[15554] | 1 | using System;
| 2 | using System.IO;
| 3 | using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
| 4 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking3D;
| 5 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking3D.Instances;
| 6 | using System.Collections.Generic;
| 7 | using System.Linq;
| 8 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
| 9 |
| 10 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking._3D.Instances.Tests {
| 11 | [TestClass]
| 12 | public class RandomInstanceProviderTest {
| 13 |
| 14 | private struct Dimension {
| 15 | public int Id { get; set; }
| 16 | public int Width { get; set; }
| 17 | public int Height { get; set; }
| 18 | public int Depth { get; set; }
[15989] | 19 | }
[15554] | 20 |
| 21 | #region TestExtremePointAlgorithm
| 22 |
| 23 | /// <summary>
| 24 | /// Constants for testing the algorithm
| 25 | /// The test parameters are defined in the paper
| 26 | /// </summary>
| 27 | private const int NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES = 10;
| 28 | private static readonly int[] TEST_CLASSES = { 1, 2 };
| 29 | private static readonly int[] NUMBER_OF_TEST_ITEMS = { 50, 100, 150, 200 };
| 30 |
| 31 | [TestMethod]
| 32 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 33 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 34 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass1() {
| 35 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass1Provider(), 1);
| 36 | }
| 37 |
| 38 | [TestMethod]
| 39 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 40 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 41 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass2() {
| 42 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass2Provider(), 2);
| 43 | }
| 44 |
| 45 | [TestMethod]
| 46 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 47 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 48 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass3() {
| 49 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass3Provider(), 3);
| 50 | }
| 51 |
| 52 | [TestMethod]
| 53 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 54 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 55 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass4() {
| 56 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass4Provider(), 4);
| 57 | }
| 58 |
| 59 | [TestMethod]
| 60 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 61 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 62 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass5() {
| 63 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass5Provider(), 5);
| 64 | }
| 65 |
| 66 | [TestMethod]
| 67 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 68 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 69 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass6() {
| 70 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass6Provider(), 6);
| 71 | }
| 72 |
| 73 | [TestMethod]
| 74 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 75 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 76 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass7() {
| 77 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass7Provider(), 7);
| 78 | }
| 79 |
| 80 | [TestMethod]
| 81 | [TestCategory("Problems.BinPacking.3D")]
| 82 | [TestProperty("Time", "long")]
| 83 | public void TestExtremePointAlgorithmClass8() {
| 84 | TestExtremePointAlgorithm(new RandomInstanceClass8Provider(), 8);
| 85 | }
| 86 |
| 87 | private void TestExtremePointAlgorithm(RandomInstanceProvider randomInstanceProvider, int @class) {
| 88 | foreach (SortingMethod sortingMethod in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SortingMethod))) {
| 89 | //foreach (FittingMethod fittingMethod in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FittingMethod))) {
[15959] | 90 | FittingMethod fittingMethod = FittingMethod.FreeVolumeBestFit;
| 91 | TestExtremePointAlgorithmByParameters(randomInstanceProvider, @class, sortingMethod, fittingMethod, ExtremePointCreationMethod.LineProjection);
| 92 |
| 93 | /*foreach (ExtremePointCreationMethod epCreationMethod in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ExtremePointCreationMethod))) {
[15585] | 94 | TestExtremePointAlgorithmByParameters(randomInstanceProvider, @class, sortingMethod, fittingMethod, epCreationMethod);
[15959] | 95 | }*/
| 96 |
[15554] | 97 | //}
| 98 | }
| 99 | }
| 100 |
[15585] | 101 | private void TestExtremePointAlgorithmByParameters(RandomInstanceProvider randomInstanceProvider, int @class, SortingMethod sortingMethod, FittingMethod fittingMethod, ExtremePointCreationMethod epCreationMethod) {
[15554] | 102 | var dataDescriptors = randomInstanceProvider.GetDataDescriptors();
| 103 | var referenceValues = GetReferenceAlgorithmValues();
| 104 | foreach (var numItems in NUMBER_OF_TEST_ITEMS) {
| 105 | int sumNumberOfBins = 0;
| 106 |
[15959] | 107 | double referenceValue = 0.0;
| 108 | if (referenceValues.TryGetValue(new Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>(@class, numItems, sortingMethod), out referenceValue)) {
| 109 | for (int instance = 1; instance <= NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES; instance++) {
| 110 | string name = string.Format("n={0}-id={1:00} (class={2})", numItems, instance, @class);
| 111 | var selectedDataDescriptor = dataDescriptors.Where(dataDescriptor => dataDescriptor.Name == name);
| 112 | Assert.IsNotNull(selectedDataDescriptor?.First());
| 113 | var packingData = randomInstanceProvider.LoadData(selectedDataDescriptor.First());
[15554] | 114 |
[15959] | 115 | ExtremePointAlgorithm algorithm = new ExtremePointAlgorithm();
| 116 | algorithm.SortingMethodParameter.Value.Value = sortingMethod;
| 117 | algorithm.FittingMethodParameter.Value.Value = fittingMethod;
| 118 | algorithm.ExtremePointCreationMethodParameter.Value.Value = epCreationMethod;
[15989] | 119 | algorithm.SortBySequenceGroupParameter.Value.Value = false;
[15554] | 120 |
[15959] | 121 | algorithm.Problem.UseStackingConstraintsParameter.Value.Value = false;
| 122 | algorithm.Problem.Load(packingData);
[15554] | 123 |
[15959] | 124 | algorithm.Start();
[15554] | 125 |
[15959] | 126 | PackingPlan<BinPacking3D.PackingPosition, PackingShape, PackingItem> bestPackingPlan = null;
| 127 | foreach (Optimization.IResult result in algorithm.Results) {
| 128 | if (result.Name == "Best Solution") {
| 129 | bestPackingPlan = (PackingPlan<BinPacking3D.PackingPosition, PackingShape, PackingItem>)result.Value;
| 130 | break;
| 131 | }
| 132 | }
[15554] | 133 |
[15959] | 134 | sumNumberOfBins += bestPackingPlan.NrOfBins;
| 135 | }
| 136 |
| 137 | //Console.WriteLine($"{numItems};{@class};{sortingMethod};{epCreationMethod};: \tReference: ;{referenceValue}; \tImplementation: ;{(double)sumNumberOfBins / (double)NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES}; \t;{(referenceValue - ((double)sumNumberOfBins / (double)NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES)):F2};");
| 138 | var implementation = (double)sumNumberOfBins / (double)NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES;
| 139 | var enhancement = (referenceValue * 100 / implementation) - 100;
| 140 | Console.WriteLine($"{@class};{numItems};{sortingMethod};{enhancement:F2} %;{referenceValue};{implementation}");
| 141 | // Console.WriteLine($"{numItems}-{@class}-{sortingMethod}-{epCreationMethod}: \tReference: {referenceValue} \tImplementation: {(double)sumNumberOfBins / (double)NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES} \t{(referenceValue - ((double)sumNumberOfBins / (double)NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES)):F2}");
| 142 | //Assert.AreEqual(referenceValue, (double)sumNumberOfBins / (double)NUMBER_OF_TEST_INSTANCES, 20.0);
[15554] | 143 | }
| 144 | }
| 145 | }
| 146 |
| 147 |
| 148 | /// <summary>
| 149 | /// Returns a dictionary which contains the reference values from table 2 given by the paper https://www.cirrelt.ca/DocumentsTravail/CIRRELT-2007-41.pdf
| 150 | /// Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>, double> -> Dictionary<Tuple<@class, number of items, SortingMethod>, value>
| 151 | /// </summary>
| 152 | /// <returns></returns>
| 153 | private Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>, double> GetReferenceAlgorithmValues() {
| 154 | Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>, double> referenceValues = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>, double>();
| 155 |
| 156 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.Given, new double[] { 14.6, 29.2, 40.1, 55.9});
| 157 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.HeightVolume, new double[] { 15, 29.2, 39.9, 55.6 });
| 158 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.VolumeHeight, new double[] { 14.4, 29.5, 40.3, 55.7 });
| 159 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.AreaHeight, new double[] { 14.4, 28.3, 39.2, 53.2 });
| 160 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.HeightArea, new double[] { 15, 29, 39.8, 55.1});
| 161 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.ClusteredAreaHeight, new double[] { 14, 27.9, 38.1, 53 });
| 162 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 1, SortingMethod.ClusteredHeightArea, new double[] { 13.8, 27.4, 37.7, 52.3 });
| 163 |
| 164 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.Given, new double[] { 29.7, 60.2, 88.5, 119.9 });
| 165 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.HeightVolume, new double[] { 30.1, 59.6, 88.3, 120.1 });
| 166 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.VolumeHeight, new double[] { 29.9, 60.4, 88.6, 119.6 });
| 167 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.AreaHeight, new double[] { 30, 59.7, 88.4, 120.3 });
| 168 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.HeightArea, new double[] { 30, 59.6, 88.3, 120 });
| 169 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.ClusteredAreaHeight, new double[] { 29.5, 59, 86.9, 119 });
| 170 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 4, SortingMethod.ClusteredHeightArea, new double[] { 29.5, 59, 86.9, 118.9 });
| 171 |
| 172 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.Given, new double[] { 10.1, 18.1, 24.4, 32.5 });
| 173 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.HeightVolume, new double[] { 9, 16.7, 22.9, 30.7});
| 174 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.VolumeHeight, new double[] { 10, 17.8, 24.5, 32.6 });
| 175 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.AreaHeight, new double[] { 9.2, 16.1, 21.9, 29.5 });
| 176 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.HeightArea, new double[] { 9, 16.6, 22.6, 30.5 });
| 177 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.ClusteredAreaHeight, new double[] { 8.5, 15.7, 21, 28.5 });
| 178 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 5, SortingMethod.ClusteredHeightArea, new double[] { 8.4, 15.4, 21.1, 28.2});
| 179 |
| 180 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.Given, new double[] { 11.7, 21.7, 33, 44.4});
| 181 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.HeightVolume, new double[] { 10.9, 21.2, 31.8, 41.5 });
| 182 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.VolumeHeight, new double[] { 11.7, 22, 34.2, 44 });
| 183 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.AreaHeight, new double[] { 10.6, 20.2, 30.8, 39.5});
| 184 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.HeightArea, new double[] { 10.9, 20.5, 31, 39.8 });
| 185 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.ClusteredAreaHeight, new double[] { 10.2, 19.6, 29.9, 38.6 });
| 186 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 6, SortingMethod.ClusteredHeightArea, new double[] { 10.1, 19.8, 30.2, 38.8 });
| 187 |
| 188 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.Given, new double[] { 9.4, 15.9, 19.3, 30 });
| 189 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.HeightVolume, new double[] { 8.2, 14.6, 19.2, 28.1 });
| 190 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.VolumeHeight, new double[] { 9.3, 15.6, 19.7, 30.2 });
| 191 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.AreaHeight, new double[] { 8.1, 14.1, 18.2, 26.2 });
| 192 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.HeightArea, new double[] { 8.1, 14.1, 18.9, 27,2 });
| 193 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.ClusteredAreaHeight, new double[] { 7.6, 13.4, 16.9, 25 });
| 194 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 7, SortingMethod.ClusteredHeightArea, new double[] { 7.7, 13.3, 16.9, 24.9 });
| 195 |
| 196 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.Given, new double[] { 11.6, 22, 28.5, 35.4 });
| 197 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.HeightVolume, new double[] { 10.5, 20.9, 27.4, 33.9 });
| 198 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.VolumeHeight, new double[] { 11.6, 22.1, 28.4, 35.4});
| 199 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.AreaHeight, new double[] { 10.1, 20.3, 26.4, 32.2 });
| 200 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.HeightArea, new double[] { 10.5, 20.8, 37.7, 33.9 });
| 201 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.ClusteredAreaHeight, new double[] { 9.6, 19.4, 25.4, 31.4 });
| 202 | AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(referenceValues, 8, SortingMethod.ClusteredHeightArea, new double[] { 9.5, 19.7, 25.5, 31.5 });
| 203 |
| 204 | return referenceValues;
| 205 | }
| 206 |
| 207 | private void AddToReferenceAlgorithmValuesDict(Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>, double> referenceValues, int @class, SortingMethod sortingMethod, double[] values) {
| 208 | for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
| 209 | referenceValues.Add(new Tuple<int, int, SortingMethod>(@class, 50 + (50 * i), sortingMethod), values[i]);
| 210 | }
| 211 |
| 212 | }
| 213 |
| 214 |
| 215 | #endregion
| 216 | }
| 217 |
| 218 | }