1 | using System;
2 | using System.Drawing;
3 | using System.Windows.Forms;
4 |
5 | namespace Netron.Diagramming.Core {
6 |
7 | class PolygonTool : AbstractTool, IMouseListener, IKeyboardListener {
8 |
9 | #region Fields
10 | /// <summary>
11 | /// the location of the mouse when the motion starts
12 | /// </summary>
13 |
14 | private bool doDraw;
15 | private Point[] points;
16 | #endregion
17 |
18 | #region Constructor
19 | /// <summary>
20 | /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:PolygonTool"/> class.
21 | /// </summary>
22 | /// <param name="name">The name of the tool.</param>
23 | public PolygonTool(string name)
24 | : base(name) {
25 | }
26 | #endregion
27 |
28 | #region Methods
29 |
30 | /// <summary>
31 | /// Called when the tool is activated.
32 | /// </summary>
33 | protected override void OnActivateTool() {
34 | Controller.View.CurrentCursor = CursorPalette.Cross;
35 | this.SuspendOtherTools();
36 | doDraw = false;
37 | points = new Point[1];
38 | }
39 |
40 | /// <summary>
41 | /// Handles the mouse down event
42 | /// </summary>
43 | /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
44 | /// <returns>Returns 'true' if the event was handled, otherwise 'false'.</returns>
45 | public bool MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
46 | if (e == null)
47 | throw new ArgumentNullException("The argument object is 'null'");
48 | if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && Enabled && !IsSuspended) {
49 | Array.Resize<Point>(ref points, points.Length + 1);
50 | points[points.Length - 2] = e.Location;
51 | doDraw = true;
52 | return true;
53 | }
54 | return false;
55 | }
56 |
57 | /// <summary>
58 | /// Handles the mouse move event
59 | /// </summary>
60 | /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
61 | public void MouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) {
62 | if (e == null)
63 | throw new ArgumentNullException("The argument object is 'null'");
64 | Point point = e.Location;
65 | if (IsActive && doDraw) {
66 | points[points.Length - 1] = e.Location;
67 | Controller.View.PaintGhostLine(MultiPointType.Polygon, points);
68 | //Controller.View.Invalidate(System.Drawing.Rectangle.Inflate(Controller.View.Ghost.Rectangle, 20, 20));
69 | //TODO: find a more performant way to invalidate the area
70 | Controller.View.Invalidate();
71 | }
72 | }
73 | /// <summary>
74 | ///
75 | /// </summary>
76 | /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
77 | public void MouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) {
78 | if (IsActive) {
79 |
80 | }
81 | }
82 | private void Package() {
83 | if ((points == null) ||
84 | (points.Length < 1) ||
85 | (points[0] == Point.Empty)) {
86 | return;
87 | }
88 |
89 | MultiPointShape shape = new MultiPointShape(
90 | this.Controller.Model,
91 | points,
92 | MultiPointType.Polygon);
93 |
94 | AddMultiPointShapeCommand cmd = new AddMultiPointShapeCommand(this.Controller, shape);
95 | this.Controller.UndoManager.AddUndoCommand(cmd);
96 | cmd.Redo();
97 | }
98 | #endregion
99 |
100 | #region IKeyboardListener Members
101 |
102 | public void KeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {
103 | if (e.KeyData == Keys.Escape && IsActive) {
104 | DeactivateTool();
105 | Package();
106 | e.Handled = true;
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | public void KeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) {
111 | }
112 |
113 | public void KeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e) {
114 | }
115 |
116 | #endregion
117 | }
118 |
119 | }