[15748] | 1 | #region License Information
| 2 |
| 3 | /* HeuristicLab
| 4 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
| 5 | *
| 6 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
| 7 | *
| 8 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 9 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 10 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
| 11 | * (at your option) any later version.
| 12 | *
| 13 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 14 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 16 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
| 17 | *
| 18 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
| 19 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
| 20 | */
| 21 |
| 22 | #endregion
| 23 |
| 24 | using System;
| 25 | using System.Collections.Generic;
| 26 | using System.Linq;
| 27 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
| 28 |
| 29 | namespace HeuristicLab.Random {
| 30 | /// <summary>
| 31 | /// See Radford Neal, MCMC using Hamiltonian dynamics, 2011, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.1901.pdf
| 32 | /// Algorithm from the paper:
| 33 | ///
| 34 | /// HMC = function (U, grad_U, epsilon, L, current_q)
| 35 | /// {
| 36 | /// q = current_q
| 37 | /// p = rnorm(length(q), 0, 1) # independent standard normal variates
| 38 | /// current_p = p
| 39 | /// # Make a half step for momentum at the beginning
| 40 | /// p = p - epsilon * grad_U(q) / 2
| 41 | /// # Alternate full steps for position and momentum
| 42 | /// for (i in 1:L)
| 43 | /// {
| 44 | /// # Make a full step for the position
| 45 | /// q = q + epsilon* p
| 46 | /// # Make a full step for the momentum, except at end of trajectory
| 47 | /// if (i!=L) p = p - epsilon * grad_U(q)
| 48 | /// }
| 49 | /// # Make a half step for momentum at the end.
| 50 | /// p = p - epsilon* grad_U(q) / 2
| 51 | /// # Negate momentum at end of trajectory to make the proposal symmetric
| 52 | /// p = -p
| 53 | /// # Evaluate potential and kinetic energies at start and end of trajectory
| 54 | /// current_U = U(current_q)
| 55 | /// current_K = sum(current_p^2) / 2
| 56 | /// proposed_U = U(q)
| 57 | /// proposed_K = sum(p^2) / 2
| 58 | /// # Accept or reject the state at end of trajectory, returning either
| 59 | /// # the position at the end of the trajectory or the initial position
| 60 | /// if (runif(1) < exp(current_U-proposed_U+current_K-proposed_K)) {
| 61 | /// return (q) # accept
| 62 | /// }
| 63 | /// else {
| 64 | /// return (current_q) # reject
| 65 | /// }
[15749] | 66 | /// }
[15748] | 67 |
| 68 | /// </summary>
| 69 | public static class HamiltonianMonteCarlo {
| 70 |
| 71 | public static IEnumerable<double[]> SampleChain(double[] startingPosition,
| 72 | Func<double[], Tuple<double, double[]>> potentialEnergyFunction,
| 73 | IRandom uniformRandom, double stepSize, int steps = 10) {
| 74 | var x = (double[])startingPosition.Clone();
| 75 | while(true) {
| 76 | x = Sample(x, potentialEnergyFunction, uniformRandom, stepSize, steps);
| 77 | yield return x;
| 78 | }
| 79 | }
| 80 |
| 81 | public static double[] Sample(
| 82 | double[] startingPosition,
| 83 | Func<double[], Tuple<double, double[]>> potentialEnergyFunction, // U
| 84 | IRandom uniformRandom, double stepSize, int steps) {
| 85 | // step 1
| 86 | // new values for the momentum variables are randomly drawn from their Gaussian
| 87 | // distribution, independently if the current values of the position variables
| 88 |
| 89 | // step 2
| 90 | // Metropolis update is performed, using Hamiltonian dynamics to propose a new state.
| 91 | // Starting with the current state Hamiltonian dynamics is simulated for L steps
| 92 | // using the Leapfrog method with a step size of eps.
| 93 | // L and eps are parameters of the algorithm, which need to be tuned to obtain
| 94 | // good performance.
| 95 | // The proposed state is accepted as the next state of the Markov chain with
| 96 | // probability [...].
| 97 | // If the proposed state is not accepted the next state is the same as the current state
| 98 | // (and is counted again when estimating the expectation of some function of
| 99 | // state by its average over states of the Markov chain).
| 100 |
| 101 |
| 102 | int nVars = startingPosition.Length;
| 103 | var u_initial = potentialEnergyFunction(startingPosition).Item1;
| 104 |
| 105 | // rename variables to match Neal's algorithm
| 106 | var current_q = startingPosition;
| 107 | var epsilon = stepSize;
| 108 | var L = steps;
| 109 |
| 110 | var q = current_q;
| 111 | // p = rnorm(length(q), 0, 1) # independent standard normal variates
| 112 | var p = q
| 113 | .Select(_ => NormalDistributedRandom.NextDouble(uniformRandom, 0, 1))
| 114 | .ToArray();
| 115 | var current_p = p;
| 116 | // Make a half step for momentum at the beginning
| 117 | // p = p - epsilon * grad_U(q) / 2;
| 118 | p = VectorSum(p, ScaleVector(-0.5 * epsilon, potentialEnergyFunction(q).Item2));
| 119 | // Alternate full steps for position and momentum
| 120 |
| 121 | for (int i = 1; i <= L; i++) {
| 122 | // Make a full step for the position
| 123 | // q = q + epsilon * p;
| 124 | q = VectorSum(q, ScaleVector(epsilon, p));
| 125 | // Make a full step for the momentum, except at end of trajectory
| 126 | if (i != L)
| 127 | p = VectorSum(p, ScaleVector(-epsilon, potentialEnergyFunction(q).Item2));
| 128 | }
| 129 | // Make a half step for momentum at the end.
| 130 | /// p = p - epsilon* grad_U(q) / 2
| 131 | p = VectorSum(p, ScaleVector(-0.5 * epsilon, potentialEnergyFunction(q).Item2));
| 132 | // Negate momentum at end of trajectory to make the proposal symmetric
| 133 | /// p = -p
| 134 | p = ScaleVector(-1.0, p);
| 135 | // Evaluate potential and kinetic energies at start and end of trajectory
| 136 | double current_U = potentialEnergyFunction(current_q).Item1;
| 137 | // sum(current_p ^ 2) / 2
| 138 | double current_K = 0.5 * current_p.Sum(pi => pi * pi);
| 139 | double proposed_U = potentialEnergyFunction(q).Item1;
| 140 | // sum(p^2) / 2
| 141 | double proposed_K = 0.5 * p.Sum(pi => pi * pi);
| 142 | /// # Accept or reject the state at end of trajectory, returning either
| 143 | /// # the position at the end of the trajectory or the initial position
| 144 | if (uniformRandom.NextDouble() < Math.Exp(current_U - proposed_U + current_K - proposed_K)) {
| 145 | return q; // accept
| 146 | } else {
| 147 | return current_q; // # reject
| 148 | }
| 149 | }
| 150 |
| 151 | #region to be improved or removed
| 152 | private static double VectorProd(double[] x, double[] y) {
| 153 | double s = 0.0;
| 154 | for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
| 155 | s += x[i] * y[i];
| 156 | return s;
| 157 | }
| 158 |
| 159 | private static double[] VectorSum(double[] x, double[] y) {
| 160 | double[] s = new double[x.Length];
| 161 | for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
| 162 | s[i] += x[i] + y[i];
| 163 | return s;
| 164 | }
| 165 |
| 166 | private static double[] ScaleVector(double a, double[] x) {
| 167 | double[] s = new double[x.Length];
| 168 | for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
| 169 | s[i] = a * x[i];
| 170 | return s;
| 171 | }
| 172 | #endregion
| 173 | }
| 174 | }