1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System;
23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
24 | using System.Linq;
25 | using System.Web.Http;
26 | using HeuristicLab.Services.Hive;
27 | using HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess;
28 | using HeuristicLab.Services.Hive.DataAccess.Interfaces;
29 | using DT = HeuristicLab.Services.WebApp.Status.WebApi.DataTransfer;
30 |
31 | namespace HeuristicLab.Services.WebApp.Status.WebApi {
32 | public class DataController : ApiController {
33 | private const int LAST_TASKS = 20;
34 |
35 | private IPersistenceManager PersistenceManager {
36 | get { return ServiceLocator.Instance.PersistenceManager; }
37 | }
38 |
39 | private const string SQL_USER_TASK_STATUS =
40 | @"WITH UserTasks AS (
41 | SELECT Job.OwnerUserId AS UserId, TaskState, COUNT(Task.TaskId) AS Count
42 | FROM Task, Job
43 | WHERE Task.JobId = Job.JobId AND TaskState IN ('Calculating', 'Waiting')
44 | GROUP BY Job.OwnerUserId, TaskState
45 | )
47 | DISTINCT UserId,
48 | ISNULL((SELECT Count FROM UserTasks WHERE TaskState = 'Calculating' AND UserId = ut.UserId), 0) AS CalculatingTasks,
49 | ISNULL((SELECT Count FROM UserTasks WHERE TaskState = 'Waiting' AND UserId = ut.UserId), 0) AS WaitingTasks
50 | FROM UserTasks ut;";
51 |
52 | private class UserTaskStatus {
53 | public Guid UserId { get; set; }
54 | public int CalculatingTasks { get; set; }
55 | public int WaitingTasks { get; set; }
56 | }
57 |
58 | private IEnumerable<DT.TaskStatus> GetTaskStatus(IPersistenceManager pm) {
59 | return pm.UseTransaction(() => {
60 | var query = pm.DataContext.ExecuteQuery<UserTaskStatus>(SQL_USER_TASK_STATUS).ToList();
61 | return query.Select(uts => new DT.TaskStatus {
62 | User = new DT.User {
63 | Id = uts.UserId.ToString(),
64 | Name = ServiceLocator.Instance.UserManager.GetUserNameById(uts.UserId)
65 | },
66 | CalculatingTasks = uts.CalculatingTasks,
67 | WaitingTasks = uts.WaitingTasks
68 | }).OrderBy(x => x.User.Name);
69 | });
70 | }
71 |
72 | private DT.TimeStatus GetTimeStatus(IPersistenceManager pm) {
73 | return pm.UseTransaction(() => {
74 | var factTaskDao = pm.FactTaskDao;
75 | var factTasks = factTaskDao.GetAll();
76 | var completedTasks = factTaskDao.GetCompletedTasks()
77 | .OrderByDescending(x => x.EndTime)
78 | .Take(LAST_TASKS);
79 | var lastCalculatingTimes = completedTasks
80 | .GroupBy(x => 1)
81 | .Select(x => new {
82 | Min = x.Min(y => y.CalculatingTime),
83 | Max = x.Max(y => y.CalculatingTime),
84 | Avg = (long)x.Average(y => (long?)y.CalculatingTime)
85 | }).FirstOrDefault();
86 | var calculatingTasks = factTasks.Where(x => x.TaskState == TaskState.Calculating);
87 | int count = calculatingTasks.Count() / 3;
88 | return new DT.TimeStatus {
89 | MinCalculatingTime = lastCalculatingTimes != null ? lastCalculatingTimes.Min : 0,
90 | MaxCalculatingTime = lastCalculatingTimes != null ? lastCalculatingTimes.Max : 0,
91 | AvgWaitingTime = count > 0 ? (long)calculatingTasks.OrderBy(x => x.StartTime).Take(count).Average(x => x.InitialWaitingTime) : 0,
92 | AvgCalculatingTime = lastCalculatingTimes != null ? lastCalculatingTimes.Avg : 0,
93 | TotalCpuTime = factTasks.Sum(x => (long?)x.CalculatingTime) ?? 0,
94 | StandardDeviationCalculatingTime = (long)StandardDeviation(completedTasks.Select(x => (double)x.CalculatingTime)),
95 | BeginDate = factTasks.Where(x => x.StartTime.HasValue).OrderBy(x => x.StartTime).Select(x => x.StartTime).FirstOrDefault()
96 | };
97 | });
98 | }
99 |
100 | public DT.Status GetStatus() {
101 | var pm = PersistenceManager;
102 | var slaveDao = pm.SlaveDao;
103 | var onlineSlaves = pm.UseTransaction(() => slaveDao.GetOnlineSlaves().ToList());
104 | var activeSlaves = onlineSlaves.Where(s => s.IsAllowedToCalculate).ToList();
105 | var calculatingSlaves = activeSlaves.Where(s => s.SlaveState == SlaveState.Calculating).ToList();
106 | int totalCores = onlineSlaves.Sum(s => s.Cores ?? 0);
107 | int totalMemory = onlineSlaves.Sum(s => s.Memory ?? 0);
108 | return new DT.Status {
109 | CoreStatus = new DT.CoreStatus {
110 | TotalCores = totalCores,
111 | UsedCores = totalCores - onlineSlaves.Sum(s => s.FreeCores ?? 0),
112 | ActiveCores = activeSlaves.Sum(s => s.Cores ?? 0),
113 | CalculatingCores = calculatingSlaves.Sum(s => s.Cores ?? 0) - calculatingSlaves.Sum(s => s.FreeCores ?? 0)
114 | },
115 | CpuUtilizationStatus = new DT.CpuUtilizationStatus {
116 | TotalCpuUtilization = onlineSlaves.Any()
117 | ? Math.Round(onlineSlaves.Average(s => s.CpuUtilization), 2)
118 | : 0.0,
119 | ActiveCpuUtilization = activeSlaves.Any()
120 | ? Math.Round(activeSlaves.Average(s => s.CpuUtilization), 2)
121 | : 0.0,
122 | CalculatingCpuUtilization = calculatingSlaves.Any()
123 | ? Math.Round(calculatingSlaves.Average(s => s.CpuUtilization), 2)
124 | : 0.0
125 | },
126 | MemoryStatus = new DT.MemoryStatus {
127 | TotalMemory = totalMemory,
128 | UsedMemory = totalMemory - onlineSlaves.Sum(s => s.FreeMemory ?? 0),
129 | ActiveMemory = activeSlaves.Sum(s => s.Memory ?? 0),
130 | CalculatingMemory = calculatingSlaves.Sum(s => s.Memory ?? 0) - calculatingSlaves.Sum(s => s.FreeMemory ?? 0)
131 | },
132 | TimeStatus = GetTimeStatus(pm),
133 | TasksStatus = GetTaskStatus(pm),
134 | SlavesStatus = onlineSlaves.Select(x => new DT.SlaveStatus {
135 | Slave = new DT.Slave {
136 | Id = x.ResourceId.ToString(),
137 | Name = x.Name
138 | },
139 | CpuUtilization = x.CpuUtilization,
140 | Cores = x.Cores ?? 0,
141 | FreeCores = x.FreeCores ?? 0,
142 | Memory = x.Memory ?? 0,
143 | FreeMemory = x.FreeMemory ?? 0,
144 | IsAllowedToCalculate = x.IsAllowedToCalculate,
145 | State = x.SlaveState.ToString()
146 | }).OrderBy(x => x.Slave.Name),
147 | Timestamp = JavascriptUtils.ToTimestamp(DateTime.Now)
148 | };
149 | }
150 |
151 | public IEnumerable<DT.Status> GetStatusHistory(DateTime start, DateTime end) {
152 | TimeSpan ts = end - start;
153 | int increment = 1;
154 | double totalMinutes = ts.TotalMinutes;
155 | while (totalMinutes > 5761) {
156 | totalMinutes -= 5761;
157 | increment += 5;
158 | }
159 | var pm = PersistenceManager;
160 | var factClientInfoDao = pm.FactClientInfoDao;
161 | var clientInfos = pm.UseTransaction(() => {
162 | return factClientInfoDao.GetAll()
163 | .Where(s => s.Time >= start
164 | && s.Time <= end
165 | && s.SlaveState != SlaveState.Offline)
166 | .GroupBy(s => s.Time)
167 | .Select(x => new {
168 | Timestamp = x.Key,
169 | TotalCores = x.Sum(y => y.NumTotalCores),
170 | UsedCores = x.Sum(y => y.NumUsedCores),
171 | TotalMemory = x.Sum(y => y.TotalMemory),
172 | UsedMemory = x.Sum(y => y.UsedMemory),
173 | CpuUtilization = x.Where(y => y.IsAllowedToCalculate).Average(y => y.CpuUtilization)
174 | })
175 | .ToList();
176 | });
177 | var statusList = new List<DT.Status>();
178 | var e = clientInfos.GetEnumerator();
179 | do {
180 | var status = new DT.Status {
181 | CoreStatus = new DT.CoreStatus(),
182 | CpuUtilizationStatus = new DT.CpuUtilizationStatus(),
183 | MemoryStatus = new DT.MemoryStatus()
184 | };
185 | int i = 0;
186 | DateTime lastTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
187 | while (e.MoveNext()) {
188 | var clientInfo = e.Current;
189 | status.CoreStatus.TotalCores += clientInfo.TotalCores;
190 | status.CoreStatus.UsedCores += clientInfo.UsedCores;
191 | status.MemoryStatus.TotalMemory += clientInfo.TotalMemory;
192 | status.MemoryStatus.UsedMemory += clientInfo.UsedMemory;
193 | status.CpuUtilizationStatus.TotalCpuUtilization += clientInfo.CpuUtilization;
194 | lastTimestamp = clientInfo.Timestamp;
195 | i++;
196 | if (i >= increment)
197 | break;
198 | }
199 | if (i <= 0) continue;
200 | status.Timestamp = JavascriptUtils.ToTimestamp(lastTimestamp);
201 | status.CoreStatus.TotalCores /= i;
202 | status.CoreStatus.UsedCores /= i;
203 | status.MemoryStatus.TotalMemory /= i;
204 | status.MemoryStatus.UsedMemory /= i;
205 | status.CpuUtilizationStatus.TotalCpuUtilization /= i;
206 | statusList.Add(status);
207 | } while (e.Current != null);
208 | return statusList.OrderBy(x => x.Timestamp).ToList();
209 | }
210 |
211 | private double StandardDeviation(IEnumerable<double> source) {
212 | int n = 0;
213 | double mean = 0;
214 | double M2 = 0;
215 | foreach (double x in source) {
216 | n = n + 1;
217 | double delta = x - mean;
218 | mean = mean + delta / n;
219 | M2 += delta * (x - mean);
220 | }
221 | if (n < 2) {
222 | return M2;
223 | }
224 | return Math.Sqrt(M2 / (n - 1));
225 | }
226 | }
227 | } |