1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 |
23 | using System;
24 | using System.Collections;
25 | using System.Collections.Generic;
26 | using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
27 | using System.Globalization;
28 | using System.IO;
29 | using System.Linq;
30 | using System.Text;
31 |
32 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.Instances.DataAnalysis {
33 | public class TableFileParser : Progress<long> { // reports the number of bytes read
34 | private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 65536;
35 | // char used to symbolize whitespaces (no missing values can be handled with whitespaces)
36 | private const char WHITESPACECHAR = (char)0;
37 | private static readonly char[] POSSIBLE_SEPARATORS = new char[] { ',', ';', '\t', WHITESPACECHAR };
38 | private Tokenizer tokenizer;
39 | private int estimatedNumberOfLines = 200; // initial capacity for columns, will be set automatically when data is read from a file
40 |
41 |
42 | private Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;
43 |
44 | public Encoding Encoding {
45 | get { return encoding; }
46 | set {
47 | if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Encoding");
48 | encoding = value;
49 | }
50 | }
51 |
52 |
53 | private int rows;
54 | public int Rows {
55 | get { return rows; }
56 | set { rows = value; }
57 | }
58 |
59 | private int columns;
60 | public int Columns {
61 | get { return columns; }
62 | set { columns = value; }
63 | }
64 |
65 | private List<IList> values;
66 | public List<IList> Values {
67 | get {
68 | return values;
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | private List<string> variableNames;
73 | public IEnumerable<string> VariableNames {
74 | get {
75 | if (variableNames.Count > 0) return variableNames;
76 | else {
77 | string[] names = new string[columns];
78 | for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) {
79 | names[i] = "X" + i.ToString("000");
80 | }
81 | return names;
82 | }
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 | public TableFileParser() {
87 | variableNames = new List<string>();
88 | }
89 |
90 | public bool AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(string fileName) {
91 | NumberFormatInfo numberFormat;
92 | DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo;
93 | char separator;
94 | DetermineFileFormat(fileName, out numberFormat, out dateTimeFormatInfo, out separator);
95 | using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) {
96 | return AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(stream, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator);
97 | }
98 | }
99 |
100 | public bool AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(Stream stream) {
101 | NumberFormatInfo numberFormat = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
102 | DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
103 | char separator = ',';
104 | return AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(stream, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator);
105 | }
106 |
107 | public bool AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(string fileName, NumberFormatInfo numberFormat,
108 | DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, char separator) {
109 | using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) {
110 | return AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(stream, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator);
111 | }
112 | }
113 |
114 | public bool AreColumnNamesInFirstLine(Stream stream, NumberFormatInfo numberFormat,
115 | DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, char separator) {
116 | using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding)) {
117 | tokenizer = new Tokenizer(reader, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator);
118 | return (tokenizer.PeekType() != TokenTypeEnum.Double);
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | /// <summary>
123 | /// Parses a file and determines the format first
124 | /// </summary>
125 | /// <param name="fileName">file which is parsed</param>
126 | /// <param name="columnNamesInFirstLine"></param>
127 | public void Parse(string fileName, bool columnNamesInFirstLine, int lineLimit = -1) {
128 | NumberFormatInfo numberFormat;
129 | DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo;
130 | char separator;
131 | DetermineFileFormat(fileName, out numberFormat, out dateTimeFormatInfo, out separator);
132 | EstimateNumberOfLines(fileName);
133 | Parse(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator, columnNamesInFirstLine, lineLimit);
134 | }
135 |
136 | /// <summary>
137 | /// Parses a file with the given formats
138 | /// </summary>
139 | /// <param name="fileName">file which is parsed</param>
140 | /// <param name="numberFormat">Format of numbers</param>
141 | /// <param name="dateTimeFormatInfo">Format of datetime</param>
142 | /// <param name="separator">defines the separator</param>
143 | /// <param name="columnNamesInFirstLine"></param>
144 | public void Parse(string fileName, NumberFormatInfo numberFormat, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, char separator, bool columnNamesInFirstLine, int lineLimit = -1) {
145 | EstimateNumberOfLines(fileName);
146 | using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) {
147 | Parse(stream, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator, columnNamesInFirstLine, lineLimit);
148 | }
149 | }
150 |
151 | // determines the number of newline characters in the first 64KB to guess the number of rows for a file
152 | private void EstimateNumberOfLines(string fileName) {
153 | var len = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName).Length;
154 | var buf = new char[1024 * 1024];
155 | using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName, Encoding)) {
156 | reader.ReadBlock(buf, 0, buf.Length);
157 | }
158 | int numNewLine = 0;
159 | int charsInCurrentLine = 0, charsInFirstLine = 0; // the first line (names) and the last line (incomplete) are not representative
160 | foreach (var ch in buf) {
161 | charsInCurrentLine++;
162 | if (ch == '\n') {
163 | if (numNewLine == 0) charsInFirstLine = charsInCurrentLine; // store the number of chars in the first line
164 | charsInCurrentLine = 0;
165 | numNewLine++;
166 | }
167 | }
168 | if (numNewLine <= 1) {
169 | // fail -> keep the default setting
170 | return;
171 | } else {
172 | double charsPerLineFactor = (buf.Length - charsInFirstLine - charsInCurrentLine) / ((double)numNewLine - 1);
173 | double estimatedLines = len / charsPerLineFactor;
174 | estimatedNumberOfLines = (int)Math.Round(estimatedLines * 1.1); // pessimistic allocation of 110% to make sure that the list is very likely large enough
175 | }
176 | }
177 |
178 | /// <summary>
179 | /// Takes a Stream and parses it with default format. NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo and separator = ','
180 | /// </summary>
181 | /// <param name="stream">stream which is parsed</param>
182 | /// <param name="columnNamesInFirstLine"></param>
183 | public void Parse(Stream stream, bool columnNamesInFirstLine, int lineLimit = -1) {
184 | NumberFormatInfo numberFormat = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
185 | DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
186 | char separator = ',';
187 | Parse(stream, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator, columnNamesInFirstLine, lineLimit);
188 | }
189 |
190 | /// <summary>
191 | /// Parses a stream with the given formats.
192 | /// </summary>
193 | /// <param name="stream">Stream which is parsed</param>
194 | /// <param name="numberFormat">Format of numbers</param>
195 | /// <param name="dateTimeFormatInfo">Format of datetime</param>
196 | /// <param name="separator">defines the separator</param>
197 | /// <param name="columnNamesInFirstLine"></param>
198 | public void Parse(Stream stream, NumberFormatInfo numberFormat, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, char separator, bool columnNamesInFirstLine, int lineLimit = -1) {
199 | if (lineLimit > 0) estimatedNumberOfLines = lineLimit;
200 |
201 | using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
202 | tokenizer = new Tokenizer(reader, numberFormat, dateTimeFormatInfo, separator);
203 | var strValues = new List<List<string>>();
204 | values = new List<IList>();
205 | Prepare(columnNamesInFirstLine, strValues);
206 |
207 | int nLinesParsed = 0;
208 | int colIdx = 0;
209 | while (tokenizer.HasNext() && (lineLimit < 0 || nLinesParsed < lineLimit)) {
210 | if (tokenizer.PeekType() == TokenTypeEnum.NewLine) {
211 | tokenizer.Skip();
212 |
213 | // all rows have to have the same number of values
214 | // the first row defines how many elements are needed
215 | if (colIdx > 0 && values.Count != colIdx) {
216 | // read at least one value in the row (support for skipping empty lines)
217 | Error("The first row of the dataset has " + values.Count + " columns." + Environment.NewLine +
218 | "Line " + tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber + " has " + colIdx + " columns.", "",
219 | tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
220 | }
221 | OnReport(tokenizer.BytesRead);
222 |
223 | nLinesParsed++;
224 | colIdx = 0;
225 | } else {
226 | // read one value
227 | TokenTypeEnum type;
228 | string strVal;
229 | double dblVal;
230 | DateTime dateTimeVal;
231 | tokenizer.Next(out type, out strVal, out dblVal, out dateTimeVal);
232 |
233 | if (colIdx == values.Count) {
234 | Error("The first row of the dataset has " + values.Count + " columns." + Environment.NewLine +
235 | "Line " + tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber + " has more columns.", "",
236 | tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
237 | }
238 | if (!IsColumnTypeCompatible(values[colIdx], type)) {
239 | values[colIdx] = strValues[colIdx];
240 | }
241 |
242 | // add the value to the column
243 | AddValue(type, values[colIdx], strVal, dblVal, dateTimeVal);
244 | if (!(values[colIdx] is List<string>)) { // optimization: don't store the string values in another list if the column is list<string>
245 | strValues[colIdx].Add(strVal);
246 | }
247 | colIdx++;
248 | }
249 | }
250 | }
251 |
252 | if (!values.Any() || values.First().Count == 0)
253 | Error("Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format " +
254 | "(the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).", "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
255 |
256 | this.rows = values.First().Count;
257 | this.columns = values.Count;
258 |
259 | // replace lists with undefined type (object) with double-lists
260 | for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++) {
261 | if (values[i] is List<object>) {
262 | values[i] = Enumerable.Repeat(double.NaN, rows).ToList();
263 | }
264 | }
265 |
266 | // after everything has been parsed make sure the lists are as compact as possible
267 | foreach (var l in values) {
268 | var dblList = l as List<double>;
269 | var byteList = l as List<byte>;
270 | var dateList = l as List<DateTime>;
271 | var stringList = l as List<string>;
272 | var objList = l as List<object>;
273 | if (dblList != null) dblList.TrimExcess();
274 | if (byteList != null) byteList.TrimExcess();
275 | if (dateList != null) dateList.TrimExcess();
276 | if (stringList != null) stringList.TrimExcess();
277 | if (objList != null) objList.TrimExcess();
278 | }
279 |
280 | // for large files we created a lot of memory pressure, cannot hurt to run GC.Collect here (TableFileParser is called seldomly on user interaction)
281 | GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced);
282 | }
283 |
284 | private void Prepare(bool columnNamesInFirstLine, List<List<string>> strValues) {
285 | if (columnNamesInFirstLine) {
286 | ParseVariableNames();
287 | if (!tokenizer.HasNext())
288 | Error(
289 | "Couldn't parse data values. Probably because of incorrect number format (the parser expects english number format with a '.' as decimal separator).",
290 | "", tokenizer.CurrentLineNumber);
291 | }
292 | // read first line to determine types and allocate specific lists
293 | // read values... start in first row
294 | int colIdx = 0;
295 | while (tokenizer.PeekType() != TokenTypeEnum.NewLine) {
296 | // read one value
297 | TokenTypeEnum type; string strVal; double dblVal; DateTime dateTimeVal;
298 | tokenizer.Next(out type, out strVal, out dblVal, out dateTimeVal);
299 |
300 | // initialize column
301 | values.Add(CreateList(type, estimatedNumberOfLines));
302 | if (type == TokenTypeEnum.String)
303 | strValues.Add(new List<string>(0)); // optimization: don't store the string values in another list if the column is list<string>
304 | else
305 | strValues.Add(new List<string>(estimatedNumberOfLines));
306 |
307 | AddValue(type, values[colIdx], strVal, dblVal, dateTimeVal);
308 | if (type != TokenTypeEnum.String)
309 | strValues[colIdx].Add(strVal);
310 | colIdx++;
311 | }
312 | tokenizer.Skip(); // skip newline
313 | }
314 |
315 | #region type-dependent dispatch
316 | private bool IsColumnTypeCompatible(IList list, TokenTypeEnum tokenType) {
317 | return (list is List<object>) || // unknown lists are compatible to everything (potential conversion)
318 | (list is List<string>) || // all tokens can be added to a string list
319 | (tokenType == TokenTypeEnum.Missing) || // empty entries are allowed in all columns
320 | (tokenType == TokenTypeEnum.Double && list is List<double>) ||
321 | (tokenType == TokenTypeEnum.DateTime && list is List<DateTime>);
322 | }
323 |
324 | // all columns are converted to string columns when we find an non-empty value that has incorrect type
325 | private IList ConvertToStringColumn(IList list) {
326 | var dblL = list as List<double>;
327 | if (dblL != null) {
328 | var l = new List<string>(dblL.Capacity);
329 | l.AddRange(dblL.Select(dbl => dbl.ToString()));
330 | return l;
331 | }
332 |
333 | var dtL = list as List<DateTime>;
334 | if (dtL != null) {
335 | var l = new List<string>(dtL.Capacity);
336 | l.AddRange(dtL.Select(dbl => dbl.ToString()));
337 | return l;
338 | }
339 |
340 | if (list is List<string>) return list;
341 |
342 | throw new InvalidProgramException(string.Format("Cannot convert column of type {0} to string column", list.GetType()));
343 | }
344 |
345 | private void AddValue(TokenTypeEnum type, IList list, string strVal, double dblVal, DateTime dateTimeVal) {
346 | // Add value if list has a defined type
347 | var dblList = list as List<double>;
348 | if (dblList != null) {
349 | AddValue(type, dblList, dblVal);
350 | return;
351 | }
352 | var strList = list as List<string>;
353 | if (strList != null) {
354 | AddValue(type, strList, strVal);
355 | return;
356 | }
357 | var dtList = list as List<DateTime>;
358 | if (dtList != null) {
359 | AddValue(type, dtList, dateTimeVal);
360 | return;
361 | }
362 |
363 | // Undefined list-type
364 | if (type == TokenTypeEnum.Missing) {
365 | // add null to track number of missing values
366 | list.Add(null);
367 | } else { // first non-missing value for undefined list-type
368 | var newList = ConvertList(type, list, estimatedNumberOfLines);
369 | // replace list
370 | var idx = values.IndexOf(list);
371 | values[idx] = newList;
372 | // recursively call AddValue
373 | AddValue(type, newList, strVal, dblVal, dateTimeVal);
374 | }
375 | }
376 |
377 | private static void AddValue(TokenTypeEnum type, List<double> list, double dblVal) {
378 | Contract.Assert(type == TokenTypeEnum.Missing || type == TokenTypeEnum.Double);
379 | list.Add(type == TokenTypeEnum.Missing ? double.NaN : dblVal);
380 | }
381 |
382 | private static void AddValue(TokenTypeEnum type, List<string> list, string strVal) {
383 | // assumes that strVal is always set to the original token read from the input file
384 | list.Add(type == TokenTypeEnum.Missing ? string.Empty : strVal);
385 | }
386 |
387 | private static void AddValue(TokenTypeEnum type, List<DateTime> list, DateTime dtVal) {
388 | Contract.Assert(type == TokenTypeEnum.Missing || type == TokenTypeEnum.DateTime);
389 | list.Add(type == TokenTypeEnum.Missing ? DateTime.MinValue : dtVal);
390 | }
391 |
392 | private static IList CreateList(TokenTypeEnum type, int estimatedNumberOfLines) {
393 | switch (type) {
394 | case TokenTypeEnum.String:
395 | return new List<string>(estimatedNumberOfLines);
396 | case TokenTypeEnum.Double:
397 | return new List<double>(estimatedNumberOfLines);
398 | case TokenTypeEnum.DateTime:
399 | return new List<DateTime>(estimatedNumberOfLines);
400 | case TokenTypeEnum.Missing: // List<object> represent list of unknown type
401 | return new List<object>(estimatedNumberOfLines);
402 | default:
403 | throw new InvalidOperationException();
404 | }
405 | }
406 |
407 | private static IList ConvertList(TokenTypeEnum type, IList list, int estimatedNumberOfLines) {
408 | var newList = CreateList(type, estimatedNumberOfLines);
409 | object missingValue = GetMissingValue(type);
410 | for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
411 | newList.Add(missingValue);
412 | return newList;
413 | }
414 | private static object GetMissingValue(TokenTypeEnum type) {
415 | switch (type) {
416 | case TokenTypeEnum.String: return string.Empty;
417 | case TokenTypeEnum.Double: return double.NaN;
418 | case TokenTypeEnum.DateTime: return DateTime.MinValue;
419 | default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type", type, "No missing value defined");
420 | }
421 | }
422 | #endregion
423 |
424 | public static void DetermineFileFormat(string path, out NumberFormatInfo numberFormat, out DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, out char separator) {
425 | DetermineFileFormat(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), out numberFormat, out dateTimeFormatInfo, out separator);
426 | }
427 |
428 | public static void DetermineFileFormat(Stream stream, out NumberFormatInfo numberFormat, out DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, out char separator) {
429 | using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
430 | // skip first line
431 | reader.ReadLine();
432 | // read a block
433 | char[] buffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
434 | int charsRead = reader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
435 | // count frequency of special characters
436 | Dictionary<char, int> charCounts = buffer.Take(charsRead)
437 | .GroupBy(c => c)
438 | .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
439 |
440 | // depending on the characters occuring in the block
441 | // we distinghish a number of different cases based on the the following rules:
442 | // many points => it must be English number format, the other frequently occuring char is the separator
443 | // no points but many commas => this is the problematic case. Either German format (real numbers) or English format (only integer numbers) with ',' as separator
444 | // => check the line in more detail:
445 | // English: 0, 0, 0, 0
446 | // German: 0,0 0,0 0,0 ...
447 | // => if commas are followed by space => English format
448 | // no points no commas => English format (only integer numbers) use the other frequently occuring char as separator
449 | // in all cases only treat ' ' as separator if no other separator is possible (spaces can also occur additionally to separators)
450 | if (OccurrencesOf(charCounts, '.') > 10) {
451 | numberFormat = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
452 | dateTimeFormatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
453 | separator = POSSIBLE_SEPARATORS
454 | .Where(c => OccurrencesOf(charCounts, c) > 10)
455 | .OrderBy(c => -OccurrencesOf(charCounts, c))
456 | .DefaultIfEmpty(' ')
457 | .First();
458 | } else if (OccurrencesOf(charCounts, ',') > 10) {
459 | // no points and many commas
460 | // count the number of tokens (chains of only digits and commas) that contain multiple comma characters
461 | int tokensWithMultipleCommas = 0;
462 | for (int i = 0; i < charsRead; i++) {
463 | int nCommas = 0;
464 | while (i < charsRead && (buffer[i] == ',' || Char.IsDigit(buffer[i]))) {
465 | if (buffer[i] == ',') nCommas++;
466 | i++;
467 | }
468 | if (nCommas > 2) tokensWithMultipleCommas++;
469 | }
470 | if (tokensWithMultipleCommas > 1) {
471 | // English format (only integer values) with ',' as separator
472 | numberFormat = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
473 | dateTimeFormatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
474 | separator = ',';
475 | } else {
476 | char[] disallowedSeparators = new char[] { ',' }; // n. def. contains a space so ' ' should be disallowed to, however existing unit tests would fail
477 | // German format (real values)
478 | numberFormat = NumberFormatInfo.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));
479 | dateTimeFormatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.GetInstance(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));
480 | separator = POSSIBLE_SEPARATORS
481 | .Except(disallowedSeparators)
482 | .Where(c => OccurrencesOf(charCounts, c) > 10)
483 | .OrderBy(c => -OccurrencesOf(charCounts, c))
484 | .DefaultIfEmpty(' ')
485 | .First();
486 | }
487 | } else {
488 | // no points and no commas => English format
489 | numberFormat = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
490 | dateTimeFormatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
491 | separator = POSSIBLE_SEPARATORS
492 | .Where(c => OccurrencesOf(charCounts, c) > 10)
493 | .OrderBy(c => -OccurrencesOf(charCounts, c))
494 | .DefaultIfEmpty(' ')
495 | .First();
496 | }
497 | }
498 | }
499 |
500 | private static int OccurrencesOf(Dictionary<char, int> charCounts, char c) {
501 | return charCounts.ContainsKey(c) ? charCounts[c] : 0;
502 | }
503 |
504 | #region tokenizer
505 | // the tokenizer reads full lines and returns separated tokens in the line as well as a terminating end-of-line character
506 | internal enum TokenTypeEnum {
507 | NewLine, String, Double, DateTime, Missing
508 | }
509 |
510 | internal class Tokenizer {
511 | private StreamReader reader;
512 | // we assume that a buffer of 1024 tokens for a line is sufficient most of the time (the buffer is increased below if necessary)
513 | private TokenTypeEnum[] tokenTypes = new TokenTypeEnum[1024];
514 | private string[] stringVals = new string[1024];
515 | private double[] doubleVals = new double[1024];
516 | private DateTime[] dateTimeVals = new DateTime[1024];
517 | private int tokenPos;
518 | private int numTokens;
519 | private NumberFormatInfo numberFormatInfo;
520 | private DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo;
521 | private char separator;
522 |
523 | // arrays for string.Split()
524 | private readonly char[] whiteSpaceSeparators = new char[0]; // string split uses separators as default
525 | private readonly char[] separators;
526 |
527 | private int currentLineNumber = 0;
528 | public int CurrentLineNumber {
529 | get { return currentLineNumber; }
530 | private set { currentLineNumber = value; }
531 | }
532 | private string currentLine;
533 | public string CurrentLine {
534 | get { return currentLine; }
535 | private set { currentLine = value; }
536 | }
537 | public long BytesRead {
538 | get;
539 | private set;
540 | }
541 |
542 | public Tokenizer(StreamReader reader, NumberFormatInfo numberFormatInfo, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo, char separator) {
543 | this.reader = reader;
544 | this.numberFormatInfo = numberFormatInfo;
545 | this.dateTimeFormatInfo = dateTimeFormatInfo;
546 | this.separator = separator;
547 | this.separators = new char[] { separator };
548 | ReadNextTokens();
549 | }
550 |
551 | public bool HasNext() {
552 | return numTokens > tokenPos || !reader.EndOfStream;
553 | }
554 |
555 | public TokenTypeEnum PeekType() {
556 | return tokenTypes[tokenPos];
557 | }
558 |
559 | public void Skip() {
560 | // simply skips one token without returning the result values
561 | tokenPos++;
562 | if (numTokens == tokenPos) {
563 | ReadNextTokens();
564 | }
565 | }
566 |
567 | public void Next(out TokenTypeEnum type, out string strVal, out double dblVal, out DateTime dateTimeVal) {
568 | type = tokenTypes[tokenPos];
569 | strVal = stringVals[tokenPos];
570 | dblVal = doubleVals[tokenPos];
571 | dateTimeVal = dateTimeVals[tokenPos];
572 | Skip();
573 | }
574 |
575 | private void ReadNextTokens() {
576 | if (!reader.EndOfStream) {
577 | CurrentLine = reader.ReadLine();
578 | CurrentLineNumber++;
579 | if (reader.BaseStream.CanSeek) {
580 | BytesRead = reader.BaseStream.Position;
581 | } else {
582 | BytesRead += CurrentLine.Length + 2; // guess
583 | }
584 | int i = 0;
585 | if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentLine)) {
586 | foreach (var tok in Split(CurrentLine)) {
587 | TokenTypeEnum type;
588 | double doubleVal;
589 | DateTime dateTimeValue;
590 | type = TokenTypeEnum.String; // default
591 | stringVals[i] = tok.Trim();
592 | if (double.TryParse(tok, NumberStyles.Float, numberFormatInfo, out doubleVal)) {
593 | type = TokenTypeEnum.Double;
594 | doubleVals[i] = doubleVal;
595 | } else if (DateTime.TryParse(tok, dateTimeFormatInfo, DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault, out dateTimeValue)
596 | && (dateTimeValue.Year > 1 || dateTimeValue.Month > 1 || dateTimeValue.Day > 1)// if no date is given it is returned as 1.1.0001 -> don't allow this
597 | ) {
598 | type = TokenTypeEnum.DateTime;
599 | dateTimeVals[i] = dateTimeValue;
600 | } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tok)) {
601 | type = TokenTypeEnum.Missing;
602 | }
603 |
604 | // couldn't parse the token as an int or float number or datetime value so return a string token
605 |
606 | tokenTypes[i] = type;
607 | i++;
608 |
609 | if (i >= tokenTypes.Length) {
610 | // increase buffer size if necessary
611 | IncreaseCapacity(ref tokenTypes);
612 | IncreaseCapacity(ref doubleVals);
613 | IncreaseCapacity(ref stringVals);
614 | IncreaseCapacity(ref dateTimeVals);
615 | }
616 | }
617 | }
618 | tokenTypes[i] = TokenTypeEnum.NewLine;
619 | numTokens = i + 1;
620 | tokenPos = 0;
621 | }
622 | }
623 |
624 | private IEnumerable<string> Split(string line) {
625 | return separator == WHITESPACECHAR ?
626 | line.Split(whiteSpaceSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
627 | line.Split(separators);
628 | }
629 |
630 | private static void IncreaseCapacity<T>(ref T[] arr) {
631 | int n = (int)Math.Floor(arr.Length * 1.7); // guess
632 | T[] arr2 = new T[n];
633 | Array.Copy(arr, arr2, arr.Length);
634 | arr = arr2;
635 | }
636 | }
637 | #endregion
638 |
639 | #region parsing
640 |
641 | private void ParseVariableNames() {
642 | // the first line must contain variable names
643 | List<string> varNames = new List<string>();
644 |
645 | TokenTypeEnum type;
646 | string strVal;
647 | double dblVal;
648 | DateTime dateTimeVal;
649 |
650 | tokenizer.Next(out type, out strVal, out dblVal, out dateTimeVal);
651 |
652 | // the first token must be a variable name
653 | if (type != TokenTypeEnum.String)
654 | throw new ArgumentException("Error: Expected " + TokenTypeEnum.String + " got " + type);
655 | varNames.Add(strVal);
656 |
657 | while (tokenizer.HasNext() && tokenizer.PeekType() != TokenTypeEnum.NewLine) {
658 | tokenizer.Next(out type, out strVal, out dblVal, out dateTimeVal);
659 | varNames.Add(strVal);
660 | }
661 | ExpectType(TokenTypeEnum.NewLine);
662 |
663 | variableNames = varNames;
664 | }
665 |
666 | private void ExpectType(TokenTypeEnum expectedToken) {
667 | if (tokenizer.PeekType() != expectedToken)
668 | throw new ArgumentException("Error: Expected " + expectedToken + " got " + tokenizer.PeekType());
669 | tokenizer.Skip();
670 | }
671 |
672 | private void Error(string message, string token, int lineNumber) {
673 | throw new IOException(string.Format("Error while parsing. {0} (token: {1} lineNumber: {2}).", message, token, lineNumber));
674 | }
675 | #endregion
676 | }
677 | }