1 | #region License Information
2 | // Copyright (c) AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team (for details please see \doc\copyright.txt)
3 | // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL (for details please see \doc\license.txt)
4 |
5 | /* HeuristicLab
6 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
9 | *
10 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 | * (at your option) any later version.
14 | *
15 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 | *
20 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 | */
23 | #endregion
24 |
25 | using System;
26 | using System.Threading;
27 | using System.Windows;
28 | using System.Windows.Media;
29 | using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
30 | using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.TypeSystem;
31 |
32 | namespace ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.CodeCompletion {
33 | /// <summary>
34 | /// Provides icons for code-completion.
35 | /// </summary>
36 | public class CompletionImage {
37 | #region Non-Entity Images
38 | static readonly BitmapImage namespaceImage = LoadBitmap("NameSpace");
39 |
40 | /// <summary>
41 | /// Gets the image for namespaces.
42 | /// </summary>
43 | public static ImageSource NamespaceImage {
44 | get { return namespaceImage; }
45 | }
46 |
47 | static BitmapImage LoadBitmap(string name) {
48 | BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/HeuristicLab.CodeEditor-3.4;component/LanguageFeatures/CodeCompletion/CSharp/CompletionData/Images/" + name + ".png"));
49 | image.Freeze();
50 | return image;
51 | }
52 | #endregion
53 |
54 | #region Entity Images
55 | static readonly CompletionImage imageClass = new CompletionImage("Class", false);
56 | static readonly CompletionImage imageStruct = new CompletionImage("Struct", false);
57 | static readonly CompletionImage imageInterface = new CompletionImage("Interface", false);
58 | static readonly CompletionImage imageDelegate = new CompletionImage("Delegate", false);
59 | static readonly CompletionImage imageEnum = new CompletionImage("Enum", false);
60 | static readonly CompletionImage imageStaticClass = new CompletionImage("StaticClass", false);
61 |
62 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for non-static classes.</summary>
63 | public static CompletionImage Class { get { return imageClass; } }
64 |
65 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for structs.</summary>
66 | public static CompletionImage Struct { get { return imageStruct; } }
67 |
68 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for interfaces.</summary>
69 | public static CompletionImage Interface { get { return imageInterface; } }
70 |
71 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for delegates.</summary>
72 | public static CompletionImage Delegate { get { return imageDelegate; } }
73 |
74 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for enums.</summary>
75 | public static CompletionImage Enum { get { return imageEnum; } }
76 |
77 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for modules/static classes.</summary>
78 | public static CompletionImage StaticClass { get { return imageStaticClass; } }
79 |
80 | static readonly CompletionImage imageField = new CompletionImage("Field", true);
81 | static readonly CompletionImage imageFieldReadOnly = new CompletionImage("FieldReadOnly", true);
82 | static readonly CompletionImage imageLiteral = new CompletionImage("Literal", false);
83 | static readonly CompletionImage imageEnumValue = new CompletionImage("EnumValue", false);
84 | static readonly CompletionImage imageTemplate = new CompletionImage("Template", false);
85 |
86 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for non-static classes.</summary>
87 | public static CompletionImage Field { get { return imageField; } }
88 |
89 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for structs.</summary>
90 | public static CompletionImage ReadOnlyField { get { return imageFieldReadOnly; } }
91 |
92 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for constants.</summary>
93 | public static CompletionImage Literal { get { return imageLiteral; } }
94 |
95 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for enum values.</summary>
96 | public static CompletionImage EnumValue { get { return imageEnumValue; } }
97 |
98 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for templates.</summary>
99 | public static CompletionImage Template { get { return imageTemplate; } }
100 |
101 | static readonly CompletionImage imageMethod = new CompletionImage("Method", true);
102 | static readonly CompletionImage imageConstructor = new CompletionImage("Constructor", true);
103 | static readonly CompletionImage imageVirtualMethod = new CompletionImage("VirtualMethod", true);
104 | static readonly CompletionImage imageOperator = new CompletionImage("Operator", false);
105 | static readonly CompletionImage imageExtensionMethod = new CompletionImage("ExtensionMethod", true);
106 | static readonly CompletionImage imagePInvokeMethod = new CompletionImage("PInvokeMethod", true);
107 | static readonly CompletionImage imageProperty = new CompletionImage("Property", true);
108 | static readonly CompletionImage imageIndexer = new CompletionImage("Indexer", true);
109 | static readonly CompletionImage imageEvent = new CompletionImage("Event", true);
110 |
111 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for methods.</summary>
112 | public static CompletionImage Method { get { return imageMethod; } }
113 |
114 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for constructos.</summary>
115 | public static CompletionImage Constructor { get { return imageConstructor; } }
116 |
117 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for virtual methods.</summary>
118 | public static CompletionImage VirtualMethod { get { return imageVirtualMethod; } }
119 |
120 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for operators.</summary>
121 | public static CompletionImage Operator { get { return imageOperator; } }
122 |
123 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for extension methods.</summary>
124 | public static CompletionImage ExtensionMethod { get { return imageExtensionMethod; } }
125 |
126 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for P/Invoke methods.</summary>
127 | public static CompletionImage PInvokeMethod { get { return imagePInvokeMethod; } }
128 |
129 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for properties.</summary>
130 | public static CompletionImage Property { get { return imageProperty; } }
131 |
132 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for indexers.</summary>
133 | public static CompletionImage Indexer { get { return imageIndexer; } }
134 |
135 | /// <summary>Gets the image used for events.</summary>
136 | public static CompletionImage Event { get { return imageEvent; } }
137 |
138 | /// <summary>
139 | /// Gets the CompletionImage instance for the specified entity.
140 | /// Returns null when no image is available for the entity type.
141 | /// </summary>
142 | public static CompletionImage GetCompletionImage(IEntity entity) {
143 | if (entity == null)
144 | throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
145 | switch (entity.SymbolKind) {
146 | case SymbolKind.TypeDefinition:
147 | return GetCompletionImageForType(((ITypeDefinition)entity).Kind, entity.IsStatic);
148 | case SymbolKind.Field:
149 | IField field = (IField)entity;
150 | if (field.IsConst) {
151 | if (field.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null && field.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Enum)
152 | return imageEnumValue;
153 | else
154 | return imageLiteral;
155 | }
156 | return field.IsReadOnly ? imageFieldReadOnly : imageField;
157 | case SymbolKind.Method:
158 | IMethod method = (IMethod)entity;
159 | if (method.IsExtensionMethod)
160 | return imageExtensionMethod;
161 | else
162 | return method.IsOverridable ? imageVirtualMethod : imageMethod;
163 | case SymbolKind.Property:
164 | return imageProperty;
165 | case SymbolKind.Indexer:
166 | return imageIndexer;
167 | case SymbolKind.Event:
168 | return imageEvent;
169 | case SymbolKind.Operator:
170 | case SymbolKind.Destructor:
171 | return imageOperator;
172 | case SymbolKind.Constructor:
173 | return imageConstructor;
174 | default:
175 | return null;
176 | }
177 | }
178 |
179 | /// <summary>
180 | /// Gets the CompletionImage instance for the specified entity.
181 | /// Returns null when no image is available for the entity type.
182 | /// </summary>
183 | public static CompletionImage GetCompletionImage(IUnresolvedEntity entity) {
184 | if (entity == null)
185 | throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
186 | switch (entity.SymbolKind) {
187 | case SymbolKind.TypeDefinition:
188 | return GetCompletionImageForType(((IUnresolvedTypeDefinition)entity).Kind, entity.IsStatic);
189 | case SymbolKind.Field:
190 | IUnresolvedField field = (IUnresolvedField)entity;
191 | if (field.IsConst) {
192 | if (field.DeclaringTypeDefinition != null && field.DeclaringTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Enum)
193 | return imageEnumValue;
194 | else
195 | return imageLiteral;
196 | }
197 | return field.IsReadOnly ? imageFieldReadOnly : imageField;
198 | case SymbolKind.Method:
199 | IUnresolvedMethod method = (IUnresolvedMethod)entity;
200 | return method.IsOverridable ? imageVirtualMethod : imageMethod;
201 | case SymbolKind.Property:
202 | return imageProperty;
203 | case SymbolKind.Indexer:
204 | return imageIndexer;
205 | case SymbolKind.Event:
206 | return imageEvent;
207 | case SymbolKind.Operator:
208 | case SymbolKind.Destructor:
209 | return imageOperator;
210 | case SymbolKind.Constructor:
211 | return imageConstructor;
212 | default:
213 | return null;
214 | }
215 | }
216 |
217 | static CompletionImage GetCompletionImageForType(TypeKind typeKind, bool isStatic) {
218 | switch (typeKind) {
219 | case TypeKind.Interface:
220 | return imageInterface;
221 | case TypeKind.Struct:
222 | case TypeKind.Void:
223 | return imageStruct;
224 | case TypeKind.Delegate:
225 | return imageDelegate;
226 | case TypeKind.Enum:
227 | return imageEnum;
228 | case TypeKind.Class:
229 | return isStatic ? imageStaticClass : imageClass;
230 | case TypeKind.Module:
231 | return imageStaticClass;
232 | default:
233 | return null;
234 | }
235 | }
236 |
237 | /// <summary>
238 | /// Gets the image for the specified entity.
239 | /// Returns null when no image is available for the entity type.
240 | /// </summary>
241 | public static ImageSource GetImage(IEntity entity) {
242 | CompletionImage image = GetCompletionImage(entity);
243 | if (image != null)
244 | return image.GetImage(entity.Accessibility, entity.IsStatic);
245 | else
246 | return null;
247 | }
248 |
249 | /// <summary>
250 | /// Gets the image for the specified entity.
251 | /// Returns null when no image is available for the entity type.
252 | /// </summary>
253 | public static ImageSource GetImage(IUnresolvedEntity entity) {
254 | CompletionImage image = GetCompletionImage(entity);
255 | if (image != null)
256 | return image.GetImage(entity.Accessibility, entity.IsStatic);
257 | else
258 | return null;
259 | }
260 | #endregion
261 |
262 | #region Overlays
263 | static readonly BitmapImage overlayStatic = LoadBitmap("OverlayStatic");
264 |
265 | /// <summary>
266 | /// Gets the overlay image for the static modifier.
267 | /// </summary>
268 | public ImageSource StaticOverlay { get { return overlayStatic; } }
269 |
270 | const int AccessibilityOverlaysLength = 5;
271 |
272 | static readonly BitmapImage[] accessibilityOverlays = new BitmapImage[AccessibilityOverlaysLength] {
273 | null,
274 | LoadBitmap("OverlayPrivate"),
275 | LoadBitmap("OverlayProtected"),
276 | LoadBitmap("OverlayInternal"),
277 | LoadBitmap("OverlayProtectedInternal")
278 | };
279 |
280 | /// <summary>
281 | /// Gets an overlay image for the specified accessibility.
282 | /// Returns null if no overlay exists (for example, public members don't use overlays).
283 | /// </summary>
284 | public static ImageSource GetAccessibilityOverlay(Accessibility accessibility) {
285 | return accessibilityOverlays[GetAccessibilityOverlayIndex(accessibility)];
286 | }
287 |
288 | static int GetAccessibilityOverlayIndex(Accessibility accessibility) {
289 | switch (accessibility) {
290 | case Accessibility.Private:
291 | return 1;
292 | case Accessibility.Protected:
293 | return 2;
294 | case Accessibility.Internal:
295 | return 3;
296 | case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal:
297 | case Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal:
298 | return 4;
299 | default:
300 | return 0;
301 | }
302 | }
303 | #endregion
304 |
305 | #region Instance Members (add overlay to entity image)
306 | readonly string imageName;
307 | readonly bool showStaticOverlay;
308 |
309 | private CompletionImage(string imageName, bool showStaticOverlay) {
310 | this.imageName = imageName;
311 | this.showStaticOverlay = showStaticOverlay;
312 | }
313 |
314 | ImageSource[] images = new ImageSource[2 * AccessibilityOverlaysLength];
315 | // 0..N-1 = base image + accessibility overlay
316 | // N..2N-1 = base image + static overlay + accessibility overlay
317 |
318 | /// <summary>
319 | /// Gets the image without any overlays.
320 | /// </summary>
321 | public ImageSource BaseImage {
322 | get {
323 | ImageSource image = images[0];
324 | if (image == null) {
325 | image = LoadBitmap(imageName);
326 | Thread.MemoryBarrier();
327 | images[0] = image;
328 | }
329 | return image;
330 | }
331 | }
332 |
333 | /// <summary>
334 | /// Gets this image combined with the specified accessibility overlay.
335 | /// </summary>
336 | public ImageSource GetImage(Accessibility accessibility, bool isStatic = false) {
337 | int accessibilityIndex = GetAccessibilityOverlayIndex(accessibility);
338 | int index;
339 | if (isStatic && showStaticOverlay)
340 | index = accessibilityOverlays.Length + accessibilityIndex;
341 | else
342 | index = accessibilityIndex;
343 |
344 | if (index == 0)
345 | return this.BaseImage;
346 |
347 | ImageSource image = images[index];
348 | if (image == null) {
349 | DrawingGroup g = new DrawingGroup();
350 | Rect iconRect = new Rect(0, 0, 16, 16);
351 | g.Children.Add(new ImageDrawing(this.BaseImage, iconRect));
352 |
353 | if (accessibilityOverlays[accessibilityIndex] != null)
354 | g.Children.Add(new ImageDrawing(accessibilityOverlays[accessibilityIndex], iconRect));
355 |
356 | image = new DrawingImage(g);
357 | image.Freeze();
358 | Thread.MemoryBarrier();
359 | images[index] = image;
360 | }
361 | return image;
362 | }
363 |
364 | /// <inheritdoc/>
365 | public override string ToString() {
366 | return "[CompletionImage " + imageName + "]";
367 | }
368 | #endregion
369 | }
370 | }