1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System.Collections.Generic;
23 | using System.Linq;
24 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
25 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
26 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
27 | using HeuristicLab.Encodings.IntegerVectorEncoding;
28 | using HeuristicLab.Operators;
29 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
30 | using HeuristicLab.Parameters;
31 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.CompositeSerializers.Storable;
32 |
33 | namespace HeuristicLab.Problems.Orienteering {
34 | /// <summary>
35 | /// The used neighborhood operator is based on a two point exchange move. A move in
36 | /// the k-th neighborhood consists of removing k consecutive vertices from the tour, starting
37 | /// at a randomly selected position. Afterwards, a sorted list of all vertices not yet included
38 | /// in the current tour is built. The vertices are sorted in descending order with respect to the
39 | /// objective value increase using the current weights. Out of the first three entries with the
40 | /// highest ranking in this list, one randomly selected vertex is reinserted into the current tour
41 | /// at the same position as the removed vertices. This way, l new vertices are inserted into the
42 | /// tour. The largest neighborhood is a complete exchange of all vertices on the tour.
43 | /// The shaking procedure does not guarantee that the new tour does not exceed the cost
44 | /// limit Tmax. Therefore, in a repair step, a sorted list of all vertices in the tour is created. The
45 | /// vertices are sorted in descending order with respect to costs saved when removing the vertex
46 | /// from the tour. Vertices are removed as long as the cost limit is violated.
47 | /// (Schilde et. al. 2009)
48 | /// </summary>
49 | [Item("OrienteeringShakingOperator", @"Implements the shaking procedure described in Schilde M., Doerner K.F., Hartl R.F., Kiechle G. 2009. Metaheuristics for the bi-objective orienteering problem. Swarm Intelligence, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp 179-201.")]
50 | [StorableClass]
51 | public sealed class OrienteeringShakingOperator : SingleSuccessorOperator, IMultiNeighborhoodShakingOperator, IStochasticOperator {
52 |
53 | #region Shaking Parameter Properties
54 | public IValueLookupParameter<IntValue> CurrentNeighborhoodIndexParameter {
55 | get { return (IValueLookupParameter<IntValue>)Parameters["CurrentNeighborhoodIndex"]; }
56 | }
57 | public ILookupParameter<IntValue> NeighborhoodCountParameter {
58 | get { return (ILookupParameter<IntValue>)Parameters["NeighborhoodCount"]; }
59 | }
60 | #endregion
61 |
62 | #region Parameter Properties
63 | public ILookupParameter<IntegerVector> IntegerVectorParameter {
64 | get { return (ILookupParameter<IntegerVector>)Parameters["IntegerVector"]; }
65 | }
66 | public ILookupParameter<DoubleValue> MaximumDistanceParameter {
67 | get { return (ILookupParameter<DoubleValue>)Parameters["MaximumDistance"]; }
68 | }
69 | public ILookupParameter<IntValue> StartingPointParameter {
70 | get { return (ILookupParameter<IntValue>)Parameters["StartingPoint"]; }
71 | }
72 | public ILookupParameter<IntValue> TerminalPointParameter {
73 | get { return (ILookupParameter<IntValue>)Parameters["TerminalPoint"]; }
74 | }
75 | public ILookupParameter<DistanceMatrix> DistanceMatrixParameter {
76 | get { return (ILookupParameter<DistanceMatrix>)Parameters["DistanceMatrix"]; }
77 | }
78 | public ILookupParameter<DoubleArray> ScoresParameter {
79 | get { return (ILookupParameter<DoubleArray>)Parameters["Scores"]; }
80 | }
81 | public ILookupParameter<DoubleValue> PointVisitingCostsParameter {
82 | get { return (ILookupParameter<DoubleValue>)Parameters["PointVisitingCosts"]; }
83 | }
84 |
85 | public ILookupParameter<IRandom> RandomParameter {
86 | get { return (ILookupParameter<IRandom>)Parameters["Random"]; }
87 | }
88 | #endregion
89 |
90 | [StorableConstructor]
91 | private OrienteeringShakingOperator(bool deserializing) : base(deserializing) { }
92 | private OrienteeringShakingOperator(OrienteeringShakingOperator original, Cloner cloner)
93 | : base(original, cloner) {
94 | }
95 | public OrienteeringShakingOperator()
96 | : base() {
97 | Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter<IntValue>("CurrentNeighborhoodIndex", "The index of the operator that should be applied (k)."));
98 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<IntValue>("NeighborhoodCount", "The number of operators that are available."));
99 |
100 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<IntegerVector>("IntegerVector", "The Orienteering Solution given in path representation."));
101 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<DoubleValue>("MaximumDistance", "The maximum distance constraint for a Orienteering solution."));
102 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<IntValue>("StartingPoint", "Index of the starting point."));
103 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<IntValue>("TerminalPoint", "Index of the ending point."));
104 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<DistanceMatrix>("DistanceMatrix", "The matrix which contains the distances between the points."));
105 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<DoubleArray>("Scores", "The scores of the points."));
106 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<DoubleValue>("PointVisitingCosts", "The costs for visiting a point."));
107 |
108 | Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<IRandom>("Random", "The random number generator that will be used."));
109 | }
110 |
111 | public override IDeepCloneable Clone(Cloner cloner) {
112 | return new OrienteeringShakingOperator(this, cloner);
113 | }
114 |
115 | public override IOperation Apply() {
116 | var initialTour = IntegerVectorParameter.ActualValue;
117 | var distances = DistanceMatrixParameter.ActualValue;
118 | var scores = ScoresParameter.ActualValue;
119 | var startingPoint = StartingPointParameter.ActualValue.Value;
120 | var terminalPoint = TerminalPointParameter.ActualValue.Value;
121 | var pointVisitingCosts = PointVisitingCostsParameter.ActualValue.Value;
122 | double maxDistance = MaximumDistanceParameter.ActualValue.Value;
123 | int numPoints = scores.Length;
124 |
125 | if (NeighborhoodCountParameter.ActualValue == null)
126 | NeighborhoodCountParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(initialTour.Length);
127 | else NeighborhoodCountParameter.ActualValue.Value = initialTour.Length;
128 |
129 | var random = RandomParameter.ActualValue;
130 |
131 | if (initialTour.Length > 2) {
132 | // Limit the neighborhood to the tour length
133 | int currentNeighborhood = CurrentNeighborhoodIndexParameter.ActualValue.Value + 1;
134 | int maximumNeighborhood = initialTour.Length - 2; // neighborhood limit within [0, changable tour length - 1)
135 | maximumNeighborhood = (maximumNeighborhood > currentNeighborhood) ? currentNeighborhood : maximumNeighborhood;
136 | int neighborhood = maximumNeighborhood;
137 |
138 | // Find all points that are not yet included in the tour and are
139 | // within the maximum distance allowed (ellipse)
140 | // and sort them with regard to their utility
141 | var visitablePoints = (
142 | from point in Enumerable.Range(0, numPoints)
143 | // Calculate the distance when going from the starting point to this point and then to the end point
144 | let distance = distances[startingPoint, point] + distances[point, terminalPoint] + pointVisitingCosts
145 | // If this distance is feasible and the point is neither starting nor ending point, check the point
146 | where distance < maxDistance && point != startingPoint && point != terminalPoint
147 | // The point was not yet visited, so add it to the candidate list
148 | where !initialTour.Contains(point)
149 | // Calculate the utility of the point at this position
150 | let utility = scores[point]
151 | orderby utility
152 | select point
153 | ).ToList();
154 |
155 | // Initialize the new tour
156 | var actualTour = new List<int> { startingPoint };
157 |
158 | // Perform the insertions according to the utility sorting
159 | InsertPoints(actualTour, initialTour, neighborhood, visitablePoints, random);
160 |
161 | // Bring the tour back to be feasible
162 | CleanupTour(actualTour, distances, maxDistance, pointVisitingCosts);
163 |
164 | // Set new Tour
165 | IntegerVectorParameter.ActualValue = new IntegerVector(actualTour.ToArray());
166 | }
167 |
168 | return base.Apply();
169 | }
170 |
171 | private void InsertPoints(List<int> actualTour, IntegerVector initialTour,
172 | int neighborhood, List<int> visitablePoints, IRandom random) {
173 |
174 | // Elect the starting index of the part to be replaced
175 | int tourSize = initialTour.Length;
176 | int randomPosition = random.Next(tourSize - neighborhood - 1) + 1;
177 |
178 | for (int position = 1; position < tourSize; position++) {
179 | if ((position < randomPosition) || (position > (randomPosition + neighborhood - 1))) {
180 | // Copy from initial tour when outside shaking range
181 | actualTour.Add(initialTour[position]);
182 |
183 | // Delete this point from the candidate list
184 | visitablePoints.Remove(initialTour[position]);
185 | } else {
186 | // Point from within shaking range
187 | if (visitablePoints.Count > 0) {
188 | // Add the point with the highest utility from the candidate list
189 | int randomFactor = random.Next(3);
190 | int insertionIndex = visitablePoints.Count - 1;
191 | if (visitablePoints.Count > 4) insertionIndex -= randomFactor;
192 |
193 | actualTour.Add(visitablePoints[insertionIndex]);
194 |
195 | // Delete this point from the candidate list
196 | visitablePoints.RemoveAt(insertionIndex);
197 | } else {
198 | // We don't have any points left that could be inserted so we can only re-insert
199 | // the removed and not already re-inserted points in a random order
200 | for (int reinsertPosition = randomPosition; reinsertPosition < randomPosition + neighborhood; reinsertPosition++) {
201 | bool alreadyReinserted = actualTour.Contains(initialTour[reinsertPosition]);
202 |
203 | if (!alreadyReinserted)
204 | visitablePoints.Add(initialTour[reinsertPosition]);
205 | }
206 |
207 | int randomIndex = random.Next(visitablePoints.Count);
208 | actualTour.Add(visitablePoints[randomIndex]);
209 | visitablePoints.Clear();
210 | }
211 | }
212 | }
213 | }
214 |
215 | private void CleanupTour(List<int> actualTour, DistanceMatrix distances, double maxDistance, double pointVisitingCosts) {
216 | // Sort the points on the tour according to their costs savings when removed
217 | var distanceSavings = (
218 | from removePosition in Enumerable.Range(1, actualTour.Count - 2)
219 | let saving = distances.CalculateRemovementSaving(actualTour, removePosition, pointVisitingCosts)
220 | orderby saving descending
221 | select new SavingInfo { Index = removePosition, Saving = saving }
222 | ).ToList();
223 |
224 | double tourLength = distances.CalculateTourLength(actualTour, pointVisitingCosts);
225 |
226 | // As long as the created path is infeasible, remove elements
227 | while (tourLength > maxDistance) {
228 | // Remove the point that frees the largest distance
229 | // Note, distance savings are not updated after removal
230 | tourLength -= distances.CalculateRemovementSaving(actualTour, distanceSavings[0].Index, pointVisitingCosts);
231 | actualTour.RemoveAt(distanceSavings[0].Index);
232 |
233 | // Shift indices due to removal of a point in the tour
234 | for (int i = 1; i < distanceSavings.Count; i++) {
235 | if (distanceSavings[i].Index > distanceSavings[0].Index) {
236 | distanceSavings[i].Index--;
237 | }
238 | }
239 | distanceSavings.RemoveAt(0);
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | private class SavingInfo {
244 | public int Index;
245 | public double Saving;
246 | }
247 | }
248 | } |