1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections;
3 | using System.Collections.Generic;
4 |
5 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.SymRegGrammarEnumeration.GrammarEnumeration {
6 |
7 | public class StoredSymbolString {
8 | public readonly int Hash;
9 | public readonly SymbolString SymbolString;
10 |
11 | public StoredSymbolString(int hash, SymbolString symbolString) {
12 | Hash = hash;
13 | SymbolString = symbolString;
14 | }
15 | }
16 |
17 | public enum StorageType {
18 | PriorityQueue, Stack, Queue, RandomList
19 | }
20 |
21 | class SearchDataStore : IEnumerable<SymbolString> {
22 |
23 | private Dictionary<int, SymbolString> storedValues; // Store hash-references and associated, actual values
24 | private Action<int, double> storeInternal; // Store hash-references
25 | private Func<int> fetchInternal; // Fetch hash-reference
26 |
27 | public SearchDataStore(StorageType storageType) {
28 | storedValues = new Dictionary<int, SymbolString>();
29 |
30 | switch (storageType) {
31 | case StorageType.PriorityQueue:
32 | InitPriorityQueue();
33 | break;
34 | case StorageType.Stack:
35 | InitStack();
36 | break;
37 | case StorageType.Queue:
38 | InitQueue();
39 | break;
40 | case StorageType.RandomList:
41 | InitRandomList();
42 | break;
43 | }
44 |
45 | }
46 |
47 | #region SearchStrategies
48 |
49 | private void InitPriorityQueue() {
50 | int capacity = 10000000;
51 | PriorityQueue<double, int> queue = new PriorityQueue<double, int>(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, capacity);
52 | storeInternal = (hash, prio) => queue.Insert(prio, hash);
53 | fetchInternal = () => {
54 | int ret = queue.PeekMinValue();
55 | queue.RemoveMin();
56 | return ret;
57 | };
58 | }
59 |
60 | private void InitStack() {
61 | Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
62 |
63 | storeInternal = (hash, prio) => stack.Push(hash);
64 | fetchInternal = () => stack.Pop();
65 | }
66 |
67 | private void InitQueue() {
68 | Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
69 |
70 | storeInternal = (hash, prio) => queue.Enqueue(hash);
71 | fetchInternal = () => queue.Dequeue();
72 | }
73 |
74 | private void InitRandomList() {
75 | List<int> list = new List<int>();
76 | System.Random rand = new System.Random(999);
77 |
78 | storeInternal = (hash, prio) => list.Add(hash);
79 | fetchInternal = () => {
80 | int indexOfHash = rand.Next(list.Count);
81 | int result = list[indexOfHash];
82 | list.RemoveAt(indexOfHash); // TODO: beware this is O(n), at some point in time we should fix this. Maybe change to priority queue with random key.
83 | return result;
84 | };
85 | }
86 |
87 | #endregion
88 |
89 | #region Interface
90 |
91 | public StoredSymbolString GetNext() {
92 | int hash = fetchInternal.Invoke();
93 | SymbolString result = storedValues[hash];
94 | storedValues.Remove(hash);
95 | return new StoredSymbolString(hash, result);
96 | }
97 |
98 | public void Store(int hash, double priority, SymbolString s) {
99 | storeInternal(hash, priority);
100 | storedValues[hash] = s;
101 | }
102 |
103 | public bool Contains(int hash) {
104 | return storedValues.ContainsKey(hash);
105 | }
106 |
107 | #endregion
108 |
109 | #region Collection-Interface
110 |
111 | public int Count {
112 | get { return storedValues.Count; }
113 | }
114 |
115 | public IEnumerator<SymbolString> GetEnumerator() {
116 | return storedValues.Values.GetEnumerator();
117 | }
118 |
119 | IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
120 | return GetEnumerator();
121 | }
122 |
123 | #endregion
124 | }
125 | }