 | $StepResult = $CResult.Count -eq $GoResult.Count
194 | }
195 | if($StepResult) {
196 | foreach($GoRes in $GoResult) { # Step Results
197 | $State = $false
198 | foreach($CRes in $CResult.Clone()) { # Compare every Result with every Step Result
199 | Write-Debug "$($GoRes) with $($CRes)"
200 | if(Compare-Results -First $GoRes -Second $CRes) {
201 | $State = $true
202 | $CResult.Remove($CRes)
203 | break
204 | }
205 | }
206 | if(-not $State) {
207 | $StepResult = $false
208 | }
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | if($StepResult) {
213 | Write-Output "$StepNr OK"
214 | } else {
215 | Write-Warning "$StepNr failed!"
216 | }
217 | }
218 |
219 | if($Clear) {
220 | if(Test-Path $GoLog -Type Leaf) {
221 | Remove-Item -Path $GoLog
222 | }
223 | if(Test-Path $CLog -Type Leaf) {
224 | Remove-Item -Path $CLog
225 | }
226 | if(Test-Path $GoLogError -Type Leaf) {
227 | Remove-Item -Path $GoLogError
228 | }
229 | if(Test-Path $CLogError -Type Leaf) {
230 | Remove-Item -Path $CLogError
231 | }
232 | }