Line | |
1 | using System.Drawing;
2 |
3 | namespace Netron.Diagramming.Core {
4 | /// <summary>
5 | /// Tool to draw complex rectangles on the canvas
6 | /// </summary>
7 | public class ComplexRectangleTool : AbstractDrawingTool {
8 | #region Fields
9 |
10 | #endregion
11 |
12 | #region Properties
13 |
14 | #endregion
15 |
16 | #region Constructor
17 | public ComplexRectangleTool()
18 | : base("ComplexRectangle Tool") {
19 | }
20 | public ComplexRectangleTool(string name)
21 | : base(name) {
22 |
23 | }
24 | #endregion
25 |
26 | #region Methods
27 | protected override void OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) {
28 | base.OnMouseMove(e);
29 | if (IsActive && started) {
30 | Point point = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
31 |
32 | Controller.View.PaintGhostRectangle(startingPoint, point);
33 |
34 | Controller.View.Invalidate(System.Drawing.Rectangle.Inflate(Controller.View.Ghost.Rectangle, 20, 20));
35 | }
36 | }
37 |
38 |
39 | /// <summary>
40 | /// This method will be called when the user has finished drawing a ghost rectangle or bundle
41 | /// and initiates the actual creation of a bundle and the addition to the model via the appropriate command.
42 | /// </summary>
43 | protected override void GhostDrawingComplete() {
44 |
45 | try {
46 | ComplexRectangle shape = new ComplexRectangle(this.Controller.Model);
47 | shape.Width = (int)Rectangle.Width;
48 | shape.Height = (int)Rectangle.Height;
49 | AddShapeCommand cmd = new AddShapeCommand(this.Controller, shape, new Point((int)Rectangle.X, (int)Rectangle.Y));
50 | this.Controller.UndoManager.AddUndoCommand(cmd);
51 | cmd.Redo();
52 | }
53 | catch {
54 | base.Controller.DeactivateTool(this);
55 | Controller.View.Invalidate();
56 | throw;
57 | }
58 |
59 | //base.Controller.DeactivateTool(this);
60 | }
61 |
62 |
63 | #endregion
64 | }
65 |
66 | }
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