1 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
2 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking3D.Geometry;
3 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking3D.ResidualSpaceCalculation;
4 | using System;
5 | using System.Collections.Generic;
6 | using System.Linq;
7 | using System.Text;
8 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
9 |
10 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.BinPacking3D.ExtremePointCreation {
11 | /// <summary>
12 | /// This extreme point creation class uses the line projection based method for creating extreme points.
13 | /// This projection method enhances the point based projection method by creating extra extreme points on the intersection points of two items.
14 | /// </summary>
15 | public class LineProjectionBasedEPCreator : ExtremePointCreator {
16 |
17 | protected override void UpdateExtremePoints(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
18 | binPacking.ExtremePoints.Clear();
19 |
20 | foreach (var i in binPacking.Items) {
21 | PackingItem it = i.Value;
22 | PackingPosition p = binPacking.Positions[i.Key];
23 | GenerateNewExtremePointsForItem(binPacking, it, p);
24 | }
25 | }
26 |
27 | /// <summary>
28 | /// Adds a new extreme point an the related residual spaces to a given bin packing.
29 | /// - The given position has to be valid.
30 | /// - The extreme point does not exist in the bin packing.
31 | /// - There must be at minimum one valid residual space. A residual space is invalid if the space is zero.
32 | /// </summary>
33 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
34 | /// <param name="position"></param>
35 | /// <returns>True = the given point and its related residual spaces were successfully added to the bin packing</returns>
36 | protected override bool AddExtremePoint(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingPosition position) {
37 | if (position == null) {
38 | return false;
39 | }
40 |
41 | if (PointIsInAnyItem(binPacking, new Vector3D(position))) {
42 | return false;
43 | }
44 |
45 | if (binPacking.ExtremePoints.ContainsKey(position)) {
46 | return false;
47 | }
48 |
49 | var rs = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, new Vector3D(position));
50 |
51 | if (rs.Count() <= 0) {
52 | return false;
53 | }
54 |
55 | // todo
56 | /*
57 | ist der extrempunkt im residual space eines anderen muss ueberprueft werden:
58 | - ist der andere ep in der luft, kann auch dieser hinzugefuegt werden.
59 | - hat der andere ep ein item unterhalb, darf dieser nicht hinzugefuegt werden.
60 | -> neu methode basierend auf IsWithinResidualSpaceOfAnotherExtremePoint, die den ep oder rs zurueck gibt, der einen anderen rs einschließt.
61 | eventuell gehoert diese logik in den ResidualSpaceCreator.
62 | if (LiesOnAnyItem(binPacking, position)) {
63 | return false;
64 | }*/
65 |
66 | binPacking.ExtremePoints.Add(position, rs);
67 | return true;
68 | }
69 |
70 | private bool LiesOnAnyItem(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingPosition position) {
71 | if (position.Y == 0) {
72 | return true;
73 | }
74 |
75 | var items = binPacking.Items.Where(x => {
76 | var itemPosition = binPacking.Positions[x.Key];
77 | var item = x.Value;
78 | int width = itemPosition.Rotated ? item.Depth : item.Width;
79 | int depth = itemPosition.Rotated ? item.Width : item.Depth;
80 |
81 | return itemPosition.Y + item.Height == position.Y &&
82 | itemPosition.X <= position.X && position.X < itemPosition.X + width &&
83 | itemPosition.Z <= position.Z && position.Z < itemPosition.Z + depth;
84 | });
85 |
86 | return items.Count() > 0;
87 | }
88 |
89 | /// <summary>
90 | /// Getnerates the extreme points for a given item.
91 | /// It creates extreme points by using a point projection based method and
92 | /// creates points by using an edge projection based method.
93 | /// </summary>
94 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
95 | /// <param name="newItem"></param>
96 | /// <param name="position"></param>
97 | protected override void GenerateNewExtremePointsForItem(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem newItem, PackingPosition position) {
98 | PointProjectionForNewItem(binPacking, newItem, position);
99 | EdgeProjectionForNewItem(binPacking, newItem, position);
100 | }
101 |
102 | #region Extreme point creation by using a point projection based method
103 |
104 | /// <summary>
105 | /// This method creates extreme points by using a point projection based method.
106 | /// For each item there will be created three points and each of the points will be projected twice.
107 | /// The direction of the projection depends on position of the point.
108 | /// </summary>
109 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
110 | /// <param name="newItem"></param>
111 | /// <param name="position"></param>
112 | private void PointProjectionForNewItem(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem newItem, PackingPosition position) {
113 | int newWidth = position.Rotated ? newItem.Depth : newItem.Width;
114 | int newDepth = position.Rotated ? newItem.Width : newItem.Depth;
115 | var binShape = binPacking.BinShape;
116 | var sourcePoint = new PackingPosition(position.AssignedBin, position.X + newWidth, position.Y, position.Z);
117 | PointProjection(binPacking, sourcePoint, ProjectDown);
118 | PointProjection(binPacking, sourcePoint, ProjectBackward);
119 |
120 | sourcePoint = new PackingPosition(position.AssignedBin, position.X, position.Y + newItem.Height, position.Z);
121 | PointProjection(binPacking, sourcePoint, ProjectLeft);
122 | PointProjection(binPacking, sourcePoint, ProjectBackward);
123 |
124 | sourcePoint = new PackingPosition(position.AssignedBin, position.X, position.Y, position.Z + newDepth);
125 | PointProjection(binPacking, sourcePoint, ProjectDown);
126 | PointProjection(binPacking, sourcePoint, ProjectLeft);
127 | }
128 |
129 |
130 | /// <summary>
131 | /// Projects a given point by using the given projection method to the neares item.
132 | /// The given projection method returns a point which lies on a side of the nearest item in the direction.
133 | /// </summary>
134 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
135 | /// <param name="position"></param>
136 | /// <param name="projectionMethod"></param>
137 | private void PointProjection(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingPosition position, Func<BinPacking3D, Vector3D, Vector3D> projectionMethod) {
138 | Vector3D sourcePoint = new Vector3D(position);
139 | if (sourcePoint.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && sourcePoint.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && sourcePoint.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
140 | Vector3D point = projectionMethod?.Invoke(binPacking, sourcePoint);
141 | if (point != null) {
142 | AddExtremePoint(binPacking, new PackingPosition(position.AssignedBin, point.X, point.Y, point.Z));
143 | }
144 | }
145 | }
146 | #endregion
147 |
148 | #region Extreme point creation by using an edge projection based method
149 |
150 | /// <summary>
151 | /// This method creates extreme points be projecting the edges of a given item
152 | /// - left
153 | /// - back
154 | /// - down.
155 | /// A extreme point will be created, if an edge instersects with an edge of another item.
156 | /// </summary>
157 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
158 | /// <param name="newItem"></param>
159 | /// <param name="position"></param>
160 | private void EdgeProjectionForNewItem(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem newItem, PackingPosition position) {
161 | int newWidth = position.Rotated ? newItem.Depth : newItem.Width;
162 | int newDepth = position.Rotated ? newItem.Width : newItem.Depth;
163 | var binShape = binPacking.BinShape;
164 |
165 | foreach (var ep in GetEpsOnLeft(binPacking, newItem, position)) {
166 | AddExtremePoint(binPacking, ep.Key);
167 | }
168 |
169 | foreach (var ep in GetEpsBelow(binPacking, newItem, position)) {
170 | AddExtremePoint(binPacking, ep.Key);
171 | }
172 |
173 | foreach (var ep in GetEpsBehind(binPacking, newItem, position)) {
174 | AddExtremePoint(binPacking, ep.Key);
175 | }
176 | }
177 | #endregion
178 |
179 | /// <summary>
180 | /// Updates the residual spaces.
181 | /// It removes not needed ones.
182 | /// A residual space will be removed if the space is a subspace of another one and
183 | /// the current one has no item below or both have an item below.
184 | /// </summary>
185 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
186 | /// <param name="item"></param>
187 | /// <param name="position"></param>
188 | protected override void UpdateResidualSpace(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
189 | }
190 |
191 | /// <summary>
192 | /// Returns true if any item in the bin packing encapsulates the given point
193 | /// </summary>
194 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
195 | /// <param name="point"></param>
196 | /// <returns></returns>
197 | private bool PointIsInAnyItem(BinPacking3D binPacking, Vector3D point) {
198 | foreach (var item in binPacking.Items) {
199 | PackingPosition position = binPacking.Positions[item.Key];
200 | var depth = position.Rotated ? item.Value.Width : item.Value.Depth;
201 | var width = position.Rotated ? item.Value.Depth : item.Value.Width;
202 | if (position.X <= point.X && point.X < position.X + width &&
203 | position.Y <= point.Y && point.Y < position.Y + item.Value.Height &&
204 | position.Z <= point.Z && point.Z < position.Z + depth) {
205 | return true;
206 | }
207 | }
208 | return false;
209 | }
210 |
211 | /// <summary>
212 | /// Returns true if an item is in the residual space of a given extrem point
213 | /// </summary>
214 | /// <param name="rs">KeyValuePair with the position of the extreme point and the size of the residual space</param>
215 | /// <param name="item">Given Item</param>
216 | /// <param name="position">Given position</param>
217 | /// <returns></returns>
218 | private bool ItemIsInRs(KeyValuePair<PackingPosition, ResidualSpace> rs, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
219 | return GetVertices(item, position).Where(pos => pos.IsInside(rs.Key, rs.Value)).Any();
220 | }
221 |
222 | protected IEnumerable<Tuple<PackingPosition, PackingItem>> GetItemsBelow(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
223 | return binPacking.Items.Select(x => new {
224 | Item = x.Value,
225 | Position = binPacking.Positions[x.Key]
226 | }).Where(x => x.Position.Y < position.Y)
227 | .Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Position, x.Item));
228 | }
229 |
230 | protected IEnumerable<Tuple<PackingPosition, PackingItem>> GetItemsBehind(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
231 | return binPacking.Items.Select(x => new {
232 | Item = x.Value,
233 | Position = binPacking.Positions[x.Key]
234 | }).Where(x => x.Position.Z < position.Z)
235 | .Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Position, x.Item));
236 | }
237 |
238 | protected IEnumerable<Tuple<PackingPosition, PackingItem>> GetItemsOnLeft(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
239 | return binPacking.Items.Select(x => new {
240 | Item = x.Value,
241 | Position = binPacking.Positions[x.Key]
242 | }).Where(x => x.Position.X < position.X)
243 | .Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Position, x.Item));
244 | }
245 |
246 | /// <summary>
247 | /// Returns the extreme points and its related residual spaces on the left side of an given item.
248 | /// This extreme points are being created by intersecting two edges on the left side of the given item
249 | /// (left - in front, left - on top) with all edges on the right side of all other items int the bin packing.
250 | /// </summary>
251 | /// <param name="item"></param>
252 | /// <param name="position"></param>
253 | /// <returns></returns>
254 | private IDictionary<PackingPosition, IEnumerable<ResidualSpace>> GetEpsOnLeft(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
255 | var eps = new SortedList<PackingPosition, IEnumerable<ResidualSpace>>();
256 | IEnumerable<Tuple<PackingPosition, PackingItem>> items = GetItemsOnLeft(binPacking, item, position);
257 | var edges = GetProjectionEdgesOnLeft(item, position);
258 |
259 | foreach (var otherItem in items) {
260 | if (position.Equals(otherItem.Item1)) {
261 | continue;
262 | }
263 |
264 | var otherItemEdges = GetEdgesOnRight(otherItem.Item2, otherItem.Item1);
265 | // left - in front
266 | foreach (var ep in IntersectionsForItem(edges[0], otherItemEdges, new Vector3D(1, 0, 0))) {
267 | if (ep.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && ep.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && ep.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
268 | // As this edge has a vertical direction, every point of intersection won't have an item below.
269 | // So finally it is being projected down.
270 | var point = ProjectDown(binPacking, ProjectLeft(binPacking, ep));
271 | var residualSpaces = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, point);
272 | var newExtremePoint = point.ToPackingPosition(position.AssignedBin);
273 | if (residualSpaces.Count() > 0 && !eps.ContainsKey(newExtremePoint)) {
274 | eps.Add(newExtremePoint, residualSpaces);
275 | }
276 | }
277 | }
278 |
279 | // left - on top
280 | foreach (var ep in IntersectionsForItem(edges[1], otherItemEdges, new Vector3D(1, 0, 0))) {
281 | if (ep.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && ep.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && ep.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
282 | var point = ProjectLeft(binPacking, ep);
283 | var residualSpaces = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, point);
284 | var newExtremePoint = point.ToPackingPosition(position.AssignedBin);
285 | if (residualSpaces.Count() > 0 && !eps.ContainsKey(newExtremePoint)) {
286 | eps.Add(newExtremePoint, residualSpaces);
287 | }
288 | }
289 | }
290 | }
291 | return eps;
292 | }
293 |
294 |
295 | /// <summary>
296 | /// Returns the extreme points and its related residual spaces below of an given item.
297 | /// This extreme points are being created by intersecting two edges below of the given item
298 | /// (below - in front, below - right) with all edges on top side of all other items int the bin packing.
299 | /// </summary>
300 | /// <param name="item"></param>
301 | /// <param name="position"></param>
302 | /// <returns></returns>
303 | private IDictionary<PackingPosition, IEnumerable<ResidualSpace>> GetEpsBelow(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
304 | var eps = new SortedList<PackingPosition, IEnumerable<ResidualSpace>>();
305 | IEnumerable<Tuple<PackingPosition, PackingItem>> items = GetItemsBelow(binPacking, position);
306 | var edges = GetProjectionEdgesBelow(item, position);
307 |
308 | foreach (var otherItem in items) {
309 | if (position.Equals(otherItem.Item1)) {
310 | continue;
311 | }
312 |
313 | var otherItemEdges = GetEdgesOnTop(otherItem.Item2, otherItem.Item1);
314 | // below - in front
315 | foreach (var ep in IntersectionsForItem(edges[0], otherItemEdges, new Vector3D(0, 1, 0))) {
316 | if (ep.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && ep.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && ep.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
317 | var point = ProjectDown(binPacking, ep);
318 | var residualSpaces = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, point);
319 | var newExtremePoint = point.ToPackingPosition(position.AssignedBin);
320 | if (residualSpaces.Count() > 0 && !eps.ContainsKey(newExtremePoint)) {
321 | eps.Add(newExtremePoint, residualSpaces);
322 | }
323 | }
324 | }
325 |
326 | // below - right
327 | foreach (var ep in IntersectionsForItem(edges[1], otherItemEdges, new Vector3D(0, 1, 0))) {
328 | if (ep.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && ep.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && ep.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
329 | var point = ProjectDown(binPacking, ep);
330 | var residualSpaces = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, point);
331 | var newExtremePoint = point.ToPackingPosition(position.AssignedBin);
332 | if (residualSpaces.Count() > 0 && !eps.ContainsKey(newExtremePoint)) {
333 | eps.Add(newExtremePoint, residualSpaces);
334 | }
335 | }
336 | }
337 | }
338 | return eps;
339 | }
340 |
341 | /// <summary>
342 | /// Returns the extreme points and its related residual spaces below of an given item.
343 | /// This extreme points are being created by intersecting two edges below of the given item
344 | /// (right - behind, on top - behind) with all edges on top side of all other items int the bin packing.
345 | /// </summary>
346 | /// <param name="item"></param>
347 | /// <param name="position"></param>
348 | /// <returns></returns>
349 | private IDictionary<PackingPosition, IEnumerable<ResidualSpace>> GetEpsBehind(BinPacking3D binPacking, PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
350 | var eps = new SortedList<PackingPosition, IEnumerable<ResidualSpace>>();
351 | IEnumerable<Tuple<PackingPosition, PackingItem>> items = GetItemsBehind(binPacking, position);
352 | var edges = GetProjectionEdgesBehind(item, position);
353 |
354 | foreach (var otherItem in items) {
355 | if (position.Equals(otherItem.Item1)) {
356 | continue;
357 | }
358 |
359 | var otherItemEdges = GetEdgesInFront(otherItem.Item2, otherItem.Item1);
360 | // right - behind
361 | foreach (var ep in IntersectionsForItem(edges[0], otherItemEdges, new Vector3D(0, 0, 1))) {
362 | if (ep.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && ep.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && ep.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
363 | // As this edge has a vertical direction, every point of intersection won't have an item below.
364 | // So finally it is being projected down.
365 | var point = ProjectDown(binPacking, ProjectBackward(binPacking, ep));
366 | var residualSpaces = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, point);
367 | var newExtremePoint = point.ToPackingPosition(position.AssignedBin);
368 | if (residualSpaces.Count() > 0 && !eps.ContainsKey(newExtremePoint)) {
369 | eps.Add(newExtremePoint, residualSpaces);
370 | }
371 | }
372 | }
373 |
374 | // on top - behind
375 | foreach (var ep in IntersectionsForItem(edges[1], otherItemEdges, new Vector3D(0, 0, 1))) {
376 | if (ep.X < binPacking.BinShape.Width && ep.Y < binPacking.BinShape.Height && ep.Z < binPacking.BinShape.Depth) {
377 | var point = ProjectBackward(binPacking, ep);
378 | var residualSpaces = CalculateResidualSpace(binPacking, point);
379 | var newExtremePoint = point.ToPackingPosition(position.AssignedBin);
380 | if (residualSpaces.Count() > 0 && !eps.ContainsKey(newExtremePoint)) {
381 | eps.Add(newExtremePoint, residualSpaces);
382 | }
383 | }
384 | }
385 | }
386 | return eps;
387 | }
388 |
389 | #region Methods for getting the edges for items
390 |
391 | /// <summary>
392 | /// Returns an array of packing position which represents the vertices of an item.
393 | /// The position of a vertex in the array is mapped to an item as followed:
394 | /// 4----------5
395 | /// /| /|
396 | /// / | / |
397 | /// / 0-------/--1
398 | /// 6--/-------7 /
399 | /// | / | /
400 | /// |/ |/
401 | /// 2----------3
402 | ///
403 | /// 0 = (0,0,0)
404 | /// </summary>
405 | /// <param name="item"></param>
406 | /// <param name="position"></param>
407 | /// <returns></returns>
408 | private Vector3D[] GetVertices(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
409 | int width = position.Rotated ? item.Depth : item.Width;
410 | int depth = position.Rotated ? item.Width : item.Depth;
411 | return new Vector3D[] {
412 | new Vector3D(position.X + 0, position.Y + 0, position.Z + 0), // (0,0,0)
413 | new Vector3D(position.X + width, position.Y + 0, position.Z + 0), // (x,0,0)
414 | new Vector3D(position.X + 0, position.Y + 0, position.Z + depth), // (0,0,z)
415 | new Vector3D(position.X + width, position.Y + 0, position.Z + depth), // (x,0,z)
416 |
417 | new Vector3D(position.X + 0, position.Y + item.Height, position.Z + 0), // (0,y,0)
418 | new Vector3D(position.X + width, position.Y + item.Height, position.Z + 0), // (x,y,0)
419 | new Vector3D(position.X + 0, position.Y + item.Height, position.Z + depth), // (0,y,z)
420 | new Vector3D(position.X + width, position.Y + item.Height, position.Z + depth), //(x,y,z)
421 | };
422 | }
423 |
424 | private Edge3D[] GetProjectionEdgesOnLeft(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
425 | Vector3D[] points = GetVertices(item, position);
426 |
427 | return new Edge3D[] {
428 | new Edge3D(points[2], points[6]),
429 | new Edge3D(points[6], points[4])
430 | };
431 | }
432 |
433 | private Edge3D[] GetProjectionEdgesBelow(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
434 | Vector3D[] points = GetVertices(item, position);
435 |
436 | return new Edge3D[] {
437 | new Edge3D(points[2], points[3]),
438 | new Edge3D(points[3], points[1])
439 | };
440 | }
441 |
442 | private Edge3D[] GetProjectionEdgesBehind(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
443 | Vector3D[] points = GetVertices(item, position);
444 |
445 | return new Edge3D[] {
446 | new Edge3D(points[1], points[5]),
447 | new Edge3D(points[5], points[4])
448 | };
449 | }
450 |
451 | /// <summary>
452 | /// Returns an array of edges which contains all edges of the rigth side of an given item.
453 | /// </summary>
454 | /// <param name="item"></param>
455 | /// <param name="position"></param>
456 | /// <returns></returns>
457 | private Edge3D[] GetEdgesOnRight(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
458 | Vector3D[] points = GetVertices(item, position);
459 |
460 | return new Edge3D[] {
461 | new Edge3D(points[1], points[5]),
462 | new Edge3D(points[5], points[7]),
463 | new Edge3D(points[7], points[3]),
464 | new Edge3D(points[3], points[1])
465 | };
466 | }
467 |
468 | /// <summary>
469 | /// Returns an array of edges which contains all edges on the top of an given item.
470 | /// </summary>
471 | /// <param name="item"></param>
472 | /// <param name="position"></param>
473 | /// <returns></returns>
474 | private Edge3D[] GetEdgesOnTop(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
475 | Vector3D[] points = GetVertices(item, position);
476 |
477 | return new Edge3D[] {
478 | new Edge3D(points[4], points[5]),
479 | new Edge3D(points[5], points[7]),
480 | new Edge3D(points[7], points[6]),
481 | new Edge3D(points[6], points[4])
482 | };
483 | }
484 |
485 | /// <summary>
486 | /// Returns an array of edges which contains all edges in front of an given item.
487 | /// </summary>
488 | /// <param name="item"></param>
489 | /// <param name="position"></param>
490 | /// <returns></returns>
491 | private Edge3D[] GetEdgesInFront(PackingItem item, PackingPosition position) {
492 | Vector3D[] points = GetVertices(item, position);
493 |
494 | return new Edge3D[] {
495 | new Edge3D(points[2], points[3]),
496 | new Edge3D(points[3], points[7]),
497 | new Edge3D(points[7], points[6]),
498 | new Edge3D(points[6], points[2])
499 | };
500 | }
501 |
502 | #endregion
503 |
504 |
505 | #region Intersections
506 |
507 | /// <summary>
508 | /// Returns a collection of points where a given edge (projectedEdge) intersects with other edges.
509 | /// The given edge (projectedEdge) will be projected by using the given vector direction
510 | /// and a edge of the given edge collection.
511 | /// The returned collecten can be empty.
512 | /// </summary>
513 | /// <param name="projectedEdge"></param>
514 | /// <param name="edges"></param>
515 | /// <param name="direction"></param>
516 | /// <returns></returns>
517 | private IEnumerable<Vector3D> IntersectionsForItem(Edge3D projectedEdge, Edge3D[] edges, Vector3D direction = null) {
518 | IList<Vector3D> eps = new List<Vector3D>();
519 | foreach (var edge in edges) {
520 | Edge3D e = projectedEdge;
521 | if (direction != null) {
522 | if (direction.X != 0) {
523 | e.Start.X = edge.Start.X;
524 | e.End.X = edge.End.X;
525 | } else if (direction.Y != 0) {
526 | e.Start.Y = edge.Start.Y;
527 | e.End.Y = edge.End.Y;
528 | } else if (direction.Z != 0) {
529 | e.Start.Z = edge.Start.Z;
530 | e.End.Z = edge.End.Z;
531 | }
532 | }
533 |
534 | var ep = edge.Intersects(e);
535 | if (ep != null) {
536 | eps.Add(ep);
537 | }
538 | }
539 | return eps as IEnumerable<Vector3D>;
540 | }
541 |
542 |
543 |
544 | #endregion
545 |
546 | /// <summary>
547 | /// Calculates the residual spaces for an extreme point.
548 | /// </summary>
549 | /// <param name="binPacking"></param>
550 | /// <param name="pos"></param>
551 | /// <returns></returns>
552 | protected override IEnumerable<ResidualSpace> CalculateResidualSpace(BinPacking3D binPacking, Vector3D pos) {
553 | return ResidualSpaceCalculatorFactory.CreateCalculator().CalculateResidualSpaces(binPacking, pos);
554 | }
555 | }
556 |
557 |
558 | }