1 | #region License Information
2 | /* HeuristicLab
3 | * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of HeuristicLab.
6 | *
7 | * HeuristicLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | * (at your option) any later version.
11 | *
12 | * HeuristicLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | *
17 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | * along with HeuristicLab. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | */
20 | #endregion
21 |
22 | using System;
23 | using System.Collections.Generic;
24 | using System.Drawing;
25 | using System.IO;
26 | using System.IO.Compression;
27 | using System.Linq;
28 | using System.Threading;
29 | using System.Threading.Tasks;
30 | using HEAL.Attic;
31 | using HeuristicLab.Algorithms.DataAnalysis;
32 | using HeuristicLab.Analysis;
33 | using HeuristicLab.Analysis.SelfOrganizingMaps;
34 | using HeuristicLab.Collections;
35 | using HeuristicLab.Common;
36 | using HeuristicLab.Common.Resources;
37 | using HeuristicLab.Core;
38 | using HeuristicLab.Data;
39 | using HeuristicLab.MainForm;
40 | using HeuristicLab.Optimization;
41 | using HeuristicLab.Persistence.Default.Xml;
42 | using HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis;
43 | using HeuristicLab.Random;
44 | using Algorithm = HeuristicLab.Clients.OKB.Administration.Algorithm;
45 | using Problem = HeuristicLab.Clients.OKB.Administration.Problem;
46 | using RunCreationClient = HeuristicLab.Clients.OKB.RunCreation.RunCreationClient;
47 | using SingleObjectiveOKBProblem = HeuristicLab.Clients.OKB.RunCreation.SingleObjectiveOKBProblem;
48 | using SingleObjectiveOKBSolution = HeuristicLab.Clients.OKB.RunCreation.SingleObjectiveOKBSolution;
49 |
50 | namespace HeuristicLab.OptimizationExpertSystem.Common {
51 | [Item("Knowledge Center", "Currently in experimental phase, an expert system that makes algorithm suggestions based on fitness landscape analysis features and an optimization knowledge base.")]
52 | [Creatable(CreatableAttribute.Categories.TestingAndAnalysis, Priority = 119)]
53 | public sealed class KnowledgeCenter : IContent {
54 | private bool SuppressEvents { get; set; }
55 |
56 | public string Filename { get; set; }
57 |
58 | public static Image StaticItemImage {
59 | get { return VSImageLibrary.Library; }
60 | }
61 |
62 | private readonly IntValue maximumEvaluations;
63 | public IntValue MaximumEvaluations {
64 | get { return maximumEvaluations; }
65 | }
66 |
67 | private readonly DoubleValue minimumTarget;
68 | public DoubleValue MinimumTarget {
69 | get { return minimumTarget; }
70 | }
71 |
72 | private readonly RunCollection instanceRuns;
73 | public RunCollection InstanceRuns {
74 | get { return instanceRuns; }
75 | }
76 |
77 | private readonly RunCollection seededRuns;
78 | public RunCollection SeededRuns {
79 | get { return seededRuns; }
80 | }
81 |
82 | private readonly RunCollection knowledgeBase;
83 | public RunCollection KnowledgeBase {
84 | get { return knowledgeBase; }
85 | }
86 |
87 | private readonly SingleObjectiveOKBProblem problem;
88 | public SingleObjectiveOKBProblem Problem {
89 | get { return problem; }
90 | }
91 |
92 | private readonly ItemList<IAlgorithm> algorithmInstances;
93 | private readonly ReadOnlyItemList<IAlgorithm> readonlyAlgorithmInstances;
94 | public ReadOnlyItemList<IAlgorithm> AlgorithmInstances {
95 | get { return readonlyAlgorithmInstances; }
96 | }
97 |
98 | private readonly RunCollection problemInstances;
99 | public RunCollection ProblemInstances {
100 | get { return problemInstances; }
101 | }
102 |
103 | private IRecommendationModel recommendationModel;
104 | public IRecommendationModel RecommendationModel {
105 | get { return recommendationModel; }
106 | set {
107 | if (recommendationModel == value) return;
108 | recommendationModel = value;
109 | OnRecommenderModelChanged();
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | private readonly CheckedItemList<IScope> solutionSeedingPool;
114 | public CheckedItemList<IScope> SolutionSeedingPool {
115 | get { return solutionSeedingPool; }
116 | }
117 |
118 | private readonly EnumValue<SeedingStrategyTypes> seedingStrategy;
119 | public EnumValue<SeedingStrategyTypes> SeedingStrategy {
120 | get { return seedingStrategy; }
121 | }
122 |
123 | private BidirectionalLookup<long, IRun> algorithmId2RunMapping;
124 | private BidirectionalDictionary<long, IAlgorithm> algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping;
125 | private BidirectionalDictionary<long, IRun> problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping;
126 |
127 | public bool Maximization {
128 | get { return Problem != null && Problem.ProblemId >= 0 && ((IValueParameter<BoolValue>)Problem.MaximizationParameter).Value.Value; }
129 | }
130 |
131 | public KnowledgeCenter() {
132 | maximumEvaluations = new IntValue(10000);
133 | minimumTarget = new DoubleValue(0.05);
134 | instanceRuns = new RunCollection();
135 | seededRuns = new RunCollection();
136 | knowledgeBase = new RunCollection();
137 | algorithmInstances = new ItemList<IAlgorithm>();
138 | readonlyAlgorithmInstances = algorithmInstances.AsReadOnly();
139 | problemInstances = new RunCollection();
140 | recommendationModel = FixedRankModel.GetEmpty();
141 | problem = new SingleObjectiveOKBProblem();
142 | algorithmId2RunMapping = new BidirectionalLookup<long, IRun>();
143 | algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping = new BidirectionalDictionary<long, IAlgorithm>();
144 | problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping = new BidirectionalDictionary<long, IRun>();
145 | solutionSeedingPool = new CheckedItemList<IScope>();
146 | seedingStrategy = new EnumValue<SeedingStrategyTypes>(SeedingStrategyTypes.NoSeeding);
147 | RegisterEventHandlers();
148 | }
149 |
150 | private void ProblemOnProblemChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) {
151 | // TODO: Potentially, knowledge base has to be re-downloaded
152 | }
153 |
154 | private void RegisterEventHandlers() {
155 | maximumEvaluations.ValueChanged += MaximumEvaluationsOnValueChanged;
156 | minimumTarget.ValueChanged += MinimumTargetOnValueChanged;
157 | problem.ProblemChanged += ProblemOnProblemChanged;
158 | problem.Solutions.ItemsAdded += ProblemSolutionsChanged;
159 | problem.Solutions.ItemsReplaced += ProblemSolutionsChanged;
160 | problem.Solutions.ItemsRemoved += ProblemSolutionsChanged;
161 | problem.Solutions.CollectionReset += ProblemSolutionsChanged;
162 | instanceRuns.CollectionReset += InformationChanged;
163 | instanceRuns.ItemsAdded += InformationChanged;
164 | instanceRuns.ItemsRemoved += InformationChanged;
165 | instanceRuns.Reset += InformationChanged;
166 | instanceRuns.UpdateOfRunsInProgressChanged += InformationChanged;
167 | knowledgeBase.CollectionReset += InformationChanged;
168 | knowledgeBase.ItemsAdded += InformationChanged;
169 | knowledgeBase.ItemsRemoved += InformationChanged;
170 | }
171 |
172 | private void MaximumEvaluationsOnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) {
173 |
174 | }
175 |
176 | private void MinimumTargetOnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
177 |
178 | }
179 |
180 | private void ProblemSolutionsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
181 | foreach (var sol in Problem.Solutions.Select(x => x.Solution).OfType<IScope>()) {
182 | if (!SolutionSeedingPool.Contains(sol))
183 | SolutionSeedingPool.Add(sol, false);
184 | }
185 | }
186 |
187 | private void InformationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
188 | var runCollection = sender as RunCollection;
189 | if (runCollection != null && runCollection.UpdateOfRunsInProgress) return;
190 | }
191 |
192 | public bool IsCurrentInstance(IRun run) {
193 | if (!problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping.ContainsSecond(run)) return false;
194 | return problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping.GetBySecond(run) == Problem.ProblemId;
195 | }
196 |
197 | public void UpdateInstanceProjection(string[] characteristics) {
198 | if (characteristics.Length == 0) return;
199 |
200 | var instances = GetProblemCharacteristics(characteristics);
201 |
202 | var key2Idx = new BidirectionalDictionary<IRun, int>();
203 | foreach (var kvp in instances.Select((k, i) => new { Index = i, Key = k.Key }))
204 | key2Idx.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Index);
205 |
206 | Func<double[], double[], double> euclid = (a, b) => Math.Sqrt(a.Zip(b, (x, y) => (x - y)).Sum(x => x * x));
207 | Func<DoubleArray, DoubleArray, double> euclidDArray = (a, b) => Math.Sqrt(a.Zip(b, (x, y) => (x - y)).Sum(x => x * x));
208 | #region MDS
209 | var num = instances.Count;
210 | var matrix = new DoubleMatrix(num, num);
211 | for (var i = 0; i < num - 1; i++) {
212 | for (var j = i + 1; j < num; j++) {
213 | matrix[i, j] = matrix[j, i] = euclid(instances[key2Idx.GetBySecond(i)], instances[key2Idx.GetBySecond(j)]);
214 | }
215 | }
216 |
217 | var coords = MultidimensionalScaling.KruskalShepard(matrix);
218 | #endregion
219 | #region PCA
220 | double[,] v = null;
221 | var ds = new double[instances.Count, characteristics.Length];
222 | if (characteristics.Length > 1) {
223 | foreach (var instance in instances) {
224 | var arr = instance.Value;
225 | for (var feature = 0; feature < arr.Length; feature++)
226 | ds[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance.Key), feature] = arr[feature];
227 | }
228 |
229 | int info;
230 | double[] s2;
231 | alglib.pcabuildbasis(ds, ds.GetLength(0), ds.GetLength(1), out info, out s2, out v);
232 | }
233 | #endregion
234 | #region SOM
235 | var features = new DoubleMatrix(characteristics.Length, instances.Count);
236 | foreach (var instance in instances) {
237 | var arr = instance.Value;
238 | for (var feature = 0; feature < arr.Length; feature++)
239 | features[feature, key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance.Key)] = arr[feature];
240 | }
241 | var somCoords = SOM.Map(features, new MersenneTwister(42), somSize: 10, learningRadius: 20, iterations: 200, jittering: true);
242 | #endregion
243 | #region TSNE
244 | var tsneFeatures = new DoubleArray[instances.Count];
245 | foreach (var instance in instances) {
246 | tsneFeatures[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance.Key)] = new DoubleArray(instance.Value);
247 | }
248 | var tsneCoords = TSNEStatic<DoubleArray>.Run(tsneFeatures, new EuclideanDistance(), new FastRandom(42),
249 | newDimensions: 2, perplexity: Math.Min((instances.Count - 1) / 4, 50), theta: 0,
250 | stopLyingIter: 0, momSwitchIter: 0, momentum: 0, finalMomentum: 0, eta: 10);
251 | #endregion
252 |
253 | ProblemInstances.UpdateOfRunsInProgress = true;
254 | try {
255 | foreach (var instance in ProblemInstances) {
256 | IItem item;
257 | if (v != null) {
258 | double x = 0, y = 0;
259 | for (var feature = 0; feature < ds.GetLength(1); feature++) {
260 | x += ds[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), feature] * v[feature, 0];
261 | y += ds[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), feature] * v[feature, 1];
262 | }
263 |
264 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.PCA.X", out item)) {
265 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = x;
266 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.PCA.X", new DoubleValue(x));
267 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.PCA.Y", out item)) {
268 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = y;
269 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.PCA.Y", new DoubleValue(y));
270 | } else {
271 | instance.Results.Remove("Projection.PCA.X");
272 | instance.Results.Remove("Projection.PCA.Y");
273 | }
274 |
275 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.MDS.X", out item)) {
276 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = coords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 0];
277 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.MDS.X", new DoubleValue(coords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 0]));
278 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.MDS.Y", out item)) {
279 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = coords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 1];
280 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.MDS.Y", new DoubleValue(coords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 1]));
281 |
282 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.SOM.X", out item)) {
283 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = somCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 0];
284 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.SOM.X", new DoubleValue(somCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 0]));
285 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.SOM.Y", out item)) {
286 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = somCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 1];
287 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.SOM.Y", new DoubleValue(somCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 1]));
288 |
289 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.TSNE.X", out item)) {
290 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = tsneCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 0];
291 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.TSNE.X", new DoubleValue(tsneCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 0]));
292 | if (instance.Results.TryGetValue("Projection.TSNE.Y", out item)) {
293 | ((DoubleValue)item).Value = tsneCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 1];
294 | } else instance.Results.Add("Projection.TSNE.Y", new DoubleValue(tsneCoords[key2Idx.GetByFirst(instance), 1]));
295 | }
296 | } finally { ProblemInstances.UpdateOfRunsInProgress = false; }
297 | }
298 |
299 | private static readonly HashSet<string> InterestingValueNames = new HashSet<string>() {
300 | "QualityPerEvaluations", "QualityPerClock", "Problem Name", "Problem Type", "Algorithm Name", "Algorithm Type", "Maximization", "BestKnownQuality"
301 | };
302 |
303 | public Task<ResultCollection> StartAlgorithmAsync(int index) {
304 | return StartAlgorithmAsync(index, CancellationToken.None);
305 | }
306 |
307 | public Task<ResultCollection> StartAlgorithmAsync(int index, CancellationToken cancellation) {
308 | var selectedInstance = algorithmInstances[index];
309 | var algorithmClone = (IAlgorithm)selectedInstance.Clone();
310 | var problemClone = Problem.CloneProblem() as ISingleObjectiveHeuristicOptimizationProblem;
311 | if (problemClone == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Problem is not of type " + typeof(ISingleObjectiveHeuristicOptimizationProblem).FullName);
312 | // TODO: It is assumed the problem instance by default is configured using no preexisting solution creator
313 | var seedingStrategyLocal = SeedingStrategy.Value;
314 | if (seedingStrategyLocal != SeedingStrategyTypes.NoSeeding) {
315 | if (!SolutionSeedingPool.CheckedItems.Any()) throw new InvalidOperationException("There are no solutions selected for seeding.");
316 | // TODO: It would be necessary to specify the solution creator somewhere (property and GUI)
317 | var seedingCreator = problemClone.Operators.OfType<IPreexistingSolutionCreator>().FirstOrDefault();
318 | if (seedingCreator == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The problem does not contain a solution creator that allows seeding.");
319 | seedingCreator.PreexistingSolutionsParameter.Value.Replace(SolutionSeedingPool.CheckedItems.Select(x => x.Value));
320 | seedingCreator.SampleFromPreexistingParameter.Value.Value = seedingStrategyLocal == SeedingStrategyTypes.SeedBySampling;
321 | // TODO: WHY!? WHY??!?
322 | ((dynamic)problemClone.SolutionCreatorParameter).Value = (dynamic)seedingCreator;
323 | }
324 | algorithmClone.Problem = problemClone;
325 | algorithmClone.Prepare(true);
326 | IParameter stopParam;
327 | var monitorStop = true;
328 | if (algorithmClone.Parameters.TryGetValue("MaximumEvaluations", out stopParam)) {
329 | var maxEvalParam = stopParam as IValueParameter<Data.IntValue>;
330 | if (maxEvalParam != null) {
331 | maxEvalParam.Value.Value = MaximumEvaluations.Value;
332 | monitorStop = false;
333 | }
334 | }
335 |
336 | // TODO: The following can be simplified when we have async implementation patterns for our algorithms:
337 | // TODO: The closures can be removed and replaced with private member methods
338 | var waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);
339 |
340 | #region EventHandler closures
341 | EventHandler exeStateChanged = (sender, e) => {
342 | if (algorithmClone.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Stopped) {
343 | lock (Problem.Solutions) {
344 | foreach (var solution in algorithmClone.Results.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("solution")).Select(x => x.Value).OfType<IScope>()) {
345 | Problem.Solutions.Add(new SingleObjectiveOKBSolution(Problem.ProblemId) {
346 | Quality = solution.Variables.ContainsKey(Problem.Problem.Evaluator.QualityParameter.ActualName) ? ((DoubleValue)solution.Variables[Problem.Problem.Evaluator.QualityParameter.ActualName].Value).Value : double.NaN,
347 | Solution = (IItem)solution.Clone()
348 | });
349 | }
350 | }
351 | if (seedingStrategyLocal == SeedingStrategyTypes.NoSeeding) {
352 | lock (InstanceRuns) {
353 | InstanceRuns.Add(algorithmClone.Runs.Last());
354 | }
355 | } else {
356 | lock (SeededRuns) {
357 | SeededRuns.Add(algorithmClone.Runs.Last());
358 | }
359 | }
360 | waitHandle.Set();
361 | }
362 | };
363 |
364 | EventHandler<EventArgs<Exception>> exceptionOccurred = (sender, e) => {
365 | waitHandle.Set();
366 | };
367 |
368 | EventHandler timeChanged = (sender, e) => {
369 | IResult evalSolResult;
370 | if (!algorithmClone.Results.TryGetValue("EvaluatedSolutions", out evalSolResult) || !(evalSolResult.Value is Data.IntValue)) return;
371 | var evalSols = ((Data.IntValue)evalSolResult.Value).Value;
372 | if (evalSols >= MaximumEvaluations.Value && algorithmClone.ExecutionState == ExecutionState.Started)
373 | algorithmClone.Stop();
374 | };
375 | #endregion
376 |
377 | algorithmClone.ExecutionStateChanged += exeStateChanged;
378 | algorithmClone.ExceptionOccurred += exceptionOccurred;
379 | if (monitorStop) algorithmClone.ExecutionTimeChanged += timeChanged;
380 |
381 | return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
382 | algorithmClone.Start();
383 | OnAlgorithmInstanceStarted(algorithmClone);
384 | var cancelRequested = false;
385 | while (!waitHandle.WaitOne(200)) {
386 | if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) {
387 | cancelRequested = true;
388 | break;
389 | }
390 | }
391 | if (cancelRequested) {
392 | try { algorithmClone.Stop(); } catch { } // ignore race condition if it is stopped in the meantime
393 | waitHandle.WaitOne();
394 | }
395 | waitHandle.Dispose();
396 | return algorithmClone.Results;
397 | }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
398 | }
399 |
400 | public ResultCollection StartAlgorithm(int index, CancellationToken cancellation) {
401 | var task = StartAlgorithmAsync(index, cancellation);
402 | task.Wait(cancellation);
403 | return task.Result;
404 | }
405 |
406 | public Task UpdateKnowledgeBaseAsync(IProgress progress = null) {
407 | if (progress == null) progress = new Progress();
408 | progress.Start("Updating Knowledge Base from OKB");
409 | OnDownloadStarted(progress);
410 | return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { DoUpdateKnowledgeBase(progress); }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
411 | }
412 |
413 | public void UpdateKnowledgeBase(IProgress progress = null) {
414 | UpdateKnowledgeBaseAsync(progress).Wait();
415 | }
416 |
417 | private void DoUpdateKnowledgeBase(IProgress progress) {
418 | var queryClient = Clients.OKB.Query.QueryClient.Instance;
419 | var adminClient = Clients.OKB.Administration.AdministrationClient.Instance;
420 | try {
421 | progress.Message = "Connecting to OKB...";
422 | progress.ProgressValue = 0;
423 | // FIXME: How to tell if refresh is necessary?
424 | var refreshTasks = new[] {
425 | Task.Factory.StartNew(() => queryClient.Refresh()),
426 | Task.Factory.StartNew(() => adminClient.Refresh())
427 | };
428 | Task.WaitAll(refreshTasks);
429 |
430 | var probInstance = adminClient.Problems.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == Problem.ProblemId);
431 | if (probInstance == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The chosen problem instance cannot be found in the OKB.");
432 | var probClassId = probInstance.ProblemClassId;
433 |
434 | var problemClassFilter = (Clients.OKB.Query.StringComparisonAvailableValuesFilter)queryClient.Filters.Single(x => x.Label == "Problem Class Name");
435 | problemClassFilter.Value = adminClient.ProblemClasses.Single(x => x.Id == probClassId).Name;
436 |
437 | problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping.Clear();
438 | progress.Message = "Downloading algorithm and problem instances...";
439 | progress.ProgressValue = 0;
440 |
441 | int[] p = { 0 };
442 | ProblemInstances.UpdateOfRunsInProgress = true;
443 | ProblemInstances.Clear();
444 | algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.Clear();
445 | algorithmId2RunMapping.Clear();
446 | algorithmInstances.Clear();
447 |
448 | var characteristics = new HashSet<string>();
449 | var totalProblems = adminClient.Problems.Count(x => x.ProblemClassId == probClassId);
450 | var totalAlgorithms = adminClient.Algorithms.Count;
451 | var problems = adminClient.Problems.Where(x => x.ProblemClassId == probClassId);
452 | var algorithms = adminClient.Algorithms;
453 | var combined = problems.Cast<object>().Concat(algorithms.Cast<object>()).Shuffle(new MersenneTwister());
454 | Parallel.ForEach(combined, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount }, (inst) => {
455 | var pInst = inst as Clients.OKB.Administration.Problem;
456 | if (pInst != null) DownloadProblemInstance(progress, pInst, p, totalProblems + totalAlgorithms, characteristics);
457 | else {
458 | var aInst = inst as Clients.OKB.Administration.Algorithm;
459 | DownloadAlgorithmInstance(progress, aInst, p, totalProblems + totalAlgorithms);
460 | }
461 | });
462 |
463 | var interestingValues = queryClient.ValueNames.Where(x => InterestingValueNames.Contains(x.Name)).ToList();
464 |
465 | progress.Message = "Downloading runs...";
466 | progress.ProgressValue = 0;
467 | p[0] = 0;
468 | var count = queryClient.GetNumberOfRuns(problemClassFilter);
469 | if (count == 0) return;
470 |
471 | var runList = new List<IRun>();
472 | var runIds = LoadRunsFromCache(queryClient.GetRunIds(problemClassFilter), runList, progress);
473 | var batches = runIds.Select((v, i) => new { Idx = i, Val = v }).GroupBy(x => x.Idx / 500, x => x.Val);
474 | Parallel.ForEach(batches.Select(x => x.ToList()), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Math.Min(Environment.ProcessorCount, 4) },
475 | (batch) => {
476 | var okbRuns = queryClient.GetRunsWithValues(batch, true, interestingValues);
477 | var hlRuns = okbRuns.AsParallel().Select(x => new { AlgorithmId = x.Algorithm.Id, RunId = x.Id, Run = queryClient.ConvertToOptimizationRun(x) }).ToList();
478 | lock (runList) {
479 | var toCache = new List<Tuple<long, long, IRun>>();
480 | foreach (var r in hlRuns) {
481 | algorithmId2RunMapping.Add(r.AlgorithmId, r.Run);
482 | runList.Add(r.Run);
483 | toCache.Add(Tuple.Create(r.AlgorithmId, r.RunId, r.Run));
484 | }
485 | SaveToCache(toCache);
486 | progress.Message = string.Format("Downloaded runs {0} to {1} of {2}...", p[0], p[0] + batch.Count, count);
487 | p[0] += batch.Count;
488 | progress.ProgressValue = p[0] / (double)count;
489 | }
490 | });
491 | progress.Message = "Finishing...";
492 |
493 | // remove algorithm instances that do not appear in any downloaded run
494 | for (var algIdx = 0; algIdx < algorithmInstances.Count; algIdx++) {
495 | var id = algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetBySecond(algorithmInstances[algIdx]);
496 | if (!algorithmId2RunMapping.ContainsFirst(id)) {
497 | algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.RemoveByFirst(id);
498 | algorithmInstances.RemoveAt(algIdx);
499 | algIdx--;
500 | }
501 | }
502 |
503 | try {
504 | KnowledgeBase.UpdateOfRunsInProgress = true;
505 | KnowledgeBase.Clear();
506 | KnowledgeBase.AddRange(runList);
507 | } finally { KnowledgeBase.UpdateOfRunsInProgress = false; }
508 |
509 | var algInstRunDict = runList.Where(x => x.Parameters.ContainsKey("Problem Name") && x.Parameters["Problem Name"] is StringValue)
510 | .GroupBy(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value)
511 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.GroupBy(y => ((StringValue)y.Parameters["Algorithm Name"]).Value)
512 | .ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.ToList()));
513 |
514 | // set best-known quality to best-found in case it is not known
515 | foreach (var kvp in algInstRunDict) {
516 | var prob = ProblemInstances.SingleOrDefault(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value == kvp.Key);
517 | if (prob == null) continue;
518 | var maximization = ((BoolValue)prob.Parameters["Maximization"]).Value;
519 |
520 | IItem bkParam;
521 | if (!prob.Parameters.TryGetValue("BestKnownQuality", out bkParam) || !(bkParam is DoubleValue) || double.IsNaN(((DoubleValue)bkParam).Value)) {
522 | var best = double.NaN;
523 | foreach (var x in kvp.Value.SelectMany(x => x.Value)) {
524 | double? lastVal = null;
525 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerEvaluations", out var item)) {
526 | lastVal = ((IndexedDataTable<double>)item).Rows.FirstOrDefault()?.Values.LastOrDefault()?.Item2;
527 | }
528 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerClock", out item)) {
529 | lastVal = ((IndexedDataTable<double>)item).Rows.FirstOrDefault()?.Values.LastOrDefault()?.Item2;
530 | }
531 | if (lastVal.HasValue && (double.IsNaN(best)
532 | || maximization && best < lastVal.Value
533 | || !maximization && best > lastVal.Value))
534 | best = lastVal.Value;
535 | }
536 | if (double.IsNaN(best)) continue;
537 | bkParam = new DoubleValue(best);
538 | prob.Parameters["BestKnownQuality"] = bkParam;
539 | }
540 | }
541 |
542 | // add algorithm instance ranks as features to the problem instances for a range of targets
543 | foreach (var target in new[] {0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5}) {
544 | var cls = GetPerformanceClasses(target, 5);
545 | foreach (var kvp in cls) {
546 | var prob = kvp.Key;
547 | foreach (var kvp2 in kvp.Value) {
548 | var resultName = "Rank." + algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(kvp2.Key) + "@" + (target * 100) + "%";
549 | prob.Results[resultName] = new IntValue(kvp2.Value);
550 | }
551 | }
552 | }
553 | } finally { progress.Finish(); ProblemInstances.UpdateOfRunsInProgress = false; }
554 | UpdateInstanceProjection(ProblemInstances.ResultNames.Where(x => x.StartsWith("Characteristic.")).ToArray());
555 | }
556 |
557 | private void DownloadAlgorithmInstance(IProgress progress, Algorithm algInst, int[] p, int total) {
558 | IAlgorithm alg = null;
559 | var data = Clients.OKB.Administration.AdministrationClient.GetAlgorithmData(algInst.Id);
560 | if (data != null) {
561 | using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data)) {
562 | try {
563 | alg = (IAlgorithm)XmlParser.Deserialize<IContent>(stream);
564 | } catch { }
565 | stream.Close();
566 | }
567 | if (alg != null) {
568 | lock (progress) {
569 | algorithmInstances.Add(alg);
570 | algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.Add(algInst.Id, alg);
571 | progress.Message = string.Format("Downloaded algorithm {0} (okb-id: {1})...", algInst.Name, algInst.Id);
572 | p[0]++;
573 | progress.ProgressValue = p[0] / (double)total;
574 | }
575 | }
576 | }
577 | }
578 |
579 | private void DownloadProblemInstance(IProgress progress, Problem pInst, int[] p, int totalProblems, HashSet<string> characteristics) {
580 | var charas = new List<string>();
581 | IRun probRun = null;
582 | var data = Clients.OKB.Administration.AdministrationClient.GetProblemData(pInst.Id);
583 | if (data != null) {
584 | using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data)) {
585 | try {
586 | var prob = (IProblem)XmlParser.Deserialize<IContent>(stream);
587 | probRun = new Run() {Name = prob.Name};
588 | prob.CollectParameterValues(probRun.Parameters);
589 | probRun.Parameters["Problem Name"] = new StringValue(prob.Name);
590 | probRun.Parameters["Problem Type"] = new StringValue(prob.GetType().Name);
591 | foreach (var v in RunCreationClient.Instance.GetCharacteristicValues(pInst.Id)) {
592 | probRun.Results.Add("Characteristic." + v.Name, RunCreationClient.Instance.ConvertToItem(v));
593 | charas.Add("Characteristic." + v.Name);
594 | }
595 | } catch { }
596 | stream.Close();
597 | }
598 | if (probRun != null) {
599 | lock (progress) {
600 | problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping.Add(pInst.Id, probRun);
601 | ProblemInstances.Add(probRun);
602 | progress.Message = string.Format("Downloaded problem {0} (okb-id: {1})....", pInst.Name, pInst.Id);
603 | p[0]++;
604 | progress.ProgressValue = p[0] / (double)totalProblems;
605 | foreach (var c in charas) characteristics.Add(c);
606 | }
607 | }
608 | }
609 | }
610 |
611 | private List<long> LoadRunsFromCache(IEnumerable<long> runIds, List<IRun> runList, IProgress progress) {
612 | var hashSet = new HashSet<long>(runIds);
613 | var total = hashSet.Count;
614 | try {
615 | var updateCount = 0;
616 | var path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "HeuristicLab.OKB", "cache", "runsperalg");
617 | Parallel.ForEach(Directory.EnumerateFiles(path), new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount },
618 | (algPath) => {
619 | var serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
620 | var algId = long.Parse(Path.GetFileName(algPath));
621 | using (var stream = File.Open(algPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)) {
622 | using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) {
623 | foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) {
624 | var runId = long.Parse(entry.Name);
625 | var useEntry = false;
626 | lock (hashSet) {
627 | useEntry = hashSet.Remove(runId);
628 | }
629 | if (useEntry) {
630 | //using (var df = new DeflateStream(entry.Open(), CompressionMode.Decompress)) {
631 | var run = (Tuple<long, long, IRun>)serializer.Deserialize(entry.Open());
632 | if (run.Item1 != algId || run.Item2 != runId) {
633 | lock (hashSet) hashSet.Add(runId);
634 | continue;
635 | }
636 | lock (runList) {
637 | algorithmId2RunMapping.Add(algId, run.Item3);
638 | runList.Add(run.Item3);
639 | updateCount++;
640 | if (total < 100 || updateCount % (total / 100) == 0) {
641 | progress.Message = string.Format("Retrieved {0} of {1} from cache", updateCount, total);
642 | progress.ProgressValue = (double)runList.Count / total;
643 | }
644 | }
645 | //}
646 | }
647 | }
648 | }
649 | }
650 | });
651 | } catch { }
652 | return hashSet.ToList();
653 | }
654 |
655 | private void SaveToCache(IEnumerable<Tuple<long, long, IRun>> runs) {
656 | try {
657 | var path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "HeuristicLab.OKB", "cache", "runsperalg");
658 | if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
659 | var serializer = new ProtoBufSerializer();
660 | foreach (var runsOfAlg in runs.GroupBy(x => x.Item1)) {
661 | var runPath = Path.Combine(path, runsOfAlg.Key.ToString());
662 | using (var stream = File.Open(runPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)) {
663 | using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Update)) {
664 | foreach (var run in runsOfAlg) {
665 | var entry = archive.CreateEntry(run.Item2.ToString(), CompressionLevel.NoCompression);
666 | using (var entrystream = entry.Open()) {
667 | serializer.Serialize(run, entrystream, disposeStream: false);
668 | }
669 | }
670 | }
671 | }
672 | }
673 | } catch { }
674 | }
675 |
676 | public static double[][] GetFeatures(IRun[] problemInstances, string[] characteristics, double[] medianValues = null) {
677 | var instances = new double[problemInstances.Length][];
678 | for (var p = 0; p < problemInstances.Length; p++) {
679 | instances[p] = new double[characteristics.Length];
680 | for (var f = 0; f < characteristics.Length; f++) {
681 | IItem item;
682 | if (problemInstances[p].Results.TryGetValue(characteristics[f], out item)) {
683 | double val = 0;
684 | var dItem = item as DoubleValue;
685 | if (dItem != null) {
686 | val = dItem.Value;
687 | } else {
688 | var iItem = item as IntValue;
689 | if (iItem != null) val = iItem.Value;
690 | else val = double.NaN;
691 | }
692 | if (double.IsNaN(val) && medianValues != null)
693 | instances[p][f] = medianValues[f];
694 | else instances[p][f] = val;
695 | } else instances[p][f] = medianValues != null ? medianValues[f] : double.NaN;
696 | }
697 | }
698 | return instances;
699 | }
700 |
701 | public static double[][] GetFeaturesStandardized(IRun[] problemInstances, string[] characteristics, out double[] means, out double[] sdevs, double[] medianValues = null) {
702 | var instances = new double[problemInstances.Length][];
703 | var columns = new List<double>[characteristics.Length];
704 | for (var p = 0; p < problemInstances.Length; p++) {
705 | instances[p] = new double[characteristics.Length];
706 | for (var f = 0; f < characteristics.Length; f++) {
707 | if (columns[f] == null) {
708 | columns[f] = new List<double>(problemInstances.Length);
709 | }
710 | IItem item;
711 | if (problemInstances[p].Results.TryGetValue(characteristics[f], out item)) {
712 | double val = 0;
713 | var dItem = item as DoubleValue;
714 | if (dItem != null) {
715 | val = dItem.Value;
716 | } else {
717 | var iItem = item as IntValue;
718 | if (iItem != null) val = iItem.Value;
719 | else val = double.NaN;
720 | }
721 | if (double.IsNaN(val) && medianValues != null)
722 | instances[p][f] = medianValues[f];
723 | else instances[p][f] = val;
724 | columns[f].Add(instances[p][f]);
725 | } else instances[p][f] = medianValues != null ? medianValues[f] : double.NaN;
726 | }
727 | }
728 |
729 | means = new double[characteristics.Length];
730 | sdevs = new double[characteristics.Length];
731 | for (var f = 0; f < characteristics.Length; f++) {
732 | var mean = columns[f].Average();
733 | var dev = columns[f].StandardDeviation();
734 | means[f] = mean;
735 | sdevs[f] = dev;
736 | for (var p = 0; p < problemInstances.Length; p++) {
737 | if (dev.IsAlmost(0)) instances[p][f] = 0;
738 | else instances[p][f] = (instances[p][f] - mean) / dev;
739 | }
740 | }
741 |
742 | return instances;
743 | }
744 |
745 | public static double[] GetMedianValues(IRun[] problemInstances, string[] characteristics) {
746 | var values = new List<double>[characteristics.Length];
747 | foreach (var problemInstance in problemInstances) {
748 | for (var f = 0; f < characteristics.Length; f++) {
749 | if (values[f] == null) values[f] = new List<double>(problemInstances.Length);
750 | IItem item;
751 | if (problemInstance.Results.TryGetValue(characteristics[f], out item)) {
752 | var dItem = item as DoubleValue;
753 | if (dItem != null) values[f].Add(dItem.Value);
754 | else {
755 | var iItem = item as IntValue;
756 | if (iItem != null) values[f].Add(iItem.Value);
757 | }
758 | }
759 | }
760 | }
761 | return values.Select(x => x.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : x.Median()).ToArray();
762 | }
763 |
764 | public Dictionary<IRun, double[]> GetProblemCharacteristics(string[] characteristics) {
765 | var map = ProblemInstances.Select((v, i) => new { Index = i, ProblemInstance = v }).ToDictionary(x => x.Index, x => x.ProblemInstance);
766 | var instances = GetFeatures(ProblemInstances.ToArray(), characteristics);
767 | var median = GetMedianValues(ProblemInstances.ToArray(), characteristics);
768 |
769 | var allValues = instances.Select(x => x.Select((f, i) => new { Idx = i, Val = double.IsNaN(f) ? median[i] : f }).ToList())
770 | .SelectMany(x => x)
771 | .GroupBy(x => x.Idx, x => x.Val)
772 | .OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
773 | var avg = allValues.Select(x => x.Average()).ToList();
774 | var stdev = allValues.Select(x => x.StandardDeviation()).ToList();
775 |
776 | // normalize characteristic values by transforming them to their z-score
777 | foreach (var features in instances) {
778 | for (var i = 0; i < features.Length; i++) {
779 | if (double.IsNaN(features[i])) features[i] = median[i];
780 | if (stdev[i] > 0) features[i] = (features[i] - avg[i]) / stdev[i];
781 | }
782 | }
783 | return instances.Select((v, i) => new { ProblemInstance = map[i], Features = v }).ToDictionary(x => x.ProblemInstance, x => x.Features);
784 | }
785 |
786 | public Dictionary<IAlgorithm, double> GetAlgorithmPerformance(IRun problemInstance) {
787 | if (!problemInstance.Parameters.ContainsKey("BestKnownQuality")) return new Dictionary<IAlgorithm, double>();
788 | var target = GetTarget(((DoubleValue)problemInstance.Parameters["BestKnownQuality"]).Value, MinimumTarget.Value, Maximization);
789 | return knowledgeBase.Where(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value == ((StringValue)problemInstance.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value)
790 | .Select(x => {
791 | IItem item = null;
792 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerEvaluations", out item)) {
793 | var idt = (IndexedDataTable<double>)item;
794 | return Tuple.Create(x, idt.Rows.First().Values.AsEnumerable());
795 | }
796 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerClock", out item)) {
797 | var idt = (IndexedDataTable<double>)item;
798 | return Tuple.Create(x, idt.Rows.First().Values.AsEnumerable());
799 | }
800 | return null;
801 | })
802 | .Where(x => x != null)
803 | .GroupBy(x => algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(algorithmId2RunMapping.GetBySecond(x.Item1).Single()))
804 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => ExpectedRuntimeHelper.CalculateErt(x.Select(y => y.Item2), target, Maximization).ExpectedRuntime);
805 | }
806 |
807 | public Dictionary<IAlgorithm, double> GetAlgorithmPerformanceLog10(IRun problemInstance) {
808 | if (!problemInstance.Parameters.ContainsKey("BestKnownQuality")) return new Dictionary<IAlgorithm, double>();
809 | var target = GetTarget(((DoubleValue)problemInstance.Parameters["BestKnownQuality"]).Value, MinimumTarget.Value, Maximization);
810 | return knowledgeBase.Where(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value == ((StringValue)problemInstance.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value)
811 | .Select(x => {
812 | IItem item = null;
813 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerEvaluations", out item)) {
814 | var idt = (IndexedDataTable<double>)item;
815 | return Tuple.Create(x, idt.Rows.First().Values.AsEnumerable());
816 | }
817 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerClock", out item)) {
818 | var idt = (IndexedDataTable<double>)item;
819 | return Tuple.Create(x, idt.Rows.First().Values.AsEnumerable());
820 | }
821 | return null;
822 | })
823 | .Where(x => x != null)
824 | .GroupBy(x => algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(algorithmId2RunMapping.GetBySecond(x.Item1).Single()))
825 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => Math.Log10(ExpectedRuntimeHelper.CalculateErt(x.Select(y => y.Item2), target, Maximization).ExpectedRuntime));
826 | }
827 |
828 | public Dictionary<IAlgorithm, List<IRun>> GetAlgorithmRuns(IRun problemInstance) {
829 | return knowledgeBase.Where(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value == ((StringValue)problemInstance.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value)
830 | .GroupBy(x => algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(algorithmId2RunMapping.GetBySecond(x).Single()))
831 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
832 | }
833 |
834 | public Dictionary<IAlgorithm, List<IRun>> GetKnowledgeBaseByAlgorithm() {
835 | return KnowledgeBase.GroupBy(x => algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(algorithmId2RunMapping.GetBySecond(x).Single()))
836 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
837 | }
838 |
839 | public IEnumerable<IRegressionProblem> GetRegressionProblemPerAlgorithmInstance(double target, string[] characteristics) {
840 | if (Problem == null) yield break;
841 | var features = GetProblemCharacteristics(characteristics);
842 | // TODO: knowledgebase only stores problem name as a string
843 | // this doesn't work if there are two equally named problem instances
844 | var problemMap = ProblemInstances.Select(x => new { Key = ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value, Value = x })
845 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
846 | foreach (var relevantRuns in knowledgeBase.GroupBy(x => algorithmId2RunMapping.GetBySecond(x).Single())) {
847 | var problemRuns = relevantRuns.GroupBy(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value).ToList();
848 | var ds = new ModifiableDataset();
849 | ds.AddVariable("Problem Name", new List<string>());
850 | foreach (var pc in characteristics)
851 | ds.AddVariable(pc, new List<double>());
852 | ds.AddVariable("ERT", new List<double>());
853 | foreach (var pr in problemRuns) {
854 | var prob = problemMap[pr.Key];
855 | var f = features[prob];
856 | var max = ((BoolValue)prob.Parameters["Maximization"]).Value;
857 | var bkq = ((DoubleValue)prob.Parameters["BestKnownQuality"]).Value;
858 | var ert = ExpectedRuntimeHelper.CalculateErt(pr.ToList(), "QualityPerEvaluations", GetTarget(bkq, target, max), max).ExpectedRuntime;
859 | if (double.IsInfinity(ert)) ert = int.MaxValue;
860 | ds.AddRow(new object[] { pr.Key }.Concat(f.Cast<object>()).Concat(new object[] { ert }));
861 | }
862 | var datAnalysisData = new RegressionProblemData(ds, characteristics, "ERT");
863 | var result = new RegressionProblem() {
864 | Name = algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(relevantRuns.Key).Name
865 | };
866 | result.ProblemDataParameter.Value = datAnalysisData;
867 | yield return result;
868 | }
869 | }
870 |
871 | public IEnumerable<IClassificationProblem> GetClassificationProblemPerAlgorithmInstance(double target, string[] characteristics) {
872 | if (Problem == null) yield break;
873 |
874 | var classes = GetPerformanceClasses(target, 5);
875 | var features = GetProblemCharacteristics(characteristics);
876 |
877 | foreach (var alg in AlgorithmInstances) {
878 | var ds = new ModifiableDataset();
879 | ds.AddVariable("Problem Name", new List<string>());
880 | foreach (var pc in characteristics)
881 | ds.AddVariable(pc, new List<double>());
882 | ds.AddVariable("Class", new List<double>());
883 |
884 | foreach (var c in classes) {
885 | int cls;
886 | if (c.Value.TryGetValue(algorithmId2AlgorithmInstanceMapping.GetBySecond(alg), out cls)) {
887 | ds.AddRow(new object[] { ((StringValue)c.Key.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value }
888 | .Concat(features[c.Key].Cast<object>()).Concat(new object[] { cls }));
889 | }
890 | }
891 | var datAnalysisData = new ClassificationProblemData(ds, characteristics, "Class");
892 | var result = new ClassificationProblem() {
893 | Name = alg.Name
894 | };
895 | result.ProblemDataParameter.Value = datAnalysisData;
896 | yield return result;
897 | }
898 | }
899 |
900 | public Dictionary<IRun, double> GetProblemDistances(string[] characteristics) {
901 | var result = new Dictionary<IRun, double>();
902 | var currentInstance = problemId2ProblemInstanceMapping.GetByFirst(Problem.ProblemId);
903 | var features = GetProblemCharacteristics(characteristics);
904 | var cF = features[currentInstance];
905 | foreach (var b in ProblemInstances) {
906 | if (b == currentInstance) continue;
907 | var sum = features[b].Select((t, f) => (cF[f] - t) * (cF[f] - t)).Sum();
908 | result[b] = Math.Sqrt(sum);
909 | }
910 | return result;
911 | }
912 |
913 | public Dictionary<IRun, Dictionary<long, int>> GetPerformanceClasses(double target, int nClasses) {
914 | var result = new Dictionary<IRun, Dictionary<long, int>>();
915 | var problemMap = ProblemInstances.Select(x => new { Key = ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value, Value = x })
916 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
917 | foreach (var pr in KnowledgeBase.GroupBy(x => ((StringValue)x.Parameters["Problem Name"]).Value).ToList()) {
918 | var bkq = ((DoubleValue)problemMap[pr.Key].Parameters["BestKnownQuality"]).Value;
919 | var max = ((BoolValue)problemMap[pr.Key].Parameters["Maximization"]).Value;
920 |
921 | result[problemMap[pr.Key]] = new Dictionary<long, int>();
922 |
923 | var values = pr.Select(x => {
924 | IItem item = null;
925 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerEvaluations", out item)) {
926 | var idt = (IndexedDataTable<double>)item;
927 | return Tuple.Create(x, idt.Rows.First().Values.AsEnumerable());
928 | }
929 | if (x.Results.TryGetValue("QualityPerClock", out item)) {
930 | var idt = (IndexedDataTable<double>)item;
931 | return Tuple.Create(x, idt.Rows.First().Values.AsEnumerable());
932 | }
933 | return null;
934 | })
935 | .Where(x => x != null)
936 | .GroupBy(x => algorithmId2RunMapping.GetBySecond(x.Item1).Single())
937 | .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => Math.Log10(ExpectedRuntimeHelper.CalculateErt(x.Select(y => y.Item2), GetTarget(bkq, target, max), max).ExpectedRuntime));
938 | var ranks = ClusteringHelper<long>.Cluster(nClasses, values, x => double.IsInfinity(x.Value))
939 | .GetByCluster().ToList();
940 | foreach (var c in ranks) {
941 | foreach (var a in c.Value)
942 | result[problemMap[pr.Key]][a.Key] = c.Key;
943 | }
944 | }
945 | return result;
946 | }
947 |
948 | public double GetTarget(double bestKnownQuality, double target, bool maximization) {
949 | return bestKnownQuality * (maximization ? (1 - target) : (1 + target));
950 | }
951 |
952 | public event EventHandler<EventArgs<IProgress>> DownloadStarted;
953 | private void OnDownloadStarted(IProgress progress) {
954 | var handler = DownloadStarted;
955 | if (handler != null) handler(this, new EventArgs<IProgress>(progress));
956 | }
957 |
958 | public event EventHandler<EventArgs<IAlgorithm>> AlgorithmInstanceStarted;
959 | private void OnAlgorithmInstanceStarted(IAlgorithm instance) {
960 | var handler = AlgorithmInstanceStarted;
961 | if (handler != null) handler(this, new EventArgs<IAlgorithm>(instance));
962 | }
963 |
964 | public event EventHandler RecommendationModelChanged;
965 | private void OnRecommenderModelChanged() {
966 | var handler = RecommendationModelChanged;
967 | if (handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
968 | }
969 |
970 | public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<IAlgorithm, double>> GetAlgorithmInstanceRanking() {
971 | return RecommendationModel.GetRanking(ProblemInstances.Single(IsCurrentInstance));
972 | }
973 | }
974 | }