1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using System.Linq;
4 | using System.Threading;
5 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.SymRegGrammarEnumeration.GrammarEnumeration;
6 | using HeuristicLab.Collections;
7 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
8 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
9 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
10 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
11 | using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
12 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable;
13 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
14 |
15 | namespace HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis.SymRegGrammarEnumeration {
16 | [Item("Grammar Enumeration Symbolic Regression", "Iterates all possible model structures for a fixed grammar.")]
17 | [StorableClass]
18 | [Creatable(CreatableAttribute.Categories.DataAnalysisRegression, Priority = 250)]
19 | public class GrammarEnumerationAlgorithm : FixedDataAnalysisAlgorithm<IRegressionProblem> {
20 | #region properties and result names
21 | private readonly string VariableImportanceWeightName = "Variable Importance Weight";
22 | private readonly string SearchStructureSizeName = "Search Structure Size";
23 | private readonly string GeneratedPhrasesName = "Generated/Archived Phrases";
24 | private readonly string GeneratedSentencesName = "Generated Sentences";
25 | private readonly string DistinctSentencesName = "Distinct Sentences";
26 | private readonly string PhraseExpansionsName = "Phrase Expansions";
27 | private readonly string AverageSentenceComplexityName = "Avg. Sentence Complexity among Distinct";
28 | private readonly string OverwrittenSentencesName = "Sentences overwritten";
29 | private readonly string AnalyzersParameterName = "Analyzers";
30 | private readonly string ExpansionsPerSecondName = "Expansions per second";
31 |
32 | private readonly string OptimizeConstantsParameterName = "Optimize Constants";
33 | private readonly string ErrorWeightParameterName = "Error Weight";
34 | private readonly string SearchDataStructureParameterName = "Search Data Structure";
35 | private readonly string MaxComplexityParameterName = "Max. Complexity";
36 | private readonly string GuiUpdateIntervalParameterName = "GUI Update Interval";
37 | private readonly string GrammarSymbolsParameterName = "Grammar Symbols";
38 |
39 | public override bool SupportsPause { get { return true; } }
40 |
41 | protected IValueParameter<DoubleValue> VariableImportanceWeightParameter {
42 | get { return (IValueParameter<DoubleValue>)Parameters[VariableImportanceWeightName]; }
43 | }
44 |
45 | protected double VariableImportanceWeight {
46 | get { return VariableImportanceWeightParameter.Value.Value; }
47 | }
48 |
49 | protected IValueParameter<BoolValue> OptimizeConstantsParameter {
50 | get { return (IValueParameter<BoolValue>)Parameters[OptimizeConstantsParameterName]; }
51 | }
52 |
53 | public bool OptimizeConstants {
54 | get { return OptimizeConstantsParameter.Value.Value; }
55 | set { OptimizeConstantsParameter.Value.Value = value; }
56 | }
57 |
58 | protected IValueParameter<IntValue> MaxComplexityParameter {
59 | get { return (IValueParameter<IntValue>)Parameters[MaxComplexityParameterName]; }
60 | }
61 | public int MaxComplexity {
62 | get { return MaxComplexityParameter.Value.Value; }
63 | set { MaxComplexityParameter.Value.Value = value; }
64 | }
65 |
66 | protected IValueParameter<DoubleValue> ErrorWeightParameter {
67 | get { return (IValueParameter<DoubleValue>)Parameters[ErrorWeightParameterName]; }
68 | }
69 | public double ErrorWeight {
70 | get { return ErrorWeightParameter.Value.Value; }
71 | set { ErrorWeightParameter.Value.Value = value; }
72 | }
73 |
74 | protected IValueParameter<IntValue> GuiUpdateIntervalParameter {
75 | get { return (IValueParameter<IntValue>)Parameters[GuiUpdateIntervalParameterName]; }
76 | }
77 | public int GuiUpdateInterval {
78 | get { return GuiUpdateIntervalParameter.Value.Value; }
79 | set { GuiUpdateIntervalParameter.Value.Value = value; }
80 | }
81 |
82 | protected IValueParameter<EnumValue<StorageType>> SearchDataStructureParameter {
83 | get { return (IValueParameter<EnumValue<StorageType>>)Parameters[SearchDataStructureParameterName]; }
84 | }
85 | public StorageType SearchDataStructure {
86 | get { return SearchDataStructureParameter.Value.Value; }
87 | set { SearchDataStructureParameter.Value.Value = value; }
88 | }
89 |
90 | public IFixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer>> AnalyzersParameter {
91 | get { return (IFixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer>>)Parameters[AnalyzersParameterName]; }
92 | }
93 |
94 | public ICheckedItemCollection<IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer> Analyzers {
95 | get { return AnalyzersParameter.Value; }
96 | }
97 |
98 | public IFixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<EnumValue<GrammarRule>>> GrammarSymbolsParameter {
99 | get { return (IFixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<EnumValue<GrammarRule>>>)Parameters[GrammarSymbolsParameterName]; }
100 | }
101 |
102 | public ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<EnumValue<GrammarRule>> GrammarSymbols {
103 | get { return GrammarSymbolsParameter.Value; }
104 | }
105 |
106 | public SymbolString BestTrainingSentence { get; set; } // Currently set in RSquaredEvaluator: quite hacky, but makes testing much easier for now...
107 | #endregion
108 |
109 | [Storable]
110 | public Dictionary<int, int> DistinctSentencesComplexity { get; private set; } // Semantically distinct sentences and their length in a run.
111 |
112 | [Storable]
113 | public HashSet<int> ArchivedPhrases { get; private set; }
114 |
115 | [Storable]
116 | internal SearchDataStore OpenPhrases { get; private set; } // Stack/Queue/etc. for fetching the next node in the search tree.
117 |
118 | #region execution stats
119 | public int AllGeneratedSentencesCount { get; private set; }
120 |
121 | public int OverwrittenSentencesCount { get; private set; } // It is not guaranteed that shorter solutions are found first.
122 | // When longer solutions are overwritten with shorter ones,
123 | // this counter is increased.
124 | public int PhraseExpansionCount { get; private set; } // Number, how many times a nonterminal symbol is replaced with a production rule.
125 | #endregion
126 |
127 | public Grammar Grammar { get; private set; }
128 |
129 | #region ctors
130 | public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
131 | return new GrammarEnumerationAlgorithm(this, cloner);
132 | }
133 |
134 | public GrammarEnumerationAlgorithm() {
135 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<DoubleValue>(VariableImportanceWeightName, "Variable Weight.", new DoubleValue(1.0)));
136 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<BoolValue>(OptimizeConstantsParameterName, "Run constant optimization in sentence evaluation.", new BoolValue(false)));
137 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<DoubleValue>(ErrorWeightParameterName, "Defines, how much weight is put on a phrase's r² value when priorizing phrases during search.", new DoubleValue(0.8)));
138 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>(MaxComplexityParameterName, "The maximum number of variable symbols in a sentence.", new IntValue(12)));
139 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<IntValue>(GuiUpdateIntervalParameterName, "Number of generated sentences, until GUI is refreshed.", new IntValue(5000)));
140 | Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter<EnumValue<StorageType>>(SearchDataStructureParameterName, new EnumValue<StorageType>(StorageType.PriorityQueue)));
141 |
142 | var availableAnalyzers = new IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer[] {
143 | new SearchGraphVisualizer(),
144 | new SentenceLogger(),
145 | new RSquaredEvaluator()
146 | };
147 | Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer>>(
148 | AnalyzersParameterName,
149 | new CheckedItemCollection<IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer>(availableAnalyzers).AsReadOnly()));
150 |
151 | Analyzers.CheckedItemsChanged += Analyzers_CheckedItemsChanged;
152 |
153 | foreach (var analyzer in Analyzers) {
154 | Analyzers.SetItemCheckedState(analyzer, false);
155 | }
156 | Analyzers.SetItemCheckedState(Analyzers.First(analyzer => analyzer is RSquaredEvaluator), true);
157 |
158 | var grammarSymbols = Enum.GetValues(typeof(GrammarRule))
159 | .Cast<GrammarRule>()
160 | .Select(v => new EnumValue<GrammarRule>(v));
161 |
162 | Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter<ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<EnumValue<GrammarRule>>>(
163 | GrammarSymbolsParameterName,
164 | new ReadOnlyCheckedItemCollection<EnumValue<GrammarRule>>(new CheckedItemCollection<EnumValue<GrammarRule>>(grammarSymbols))
165 | ));
166 | foreach (EnumValue<GrammarRule> grammarSymbol in GrammarSymbols) {
167 | GrammarSymbols.SetItemCheckedState(grammarSymbol, true);
168 | }
169 |
170 | // set a default problem
171 | Problem = new RegressionProblem() {
172 | ProblemData = new HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis.PolyTen(seed: 1234).GenerateRegressionData()
173 | };
174 | }
175 |
176 | public GrammarEnumerationAlgorithm(GrammarEnumerationAlgorithm original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) {
177 | foreach (var analyzer in Analyzers.CheckedItems)
178 | analyzer.Register(this);
179 | Analyzers.CheckedItemsChanged += Analyzers_CheckedItemsChanged;
180 |
181 | DistinctSentencesComplexity = new Dictionary<int, int>(original.DistinctSentencesComplexity);
182 | ArchivedPhrases = new HashSet<int>(original.ArchivedPhrases);
183 | OpenPhrases = cloner.Clone(original.OpenPhrases);
184 |
185 | AllGeneratedSentencesCount = original.AllGeneratedSentencesCount;
186 | OverwrittenSentencesCount = original.OverwrittenSentencesCount;
187 | PhraseExpansionCount = original.PhraseExpansionCount;
188 | Grammar = cloner.Clone(original.Grammar);
189 |
190 | if (original.variableImportance != null)
191 | variableImportance = new Dictionary<VariableTerminalSymbol, double>(original.variableImportance);
192 | }
193 | #endregion
194 |
195 | private Dictionary<VariableTerminalSymbol, double> variableImportance;
196 |
197 | public override void Prepare() {
198 | DistinctSentencesComplexity = new Dictionary<int, int>();
199 | ArchivedPhrases = new HashSet<int>();
200 | AllGeneratedSentencesCount = 0;
201 | OverwrittenSentencesCount = 0;
202 | PhraseExpansionCount = 0;
203 |
204 | Analyzers.OfType<RSquaredEvaluator>().First().OptimizeConstants = OptimizeConstants;
205 | Grammar = new Grammar(Problem.ProblemData.AllowedInputVariables.ToArray(), GrammarSymbols.CheckedItems.Select(v => v.Value));
206 | OpenPhrases = new SearchDataStore(SearchDataStructure); // Select search strategy
207 |
208 | base.Prepare(); // this actually clears the results which will get reinitialized on Run()
209 | }
210 |
211 | private Dictionary<VariableTerminalSymbol, double> CalculateVariableImportances() {
212 | variableImportance = new Dictionary<VariableTerminalSymbol, double>();
213 |
214 | RandomForestRegression rf = new RandomForestRegression();
215 | rf.Problem = Problem;
216 | rf.Start();
217 | IRegressionSolution rfSolution = (RandomForestRegressionSolution)rf.Results["Random forest regression solution"].Value;
218 | var rfImpacts = RegressionSolutionVariableImpactsCalculator.CalculateImpacts(
219 | rfSolution,
220 | RegressionSolutionVariableImpactsCalculator.DataPartitionEnum.Training,
221 | RegressionSolutionVariableImpactsCalculator.ReplacementMethodEnum.Shuffle);
222 |
223 | // save the normalized importances
224 | var sum = rfImpacts.Sum(x => x.Item2);
225 | foreach (Tuple<string, double> rfImpact in rfImpacts) {
226 | VariableTerminalSymbol varSym = Grammar.VarTerminals.First(v => v.StringRepresentation == rfImpact.Item1);
227 | variableImportance[varSym] = rfImpact.Item2 / sum;
228 | }
229 | return variableImportance;
230 | }
231 |
232 | protected override void Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
233 | // do not reinitialize the algorithm if we're resuming from pause
234 | if (previousExecutionState != ExecutionState.Paused) {
235 | CalculateVariableImportances();
236 | InitResults();
237 | var phrase0 = new SymbolString(new[] { Grammar.StartSymbol });
238 | var phrase0Hash = Grammar.Hasher.CalcHashCode(phrase0);
239 | OpenPhrases.Store(new SearchNode(phrase0Hash, 0.0, 0.0, phrase0));
240 | }
241 |
242 | int maxSentenceLength = GetMaxSentenceLength();
243 | var errorWeight = ErrorWeight;
244 | var variableImportanceWeight = VariableImportanceWeight;
245 | // main search loop
246 | while (OpenPhrases.Count > 0) {
247 | if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
248 | break;
249 |
250 | SearchNode fetchedSearchNode = OpenPhrases.GetNext();
251 | SymbolString currPhrase = fetchedSearchNode.SymbolString;
252 |
253 | OnPhraseFetched(fetchedSearchNode.Hash, currPhrase);
254 |
255 | ArchivedPhrases.Add(fetchedSearchNode.Hash);
256 |
257 | // expand next nonterminal symbols
258 | int nonterminalSymbolIndex = currPhrase.NextNonterminalIndex();
259 | NonterminalSymbol expandedSymbol = (NonterminalSymbol)currPhrase[nonterminalSymbolIndex];
260 | var appliedProductions = Grammar.Productions[expandedSymbol];
261 |
262 | for (int i = 0; i < appliedProductions.Count; i++) {
263 | PhraseExpansionCount++;
264 |
265 | SymbolString newPhrase = currPhrase.DerivePhrase(nonterminalSymbolIndex, appliedProductions[i]);
266 | int newPhraseComplexity = Grammar.GetComplexity(newPhrase);
267 |
268 | if (newPhraseComplexity > MaxComplexity)
269 | continue;
270 |
271 | var phraseHash = Grammar.Hasher.CalcHashCode(newPhrase);
272 |
273 | OnPhraseDerived(fetchedSearchNode.Hash, fetchedSearchNode.SymbolString, phraseHash, newPhrase, expandedSymbol, appliedProductions[i]);
274 |
275 | if (newPhrase.IsSentence()) {
276 | AllGeneratedSentencesCount++;
277 |
278 | OnSentenceGenerated(fetchedSearchNode.Hash, fetchedSearchNode.SymbolString, phraseHash, newPhrase, expandedSymbol, appliedProductions[i]);
279 |
280 | // Is the best solution found? (only if RSquaredEvaluator is activated)
281 | if (Results.ContainsKey(RSquaredEvaluator.BestTrainingQualityResultName)) {
282 | double r2 = ((DoubleValue)Results[RSquaredEvaluator.BestTrainingQualityResultName].Value).Value;
283 | if (r2.IsAlmost(1.0)) {
284 | UpdateView(force: true);
285 | return;
286 | }
287 | }
288 |
289 | if (!DistinctSentencesComplexity.ContainsKey(phraseHash) || DistinctSentencesComplexity[phraseHash] > newPhraseComplexity) {
290 | if (DistinctSentencesComplexity.ContainsKey(phraseHash)) OverwrittenSentencesCount++; // for analysis only
291 |
292 | DistinctSentencesComplexity[phraseHash] = newPhraseComplexity;
293 | OnDistinctSentenceGenerated(fetchedSearchNode.Hash, fetchedSearchNode.SymbolString, phraseHash, newPhrase, expandedSymbol, appliedProductions[i]);
294 | }
295 | UpdateView();
296 |
297 | } else if (!OpenPhrases.Contains(phraseHash) && !ArchivedPhrases.Contains(phraseHash)) {
298 |
299 | double r2 = GetR2(newPhrase, fetchedSearchNode.R2);
300 | double phrasePriority = GetPriority(newPhrase, r2, maxSentenceLength, errorWeight, variableImportanceWeight);
301 |
302 | SearchNode newSearchNode = new SearchNode(phraseHash, phrasePriority, r2, newPhrase);
303 | OpenPhrases.Store(newSearchNode);
304 | }
305 | }
306 | }
307 | UpdateView(force: true);
308 | }
309 |
310 | protected double GetPriority(SymbolString phrase, double r2, int maxSentenceLength, double errorWeight, double variableImportanceWeight) {
311 | var distinctVars = phrase.OfType<VariableTerminalSymbol>().Distinct();
312 |
313 | var sum = 0d;
314 | foreach (var v in distinctVars) {
315 | sum += variableImportance[v];
316 | }
317 | var phraseVariableImportance = 1 - sum;
318 |
319 | double relLength = (double)phrase.Count() / maxSentenceLength;
320 | double error = 1.0 - r2;
321 |
322 | return relLength + errorWeight * error + variableImportanceWeight * phraseVariableImportance;
323 | }
324 |
325 | private double GetR2(SymbolString phrase, double parentR2) {
326 | int length = phrase.Count();
327 |
328 | // If the only nonterminal symbol is Expr, we can need to evaluate the sentence. Otherwise
329 | // the phrase has the same r2 as its parent, from which it was derived.
330 | for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
331 | if (phrase[i] is NonterminalSymbol && phrase[i] != Grammar.Expr) {
332 | return parentR2;
333 | }
334 | }
335 |
336 | return Grammar.EvaluatePhrase(phrase, Problem.ProblemData, OptimizeConstants);
337 | }
338 |
339 | private int GetMaxSentenceLength() {
340 | SymbolString s = new SymbolString(Grammar.StartSymbol);
341 |
342 | while (!s.IsSentence() && Grammar.GetComplexity(s) <= MaxComplexity) {
343 | int expandedSymbolIndex = s.NextNonterminalIndex();
344 | NonterminalSymbol expandedSymbol = (NonterminalSymbol)s[expandedSymbolIndex];
345 |
346 | var productions = Grammar.Productions[expandedSymbol];
347 | var longestProduction = productions // Find production with most terminal symbols to expand as much as possible...
348 | .OrderBy(CountTerminals) // but with lowest complexity/nonterminal count to keep complexity low.
349 | .ThenByDescending(CountNonTerminals)
350 | .First();
351 |
352 | s = s.DerivePhrase(expandedSymbolIndex, longestProduction);
353 | }
354 |
355 | return s.Count();
356 | }
357 |
358 | private int CountTerminals(Production p) {
359 | return p.Count(s => s is TerminalSymbol);
360 | }
361 |
362 | private int CountNonTerminals(Production p) {
363 | return p.Count(s => s is NonterminalSymbol);
364 | }
365 |
366 | #region pause support
367 | private ExecutionState previousExecutionState;
368 | protected override void OnPaused() {
369 | previousExecutionState = this.ExecutionState;
370 | base.OnPaused();
371 | }
372 | protected override void OnPrepared() {
373 | previousExecutionState = this.ExecutionState;
374 | base.OnPrepared();
375 | }
376 | protected override void OnStarted() {
377 | previousExecutionState = this.ExecutionState;
378 | base.OnStarted();
379 | }
380 | protected override void OnStopped() {
381 | previousExecutionState = this.ExecutionState;
382 | base.OnStopped();
383 | }
384 | #endregion
385 |
386 | #region Visualization in HL
387 | // Initialize entries in result set.
388 | private void InitResults() {
389 | Results.Clear();
390 | Results.Add(new Result(GeneratedPhrasesName, new IntValue(0)));
391 | Results.Add(new Result(SearchStructureSizeName, new IntValue(0)));
392 | Results.Add(new Result(GeneratedSentencesName, new IntValue(0)));
393 | Results.Add(new Result(DistinctSentencesName, new IntValue(0)));
394 | Results.Add(new Result(PhraseExpansionsName, new IntValue(0)));
395 | Results.Add(new Result(OverwrittenSentencesName, new IntValue(0)));
396 | Results.Add(new Result(AverageSentenceComplexityName, new DoubleValue(1.0)));
397 | Results.Add(new Result(ExpansionsPerSecondName, "In Thousand expansions per second", new IntValue(0)));
398 | }
399 |
400 | // Update the view for intermediate results in an algorithm run.
401 | private int updates;
402 | private void UpdateView(bool force = false) {
403 | updates++;
404 |
405 | if (force || updates % GuiUpdateInterval == 1) {
406 | ((IntValue)Results[GeneratedPhrasesName].Value).Value = ArchivedPhrases.Count;
407 | ((IntValue)Results[SearchStructureSizeName].Value).Value = OpenPhrases.Count;
408 | ((IntValue)Results[GeneratedSentencesName].Value).Value = AllGeneratedSentencesCount;
409 | ((IntValue)Results[DistinctSentencesName].Value).Value = DistinctSentencesComplexity.Count;
410 | ((IntValue)Results[PhraseExpansionsName].Value).Value = PhraseExpansionCount;
411 | ((DoubleValue)Results[AverageSentenceComplexityName].Value).Value = DistinctSentencesComplexity.Select(pair => pair.Value).Average();
412 | ((IntValue)Results[OverwrittenSentencesName].Value).Value = OverwrittenSentencesCount;
413 | ((IntValue)Results[ExpansionsPerSecondName].Value).Value = (int)((PhraseExpansionCount /
414 | ExecutionTime.TotalSeconds) / 1000.0);
415 | }
416 | }
417 | #endregion
418 |
419 | #region events
420 |
421 | // private event handlers for analyzers
422 | private void Analyzers_CheckedItemsChanged(object sender, CollectionItemsChangedEventArgs<IGrammarEnumerationAnalyzer> args) {
423 | // newly added items
424 | foreach (var item in args.Items.Except(args.OldItems).Union(args.OldItems.Except(args.Items))) {
425 | if (Analyzers.ItemChecked(item)) {
426 | item.Register(this);
427 | } else {
428 | item.Deregister(this);
429 | }
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
433 | public event EventHandler<PhraseEventArgs> PhraseFetched;
434 | private void OnPhraseFetched(int hash, SymbolString symbolString) {
435 | if (PhraseFetched != null) {
436 | PhraseFetched(this, new PhraseEventArgs(hash, symbolString));
437 | }
438 | }
439 |
440 | public event EventHandler<PhraseAddedEventArgs> PhraseDerived;
441 | private void OnPhraseDerived(int parentHash, SymbolString parentSymbolString, int addedHash, SymbolString addedSymbolString, Symbol expandedSymbol, Production expandedProduction) {
442 | if (PhraseDerived != null) {
443 | PhraseDerived(this, new PhraseAddedEventArgs(parentHash, parentSymbolString, addedHash, addedSymbolString, expandedSymbol, expandedProduction));
444 | }
445 | }
446 |
447 | public event EventHandler<PhraseAddedEventArgs> SentenceGenerated;
448 | private void OnSentenceGenerated(int parentHash, SymbolString parentSymbolString, int addedHash, SymbolString addedSymbolString, Symbol expandedSymbol, Production expandedProduction) {
449 | if (SentenceGenerated != null) {
450 | SentenceGenerated(this, new PhraseAddedEventArgs(parentHash, parentSymbolString, addedHash, addedSymbolString, expandedSymbol, expandedProduction));
451 | }
452 | }
453 |
454 | public event EventHandler<PhraseAddedEventArgs> DistinctSentenceGenerated;
455 | private void OnDistinctSentenceGenerated(int parentHash, SymbolString parentSymbolString, int addedHash, SymbolString addedSymbolString, Symbol expandedSymbol, Production expandedProduction) {
456 | if (DistinctSentenceGenerated != null) {
457 | DistinctSentenceGenerated(this, new PhraseAddedEventArgs(parentHash, parentSymbolString, addedHash, addedSymbolString, expandedSymbol, expandedProduction));
458 | }
459 | }
460 |
461 | #endregion
462 |
463 | }
464 |
465 | #region events for analysis
466 |
467 | public class PhraseEventArgs : EventArgs {
468 | public int Hash { get; }
469 |
470 | public SymbolString Phrase { get; }
471 |
472 | public PhraseEventArgs(int hash, SymbolString phrase) {
473 | Hash = hash;
474 | Phrase = phrase;
475 | }
476 | }
477 |
478 | public class PhraseAddedEventArgs : EventArgs {
479 | public int ParentHash { get; }
480 | public int NewHash { get; }
481 |
482 | public SymbolString ParentPhrase { get; }
483 | public SymbolString NewPhrase { get; }
484 |
485 | public Symbol ExpandedSymbol { get; }
486 |
487 | public Production ExpandedProduction { get; }
488 |
489 | public PhraseAddedEventArgs(int parentHash, SymbolString parentPhrase, int newHash, SymbolString newPhrase, Symbol expandedSymbol, Production expandedProduction) {
490 | ParentHash = parentHash;
491 | ParentPhrase = parentPhrase;
492 | NewHash = newHash;
493 | NewPhrase = newPhrase;
494 | ExpandedSymbol = expandedSymbol;
495 | ExpandedProduction = expandedProduction;
496 | }
497 | }
498 |
499 | #endregion
500 | } |