1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <ClassDiagram MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
3 | <Font Name="Tahoma" Size="8.25" />
4 | <Comment CommentText="The Model is the data repository and contains both diagram and ambient information (canvas properties and metadata). The Model is unaware of the Controller and View.">
5 | <Position X="4.333" Y="1.531" Height="0.75" Width="3.137" />
6 | </Comment>
7 | <Comment CommentText="The diagram is still a collection of shapes and connections but the Model will eventually evolve towards a scene-graph (cfr. DirectX scenes).">
8 | <Position X="5.583" Y="4.271" Height="0.75" Width="2.585" />
9 | </Comment>
10 | <Comment CommentText="At every stage the class design now heavily relies on generics, static classes, anonymous methods and interfaces.">
11 | <Position X="9.406" Y="4.521" Height="0.75" Width="2.21" />
12 | </Comment>
13 | <Class Name="Netron.Diagramming.Core.Model" Collapsed="true">
14 | <Position X="4.5" Y="2.5" Width="2.25" />
15 | <TypeIdentifier>
16 | <FileName>MVC\Model.cs</FileName>
18 | </TypeIdentifier>
19 | <ShowAsAssociation>
20 | <Property Name="Ambience" />
21 | <Property Name="Connections" />
22 | <Property Name="Information" />
23 | <Property Name="Shapes" />
24 | </ShowAsAssociation>
25 | <Compartments>
26 | <Compartment Name="Methods" Collapsed="true" />
27 | </Compartments>
28 | <AssociationLine Name="Ambience" Type="Netron.Diagramming.Core.Ambience">
29 | <MemberNameLabel ManuallyPlaced="true">
30 | <Position X="-1.575" Y="0.35" />
31 | </MemberNameLabel>
32 | </AssociationLine>
33 | <AssociationLine Name="Connections" Type="Netron.Diagramming.Core.CollectionBase<T>">
34 | <MemberNameLabel ManuallyPlaced="true">
35 | <Position X="-0.482" Y="2.87" />
36 | </MemberNameLabel>
37 | </AssociationLine>
38 | <AssociationLine Name="Information" Type="Netron.Diagramming.Core.DocumentInformation" FixedFromPoint="true" FixedToPoint="true">
39 | <Path>
40 | <Point X="4.75" Y="3.009" />
41 | <Point X="4.75" Y="4.255" />
42 | <Point X="3" Y="4.255" />
43 | </Path>
44 | </AssociationLine>
45 | <Lollipop Orientation="Bottom" Position="1.815" />
46 | </Class>
47 | <Class Name="Netron.Diagramming.Core.Ambience" Collapsed="true">
48 | <Position X="1.5" Y="3" Width="1.5" />
49 | <TypeIdentifier>
50 | <FileName>Ambience.cs</FileName>
52 | </TypeIdentifier>
53 | <Lollipop Orientation="Left" Position="0.1" />
54 | </Class>
55 | <Class Name="Netron.Diagramming.Core.CollectionBase<T>" Collapsed="true">
56 | <Position X="8" Y="5.5" Width="2" />
57 | <TypeIdentifier>
58 | <FileName>Collections\CollectionBase.cs</FileName>
60 | </TypeIdentifier>
61 | <Lollipop Orientation="Right" Position="0.1" />
62 | </Class>
63 | <Class Name="Netron.Diagramming.Core.DocumentInformation" Collapsed="true">
64 | <Position X="1.5" Y="4" Width="1.5" />
65 | <TypeIdentifier>
66 | <FileName>DocumentInformation.cs</FileName>
68 | </TypeIdentifier>
69 | <Lollipop Orientation="Left" Position="0.152" />
70 | </Class>
71 | <Class Name="Netron.Diagramming.Core.ShapeCollection">
72 | <Position X="5" Y="5.5" Width="1.5" />
73 | <TypeIdentifier>
74 | <FileName>Collections\ShapeCollection.cs</FileName>
76 | </TypeIdentifier>
77 | </Class>
78 | <Delegate Name="System.EventHandler<TEventArgs>" Collapsed="true">
79 | <Position X="8" Y="6.5" Width="2.5" />
80 | <TypeIdentifier />
81 | </Delegate>
82 | </ClassDiagram> |